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Three Thousand Miles - Forever, (book #3 of Three Thousand Miles, Series)

Page 11

by Deila Longford

  It’s now five o’ clock and it’s time for me to go home. I gather up my things as I make my way into the lounge to say my goodbyes. As I enter the room a few of the smaller children rush over to me - a little boy and two little girls to be exact. The boy – Tomas is his name, grips onto my leg as he tries to get me to stay. I gently pat his soft brown hair as I loosen his grip on me. He bounces back from me and he playfully sticks out his tongue. I laugh at his cheeky behaviour and then I gently pat the two little girls on the head. Janet notices me standing by the door, so she quickly gets the attention of the children.

  “Quiet!” She shouts. The children instantly do as she says and they all turn to face her. She smiles at them and then at me. I gently laugh as she begins to talk. “I want all of you to say goodbye to Miss Alanna and don’t forget to thank her for looking after all of you today.” Janet orders. I blush at her words and then I begin to pull my coat onto my body. As the fabric collides with my skin, I feel a gentle tap against my arm. I look down to see Olivia standing in front of me.

  “Thank you Miss Alanna!” The children say in a rhyme. I gently laugh at their cute voices and then I turn my attention to Olivia.

  “Hey sweetie,” I say. She smiles at me and her sweetness melts my heart – again.

  “Do you really have to go now?” She asks. I kneel down to her level and I take her little hand in mine. “I am afraid so, but I will be back tomorrow.” She nervously plays with her hair as she considers my words.

  “Do you promise?” I pull her towards me and I grip onto her. Her hair smells like strawberries and her skin is so soft. I could hold onto her forever and I wish that I could. I gently stroke her soft hair as I whisper.

  “I promise.”


  Later that night when I arrive back at our house I feel drained. I slowly make my way out of the car and into the house. I step into the hallway of the house and I find that it’s freezing inside. I quickly close the door behind me as I make my into the laundry room. I switch on the heating and then I march back into the kitchen. I check my watch and I see that it’s six-thirty, the traffic was crazy and I didn’t expect that it would take so long for me to get home. I make my way over to the fridge and I begin to pick through the contents as I decide what to make for dinner. I chose Adrian’s favourite – steak with new potatoes. The house is still cold, so I keep my coat on as I begin to prepare our dinner. I start by boiling some water for the potatoes and vegetables and then I carefully wash and peel them until they are ready to be put into the water. I throw in some salt and I pop on the lid. I won’t need to cook the steak until the potatoes are nearly ready, so that gives me time to check my emails. I rush over to the dresser by the back wall and I grab my laptop. I make my way over to the dining table and I sit myself down onto one of the leather chairs. I wait as my MacBook powers up and when it does, I instantly click onto my mail. I sign in and then I hear a beeping sound as I have four unread messages. With excitement, I open my browser and begin to run through my emails. One is from my mom and another is from Sophie the other two is some type of junkmail, so I don’t waste any time looking at them. I click onto the message from my mom.

  Dear Alanna, I am sorry that I haven’t been in touch for a few days, but your father and I have just gotten back from Miami and you know how hectic things can get when we are down there. Anyway, I hope that you are okay and please say ‘hi’ to Adrian for me. I hope that you are having a great time over there and I wish that you can come and visit us soon. Penelope is growing every day and every day she gets more and more like you. We all miss you and we can’t wait to see you. I hope to hear from you soon, all my love, Mom.

  I quickly compose a reply email.

