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Fate's Song

Page 10

by Jessica Jarman

“By the Goddess, isn’t it enough that you live in my head and haunt my dreams, now I have to see you while I wake?”

  “Do I haunt you, Kaelen? I hope so. You had no right dictating my life for me, sending your aunt to steal my time with you.”

  He stared at her as she strode to window, anger making her movements stiff and jerky. She appeared so real, as if he could touch her. He stood and crossed to stand a few feet from her.

  “As your mate, it is my right and responsibility to ensure your happiness,” he insisted, feeling idiotic for explaining his motives to a figment of his imagination, for wanting to reach out and touch a vision.

  “Wouldn’t it follow that it is also my right and responsibility to see to yours? Though your method was a bit moronic, if I may say so.” She glanced at him over her shoulder. “Your world is beautiful, Kaelen.”

  He shook his head. “Moronic? You told me to go back where I belong! You all but dismissed me. And you learned that I killed your father? It was your father that was on the cliffs, you know? What was I supposed to do? Leave you with your memories to be miserable?”

  She spun around to face him, jaw set in anger. “You really are an idiot sometimes. I guess men from both worlds share that. First of all, how could I possibly blame you for killing him? He would have killed my family. I would have never lived. Oh yeah, I hate you for that!” She rolled her eyes. “And I knew you had to return here. You wouldn’t turn from your responsibility. I wasn’t going to beg you to stay, make you choose between your world and me! And what did you think? That once my mind was free of you everything would be miraculously perfect? Did you want me to meet a man, a human man, and get married and have babies? Is that the happiness I was supposed to find?”

  Black jealousy erupted within in, flooding his mind. The thought of another man with Abagail pushed him to insane violence. He clenched his fists and breathed deeply, trying to chase away the burning in his soul. He had done the right thing. What Abagail did with her life now was none of his concern. Everything inside him roared against the thought.

  “Would you then mate with one of your kind?” she continued, anger tightening her voice. “Have little Princes and Princesses with her? Was that the point of your manipulations? To free your conscience so you could do what you wanted guilt free?”

  “No!” he shouted. “Damn you, Abagail, go away. Leave my mind for a blessed minute.”

  She closed the distance, lifted her hand and slapped his face. “Not on your life, buddy! I will not make this easier for you!”

  Shock enveloped him as pain spread across his cheek. How? The one word reverberated through his head.

  “How could you send her to take you away from me?” Her voice cracked as tears gathered in her eyes. “Why would you do that? Why would you choose a life away from me?”

  Still doubtful, he reached out and ran his hand down her face, catching a tear with his fingertips. The wetness clung to his skin, the truth dawning on him.

  “You’re here. Really here,” he whispered hoarsely.

  She cried soundlessly, tears falling as she rubbed her cheek against his palm.

  “How is it possible?”

  “Your aunt came to me and gave me the choice you denied me.” Her eyes accused him harshly.

  “She defied me?”

  “Don’t be angry with her, damn it. She knew I wouldn’t choose to be away from you.”

  He pulled from her, shaking his head. “No, this isn’t going to happen, Abagail. You don’t belong here. You don’t realise what you’re giving up.”

  She snorted. “Please, give me a little credit, you male chauvinist. I’m perfectly capable of making my own choices. If you don’t want me here, be man enough to admit it.”

  He continued to shake his head at her. She didn’t understand. Didn’t comprehend what being with him would mean.

  “I belong to you. You belong to me. Our souls, our hearts are bound together. If one doesn’t exist, neither does the other. No longer two, but one for eternity,” she recited the bonding words. “Did you mean those words when you said them, Kaelen? Or was it simply the sex talking?”

  “You know it wasn’t just sex! We cannot say the oath without meaning it. I love you, but I can’t ask you to leave your life behind. Leave your family and your career. Everything you worked for.”

  “You didn’t ask. I came here of my own free will. If you want me gone, if you want me to have no recollection of you and our relationship, then you do it. You take my memories from me. I know you are powerful enough to do it. Have the guts to do it yourself. But think long and hard before you decide.”

  She grabbed his hair and pulled his lips down to hers, claiming his mouth roughly. Her hands burrowed, clinging tightly to him. With a groan, he returned the kiss with matching passion. No gentleness dwelled in this mating of mouths. Every ounce of his wants and desires poured into the kiss. He grabbed her hips and pulled her against his hardness. She shifted, accepting his offering into the softness between her thighs.

  “Do you love me, Kaelen? Enough to be with me?” she murmured against his mouth, nipping at his bottom lip before soothing the ache with her tongue.

  “I love you, Abagail Guthrie. More than anything. But I can’t ask you…”

  She stopped his words with her hand. “You’re not asking. I am. Do you love me enough?”

  Every cell of his being shouted his answer. Yes! He trembled as her fingertips fluttered over his lips. His tongue flicked out, laving one after another until her trembling matched his.

  “Yes, I love you enough, Abagail. I just worry for your happiness here in my world.”

  She smiled and the sexiness of it punched though his doubts. “I trust you. Trust me when I say, I’ll be happy with you. I could survive without you, but I wouldn’t be happy. And I don’t believe you’d be happy without me. Isn’t that what this true mate business all about? We’re meant to be together, no?”

