Death by Jealousy

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Death by Jealousy Page 17

by Jaden Skye

  “I don’t know,” Mattheus said, “why not ask Tad?”


  Cindy waited in the lobby for her sister and brother in law to arrive. She couldn’t wait to see them. These days had passed in a blur and Cindy’s sense of time had been disrupted, going so quickly from one case to the next. Once again, though, she felt as if she were on the case alone. Mattheus’s staying late at the office tonight and not joining her for dinner was particularly upsetting. Normally, it wouldn’t be, thought Cindy. But the way things were between them now, it would have made a huge difference to have him here.

  As usual, Ann and Frank were right on time, never leaving Cindy waiting. Ann, looking beautiful as ever, dressed in soft pink, ran over to Cindy and embraced her.

  “Such a treat, such a treat,” she murmured.

  Cindy felt the same way. It was amazing to have a sister who cared so deeply, to go through the years with. Cindy hugged her brother in law Frank then, and the three of them made their way to the hotel restaurant.

  “Mattheus joining us tonight?” Frank asked casually, as they walked through the lobby.

  “Not tonight,” said Cindy lightly. She didn’t want to go into everything right away. This was still Ann and Frank’s vacation and Cindy wanted them to relax and enjoy the evening. She wasn’t even sure it was fair of her to tell them anything that was upsetting. Just a lovely dinner together with them would hit the spot.

  Cindy had made reservations earlier, and the three of them were led to their table as soon as they arrived at the restaurant.

  “Your guest will be here in a few moments,” the Maitre D’ said as they got to their table and he pulled out Cindy’s chair.

  “Guest?” asked Ann, curious.

  Cindy tried to laugh. “We must have a mystery visitor,” she said, “I don’t recall inviting anyone.”

  “It has to be Mattheus surprising you,” Frank said light heartedly. “Now, that’s a romantic thing to do, Cindy. I give the guy credit for that.”

  Cindy suddenly wished it were true. She was filled with a wave of desire to see Mattheus, have him join the dinner, become closer to Ann and Frank.

  “The fact that the two of you are still working together after all this, means something,” Frank went on. “Now, if we could get the two of you to set up shop in the States that would be a big step forward.”

  Ann put her hand over his arm. “Frank’s in a dreamy mood these days,” she said. “Let’s see what Cindy has to say about things. “How are you guys doing? How’s the case going?”

  Before Cindy could begin to answer though, she looked up and saw a suave man walking towards their table, dressed to the hilt, suntanned, captivating.

  “I hope I’m not crashing the party,” Mac said, flashing them a dazzling smile.

  Ann looked at him startled and Frank seemed confused.

  Mac introduced himself immediately, shook their hands and took a seat next to Cindy. Then he nodded to the waiter who immediately brought over two expensive bottles of wine.

  “Compliments of your guest,” the waiter nodded at Mac.

  Cindy felt nervous though, rather than pleased. She’d made a point of not inviting Mac, though she had mentioned she’d be here for dinner.

  “Cindy told me that her family was coming, and I took the liberty of barging in and joining the party,” Mac laughed lightly. “Just had to meet the family of such an outstanding, beautiful woman.”

  Ann’s eyebrows raised, “We actually expected Mattheus,” she said, unimpressed.

  “No luck, you got me, instead,” Mac smiled again. “Actually, I just found out that Mattheus is still tied up. He and Vivien are having dinner right now in a delightful restaurant near our office.”

  Cindy felt the air go out of her lungs. Mattheus said he’d be staying late at the office tonight.

  “I believe Mattheus is working late at your office tonight,” Cindy took a painful breath and tried to correct Mac. She was desperate to recreate a sense of honesty and equilibrium in her world.

  “You’re right, Mattheus was at the office all day,” said Mac, “but not tonight. I just spoke to Tad who dropped in for a drink at the bar. He happened to see Vivien and Mattheus having dinner together in the restaurant in the back garden.”

  Cindy felt herself flush. Had Mattheus blatantly lied to her? It was more than she could imagine. Something else had to be going on.