  Dear Mom, Adrian and I are fine and yes I am having a wonderful time over here in the cold of London. I started work today at the orphanage and I loved it. Please tell Dad and Penelope that I miss them and that hopefully I can visit soon. I am glad that you and Dad had a break in Miami – the sunshine will do you good. Any way I am making dinner so I better run just now. Talk to you soon, Alanna x

  I hit send and then I click onto Sophie’s email. Hello Alanna,

  I am just dropping you this little email to ask how things are getting on between you and your husband. I hope that you aren’t too tired from all the love-making! – That was a joke by the way, anyway I would love to hear from you so please don’t be a stranger, Sophie X

  I roll my eyes at Sophie’s email and then I let out a little chuckle as I read her words again. I begin to respond, but I stop as I hear the front door unlock. I shut my laptop as I jump up from my seat. I rush back into the kitchen and I immediately check the potatoes. I lower the gas and then I slightly jab at the food with a fork to check if they are soft. When I am satisfied that they shouldn’t take long, I begin to rummage in the cupboards for my grill pan. I keep one eye on the door, as I begin to lightly season the steaks with some salt and pepper. I heat up the pan and then I place the steaks into the pan to a wonderful sizzling noise. However, I drag my attention away from the cooking as I see Adrian walking towards me. He is dressed very smartly today in a dark grey suit and black overcoat. His chocolate hair is messy and it’s flopped down onto his forehead. His gorgeous green eyes are glowing as he greets me.

  “Something smells nice,” he says as he takes off his coat and suit jacket. I frown at him as he places his clothes down onto the sofa. I don’t know how many times that I have told him to not leave his things lying around, but he never seems to listen. I gently shake my head as he stares at me. “Why is your face like thunder?” Adrian says firmly.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say sarcastically. Adrian narrows his eyes as he glides over to me. I try to hold back my smile as he grips me from behind. His arms are wrapped tightly around my waist and his hands are gently rubbing my abdomen. Adrian places his head onto my neck and he playfully begins to nibble on my skin. I am trying my best to hold back my giggles as Adrian’s actions are tickling me. I give in as he nibbles harder. I let out a massive laugh as Adrian spins me around to face him. His hands are now on my face as he positions our lips together. I melt into him for a moment and then I pull back as the steaks begin to sizzle –more violently. I quickly shut off the heat and then I carefully transport the meat from the pan onto the serving dish. I place some foil over them to keep them warmand then I begin to prepare a side salad. I tear up the lettuce and slice some tomatoes along with cucumber and a red bell pepper, I toss everything together and add a dash of olive oil. Once I am happy with the salad, I set it to one side and as I begin to drain the water from the potatoes I realise that Adrian is staring at me. He is sitting on one of the stools at the breakfast bar. His eyes are fixed on my every move and I begin to feel a little self-conscious. I don’t know what it is about Adrian, but he still has the capability to make me feel uneasy.

  “I love to watch you,” he says lightly. I blush slightly from his comment and then I focus my attention back to the food. I drain the potatoes and then the vegetables; once everything is ready, I begin to plate up our dinner.

  “Alanna, the food is amazing.” Adrian gushes as he begins to tuck in. I smile at him and I do the same. We eat in silence for a while and then Adrian asks me about my day. “Did you enjoy working at the orphanage today?”

  “Yes, it was great.”

  “Was everyone nice to you?” Adrian asks as he sets down his fork and knife. “Yes, of course.” I reply as I take a sip of my water. Adrian smiles at me and then he begins to eat again. My mind is spinning from today’s events and I can’t escape my fears about what Adrian has been doing today. I want to ask him about it, but I don’t know if I should. Adrian could flip out if I falsely accuse him of lying to me. I clear my throat as I try a subtle approach.

  “How did your meeting go today?” Adrian turns to me and he is now staring directly into my eyes. I feel that he can see right through me and that he knows that I am fishing for information, but I hold my sta
re as I try to bluff.

  “So you enjoyed spending time with the children today?” Adrian says quickly. I begin to feel sick as Adrian has just avoided my question and he instantly changed the subject. I am now surer than ever that he is lying to me. I push away my plate of food and Adrian quickly notices my actions.

  “Are you okay?” He asks. I force myself to smile at him. “Yes, I am fine. I’m just not hungry. I am going to clear up so you just sit and enjoy your dinner.” I quickly grab my plate as I stand up. Adrian grabs onto my wrist as I try to walk away.

  “What’s wrong, Alanna?” He asks firmly, I smile at him again.

  “Nothing, I am fine.”

