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Finding My Way Home

Page 16

by Green, Vicki

  “Well, we have about an hour. Let’s get you dressed, shall we?” She comes in and takes me by the arm and leads me into the bedroom. “Honey, you look confused. Are you ok?” Confused? Seriously? That’s an understatement.

  “Well, I… I don’t know what to wear. I guess I could…” I turn around, my lower lip in my teeth. What can I wear? Shit!

  She walks over to my closet, opens the double doors and walks in. I’m jittery and wringing my hands. My finger hits my beautiful ring, so I bring it up and admire it. “Here we are.” She walks out carefully holding the most beautiful wedding dress I have ever seen. She lays it down on the bed and straightens it. “No wrinkles, good.”

  I slowly walk over, reach down and touch it gingerly. “It’s beautiful. But where?” She sits beside it on the bed and smiles.

  “Come here, honey.” I walk over and stand before her. She takes my hands in hers and gives me a big smile. “Mother always knew you and Hutch would marry. She told me to make sure and give you her wedding dress as a token of her love, in case she wasn’t here to give it to you herself.” A lone tear makes its way down her face and mine are streaming. She jumps up, grabs some Kleenex and runs back over, wiping my eyes and cheeks. “Oh, my! I was afraid that would happen. Don’t want you to ruin your makeup.” After she removes all my tears and checks my makeup again, she helps me put the dress on. She proceeds to give me a pair of shoes, which happen to fit perfectly, an old handkerchief, which is blue and borrowed and then hands me a small box.

  I look up at her. “What’s this?” She wipes her eyes and motions for me to open it. When I do a small piece of paper falls out and onto the bed. Picking it up, I look at Betty, and she nods. I unfold the paper and smile.

  Baby, you’re the love of my life and I can’t begin to tell you how much you mean to me. I wanted you to have something new to wear for our wedding so I got you a little something. They are as bright as your smile but could never come close to being as beautiful as you.

  Now, quit biting your luscious lip, you know what that does to me, and come meet me at the altar.

  I’ll be the one holding your heart in my hand.

  All my love,


  I release my lip from my teeth and place the note on the bed. As I look down into the small box, I gasp when I see what he bought me. Elegant earrings with princess cut diamonds that match my ring perfectly and shining brightly. “Oh, my God, Betty.” I turn and look at her, and she is crying again. Before I give myself a chance to ruin my makeup a second time, I remove the earrings from their box and put them in my ears. I raise my head up square my shoulders back and nod. “Let’s do this! I need my man.”


  Betty walks with me down the stairs, holding my hand, and once we reach the bottom step, I put my arm through Simon’s. I tilt my head as she kisses me on my cheek, and as she leaves I look into Simon’s eyes and smile. I couldn’t have anyone but Simon walk me down the aisle. My best friend in the world.

  “You’re beautiful, Zoey.” My smile is wide as we walk through the kitchen and to the sliding door. I am amazed as I look out at the lawn, all the snow is cleared and a red carpet laid out all the way to a huge tent set up. As I look through the opening, I can see all the chairs and tables, people walking around, but I can’t see Hutch. “Don’t worry he’s there, waiting for his bride.” Music begins to play, and I take a deep breath. “You ready?”

  I look at him and blink a few times, hoping to keep the tears away until we are done. “I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life.”

  He leads me across the deck, helping me down the stairs, and we walk all the way until we’ve reached the opening of the massive tent. People scurry around finding chairs and once settled they all turn around. My nerves have just gone up a notch until I look straight ahead, my eyes landing on my man at the very back of the tent. My breath catches in my throat as I look at him standing there, his hands clasped in front of him, his black tuxedo, white shirt and black tie and my favorite dimpled smile on his beautiful face. Damn, he cleans up good! He looks all kinds of HOT and so sure of himself. But then so am I.

  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  Wow! There she is I have no words. She’s like a light shining brightly on a cloudy day. As she walks down the aisle towards me, my heart skips a beat with every step she takes. Her smile takes my breath away as she gets closer. They stop right in front of me, and Simon turns to her. He kisses her on her cheek, whispers something in her ear, takes her hand and leads her to me placing it in mine. I watch him walk until he is standing beside me and when I turn around my baby is smiling at me.

