Death by Jealousy

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Death by Jealousy Page 18

by Jaden Skye

  The color drained from Mattheus’s face. “Is that true?” he asked Cindy after a long moment.

  “You were too busy with Vivien,” she replied.

  “Jesus Christ,” Mattheus called out in a strangled tone. “I can’t believe what I’m hearing.”

  At that moment, Tad quickly stood, and to everyone’s shock, Vivien herself approached the table.

  “I was tired of waiting in the lobby for you,” Vivien said to Tad, brushing by Mattheus and totally ignoring him.

  “We’re just finishing up here,” Tad said softly, putting his arm around her.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Vivien said in a raspy tone. “We definitely need some time alone.”

  “Hold on a minute,” said Mac, going over to her suddenly, lifting her hand and looking at the glimmering emerald bracelet on it.

  “Where did you get this?” Mac’s brow creased.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” said Vivien lightly.

  “Very beautiful,” Mac repeated, “where did you get it? And when?”

  “Tad gave it to me,” she went on, proudly. “What’s the big deal?”

  “It’s a very big deal,” Mac retorted. “That’s the bracelet I personally gave Allie for her wedding gift.”


  Cindy stood beside Mattheus in their hotel room as he wrangled with the police over the speaker phone.

  “You’re making a big deal over nothing,” the police officer said to Mattheus, “there’s absolutely no reason to explore this further. There are all kind of emerald bracelets floating around down here. There’s no way to prove that Vivien has the one that belonged to Allie.”

  “You’re glossing things over,” Mattheus responded, upset.

  Even though he was right, the sound of Mattheus’s voice was grating to Cindy. She wondered if she should start packing, as Edward insisted when they’d parted in the restaurant. But Cindy agreed with Mattheus on that point completely. It was their decision about when the case was over and it was time to go. Something was obviously amiss here or they all wouldn’t want them out so fast.

  After the conversation downstairs ended, Tad and Vivien left together quickly. Edward said he needed to talk more to Mac alone. After that, Cindy and Mattheus went up to their room without saying a word. They hadn’t had time to de-brief either, and Cindy hadn’t spoken to her sister yet, either. It had been a bad idea to call Ann and Frank down for dinner. Cindy was very sorry that she had. There was no way she could spend time with them while all of this was going on.

  Mattheus finally banged the phone down and start pacing back and forth in the room. Cindy had no idea what to say to him. It seemed as if they occupied spaces at the opposite ends of the world right now.

  Cindy walked out onto the balcony, to wait for Mattheus to calm down. After what seemed like an eternity, his footsteps quieted down and Mattheus came outside and stood beside her. It was a dark night out, with few stars, nothing but the sound of the surf and cool wind from the sea blowing on them.

  “I’m trying to make sense of this all,” Mattheus finally said, when he could speak.

  Try harder, Cindy thought, though she didn’t say a word.

  “I fail to understand how you could have been in grave danger and not called me, or told me about it. That boggles my mind. Obviously you and Mac have developed some kind of attachment to one another.”

  “Not at all,” said Cindy succinctly. “‘I’d just seen him a few minutes before it happened, and he was close by.”

  “That’s hard to believe,” Mattheus uttered.

  “Believe what you want,” said Cindy, running her hands through her hair. If they’d reached the point where they could no longer believe one another, what was there left to say? “I can’t believe you, either,” she continued, “so exactly where does that leave the two of us?”

  “What do you mean you can’t believe me?” Mattheus became overwrought again.

  Cindy turned and faced him point blank. “You told me you were working late at the office tonight. Then I learned you were out having dinner with Vivien.”

  “It was part of the investigation,” Mattheus mumbled in a hoarse tone.

  “Spare me that,” said Cindy. “Our agreement is to tell one another exactly where we will be and what we have found, step by step. You said nothing at all about Vivien. Not a word.”

  “I could say the same about you and Mac,” Mattheus retorted. “Are you going to tell me your time with him was part of the investigation as well,” Mattheus replied.

  “I am,” said Cindy.