  He stepped forward, pushing her against the wall next to the window. “Yes, we’re meant to be together. Always.”

  He took possession of her mouth again, sinking into her softness. The taste of her seeped into him, claiming him.

  “You have wings,” she said with wonder, sliding her hands behind him to run her fingers over the thin silver tips.

  He trembled at the touch. She didn’t realise how sensitive they were, how sexual the caress was. Every touch of her fingers sent spears of heat coursing though his body. His cock tightened as she tentatively caressed the silken wings.

  “You like that?” she whispered.

  “Yes,” he drawled out.

  “Do you always have them?” She kissed him roughly and continued to stroke up and down. “Do you get turned on when anyone touches them?”

  “They retract.” He ground his hips against her. “We don’t go around touching others like that. It’d be like going around grabbing breasts or cocks.”

  “So only I get to touch them?” Excitement and wonder made her voice breathless.

  “Only you.”

  She groaned deep in her throat and gazed hungrily into his eyes.

  “Say the words again, Kaelen, say them and mean them.”

  He kissed her cheeks. “I belong to you. You belong to me.” He ran his mouth down her neck. “Our souls, our hearts are bound together.” His fingers grasped her skirt and yanked it to her waist. He lifted her until her legs wrapped around his waist. Her heat seeped though the cloth of his pants, bathing his erection in her sweetness. “If one doesn’t exist, neither does the other. No longer two, but one for eternity.” He leaned back, circling his hips. “You’re mine.”

  “I am,” she agreed, gasping. “And you’re mine.”

  He slid a hand between them, found her wet and ready for him. Circling her pleasure nub, he bent forward and sucked a nipple into his mouth. He nipped the hard tip through the damp silk. She pulsed beneath his fingers as she cried out. Frantically she reached between him, hands tangling with his as she struggled to fr
ee his hardness from the tight confines of his pants.

  “Sweet Lady above,” he gasped as she succeeded and circled his cock in her hand.

  “In me. I need you in me now,” she demanded, guiding the engorged tip to her tight entrance. Her hands returned to his shoulders, and her nails bit into his skin as she clung to him. He shuddered as her legs brushed the lower tips of his wings.

  “I love you.” He surged into her and groaned as her tightness clamped around him.

  “I love you, too. Now get on with it.”

  He laughed and began to move within her. With every stroke, he thanked the Goddess for his mate’s stubbornness and strength. For her refusal to accept what he’d decided.

  “Oh, Kaelen, yes,” she gasped and ran her fingers down his wings again.

  “Don’t, sweetheart,” he protested, his cock swelling, his control slipping. “Too much.”

  “Never,” she cried, ignoring his command. “Come with me, come with me now.”

  Her pussy contracted around him as she began to orgasm. The little noise she made in the back of her throat dissolved the last bit of control he had. Pumping into her over and over again, spilling his seed deep inside her. “Mine. Always,” he ground out, burying himself as deeply as he could.

  * * * *

  Abagail stared at her mate as he slept. They made it to his bed. She grinned. After some intense encounters on the way. Her body ached deliciously, and still she wanted him inside her again.

  “Aren’t you tired?” he asked, eyes still closed.

  “No, I don’t think I could sleep now. I’m afraid it’ll all vanish. That it’s all a dream.”

  Lids lifted to expose silver eyes. The corners of his lips lifted as he touched her face.

  “No dream, my beautiful Abagail.”

  “Good.” She pressed a kiss to his forehead. “I like reality, even if it’s a bit odd.”

  He lifted his head and rested it on his folded arm. “Are you still all right with giving up everything?”

  She laughed. “You still don’t get it, do you? I didn’t give up anything. I can still see my family whenever I want. I still have my music. Your aunt made sure all my instruments are here. And I get you. All in all, I think I made out pretty well.” A frown kissed her lips. “Is having a human mate embarrassing to you or going to cause problems?”

  “Of course not!” he protested. “I just want you happy with your new life.”

  “Oh I am. I’m looking forward to the next couple of centuries with you.”

  “By the Goddess, so am I. I will devote my life to your happiness, my Queen,” he quipped, a mischievous smile in his eyes.

  “Oh God! I forgot about that! I don’t know anything about being a Queen.” She sat up, the sheet slipping to expose her from the waist up.

  “We’ll figure it out together. We have all the time in the world.”

  He grabbed her around the waist and shifted quickly until she was beneath his warm body. Her breath caught as she felt his hard cock against her hip.

  “Now, I believe I owe you something slow…” He licked the hollow of her throat. “Slow and maddening.”

  She wrapped her arms around him and arched into him. “Bring it on, love.”

  Heat and promise enveloped the mates as Kaelen began the slow, maddening assault of her body and soul.

  About the Author

  Jessica Jarman has been weaving stories for many years, starting in her childhood when she’d entertain her younger sister every night. The stories, though simple, involved love and a happily-ever-after ending. It is no surprise she has come full circle and is now penning romances.

  Jessica currently lives in Minnesota with her wonderfully supportive husband and their four children. Although family keeps her busy and on her toes, she manages to squeeze out time to put the characters and plots that live in her head onto paper.


  Jessica loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at

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