  “Tad wanted me to meet him at the bar, to talk with me about something,” Mac continued, “but I told him I was going to have dinner with you and your family at the hotel tonight.”

  “Sounds like a game of musical chairs,” Ann commented taking Cindy’s hand.

  “We used to call it snake dancing,” Frank broke in, “never knowing who your partner would be dancing with that night.”

  Ann squeezed Cindy’s hand.

  “It’s a complicated case,” Cindy tried to regain her poise and dignity and put everything on a professional basis, once again.

  “Isn’t the case over?” Frank intervened. “I read they found the body, and there was no sign of foul play.”

  “Things seem to be in order,” Mac agreed, “though it’s hard to believe Allie’s gone.”

  “Sorry for your loss,” Frank said, shaking his head. “Our family’s been through it as well. It’s a terrible thing.”

  “Yes, I am sorry as well,” said Ann, in an odd tone.

  “Thank you,” Mac looked at Ann, coolly. There seemed to be a strange energy between them.

  “Are you one of the detectives, too?” Ann asked Mac then.

  “I’m a close friend of the groom’s family,” Mac said. “The bride and groom are like a niece and nephew to me. I helped organize the wedding, took care of details, even bought the gifts for the wedding party.”

  “Sounds like they were fortunate to have you here,” said Ann dryly.

  “And there’s more gifts where those came from,” Mac said, under his breath to Cindy. “

  “And what is it that draws you to have dinner here with us?” Ann seemed to be growing more and more uncomfortable with Mac.

  “Your sister draws me,” Mac said directly. “She needed help and I gave it to her.”

  Ann became more nervous. “What kind of help did Cindy need?” she asked hastily.

  “Cindy stepped a bit out of her territory, jostled the eco system here around, stirred up some backlash, to put it bluntly.” Mac replied.

  A taut silence descended upon the table. This was way more than Cindy had wanted to get into.

  “Where was Mattheus?” Ann looked alarmed.

  “I don’t know,” said Mac, “but your sister called me instead, and I was glad she did. I was grateful for it.”

  “Do you have the protection you need here, Cindy?” Ann was agitated.

  “Yes, of course I do,” said Cindy.

  “Why don’t I believe that?” said Ann.

  “Mattheus and I always split our time during investigations,” said Cindy. “He wasn’t around when this happened. Mac was close by.”

  “I’ll never let anything happen to Cindy,” Mac interrupted. “Never, under any circumstances.”

  Mac spoke with such vehemence that Frank stared.

  Cindy wanted to get off this topic and was about to say something completely different when she suddenly saw Edward and Tad walking intently towards their table.

  “So, here you are,” said Edward to Mac, relieved to see him.

  Mac stood up to greet him. “Good to see you Ed,” he said.

  Edward turned to Cindy, “I hope we’re not interrupting anything.”

  “Cindy felt momentarily agitated. Edward had no idea that Ann and Frank were family, that this was personal time she was taking, a much needed break.

  “I need to speak to you briefly, Mac” Edward continued, “something has come up. Can you join me and Tad at another table for a few minutes?”

  “I’d rather you join us here,” Mac replied, puzzled, glancing at Cindy.

/>   “This is a personal matter,” Edward said then, in a garbled tone.

  “Ann is Cindy’s sister,” said Mac, playing for time, “and Frank is her brother in law.”

  “This is a business matter,” Edward insisted. “It’s urgent.”

  “Do you want me to be present as well?” Cindy asked then, briskly.

  “I would,” Edward nodded swiftly.

  Ann and Frank looked at each other and then back at Cindy. This was an occupational hazard, Cindy realized, of being on a case. If something came up suddenly, it had to be attended to right then.

  Ann seemed to get it. “Frank and I will have our dinner at another table,” she offered Cindy. “We’re not leaving until the morning, so we’ll get some time later on, to talk alone.”

  The two of them got up and were seated at a table close by. Edward and Tad took their seats promptly.

  “I had no idea that you’d given Mattheus complete access to our company files,” Edward said, turning to Mac.

  “I gave it to him for the day,” said Mac matter of factly. “He needed it to tie up the investigation. The records have been gone over by the accountants. There’s nothing to find.”

