Book Read Free

Mama Dearest

Page 24

by E. Lynn Harris

  “Hell no, and don’t ask me questions like that. Stop tripping and bring the bag to me.”

  Did I hear that right? I was the one who was tripping? “No, you need to come and get it.”

  “It’s not drugs and I can’t come right now. I’m in an important meeting.”

  “Where are you?”

  “In New York.”

  Something was definitely up. “When did you get here, and why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

  “It was a last-minute thing, Yancey,” he explained. “I need to talk to the network sales force about your show. I was going to call you when I finished my meeting.”

  “Are you staying with me?” I asked, looking around. The house was a dump, thanks to my mother.

  “No, you’re staying with me. I’m at the Four Seasons. So close the bag back up and meet me at the hotel in two hours. Don’t say anything to anyone.”

  The Four Seasons sounded nice, but not if I was going to meet some drug dealer. “Who am I going to tell? Why are you being so weird about this? This looks like drugs to me and to be honest, I’m a little nervous about having this stuff around.”

  “Yancey, damn it. Stop asking so many questions and just do what I say.” His voice was so loud and forceful it scared me. He had never talked to me this way.

  “Look here, S. Marcus Pinkston, don’t yell at me that way and you better not be lying. I don’t play that shit. And I mean with men yelling at me and with drugs.”

  “I’m sorry, baby,” he said softly. “I’m just a little upset that you don’t trust me.”

  “I trust you,” I said, although I didn’t really. “Marcus, listen, I’ll see you in a couple of hours. Let’s talk then.”

  “That’s a good girl.”

  “Bye, baby.”

  I hung up the phone and found my eyes fixated on the bag on my bed. Should I trust Marcus and follow his instructions, or should I ask Ava what I should do? No, I didn’t want Ava involved with this. S. Marcus was a legitimate businessman and wouldn’t be involved in drugs, I told myself. I hadn’t seen any signs which would suggest otherwise. The strangest part of it was, I didn’t remember seeing any bags before.

  I looked into my closet and pulled out one of my pink warm-up suits and a white Gap T-shirt. Instead of going shopping, I was going to take a shower and get this bag out of my house as fast as I could.

  AFTER I FINISHED MY shower and put moisturizer over my body it suddenly dawned on me that I hadn’t talked to Dalton in a few days. I located my cell phone and dialed his number. After a few rings Dalton picked up but he really didn’t sound like his chipper self.

  “Hey, boo, why haven’t I heard from you?”

  “Hey Yancey, so sorry I’ve been a little under the weather.”

  “What’s wrong? You got a cold or something?”

  “Not really. I’m in the hospital.”

  “What hospital? What happened?”

  “I fell down the stairs in Anderson’s building.”

  “You did what?” Something didn’t sound right about this. Dalton was trained as a dancer and wouldn’t be falling down a flight of stairs. I needed him to tell me the truth.

  “But don’t worry, I will be okay.”

  “I’m coming to see you right now,” I said.

  “No Yancey, don’t do that. But there is something you can do for me.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I need you to call Nicole and tell her I’m going to miss my voice lesson. If I don’t show up, she’ll be worried about me.”

  I didn’t answer right away. Could I do that? I mean, talk to Nicole Springer after all these years?

  “Yancey, are you still there?”

  “I’m here, Dalton. Give me her number,” I said. This wasn’t about Nicole and me but about Dalton. He was my friend and I would do whatever he needed.

  “It’s 555-9910.”

  “Got it,” I said as I wrote the number on a yellow pad.

  “Thanks, Yancey.”

  “I still think I should come and see you now,” I said.

  “Not now. I don’t want you to see me this way.”

  “What way?”

  “I’m pretty bruised up but the doctors say I will be just like new in no time.”

  “Dalton, are you being honest with me? Does Anderson have anything to do with all your untimely injuries? Tell me, Dalton. You can trust me,” I pleaded.

  There was no answer and the silence between us was haunting. After a few moments of silence Dalton whispered that he had to go and simply hung up without even telling me what hospital he was in.

  I TOOK A DEEP breath and looked at the pad with Nicole’s number. I picked up my phone and slowly dialed the number, allowing seconds, almost minutes to elapse between each number. Finally the phone rang. It rang again and then I heard Nicole’s voice.

  “This is Nicole Stovall. I’m not in right now and I’m sorry I missed your call. But please leave a message and a number even if you think I have it. Have a tremendously blessed day and keep singing.”

  When I heard the beep I released another deep sigh and said, “Hey girl, long time no hear from. This is Yancey Braxton and I understand we share a good friend, Dalton. He asked me to call you and tell you he needs to cancel his lesson today. He said he would call as soon as he got well … I mean not got well but got back in town. Bye Nicole. Sorry I missed you and you keep singing, too, girl. Smooches.”



  As Ava walked into Harry Winston jewelers to do a little rehearsal shopping, her phone rang. She’d not heard from him in over a week and was growing impatient. She clicked on the call.

  “Ava. Are you ready to collect your money?”

  “Funny you should ask that. I’m getting ready to make some big purchases,” she said.

  “It’s going down today. You’ll have the place all to yourself tonight.”

