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Walking Wounded

Page 11

by Jodie Halliday

  “OK, let’s do the second test. Oh you do seem to be doing a good job on your uncle. How does that feel Mr. Davis?”

  “Wonderful, he is such a thoughtful nephew, fath . I mean doctor, showing all his gratitude.”

  “That’s it Brian, get his cock deep into your mouth, let your tongue circle around the top of it,” said the doctor as he ran his fingers up and down the boy’s legs. “We still need to sanitize the area before we go any further. Mr. Davis, perhaps you could take the tube from over there and apply it?” suggested the doctor before returning to his desk.

  Squeezing the tube carefully, the boy’s uncle touched the top to the bulbous head of the youngster’s cock and allowed the viscous liquid to slowly drip in two thick trails down along the length of his rigid nineteen year-old shaft. The man dabbed at the gel, easing it down and around the boy’s cock before squeezing another measure out in a circular motion around the reddened, exposed bulb. As one of the little streams spread out over his nephew’s balls he used his gloved fingers to massage the area before squeezing again. The intense feeling caused Brian to stop, leaving the man’s cock half-way inside his mouth as he savoured the beauty of the gel and the light, slippery touch of fingers over his cock.

  His uncle’s cock throbbed with the sensation of the little boy’s tongue and the warmth of his mouth. His fingers gripped the boy’s cock and slowly pulled his foreskin down as more of the clear liquid dripped from the tube in a slow, exquisite line of slippery pleasure. He let the liquid dribble out of the bottle again onto the tip of the young boy’s cock, holding it carefully to one side so that it slowly descended along the whole length. Taking his cock in four of his fingers he applied the tube to the boy’s balls, dripping down towards his anus. Pleased with the reddened, angry state of the little boy’s weapon he put the tube down and slid his fingers lightly up and down, moving the foreskin slowly, gently, as his other hand massaged the sanitizing gel around his anus. Brian grew restless, his eyes wide, his head turning right and left as though he knew he was doomed to explode right there on the table.

  Brian jerked suddenly as a finger pushed into his sphincter. “Brian, did that hurt?” asked the doctor, glancing over at the activity. He rose from his desk and stepped closer with an anxious look on his face.

  “No sir, it’s just, like.”

  “I know Brian, you’re probably worried about getting an infection. Quite understandable. Tell me, is this the first time another man has touched your penis?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “But maybe a boy at school touched you? After all, boys experiment too you know.”

  “No sir, never.”

  “Ah OK, then I understand why you might be a little concerned about being erect in front of others. But it’s OK, your uncle and I are both erect too, it’s how men are made up, isn’t it? The only thing you can do is enjoy it. You’ll see that we all look the same and have the same desires. That’s nature for you.”

  “Yes sir.” The doctor shifted around to the end of the table, facing the boy’s legs and gripped his thighs.

  “But I think you have thought about it, haven’t you Brian?” asked the doctor, massaging the boy’s muscles.

  “About what sir?”

  “About other boys, what it would be like, what would be different from a girl? It’s normal to have thoughts about anything that gives you pleasure. We can see that this exam has stimulated you too, just as it naturally should.”


  “I know at your age I would wonder what it would feel like to touch another boy’s cock, or see a girl naked. We’re all very curious, aren’t we?”

  “I’m not sure sir.”

  “Well, I am sure that your cousin is very curious about you, she’s at that same age, right?”

  “It’s OK, Brian. It’s our little secret, right?” suggested his uncle. “I know you love Leslie and we think that’s wonderful and she loves you too, I know. And we all feel that you’re a very special part of our family. We want you to have a wonderful stay with us,” he said, gently touching his balls. His wrist caught his cock as he moved back round to the foot of the bed.

  “It also quite normal to masturbate, it’s a way of getting to know yourself, right?”


  “Sometimes it doesn’t matter if you’re thinking of girls or boys, you orgasm anyway as long as your thoughts are erotic. Like what you’re doing here, being hard and naked in the surgery, talking about sex and sucking your uncle’s cock. A very normal part of growing up.”

  “And you look so happy when you’re hard Brian,” said his uncle, still massaging his balls.

  “Brian, shuffle down this way and put your legs up here. That’s it.” The men pushed Brian down a little further so his buttocks were half off the end of the table and his legs rested in the stirrups. “I’ll just put these straps around your legs so you don’t slip off.”

  The boy’s uncle smiled down at him and patted his stomach while the doctor adjusted the Velcro straps. “Soon have you tested and mended my boy,” said his uncle, checking the strength of the straps. The doctor snapped on a new glove and returned to the foot of the bed.

  “OK, now let’s make sure the antiseptic gel does the trick. Hold still Brian.” With both hands the doctor spread the gel around the boy’s genitals, gently massaging it into his shaft and balls. Brian looked up at the ceiling, glanced across to his uncle then whimpered as he closed his eyes and moved on the bed as he tried to lessen the intense feeling. “Brian, it’s important that you control yourself, do you understand?”