  “And, either I believe you or I don’t,” said Mattheus.

  Suddenly this was tiresome and exhausting.

  “What’s the point of going on like this?” Cindy said. “We’re wasting time distrusting each other instead of focusing on evidence. Edward may be right about his suggestion that we pack up and get out of here. Face it, we’ve become useless.”

  “That’s always your way, isn’t it?” Mattheus stopped in his tracks. “Pack up and run when things get tough.”

  Cindy took exception. “From where I stand it seems like just the opposite. I run directly into danger time and again. With or without you!”

  “You run into danger during an investigation,” said Mattheus, “but you definitely run away from love.”

  A silence fell over the two of them. Cindy thought about Clint. She hadn’t run away from him. The hand of darkness had taken him from her.

  “It’s harder not to run away from love,” Mattheus continued.

  “I don’t disagree with that, “said Cindy, “but I don’t consider what’s happening between us to be love.”

  Mattheus smiled and moved closer. She felt the warmth of his body beside her and took a step away.

  “Why are you moving away? Do you have feelings for Mac?” Mattheus sounded shaken.

  “I like Mac, I trust him. He’s an interesting guy. Am I in love with him? Definitely not,” said Cindy.

  “You’re positive?” Mattheus needed a clear answer.

  “Positive,” Cindy replied.

  “So, why did you call him instead of me when you were in trouble?” Mattheus said.

  “Why did you take Vivien out for a romantic dinner and not say a word to me about it?” Cindy countered.

  “It just happened,” Mattheus said. “I thought I’d get more information from her.”

  “That’s not the whole story,” said Cindy.

  “No, you’re right. Vivien’s a beautiful woman,” Mattheus spoke softly, “was I attracted to her? Yes, I was. Would I have ever taken things to the next step? No, I wouldn’t, absolutely not. Feelings are one thing, actions another. But, look at us, caught in the web of jealousy. It runs through this place like an overgrown vine.”

  “Yes it does,” said Cindy.

  Mattheus moved closer once again. “The truth is that I kept thinking of you when I was with her. I kept wishing the two of us could be together, that you would be with me, again. You were the one I was longing for. You’re the one who’s been pushing me away.”

  The intensity of Mattheus’s feelings ripped through Cindy’s defenses.

  “It’s not safe for either of us to work on a case when things between us are unsettled like this,” Cindy said softly,

  “No, it isn’t, I agree,” said Mattheus.

  “Can we take a few steps back for now and focus on the case,” Cindy asked, sadly. “There’s important information that I’ve found.”

  “So have I,” said Mattheus. “We need to go over it.”

  “Great. Let’s give our relationship a rest until the case is closed,” Cindy suggested as she felt the wind blow around them, and thoughts of Allie fill her mind. She suddenly knew for sure that Allie’s death was far from solved. Cindy was eager to tell Mattheus about the drug dealer and how Mac, Tad and Jared had turned up at his place.

  “You’re right,” said Mattheus, as if waking up from a dream. “Let’s get to work. I’m going to call
downstairs and order in a pot of black coffee, so we can stay up as late as we need.”


  Mattheus was horrified when he heard that Cindy had gone down to speak to Carlos alone. He gulped what was left of his coffee and pushed the mug away.

  “That’s nuts,” Mattheus exclaimed, “it’s just asking for trouble. You set yourself up as a point blank target.”

  “It was perfect timing,” Cindy replied. “Not only did I talk to Carlos, but two other guys who were dealing with him arrived.”

  “No wonder someone came after you,” Mattheus continued. “It had to be one of those guys. They don’t take well to having their territory invaded. Especially by a detective.”

  “Wait, there’s more,” said Cindy. “While I was there Mac appeared, with Tad and Jared in the back of his car.”

  “What?” Mattheus banged his fist on the table. “Damn it, this changes everything! You should have called me immediately. That piece of information is a game changer.”

  “Before I called you I wanted to find out all I could from Mac. I drove back with him and we talked. He was nonchalant about it, said Tad bought pot for company parties and Jared used it for guests on his boat. It was routine on the island. Even though the drug laws are strict, police often look the other way.”