  “You’re not fine and I am not stupid. Now tell me what’s wrong!” My heart is racing and I can’t speak. I can see Adrian’s rage building in his eyes and I don’t want him to flip out. So I need to lie to him.

  “I guess I just feel drained. I had a long day and I’m tired.”

  “I don’t believe you!” Adrian gestures. I frown at him as I pull my arm away from him. “I don’t care what you believe!” I march over to the kitchen and I begin to load to the dishwasher, I throw the dishes in and they clink and bang from my force. Once it’s fully loaded, I bang the door shut and then I begin to wipe the counters. My face is burning hot and I feel like Icould burst out crying. I try not to make eye contact with Adrian, as I know that he is mad at me for my behaviour. I don’t know what’s wrong with me and I can’t understand why I am so sure that Adrian is lying to me. However, something inside of me knows that he is keeping something back from me and I am upset because I don’t know what it is. I feel like a failure because he isn’t confiding in me and I am so emotional right now, that I could literally crawl up into a ball and lie there forever. My heart races as Adrian glides over to the kitchen.

  “Why were you giving me an attitude back there? Have I done something to upset you?” Yes you have, you are lying to me and I won’t be made a fool of – that’s what I want to say, but I hold back.

  “I am just drained. I need to go bed.” I say as I throw the dishcloth into the sink. I make my way out of the kitchen and I begin to climb the stairs. I stop halfway as Adrian is calling after me.

  “Wait, you never answered my question. Come back here Alanna, I need to talk to you. You need to explain what I have done to make you so angry.” I look down at him.

  “If you want answers then follow me up stairs. I am exhausted and I am not coming back down there.” I begin to the climb the stairs again and I sigh as I hear Adrian coming behind me. I march into our bedroom and I instantly run into the closet and change into my pyjamas. I scrunch my hair into a loose bun and then I make my way over to our large bed. I sink into the covers as I gently slip myself down onto the bed. I smile at the comfort and then I quickly straighten my face, as Adrian enters the room. He looks angry as he pushes his hair back from his face. He begins to pace around the room as he loosens the buttons on his shirt. I stare at him as I await his anger filled words.

  “I’m waiting, Alanna.” He says as he pulls his shirt off his body and throws it onto the seat by the bed. I frown at him. “Oh please this is about more than me leaving my clothes around!” He shouts. I pull myself up into the bed and I smile at him.

  “Adrian, I’m not mad at you. I just feel that you are being a little … secretive.” Adrian marches over to the bed and he flops himself down onto the surface. His eyes are bolting as he speaks.

  “I see and what have I done that’s so secretive?” I stare deeply at him and I am finding him irresistible right now. His full lips are gently parted and all I want to do is leap forward and kiss them. I wonder if Adrian would forget about my odd behaviour if I did. I smile at him as I reach over to him. He looks surprised as I reach out and pull him closer to me. I gently grip his bare chest as I position my lips onto his. I kiss him gently and then my kisses become firmer as I clutch onto him - harder. His lips are soft and tender and my fingers are now making their way into Adrian’s hair. I pull back from him as I gasp for air.

  “I am sorry I was such a bitch.” I confess as I kiss him again. Adrian doesn’t respond with words instead he grips me firmly as he pushes me down onto the bed. My head hits the pillow and I pull him closer to me. Adrian kisses me again on my lips and then he slides his lips onto my neck. He gently kisses along my collarbone as I slip off my pyjamas. Adrian rips off his trousers as he climbs under the sheets. I gently sigh as our bodies connect and then I melt into my husband’s body.

  Once our passion over, I slide over to Adrian and Ihuddle into his chest. He lightly kisses me on my head as he wishes me goodnight. I gently run my fingers along his chest until I fall into a deep sleep.

  The air is so warm when Adrian and I step off the Airplane in Monte Carlo. The sun is beaming as I link into my husband’s arm. Heleads me down the steps of the jet and into a white Bentley which is parked a few feet away. Adrian opens the back door of the car and he gently pushes me inside. I slide over and make room for him and when he enters the car, he alerts the driver to take us to our hotel. We are staying at the ‘Hotel de Paris’ and when Adrian told me that’s where we going for our honeymoon, I couldn’t believe it. I was so excited that I actually cried. Adrian has promised me that our time here in Monte Carlo will be unforgettable and I can’t wait for his promise to be fulfilled.