  Edward took exception. “Cindy and Mattheus have been hired by me. Dana and I brought them down to the Island.”

  “I realize that,” said Mac, irritated at being publicly chided.

  “You at least owed me the courtesy of letting me know you were allowing Mattheus to rummage around in our system. Instead, I had to find out from Tad.” Edward’s voice grew brittle.

  “I suppose I should have said something,” Mac said calmly. He looked over at Tad then, “and what’s Tad doing here with you now?”

  “Peter called me into a meeting at the office today,” said Tad. “Peter doesn’t belong in the office now, he’s not himself. He’s said all kinds of things to Mattheus.”

  “What kind of things?” Mac looked confused.

  Tad threw a quick glance at Cindy.

  “Say whatever you have to in front of Cindy,” Mac insisted. “She’s working for us. She’s part of the team.”

  “So is Mattheus,” Cindy insisted.

  “There are limits to this investigation,” Edward broke in, still upset with Mac. “And, exactly why are you here having dinner with Cindy without telling me? I do not appreciate being left out. Is this dinner related to Mattheus’s explorations in the office?” Edward was clearly agitated.

  “I was almost run over,” Cindy interrupted. “Someone in an old green car turned a corner and came directly at me. I was pulled out of the way by a second. “

  Edward’s face blanched.

  “I never heard a word about this,” Edward could barely speak. “Does Mattheus know?”

  “No, he doesn’t,” said Cindy, “there wasn’t time. I haven’t told him yet.”

  “Cindy called me right after it happened,” Mac interjected.

  “Why wasn’t I informed?” Edward could barely get the words out. “Who in the world would be after her, and why?”

  Cindy looked over at Tad, who showed absolutely no reaction at all.

  “What do you think, Tad?” Cindy asked him pointedly.

  “I didn’t know anything about this,” said Tad in measured tones.

  “Who else knows this happened?” asked Edward clicking his teeth together.

  “No one at the moment,” said Cindy.

  “You definitely plan to tell Mattheus?” Edward seemed astonished.

  “When I see him I will,” Cindy responded, tapping her fingers on the table. “When he’s done hanging out with Vivien.”

  Tad still showed no response.

  Cindy turned to him abruptly. “Does it trouble you that Vivien and Mattheus are spending so much time together, Tad?”

  “Does it trouble you?” Tad shot it right back to her.

  “Mattheus is my business partner,” Cindy responded. “Vivien is your girlfriend.”

  Tad lifted his eyebrows slightly. “Mattheus is passing diversion to her. It doesn’t mean a thing.”

  Again, silence descended over the table.

  “In my opinion,” Edward said to Cindy then, “it would be best for you and Mattheus to go home immediately. Your services are definitely no longer required. You are both off the case, as of now.”

  Tad took a deep, swift breath of relief.

  “That’s sudden and harsh,” Mac objected. “Cindy’s done her best, worked incredibly hard. She’s even put herself in danger.”

  “That’s exactly why I want her to go home,” Edward stamped his foot on the floor as he spoke.

  “The last thing I need is more trouble down here. Trouble that has nothing to do with the case at all.”

  “I agree,” said Tad heatedly.

  “Why don’t you go back up to the States with your sister and brother in law, tomorrow?” Edward asked, casting a quick glance over at Ann and Frank. “There’s no reason for you to put yourself in danger, especially without your partner around.”

  Cindy felt a long chill run up her arms.

  “And take Mattheus with you,” Tad commented, “enough’s enough. The case is closed. There’s no need for more probing. It’s time to let the wounds heal.”

  Cindy looked up and just at the moment saw Mattheus standing at Ann and Frank’s table, greeting them.

  Edward looked over as well. “Well, speak of the devil! Now we can personally tell him it’s time to go.”

  “This is way too abrupt,” Mac demanded, “I refuse to let Cindy go.”

  Cindy trembled at the intensity of Mac’s response. She felt caught up in an undercurrent, as if tossed by a sudden series of waves.

  Edward looked at Mac aghast. “Seems as if things have gotten a bit out of control between you and Cindy,” he said in a hoarse voice.