  We stare into each other’s eyes as the minister says all the official words, and we are lost in each other. I feel a nudge and turn my head to Simon, who is grinning at me. “Oh! Sorry!” I say turning back to my girl. Everyone laughs, even Zoey, and I get serious.

  “Every day I look into your beautiful face, your loving eyes, and I think what did I do to deserve you? Why am I the lucky one? Then, I think of Bailey and how she told me you were coming and how we were going to be together. I think she must have been the wisest person in the world, for she was right. For, I am the lucky one, I do deserve you. I will spend the rest of my life proving to you just how much you deserve to be cherished, to be loved unconditionally, to be pampered the way a princess should be and how I am the man who gets the honor of doing it. I love you, baby.” I reach over and smooth a few of her tears from her face and flick her nose.

  She looks at me with those watery eyes and smiles. “I never knew what love was, what it meant to be loved, until you. I never thought I would have that kind of love, until you. I never thought I would find love, until you. You are my strength, my calm, my reason. You are the man I want to be with forever, loving you and cherishing you. The man I will be honored to call my husband and our children’s daddy. I love you, babe.”

  The minister finishes his official duties, and we are announced as husband and wife. We embrace and kiss until Simon nudges me, again. The party afterwards is full of toasts, good food and drinks and dancing. I’m holding my girl in my arms as we dance a slow song, hearing nothing else around us as we gaze into each other’s eyes. Her cheek rubs against mine as we glide around the floor. “Ready for the next surprise?” She pulls away and looks at me. “The baby’s room furniture and everything else you ordered comes tomorrow.”

  She gasps and hugs me tightly. “With everything that’s happened, I totally forgot about that. How did?”

  “I called them two days ago and asked if they could deliver it tomorrow. They should be here around four. I told them not to come too early.” I kiss her, and she moans into my mouth. “I think we will be rather busy for the rest of the night and into the morning hours.” We continue to kiss and sway long after the music ends.

  Two Years Later

  “Our wedding was beautiful. I couldn’t have asked for anything more perfect,” I whisper as I look down at our son and smile. We’ve been in the rocking chair in his room for about thirty minutes. His head is against my shoulder and he’s sound asleep. He loves the motion. I look up just in time to see Hutch walking in carrying our daughter, who is only a few days old. Placing my finger against my lips I make the ‘shhhh’ sound quietly and look back down at Zach. He wiggles his nose, his eyes flutter and then still.

  Hutch brings Bailey to me, and we exchange children. He takes my place in the chair and begins rocking Zach. I bend over and kiss my husband’s lips, not wanting to leave. I turn around to leave, and he lightly smacks my bottom and winks.

  I walk out of the room just in time for Bailey to start crying. I take her into her room and clean her up as I change her diaper. We walk downstairs, she’s against my shoulder. I rub her back as I open the sliding door, walk out onto the deck and sit in a lounge chair. Looking out at the beautiful view of the mountains, I pull her blanket around her more and hum.

  “Your great grandmother loved these mountains and she loved you, e
ven though she didn’t get to meet you in person,” I tell my sweetheart in my arms. “She knew you were coming though, just as she knew Zach was coming and that Mommy and Daddy would be together forever.” I look up at the mountains and sigh. “She knew.”

  The End


  To my wonderful husband and our two teenage sons. Thank You for allowing me the time to follow my dream. The many nights of ‘pot luck’ dinners, closing my office door in order to concentrate on my writing, and the selfishness of your support is so appreciated. All of the times of trying to balance between my full time job, writing and family could be so frustrating but the confidence you have shown in me and how you’ve always backed me up, for all of that I am tryly the lucky one. ♥ I love you all more than you could ever know.