  “When they’re paid off enough, “Mattheus growled. “I’ve heard that people come down here to get large stashes of pot. But who gets the money? Where does it go? I found some files messed up on Peter’s computer system. One was missing, the other scrambled. Peter discovered that there’d been large deposits of cash unaccounted for, and then withdrawn in unusual ways. I also found an email from Peter calling in Tad for an urgent meeting.”

  “My God,” said Cindy.

  “I called Peter right away and asked him to come over and talk,” said Mattheus.

  “Did he come?” Cindy was aghast.

  “Absolutely,” said Mattheus. “He came right away. Peter’s a straight up guy. He wanted to help in any way he could. He said he’d had a meeting with Tad before Allie died, to let him know about the deposits and withdrawals.”

  “Money laundering in the firm?” breathed Cindy.

  “Possible,” said Mattheus. “Not sure yet. We have to trace those deposits and withdrawals, see where the trail leads. Peter will help us. He didn’t want to say anything until he was positive. Before Allie died Peter told Tad. He was about to tell his father and Mac, but wanted to run it by Tad first.”

  “What was Tad’s reaction?” Cindy asked briskly.

  “Tad’s a hard guy to read,” said Mattheus.

  “How about Mac?” Cindy continued.

  “I don’t think Mac knows yet,” Mattheus replied. “I’m not sure about Edward. My guess is he doesn’t know yet either.”

  “So, why does Edward want us out of here so fast?” asked Cindy. “What’s the sudden rush?”

  “Good question,” said Mattheus. “Could be Tad just told him. Maybe Tad wanted to protect Peter from having to tell his father about it. Especially now with what Peter’s going through.”

  “You think Tad is that protective of Peter?”

  “Tad’s Peter’s right hand man. He’s been his friend for years, always second to him. He’s Peter’s cushion.”

  Cindy stood up and started walking back and forth. She didn’t like Tad, but there was no reason for it, just a visceral response. She couldn’t let that get in the way of her thinking this through carefully.

  “When I took Vivien to dinner, I tried to find out more about the relationship between Tad and Peter,” Mattheus continued.

  Cindy stopped pacing and looked over at him. Mattheus had stepped to the door of the balcony and was gazing out over the horizon.

  “What did you find about them?” Cindy asked intensely. All of this new information was like a shot of adrenalin for both of them.

  “Not much,” said Mattheus, somberly. “They all keep a united front. Make it look like a pretty picture.”

  Suddenly, those words struck Cindy like a bolt of lightning – a united front. Was it possible that Tad had been using Vivien as a decoy to split her and Mattheus up, confuse them, muddy the investigation.

  “Oh my God, they’ve made a fool of you,” Cindy suddenly breathed into the dark night air.

  “What are you saying?” Mattheus seemed startled.

  “What if Tad and Vivien have been working together, and he used her as a decoy to make you feel good, turn you on, and create a rift between us?” said Cindy.

  “Ridiculous,” Mattheus said bitterly, obviously insulted.

  “It’s a distinct possibility,” Cindy continued. “The more diversion they create, the less we check in with each other, the more trouble we get into, the harder it is to see what’s really going on.”

  “You’re going way out on a limb,” Mattheus insisted.

  “No, I’m not,” said Cindy. “Tad got Vivien to pull at your heart strings. You fell for it, it was all an act.”

  “It wasn’t all an act,” Mattheus suddenly pleaded, “Vivien needed me.”

  Cindy was startled by his response. Obviously Mattheus craved being needed. And, he had feelings for Vivien, more than he realized.

  “Those kinds of people play on our needs,” said Cindy.

  “How would you like it if I said that to you?” Mattheus turned it back on her then. “What if I said Mac was used as a decoy to make you feel young and beautiful again, to get between us?”