  “Things have never felt better to me in my life,” Mac replied staunchly.

  “Are you saying you want Cindy to stay here on the Island with you permanently?” Edward pushed on.

  “I’m saying she can’t leave right now,” Mac was unshakeable.

  “Why not?” asked Tad, suddenly agitated. “Has Mattheus told you what he found in the office? Have you spoken to Peter, yet?”

  “No, I haven’t spoken to either of them,” said Mac, confused, “why?”

  “There’s all kinds of stories floating around in their heads,” said Tad as a muscle in his jaw started clenching. “When you hire detectives they have to earn their money, keep digging for something, even if it doesn’t make sense.”

  “What are you suggesting?” Edward stepped in strongly.

  “Mattheus has been poking around all day, keeping himself busy. He even took the liberty of going into my personal business email account,” Tad replied.

  “Preposterous,” said Edward.

  “Heck, it’s what they do. If they don’t find anything, they make something up,” Tad continued.

  Cindy felt her whole body tightening. “Are you impugning Mattheus’s honesty?” she asked.

  Tad turned directly towards her. “Yes, I am, if you don’t mind the truth.”

  Cindy flushed. “Not only don’t I mind the truth, I crave it.”

  Everyone became silent.

  “Not only did Mattheus poke around in personal email accounts, I found him and Vivien having a romantic dinner. Does that have something to do with the case, too? Give me a break. He’s abusing his position, taking advantage of everyone.”

  Edward’s hands clenched into a fist. “How do you know Mattheus and Vivien were having a romantic dinner?”

  “I was at the bar in the restaurant and I saw them there,” Tad turned to Edward. “They didn’t see me, though.”

  “I am sorry,” said Edward.

  “So am I,” said Mac.

  “Sorry’s nice,” Tad’s face grew tighter. “But there’s no reason for keeping either Mattheus or his partner, Cindy around.”

  “I have to agree with that,” said Edward. “Absolutely agree.”
  Cindy turned and looked over at Ann and Frank’s table again. Mattheus had turned their way and was now staring at them all.

  “I suggest you call Mattheus over to our table, Cindy,” Edward said tartly.

  Cindy motioned to Mattheus to come over. He nodded succinctly and began to walk slowly to where they were seated.

  “What are you doing here?” Cindy asked Mattheus as he approached.

  “I finished for the day and was looking for you,” he replied. “The hotel desk said you were here, dining. They didn’t say Mac was with you.”

  “He’s not with me,” said Cindy abruptly. “He’s here for dinner.”

  “Why?” asked Mattheus.

  “Why not?” Cindy retorted.

  “What are you all gathered here for?” Mattheus scanned the crowd at the table.

  “Edward wanted to talk to Mac and I am meeting Vivien in the lobby in a few minutes,” Tad interjected.

  Edward stood up abruptly, as though he’d had more than enough.

  “Mattheus,” Edward said, “I just told Cindy that I think it best for the two of you to return to the States. Your services are no longer required.”

  Mattheus, shocked, faced Edward swiftly. “Excuse me a minute, this case isn’t closed, there are still loose threads hanging.”

  “The police disagree,” Edward replied. “Dana and I hired you to help Peter. He no longer requires your services. Now that things are settled, there’s nothing further that concerns you here.”

  “Things are far from settled,” said Mattheus, moving closer to Cindy. “And, my partner and I decide when a case is closed.”

  Edward stared at Mattheus furiously. “Cindy was almost run over, hit by a car aiming right at her. What is the point of keeping her down here in danger?” he said.

  “Almost hit by a car?” Mattheus was dumbfounded. “What are you talking about?”

  “You heard me,” Edward growled.

  Mattheus face grew taut. “You never told me,” he breathed to Cindy.

  “I didn’t have a chance,” she replied. “You were too busy elsewhere.”

  “You were in danger and didn’t call me? Are you crazy?” Mattheus was dazed.

  “She called Mac instead,” Edward filled him in. “Highly inappropriate in my opinion.”

  “Absolutely,” Tad agreed.


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