  “What’s going down?”

  “Payback for Yancey. We won’t have to deal with her after this evening.”

  That was exactly the news she wanted to hear. “Are you serious? Hell yeah. What’s going to happen?” Ava didn’t really care as long as it got rid of Yancey for good. She had a good mind to call Sturdivant and see what he was up to. A nice meal and a handsome young man would be the way to spend a glorious evening.

  “Just don’t answer your phone later on today. I’m sure you’re going to be getting a call from your lovely daughter this evening. But make sure you don’t take the call.”

  “Great. Maybe I’ll just look around today. If you’re sure I’m going to have my check, then I might be able to hold old Harry off another day.”

  “It will be there tomorrow.”

  Finally, sweet revenge. “You’ve made my day, Steven Pinkston III. You’ve made my day.”



  The fall sky was a deep blue, and a cool breeze caressed my face as I turned the corner on 57th Street. This was when I loved New York the most. I was about four blocks from the Four Seasons Hotel, and as I passed the chic stores, I thought how lucky I was to have a man like S. Marcus in my life. I would be back to shopping in those stores, spending up a storm like the old days, in no time. All thanks to S. Marcus. I was wrong to think that he would be involved with drugs.

  A couple of blocks away my thoughts turned to Madison and how stupid I looked with my camera crew following me to record my first meeting with my daughter. I knew that I was wrong and hoped that one day Madison would give me another chance to get to know her. But it had to be for the right reason and not to advance my career. I would do that with my talent.

  I was near the entrance of the hotel when my cell phone rang.

  “Yancey. This is Regan. I have some exciting news for you.”

  “I’m listening,” I said, praying she’d finally gotten me more than backup work.

  “We got a callback for the recurring role on Ugly Betty. The casting director said that everyone really liked your

  “They did? That’s great! Will they let me bring the crew from my reality show?”

  “Yes, they will, and to be honest, I think that’s going to end up helping you get the job. They asked me a lot of questions about the show.”

  “And this is for the role of Vanessa’s nemesis and not her mother, right?”

  “Yes, that’s right,” she said, enjoying my concern. “You will play a magazine diva who works at Mode and is trying to get Vanessa’s job.”

  Finally, the sun was shining on me. “Oh, Regan, this is so wonderful. You’re the best.”

  “Well, we don’t have the job yet. You need to go in there and knock them dead. Make sure you dress the part,” she advised. “Wear something real high fashion. Casting directors love it when you do that.”

  “Oh, I know, and trust me when I say I will be ready. I might even go out and get me something new that will leave their mouths hanging open.”

  “That’s what I want to hear. Call me when you leave the audition,” Regan said.

  “I will.” I shut the phone with a pleased snap. I had to restrain myself from dancing the whole way to the hotel, I was so happy! My life was turning around all at once. I couldn’t wait to tell Marcus.

  Just then I heard the call-waiting beeper go off. It was Dalton, who I hadn’t heard from since he hung up on me. I called several times but it always immediately went into voicemail.

  “Dalton, are you okay? I’ve been worried sick about you,” I said.

  “I’m better, Yancey, and I’m sorry I didn’t call. I had to work out some things,” Dalton said.

  “What kind of things?”

  “Like what I’m doing with my life,” Dalton said sadly.

  “Where are you? I need to see you, Dalton.”

  “I’m at the airport.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “I don’t know. I just need to leave here for now. But I’ll be back. We got a CD to make.”

  “Dalton,” I said and then I paused.


  “You know I love you, don’t you,” I said as I fought back tears.

  “I know, Yancey, and that means the world to me.”

  “And you know you deserve someone who loves you just as much as I do. As God does. Don’t you?”

  Dalton didn’t answer right away but after a few minutes he mumbled yes.

  “And it needs to be someone who doesn’t think they can control you by beating you, Dalton. I know what Anderson has been doing to you.”

  “He says he loves me and it won’t happen again.”

  “And you believe him? Don’t take that, Dalton. If you need me to get somebody to scare him I will. I can’t let anybody treat my friend like this,” I said.

  “Yancey, believe it or not I know what I deserve. I just got caught up but old Dalton is going to be just fine. I just want you to know that I love you very much and your friendship has been awesome.”

  “Really?” I asked.

  “You sound surprised,” Dalton said.

  As the tears continued to roll down my face I realized I was surprised. No one had ever called me an awesome friend.

  “Dalton, that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

  “Then I’m glad it was me. I need to go, Yancey, but I promise to call real soon. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Dalton. Take care of yourself until we see each other again.”

  “I will.”

  I clicked off the phone and the river of tears continued.

  THE TEARS DURING MY conversation with Dalton were good for me but left my face and makeup looking a mess. I stopped at a deli and went into the bathroom and washed my face and reapplied my makeup. I had taken my phone in with me in case Dalton called again. Just as I put a new coat of lipstick on the phone rang. The name John B. came across the screen. It was Basil.

  “Is this who I think it is?” I asked.

  “What’s up, Yancey? You got a minute?”

  “Always for you, Basil,” I said, though I was hoping he wasn’t going to make me late for meeting Marcus.