  “Yes sir!” said Brian quickly between clenched teeth.

  “You feel a strong need to come, don’t you?”

  “Sir, I can’t hold on.”

  “You must” replied the doctor, pinching the boy’s cock. “You will come when we say, understand?”

  Brian nodded, grimacing and then exhaling slowly as the doctor paused in his treatment. “You really are quite huge, Brian. You’re going to give immense pleasure to boys and girls, do you know?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “We need to get some of the sanitizing gel inside you so hold tight please Brian. Mr. Davis, if you wouldn’t mind?” said the doctor. He held out his hand and waited for him to lube his fingers, then pushed two firmly inside the boy.

  “Oh god!” hissed Brian, once again close to orgasm.

  “Please relax Brian. You shouldn’t orgasm yet, I will let you know when.” The doctor pulled a stool up to the table and sat down between Brian’s legs with a clear view of his gel-covered anus. With two fingers he massaged around the tiny, tight opening, stabbing gently as his index finger slid very slowly inside. He felt the muscles contracting around it, grabbing it as though unsure whether to hold on it or expel it.

  His uncle very gently ran his fingers along the length of the boy’s cock, feeling the veins. “Do you think you have ever felt this hard before?” he asked as the doctor inserted fresh gel and pushed further in.

  Brian giggled a little. “No, it aches, like it’s starting to hurt.”

  “Is it harder than when you play with yourself?”

  Brian nodded, smiling. “Mine too!” said his uncle, moving closer to the boy. He reached out for the boy’s cock and stroked it gently. “See all the veins now along your cock? You’re rock hard, right, just like me and the doctor” Brian nodded and the man groaned quietly as Brian once again took his hardness into his mouth. “Good boy, that’s right, suck it nice and slowly.”

  The doctor gripped the boy’s balls in his hand and pushed them up further while he inserted three fingers slowly but firmly into his anus. Brian jerked in shock, suddenly taking his uncle’s cock deeper into the back of his mouth. The three fingers withdrew very slowly then pushed in again with a new coating of lube before the doctor grunted with satisfaction and wiped his hands on a towel. “There, that slippery stuff should keep the germs away. Now, the best way to get a sample from inside you is if I enter you and then swab mys
elf. Is that OK, Brian?”


  “Just relax Brian, this won’t take long. Mr. Davis, perhaps you can help to keep Brian still by squatting over him?”

  “Sure” replied his uncle as he got onto the bed and faced his nephew. Brian realized immediately what his uncle had been instructed to do and breathed in deeply, steeling himself for new sensations. His uncle placed one hand beside his shoulder and reached down to position the teen’s cock against his anus. “Brian, now you can enter me, just like I know you want,” he said, gently stroking the boy’s cock. He moved it back and forth, rubbing it against his own cock and over his balls. “See, feels just like yours doesn’t it?”

  Brian watched in amazement as his uncle gripped both cocks in one hand and moved his fist slowly up and down. He could feel the warmth of his uncle’s erection and smiled as he saw two foreskins moving up and down together. His uncle let go and shuffled slightly forward, brushing the boy’s hardness against the cheeks of his bottom. Brian felt the change in surface, the smooth hairiness of his uncle’s legs, and then the ripples of the skin around his anus.

  “There, that’s when you’re going in Brian. That’s what’s going to make you and I come like crazy together. Can you feel how slippery it is already? It’s just waiting for you to slide in, nice and slowly until you’re in all the way.”

  Brian nodded, the sensation of the way that his cock seemed to home in on the man’s tight opening delighting him.

  “Hold you cock at the base, down here, pull it down so you’re totally stiff. That’s it, god you’re so big, you really are!” Brian pulled his cock hard, down towards his balls so that the foreskin strained around his shaft and the top few inches were bright red, the veins throbbing. He gasped as his uncle lowered himself slowly so that his cock pushed the tight ring apart. He could feel the force around the end of his cock, the resistance and the wonderful slippery gel that seemed to ease his cock against his uncle’s opening. It seemed to guide itself into the man, unaided, seeking out his insides as the first half inch slipped in and the ring tightened around his cock head.

  He uncle grinned and looked down at his nephew, delighted with the feeling of the boy inside him. There had been no need to push him, coerce him or even convince him. Brian had accepted what was required of him and had been more than willing. He saw the boy’s sweet lips, parted as he breathed deliberately, his sweet, smooth cheeks and ruffled hair. His fingers touched his own cock and slowly spread the small amount of juice around the head before reaching down to smear the boy’s nipples with the same magical lubrication.

  His uncle rose up again so that his cock slipped out, the tight opening of his uncle’s ring gripping him hard as the head emerged. Brian guided his uncle’s thighs, pulling down to indicate what he wanted as the doctor moved to the side of the bed to get a better view of the boy’s gel-covered cock.