  I put this in my last book but it bears repeating, probably several more times. ☺

  My boys, Charles (C.J.) and Cole, even though you are teenagers now and care more about your games and T.V. than my writing, I am ok with that. ☺ I have always wanted you to have the best time growing up and to have a fun life full of happiness. One day you will look back and be proud of me and my accomplishments, this I know. Most of all, I know you love me and that’s what matters to me. I love you both so much it hurts. ♥

  My sister, Teresa and my nieces, Jennifer and Missy, you are my family who I will always love and cherish. I know you support everything I do and are proud of me, as I am of you. Love you all, always. ♥


  My Annie, Annie Tremblay. We had such an awesome ROAD TRIP to Springdale, Arkansas for my first Author signing, October 26, 2013. It would not have been anywhere the best time without you. You were a GREAT hotel room mate and were the life of the party. Your friendship has come to mean so much to me. Love you, always and more ROAD TRIP’s ahead!

  WFD group – I love you fucking bitches!!!! Seriously, your support, help, shoulders to cry on and encouragement are sometimes the only way some of us can get through the frustration, joy, excitement and love for what we do. I love helping each and every one of you whenever I can and will always do so in return for your kindness, support and love. I ♥ you all!

  Kathy, my awesome Editor and friend. I so enjoy our talks, laughs and can’t wait to meet you. You better come to one of my signings soon! Thank you for your professionalism, encouragement, support and friendship.

  Katrina, my friends. You are always there for me and go way beyond any friendship I have ever had. I am honored to know you and to be your friend. I truly love your support and hope that I can give back even a tenth of what you’ve given me. I wish nothing but the best in your career, yes I know you have many irons in the fire, but will support you on all of them.

  My Indie Mashup Authors, Models and Tiffany Tillman. Julie Bailes, Darren Hitchcock, Shantel Tessier, Tich Brewster, Hilary Storm, Ashley Suzanne, Harper Sloane, Annette Putnam-Young, Anna Kristall, Anne Welch, Kelly Elliott, Gary Taylor, S.E. Hall, Donald Criola, J. L. Berg, Jessica Cage (and her Mom), Lara Henley, Sara Marion, Bella Roccaforte, Elle Chardou….I know this is only some of you and I hope I didn’t spell any names incorrectly, ha, but you all ROCK and we had such a blast! Indie Mashup Tour! Woot!

  My Forever Street Team! Even thought this isn’t part of the forever series you’ve read all the drafts, cried, laughed and supported me throughout my entire Author journey. I ♥ each and every one of you!

  Rob Anthony, my muse/model for the 3rd in my Forever Series (Soul-Mates Forever), Thank You so much for coming to the Indie Mashup, sitting by me at my table, having so much fun and most of all for turning into being a friend. Friends are priceless and something I treasure. Hope we will always stay that way.

  To my readers, past, present and future: I ♥ you all! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and kindness. My books are my dream and I hope they can take you away for a while, escape from reality and life for just a bit, and take you to another place and time, fall in love with my characters and follow them through their journeys. I wrote this for you.

  About the Author

  Vicki Green grew up in Overland Park, Kansas and currently resides in Olathe, Kansas. Along with her husband and two teenage boys, she shares her home with her cocker spaniel’s Shadow and Mocha. She has been working full time at the same Company for 35 years. Her life has been filled with the most loving and caring parents, who are both gone now but are still in her heart and mind daily.

  Vicki enjoys reading Romance books which is what inspired her to begin writing this book. She has always admired Author’s dedication and hard work. She had a dream that played out for over a year, came home one day after work and decided to put it on a word document to see how it read and that became ‘My Savior Forever’, the beginning of her Forever Series.


  Facebook page:

  Twitter: @rileyks3

  Upcoming signings

  Indie Mashup, Springdale, Arkansas, July 26, 2014

  Red Dirt BoCo, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, August 30, 2014

  Penned Con 2014, St. Louis, MO, September 12-13, 2014

  Check Vicki’s facebook page for the lastest updates. More Author signings will be in 2014 and 2015 and who knows what else her future holds.


  My Savior Forever (Forever Series #1)

  Together Forever (Forever Series #2)

  Soul-Mates Forever (Forever Series #3) releasing January, 2014

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen




  About the Author

  Upcoming signings





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