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Claiming Abby [Club Isola 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 12

by Avery Gale

  * * * *

  Abby’s mind was whirling with everything she’d seen and those images and sounds were being layered together until she’d been battling her own release during the last two scenes they’d stopped to watch. But now…watching Lizzy between the two dark Doms was pushing her rapidly toward the point of no return. She noticed that Lizzy’s Cajun accent was starting to surface in bits and pieces. Abby remembered Jace telling her that Lizzy and Ethan Jantz were cousins and she found it interesting that they had both chosen to work for Uncle Sam in ways that served and protected our nation’s people.

  Logan’s words against her ear were pure audible seduction. His voice had to be a gift from God himself and she smiled to herself then she thought about how grateful the world should be that he used this skill for good and not evil. The thought of him being an angel in disguise forced her to bite the inside of her mouth to keep her smile from bubbling up from the depths of her heart. If he was in disguise it was a mighty fine one that was for sure. Abby knew why they’d brought her to watch this scene and she appreciated their efforts to make sure she understood exactly what they expected of her. But the sight of Don Whiteside pressing the deep purple head of his cock into Lizzy’s nether hole was almost more than she could watch without coming herself. Damn, let’s go already. I want to be between you two right now.

  When Kalen had set her on the bar downstairs and bared her to the entire room Abby had almost come on the spot. She had no idea that being watched would be such a huge turn-on, but her body had given her away in a New York minute. She hadn’t moved her eyes from Kalen’s but in her peripheral vision she’d seen two Dom’s order their subs to their knees for impromptu blow jobs as they’d watched Kalen play with her, and that turned her on more than she wanted to admit.

  Logan’s fingers were trailing through her soaking folds and he circled her needy clit but wasn’t applying even the smallest bit of pressure that it would take to send her over. “Please, Master. Please let me come.” Just as she spoke the words she felt her knees start to shake.

  “Hold it back, baby. We aren’t finished watching Lizzy get double fucked yet.” His crude words jacked her arousal even higher. Sure didn’t need that…I’m barely holding on the way it is. When the two men starting thrusting in and out of Lizzy so that one of them was always buried deep inside of her, Abby saw Lizzy begin to tremble as if the quaking had begun at her core and the vibrations were racing to the surface for release. Her head leaned back and then Abby was treated to the most beautiful scream she’d ever heard. The sound was pure sexual release set to sound and its effect on both of the Doms fucking her was immediate. They set up a fast, but perfectly timed rhythm for another full minute before they both pushed in and shouted as their own releases claimed them.

  Just as the two men came, Logan had pinched her clit and the vibe in her ass lit her up like the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center and Logan’s command to “come for us, baby” wasn’t even fully spoken yet when she felt herself being flung out into space. The entire world exploded into blinding streaks of neon color. Many of the shades she wasn’t sure she’d ever seen before and she just let her mind dismiss them as creative latitude.

  Before she realized what had happened, she was being carried through a door she hadn’t even noticed and quickly down the hall to their apartment. Logan easily shifted her so that her legs were wrapped around his waist and he pushed her down on to his cock the minute they were through the bedroom door. Cripes. When did he open his pants? She’d been so lost in the after effects of her orgasm that she hadn’t even noticed him freeing his erection from the dark jeans he’d been wearing. But the feeling of him pushing through her wet folds and stretching the sensitive walls of her vagina was enough to send her right back over.

  “Very pretty, baby. God damn I love watching you come. And holding you close when you do it is even better.” When he started pumping in her deep and shifted his hips she was forced to lean backward and found herself up against Kalen’s bare chest. Kalen pushed her back up just enough to pull her dress over her head and then he pulled her roughly back again his chest and he captured both of her breasts in his hands and rolled her nipples between his fingers and then tugged them hard enough to make her gasp and tumble over again.