  “There, that’s the first time you’ve been inside anyone isn’t it?”

  “Mmm” responded Brian.

  The doctor smiled at him. “Look at my cock. It looks just like yours, right?” Brian nodded, noting that the doctor had gel covering the hard head of his own tool. His stomach trembled with excitement as his uncle drew a deep breath and re-positioned himself over the youngster. Slowly, he raised himself to locate the boy against his opening then grinned down at him he sank again, kicking off another wave of pure pleasure in Brian’s groin

  “Oh yes!” said Brian as a feeling of euphoric love washed over him. He opened his eyes and watched his uncle’s cock rock hard, throbbing in front of him and past the red knob, the shaft of his own cock wedged between his uncle’s buttocks.

  “Is that OK Brian?” asked his uncle. He felt him descend slowly as his cock sought out the dark passageway beyond the man’s rosebud opening. “That’s it Brian, this is what you’ve wanted for a long time, isn’t it?”

  “Yes!” he whispered, grinning as he felt the warmth of the man’s skin against his member. He could feel his cock thrusting between the immensely tight ring of the man’s sphincter, ribs of something undulating against his cock, giving it the feeling of being massaged by a lover’s grip.

  “You’re only a little way in but I can feel you stretching me!”

  “Feels amazing. Feels so warm! I love you uncle!”

  “Oh god I love you too Brian, my dear, dear boy.” The man leaned down so he was inches away from the boy’s lips and looked at him with the utmost affection. Brian smiled and raised his head, giving his uncle all the permission he needed to kiss his soft young lips.

  “Have you thought of this when you played with yourself?” Brian nodded, his eyes wide with expectation. “Did you dream of doing this with me?”

  Brian closed his eyes but gave a perceptible nod.

  “Maybe you thought of making love to Leslie?” he suggested. Brian smiled and nodded. “While I watched?” Brian opened his eyes, slightly alarmed.

  The doctor smiled and caressed the boy’s chest. “That would be an interesting thing to see, your uncle guiding you two youngsters in your first sex.”

  “She was born into this world to give boys pleasure, just like you were, you know.” He looked down at the boy’s cock then back up, smiling at Brian. “Just think, we could be sitting on the sofa in the lounge then I’d go to the bottom of the stairs and tell her to come down” suggested his uncle, descending a fraction of an inch. “She’d come in and I’d tell her to come over and stand in front of you. I bet she’d be wearing just a skirt and a t-shirt that doesn’t cover much of her stomach, right? No socks or shoes.”

  Brian nodded and smiled, visualizing how Leslie almost always wandered around her house, barefoot, clean, petite.

  “And if she objected I would remind her of the last time she argued with me. She ended up stripped and spanked a few months ago. Argumentative little tyke.”

  Brian closed his eyes, still sensing the smooth, slippery skin of his uncle’s buttocks against his cock. He imagined her bare legs, her slender figure, the faintest sign of her breasts. He would probably see them pushing against her t-shirt as she entered the room.

  “Les, your Mum and I have decided that it’s time for you to become a woman. But we want to make sure you’re safe and that you understand, you know, like, the mechanics of it.” Her smile disappeared instantly and she leaned against the lounge door. He sat with Brian on the old three-seater sofa. She remembered the day about a year when he said they were going to get it. He came home with it piled in brown and green slabs on the back of a pickup truck, like a consignment of garden turf ready to lay in the front of the house. One of the sofa cushions must have fallen out on the way over and had eventually been replaced by a square of almost the right size and nearly the right colour. The whole thing had smelled for weeks until it had finally absorbed other odors from the house and blended in.

  “Daddy!” hissed Leslie, looking at her father, then Brian. She glanced at the front door. “Where’s Mum?” she asked hopefully. They sat across the room from her, lit only by a small floor lamp and the remnants of the late afternoon sun through the window. The room had a cramped, unwelcoming feeling.

  “She’s at Granddad’s for the afternoon, she’ll be back late. Come and stand here,” he said, patting Brian’s knee. Leslie looked down at the faded carpet and slowly shuffled up to Brian. There was a crushed beer can under the sofa and a lunch plate on the small table beside him. “Do you see what he’s got in his lap?” Leslie cast a glance at Brian’s lap with an expression of growing fear and shame.

  “Daddy, please don’t do this!” she whispered. Her father smiled at her, nodding, his teeth stained and uneven.

  “Les, it’s what Mum and I have decided for you.” He raised his hands towards her and she flinched away. “Now sweetie, give me your hands.” Her father guided her towards the mound in Brian’s shorts and placed her hands on the bulge. “Press down, feel what he has there.” Leslie leaned forward awkwardly and explored very slowly with her father’s guidance
, her eyes growing wider as her fingers found more of the boy’s length. She stole a glance at Brian, checking that he wasn’t going to complain then raised her eyebrows a little as she found what she considered to be the tip of his cock. She shook her head from side to side.


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