  The thought of it jarred Cindy, but what was worse was the bitterness in Mattheus’s tone. Her

  suggestion about Vivien had hurt him and he was trying to get back at her now. They obviously needed time to collect themselves and calm down. Otherwise they would never find the connection between the drugs, flow of cash in the company, and Allie’s untimely death.

  Cindy turned, ran into the room, and sat down on the edge of the bed.

  “Why don’t you answer me?” Mattheus insisted.

  Cindy couldn’t say a word.

  “See what I mean, you just run away right when we’re in the middle of something!” Mattheus’s voice got louder.

  “I’m just trying to calm down a moment,” said Cindy.

  “Jesus,” Mattheus ran his hands over his face, “we’re here to solve a murder. We don’t have time to calm down, collect ourselves, heal wounded feelings.”

  “We can’t solve the case if we don’t,” Cindy said.

  Even though she was exhausted, she had to get out of here for a little while. She grabbed a sweater that was lying on the bed next to her cell phone. Cindy glanced at the cell phone quickly. To her surprise there was a text message waiting for her.

  Come downstairs and meet me for a few minutes alone when you get a chance. It’s important. I’ll be down in front of the hotel, waiting. Mac.

  The text had been posted about an hour ago. Cindy wondered if he were still there. Obviously Mac had some important information for her. It was a good idea to go. Cindy needed to get away for a few minutes to unwind, anyway. She decided to put a little microphone on her to record her conversation with Mac, prove to Mattheus it was all business.

  “I need to take a little walk,” Cindy said to Mattheus, as she clipped on the mike. “It’s late, we’re exhausted and it will be good to clear my head.”

  “Go,” said Mattheus, “get a grip. Clear your head. Do what you have to. Just don’t make me look like an idiot, please.”

  “I never meant to make you look like an idiot,” said Cindy, as she put the sweater over her shoulders. “In fact, I think you’ve done a wonderful job.”

  Then she opened the door and walked out into the hallway, eager to hear what Mac had to tell her, and relieved to be on her own.


  Cindy walked to the front of the hotel in the dark, misty night. She looked up and down the wide street, but Mac wasn’t anywhere to be seen. He’d probably waited for her and left, she thought, wondering why he hadn’t actually called to speak to her
directly. Hurricane season was just beginning and Cindy could feel a shift in the strength of the winds. She decided to take a short walk, then come back and see if Mac returned. Or, maybe she’d check at the desk and see if he’d left a message for her?

  She turned away from the hotel and walked across a small path, out to the street. It was wonderful to be alone for a few minutes, drifting wherever the mood prompted her go to. She realized how cooped up she’d been feeling and how absorbed with nothing but the case. Cindy suddenly realized that Ann and Frank were back at the hotel. It probably would have been nice to stop in and see them. But right now, she really just needed to clear her head. Not only was the case complicated, her relationship with Mattheus was becoming more and more of a source of anxiety and confusion for her as well. Was there truth in what he’d said? Was she running away from love? It didn’t seem so to her. In fact, she felt a great desire to be close to someone again, it just had to be the right person.

  At this moment Cindy had no way of knowing whether or not Mattheus was or ever could be the right person for her. She knew he was still coming off the shock of both having found his wife’s body and discovering the truth about her. Of course it would take time for him to digest all that. Was Cindy being impatient, she wondered? Had she become selfish? It was something she’d dreaded her whole life long.

  Cindy turned a corner and walked along the edge of a narrow street out towards the pier. She loved heading towards the water, feeling the wide expanse of space and energy flowing around her.

  As she walked closer to the edge of the pier Cindy suddenly felt a shadow drawing closer behind her. Someone was there, following her. Could it be Mac? Startled, she spun around. In the darkness she saw two hooded figures approaching stealthily, at top speed. Cindy screamed for a second wrapped in fear as they closed in.

  “Help, help,” she started to yell as they circled around her, ramming their hands over her mouth and eyes. The darkness and pressure grew intense. Cindy gasped and squirmed for all she was worth

  as they lifted her by the legs and started running, hauling her away like a sack of potatoes. She had trouble breathing, began to feel dizzy. Where were they taking her? Would she ever get away?


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