  It was long minutes before Abby resurfaced and realized Kalen was now holding her and from the smile on his face he was the one flexing his cock inside her. “Welcome back, love. That was quite the ride wasn’t it? You respond so beautifully to just a bit of pain and that pleases both of your Masters more than we can tell you. Neither of us is a sadist, but the joy of the power exchange is sweeter for us when we can watch your body take that bit of pain and turn it into pure pleasure.”

  Abby felt like she was just waking up and her mind still wasn’t all the way engaged yet. She felt herself blinking in her attempt to focus and that’s when she felt Logan behind her and the cool lube that he was drizzling down the crack of her ass and then massaging into the outer rim of her anus. When did they take out the plug?

  Logan leaned down and licked just behind her ear and she felt herself shudder at the intimacy of the act. “I took it out while you were still floating back to earth, baby. And I’m pleased beyond measure that we sent you high enough that you weren’t aware it happened. That level of orgasm takes some women years to be able to attain, and watching you go there so easily under our hands is a huge gift.” Well, she couldn’t really speak for them, but it had most certainly been fine and fucking dandy in her opinion.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Sinking his cock deep inside Abby while she’d still been in the midst of a mind-blowing orgasm had been without any doubt the most erotic moment of Kalen’s life. She’d known on a base level when he’d buried himself in her because she’d called out his name as she’d splintered apart in another release. Holding her close as she came back to earth and seeing the sated look in her eyes as she tried to focus on his face filled him with a sense of love and satisfaction that he’d never known before.

  Kalen listened as Logan explained that he’d removed the plug while she’d been floating and he knew it was unlikely she caught more than bits and pieces of what Logan was saying. No doubt Logan also knew she wasn’t tracking full on either but that was really exactly where they wanted her right now. The important thing would be holding her securely enough against him that she wouldn’t buck back against Logan and hurt herself.

  Logan met his eyes and nodded, so Kalen knew he was ready to start. Kalen tightened his arms around Abby. “Are you ready to become ours Abby? This is a very significant moment in our lives as a ménage family.” He had deliberately used the word “family” because that was exactly how he saw the three of them. Kalen also knew it would have meaning for her because she had grown up in a family not unlike the one he and Logan wanted to create with her. He saw her eyes fill with tears and knew his words had gone to her heart, just as he had intended them to. “I love you, Abigail. I have loved you for a very long time.” He sealed his lips over hers and drank in the sweet taste that was Abby Garrett.

  Tracing her lips with his tongue he took full advantage of her gasp as Logan started pushing in and out in slow movements that Kalen was just beginning to feel through the thin membrane that separated his and Logan’s positions inside the sweet woman they were claiming. Just as they’d expected Abby seemed to sink quickly into the sensations of them surrounding her and he felt her body tense just a split second before she would have thrust back if Kalen hadn’t held her so securely. “No, Abigail. Don’t move. Hold still and let Master Logan take what is his. His moves are deliberately slow so that your body has time to stretch for him.”

  “Now…please do it now. I can’t wait. It’s too much and not enough at the same time. My mind is trying to be obedient, but my body wants more…a lot more.” Abby’s voice had the edge of desperation that was music to every Dom’s ears. She was already fluttering around his cock and her breathing was little more than shallow p

  Kalen heard Logan take several deep breaths and knew his friend was trying to hold off the urge to shove in until he was balls deep in her ass. “Fuck me. She is so tight. Baby, you hold my heart in the palm of your hand. I love you to the depths of my soul, but I’m riding a fine edge here, and if you don’t stop squeezing me, I’m going to fuck you into oblivion and beyond.”

  Kalen felt Abby’s entire body start to shake and then her muscles locked down on him like a wet velvet fist. Kalen watched Logan lean forward and bite down on her shoulder and whisper, “Come for us baby.” She had already been on the verge of coming but his words seemed to amp up her release. Kalen was teetering on the edge as well, and every contraction, every groan, and every whimper was pushing him closer.