  “I’m not going to hold you long, but I wanted to get back with you. Look, I talked this over with my better half, and I think I’m going to have to say no to doing the reality show. I hope you understand. I know it will be great without me.”

  I could afford to be magnanimous. “I understand, Basil. Not everybody wants to live their life in public. Thanks for getting back to me and it was good seeing you.”

  My backing down so easily surprised him. “Same here, Yancey. It was good seeing you.”

  “Let’s try and keep in touch,” I offered.

  “I would like that.”

  “Basil, can I ask you something? It’s what I wanted to ask you when we met the other day. Are you really happy now?”

  “Extremely,” he said.

  “I’m glad to hear that.”

  “I hope you know you deserve the same thing, Yancey.”

  “I’m finally getting there, Basil, and I know what you’re saying is true.”

  “I hope so. Take care and have a nice evening.”

  “I will and you do the same.”

  I smiled to myself, thinking how great it was that Basil and I were becoming friends because that was missing while we were dating. I also hoped that he was right when he implied that I could be happy too. Maybe I would really talk with S. Marcus tonight and find out where he thought our relationship was going and not just the business side. Maybe little pieces of me always feel like I need a man.

  I reached the front entrance of the Four Seasons Hotel on the 57th Street side. I smiled at the doorman as he opened the door for me. As I entered the spacious lobby, I looked for the front desk. I’d been in the hotel several times, but for whatever reason I didn’t remember where the check-in was from the 57th Street side.

  As I turned around, looking for someone who might help me, I heard someone yell, “Hey, miss.”

  Two white men were staring at me and then began to approach. When they finally stopped directly in front of me, a wave of fear overcame me. Who were they and what did they want?

  The taller one asked, “Can we talk to you for a minute, miss?”

  “About what?” I asked.

  “About what you have in that bag,” the other one said.

  “That’s none of your business,” I snapped.

  “I’m afraid it is,” the shorter man said as he flashed a badge that read New York Police Department. Drug Enforcement.

  “I’m Officer Daniels and we’d like to inspect your bag.”

  Fear was screeching in my mind like fingernails on a blackboard. “What are you talking about? Drug enforcement. Is this some type of joke?”

  “No, it isn’t. Now, please follow us. Let’s go over here,” he said, gesturing to a remote section of the lobby.

  Frozen by fear, I remained motionless. Officer Daniels took this to mean I was being uncooperative and took me by the arm.

  At last I reacted. “You better let go of me.”

  “Let’s not make a scene, Miss Braxton.”

  “How do you know my name? Do you have a search warrant?”

  “We don’t need a search warrant,” Officer Daniels said, suddenly jerking the bag from my hand.

  This smelled to high heaven, and I wasn’t going quietly. “Stop it. You can’t pull on me like that. I want my lawyer. What in the hell is going on?”

  “We are just going to check the bag, and if nothing is in there, you’re free to go.”

  Passersby had begun to notice the commotion and stopped to watch. The two officers took me to a corner of the lobby. Officer Daniels opened the bag and began pulling out the stacks of money. He then pulled out one of the plastic packets with the white powder. He looked at the other officer. “Look what we got here.” In reply the officer simply smiled.

  Officer Daniels took out a pair of handcuffs. “Yancey Braxton, you’re under arrest for possession with intent to
distribute cocaine. You have the right to an attorney. If you can’t afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand your rights as I have explained them?”

  I stared at him in shock. Officer Daniels took both of my arms and forced them behind my back. Moments later I felt the cold metal of the handcuffs. S. Marcus’s face flashed in my head and the only words I could think of was that muthafucka.

  Officer Daniels spoke in an earpiece I hadn’t noticed, and moments later I was back into the cool evening air, being pushed inside a waiting police car, tears streaming down my face. Over and over I said, “This is some type of mistake. This bag doesn’t belong to me.”

  I WAS SITTING IN the waiting room of the jail when he walked in. Raymond Tyler looked as handsome as I remembered. I still couldn’t reach Ava or S. Marcus, and when I realized I still had my cell phone, I’d called Basil and told him I needed his help in getting an attorney. It didn’t dawn on me that he would send Raymond or that he was practicing criminal law now.

  I stood as he entered. “Raymond, it’s good to see you. Thanks for coming,” I said, nervously shaking his cold but strong hand.

  “Yancey, it’s been a long time. Basil tells me you might need my help,” Raymond said. He took a seat on the bench in front of me.

  “Yes, I do. I think I’m in big trouble and I still don’t know what happened.”

  “Basil didn’t give me a lot of information. He told me you were bringing a bag that belonged to your boyfriend to a hotel where he was waiting. Have you heard from this guy?”

  “No, I called but got no answer. I gave the policemen his cell number. They now tell me the number is no longer in service. I can’t reach my mother either.”

  His eyebrows rose at the mention of her. “Yeah, I heard Ava was out of jail. I was notified before her parole. Where is she staying?”

  “At my house the last time I checked, but I told her not to answer my home phone.”

  He turned his attention back to my mysterious man. “Did you check to see if your friend had registered in the hotel?”

  “I didn’t have the chance. But when he called me, he said he was already there.”


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