  We arrive at the hotel to a spectacular reception. The hotel staff greets us like royalty as we walk in through the doors. I can’t help but smile from ear to ear as I take in the beauty of the entrance and I am stunned by what I see. The entrance is massive with huge ceilings and white marble floors. As I walk further into the hotel I can really appreciated its design. The furniture is classic French style and is very sophisticated. Long white chesterfield sofas and small round tables with velvet chairs line the walls of the hallway and there is large round table in the middle of the room which has a huge display of pink and purple flowers. We reach the reception and I am still beaming from the view. I take in the tall white pillars that dominate the building and I look up at the amazing ceiling to take in the appearance of the massive, crystal chandeliers which light up the room. The guy behind the desk alerts Adrian that we have now checked in and that we are free to go up to our room. In a flash there is bell- boy waiting to escort us up to our suite. Adrian firmly shakes hands with the guy behind the desk and then he slides his hand onto my back as we begin to follow the bell-boy to our room. He leads us up the stairs and along the hallway, until we come to a white, oak carved door. The guy opens the door and Adrian pushes me inside. I gasp as I can’t believe that this is where we are staying. The view of the ocean is stunning as I make my way over to the glass windows. Our suite has two bedrooms and is furnished in white and brown. The bed is massive and I can’t wait to try it out. I smile at Adrian as he hands the bell-boy a tip. I thank the guy for showing us to our room and then I begin to explore the suite further. I make my way into the large bathroom and I smile as I take in the size of the bathtub. When I say bathtub, I really mean Jacuzzi as it’s large enough to sit six people, comfortably. We have matching bathrobes and white marble his and hers sinks.

  “Alanna,” I hear Adrian shout. I quickly rush out of the bathroom and back into the lounge area of the suite. I see Adrian standing by the glass windows and I make my way over to him. He sees me as he turns around and I can’t breathe as I look at his beauty. He smiles at me as he wraps his strong arms around my waist. He jerks me forward and his lips meet mine. I giggle from his affection and then he pulls back from me to whisper.

  “Welcome to our – forever.” My heart is racing as I wake with a jolt. I sit up straight in the bed, as I begin to wipe away the cool sweat that has formed across my forehead. I scan the bed and I see Adrian lying next to me. He is wide awakeand he is staring at me. I glance quickly at our alarm clock and I see that it’s 4.30am I turn to face Adrian as I lie back down onto the bed.

  “Alanna are you, okay?” He says as he reaches out and cups my
face with his hand.

  “Yes, I am fine,” I try reassure him but he doesn’t look convinced. “You were tossing and turning a lot, were you having a bad dream?” I sigh as I remember my dream. It wasn’t bad in fact it was one of the best dreams that I have ever had.

  “No, I was dreaming about our honeymoon, actually.” Adrian smiles at me. “I see, and what were we doing?” He says wickedly. “I was dreaming about when we first arrived in our suite. We were standing by the glass windows and you were griped onto me, whispering that it was our forever.” Adrian smirks at my confession.

  “If you were dreaming happily then why did you wake in such a state?” “Because the people in my dream were so happy and I guess I realised that we aren’t as happy as they were. I am scared that what we have is beginning to slip away from us.” Adrian moves closer to me as he gently holds onto my face with his two hands.

  “What makes you say that? You are happy, aren’t you?” Adrian looks confused as he waits for my answer.

  “I don’t know if I am anymore.” Adrian looks furious with me now.

  “What exactly are you saying?” “I don’t know what I am saying. I am sorry let’s just forget about this, okay?” Adrian loosens his hands from my face and I can tell that he isn’t going to let this go. He lunges out of the bed and he begins to pace around the room. I sit up in daze, as I reach over and switch on the night- light. Adrian doesn’t look happy and he quickly makes his feelings clear.


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