  Immediately he and Logan started alternating their thrusts so that one of them was deep inside Abby at all times. “I’m going to come, love, and when I do I want you to feel every splash of seed as it bathes your womb’s opening.” Logan shouted Abby’s name and Kalen could feel the pulses of his release and the aftershocks of Abby’s release and the two combined to launch him into a release that literally stole his breath. He heard himself shout her name but wouldn’t have recognized his own voice if he hadn’t felt the strain in his voice box. By the time his cock stopped shooting his seed deep into the love of his life he felt like his balls had been turned inside out.

  He finally realized that Abby was fighting for every breath because he still had his arms wrapped around her in a vise-like grip—hell, it was a miracle he hadn’t broken a couple of her ribs. “Oh love, I’m so sorry. Are you all right? I didn’t crush you did I?” Kalen caught her face between his palms and lifted it so he could see into her eyes and felt as if someone had dropped an anvil on his chest when he saw she was crying.

  “No, I am fine, but I can breathe easier now.” She smiled weakly through her tears.

  “Then why are you crying? Abigail if I’ve hurt you I’ll never forgive myself.” Kalen was nearing panic just thinking that he’d hurt the most important person in his world. Abby’s smile brightened and it thawed the fear that had nearly frozen him in place and relief swept through his entire body.

  “It was just so amazing…I don’t really even know how to describe it. And to hear you both say you love me when I love you so much…well, it just overwhelmed me a little.”

  Abby gasped and then groaned as Logan pulled out of her, and he heard his friend speak to her quietly about staying put. But honestly Kalen was so lost in her words and his own overwhelming sense of relief at finding out he hadn’t hurt her that he was having trouble focusing on anything else. When his cock finally slipped from her warmth, Kalen felt a surge of primal satisfaction at the feeling of their combined releases running out of her and coating their thighs.

  After cleaning up, he and Logan settled Abby between them and he was relieved to see her sleeping even before they were able to put out the lights. “She has been stealing pieces of my heart since I met her. And she took the last of it tonight. I want her to sleep a bit before we wake her up for round two and to give her our gift.”

  “I agree. It humbles me to realize how everything that matters to me now centers entirely around the happiness and safety of this woman.” Logan’s words were true of him as well and it was indeed very humbling to see how quickly life could change. Something about that thought sent a spike of unease through Kalen. Tomorrow was going to be a test of their trust in Abby’s ability to take care of herself, and despite the fact she’d done a fine job of it for years it was setting off every single internal alarm he possessed. He’d dropped into war zones amid hostile enemy troops more often than he cared to remember and he’d never been as nervous about one of those ops as he was about Abby using herself as bait tomorrow night.

  * * * *

  Abby was slowly coming awake and she shivered involuntarily as her mind kicked into gear enough to realize that she was no longer snuggled securely between Kalen and Logan. For just a second she flashed back to waking up in the trunk of a car. Stiffening her back and gasping for air, Abby tried to focus her mind and immediately felt soothing hands running up and down her arms. Taking a deep breath she knew the touch was Kalen’s by the soft sandalwood scent of his cologne. “Easy, love. You’re safe and right where we want you.” Abby noted that she was standing in front of a large soft pillow. When she moved her focus back to the men standing in front of her, they helped her kneel. The smooth fabric under her knees felt cool to the touch and she was surprised at how well it cushioned her position. The lights weren’t on but the soft golden flickering light of candles danced over nearby stone walls creating a visual that was erotic and romantic at the same time. Her mind stumbled over the fact that the walls had turned to stone, but the smell of both Logan and Kalen surrounding her was so intoxicating that her mind was quieted by the strength of her body’s reaction to them. Her nipples peaked and her pussy flooded with moisture and everything in her wanted to submit herself to them and become theirs.

  After she’d taken a couple of deep breaths, she felt Logan’s chest press against her back and his warm breath like a summer’s breeze kissing her neck from over her shoulder. “Baby, we have something very important to ask you. Do you know what a collar is in BDSM circles? Did all your research teach you what a deep commitment it represents?”

  Abby’s mind was jolted into full-functioning by Logan’s words and heaven knew she was fully awake now. “Yes, I did read about collars. Everything I read indicated that they represent a deeper commitment than marriage, even though they aren’t legally recognized unions. But they seem to be deeply honored and highly respected by everyone involved in the lifestyle.” She actually knew quite a lot more, but didn’t know exactly how much they wanted to hear her recite. She’d often bored her family and friends to distraction with her ability to list facts and statistics in excruciating detail.

  “Baby, there isn’t a thing about you that bores either of us.” Abby felt cool metal slide over her shoulder and knew in an instant what it had to be and her heart stuttered at the enormity of this moment.

  Kalen’s smile went right to her soul and brought a sense of peace that she had always felt was just out of her grasp. “I see the recognition in your expressive eyes, love. We’ve created a one of a kind collar for you and we would be honored if you would accept it as a sign of our deep commitment to you. But first we want you to understand exactly what we’re giving you and what we’ll expect in return.”

  Abby noted that the pillow she knelt on rested on a huge boulder that had been flattened on the top. She flicked her gaze around and saw that she was in one of the more secluded stage areas of the club. Judging by how few people were watching, Abby assumed that it was late, probably not long before the club’s three a.m. closing time. Logan’s smile was sweet but his eyes were full of heat. “Do you know why we’ve brought you into the club, baby?”

  When she only shook her head, Logan merely raised a brow. “No, I don’t know why I’m here or even how I got here, actually.” She shuddered at the thought she had been sleeping so soundly she hadn’t even realized they’d moved her. If she let her guard down like that tomorrow she could easily find herself in a major jam.

  Logan grasped her chin between his fingers and brought her focus to his face. “Baby, we want your focus on this moment, do you understand?” Oh she read that loud and clear. Stop your damned spacey little trips into la-la land, Abby.

  “Yes, Sir, I understand. I’m sorry. I’m just a bit unnerved by the fact that I slept through you moving me.” She felt her eyes fill with tears but she refused to let them fall. “I’ve been trying to be so careful for so long and I haven’t slept that soundly for months. The idea that I could have woken up in the back of a car again scares me.” Her conscious mind knew that she’d been safe, but she suspected it was going to take a while for her subconscious to catch up.

  “I’m sorry, baby. Neither of us realized it would have that effect on you or we woul
d have done it differently.” She could see the regret in his eyes and she felt a pang of guilt for putting it there, but she really had been frightened so in the end she was glad she’d been honest. “We need you to always be honest with us. If something unsettles you, we need to know about it. As a matter of fact, we’re going to demand to know about anything that concerns you.”

  Logan’s words were caring but there was an underlying band of steel in them that Abby didn’t miss. She’d grown up with two fathers that were both Doms and she knew they had both been far angrier at both she and her mother for not sharing something that upset them than they had ever been for anything either of them had actually done. And her older brother had only been mad at her once that she could remember and that had been the time a boy in junior high school had cornered her outside the school one night as she’d waited on her ride. The kid had scared her with his taunts about her family and then threatened her if she told anyone so she’d kept quiet. But Jace had known the minute she got home something was wrong and when she had refused to answer his questions he’d been beyond pissed.

  It had been Abby’s mom who had finally gotten Jace calmed down enough to see that he was causing as much damage as whoever had scared her. Jace had been a senior and getting ready to leave for the Navy in a few weeks and Abby hadn’t wanted him to do anything that would jeopardize him realizing his dream. But he’d eventually convinced her he would be rational and had calmly listened to her story. He’d taught her several self-defense moves and bought her a small can of pepper spray. Then about a week before school was out, the bully had shown up at school with two black eyes and a split lip. Abby hadn’t ever gotten Jace to admit to his part in it, but the fact that the kid had been terrified to be anywhere near her had been all the proof she’d needed.


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