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Claiming Abby [Club Isola 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 16

by Avery Gale

  “Abby. Look at me.” Logan’s voice had lost the ice but his command was still unmistakable. She hadn’t realized she had dropped her eyes to the floor until she found herself looking back up into the smiling faces of both men. “We’re glad to hear that the women you eventually shared a house with took such good care of you. And I hope someday we can meet some of them and thank them personally.”

  Abby let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding because she’d worried about their reaction to her story. As usual, Kalen seemed to see right into her soul. “Abigail, don’t worry about pleasing or disappointing us with your stories. We want to know everything about you and listening as you share both good memories and bad will be a large part of that process. I regret how things played out last night because I know in your mind you think it was because your comments were unguarded, so you’re reluctant to let your guard down again. But your assessment isn’t entirely accurate. It was the timing of the remarks and the attitude that accompanied the words that I took issue with. And while my reaction might have been appropriate with a much more experienced and trained submissive, it was disproportionate with you. And love, I can’t tell you how much I regret that misjudgment. We’ll both have to work to put that behind us, okay?”

  She knew there wasn’t any chance of her answering without losing herself to the emotion that was bubbling just below the surface, so she just walked to him and wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed him. Resting her cheek against his chest and hearing his heartbeat speed up sent satisfaction racing through her soul. When she finally felt settled enough to speak, she simply said “Thank you. Thank you for loving me and for being strong enough to admit that you are human. And thank you for seeing me as someone other than Abby Garrett the whiz kid whose only value is her research in the international renewable energy and bio-fuels race.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Kalen hadn’t even considered the fact that Abby was probably often viewed in such a one dimensional way. Thinking of her being treated as a commodity whose skills were ripe for the picking made him angrier than he’d been since the night he’d found her in that tiny wood shelter. She’d always been brilliant and it suddenly seemed like what he’d always considered a tremendous gift might be as much of a curse as it was a blessing—a possibility that had never occurred to him until this moment. “Love you are so very much more than the sum of your parts.”

  “Well, sweet cheeks, I’ll tell you this much—the view from over here is of some mighty fine parts.” Logan’s teasing was evidently just what Abby had needed to break up her melancholy and Kalen appreciated his friend’s insight. “Well, Sir, my cheeks and I thank you. But I must say, there are other parts of me that are anxious for some of that attention also.”

  “Oh baby, you are playing with fire.” Logan’s voice was close to a warning growl but Abby didn’t appear to be backing down. And she surprised both he and Logan by stepping back out of his arms and running her hands in a torturously slow glide from the tops of her breasts, stopping to pinch her nipples and then slowing sliding her hands over her abdomen and letting her fingers move in slow circles just above her slit. “Abby, I’m warning you—your body is ours to enjoy and you’re not to be playing with what is ours unless we specifically tell you to do so.”

  Kalen pushed his hand between her ass cheeks and through the junction of her thighs and shoved two fingers deep inside her dripping pussy. Her soft gasp was like a magic potion that immediately inflated his cock to near bursting. Leaning down he scraped his teeth along the top of her shoulder. “Tell Master Logan what I’m doing to you, love.”

  “Oh God, your fingers are fucking me.” Kalen loved the breathy way her voice sounded when she was aroused and he smiled when she had to stop speaking because it was taking all of her concentration to keep the release he felt building up inside her from erupting like a volcano. “Don’t tell me, Abigail. Tell Master Logan. Try again.” He almost laughed at her groan of frustration.

  “Master Kalen’s fingers are fucking me and I want to come…oh, I want to come so badly.”

  Logan tilted his head and Kalen could see his friend was stalling for time, probably trying to rein in his amusement. In a flash, Kalen knew exactly where Logan was going to go with it and it took everything he had not to say, “Wait for it….”

  Logan finally asked the question that Kalen had known he would, “Why do you want to come badly? That doesn’t seem like a very lofty goal for someone with your intelligence or aptitude for efficiency. I think you should be striving for an orgasm that will help you focus on just exactly what you have to do tonight. And I think I can help you with that, baby.”

  They hadn’t planned to take her before they went to the club. After they’d both taken her last night both individually and then together before they’d all three collapsed from sheer exhaustion, they had wanted to give her body a rest until after everything was wrapped up tonight. But just the memory of sliding his throbbing cock in and out of Abby’s slick cunt had Kalen wanting to repeat the experience. The walls of her vagina had rippled around him with such an intensity last night that he’d been forced to battle back his own release almost from the first moment the broad tip of his penis breached her opening. Feeling her pull him deeper using her pelvic floor muscles had almost caused the top of his head to explode.

  And now, watching as Logan bent her over the edge of the bed and drizzled lube over her rear hole, Kalen’s mind was blocking out everything but the urgent need to sink into her heat that seemed to be spinning inside him like a category five tornado. At Logan’s nod, Kalen rolled on a condom and stepped behind Abby and pushed in slowly until she was squirming against him. Giving her bruised ass a swat, he stilled her. “Be a good girl and hold still so I can take what’s mine. Arch your back and present that beautiful ass, love. I’m going to fuck you until Master Logan is in position and then we’re going to see if we can’t relieve some of that anxiety that is coming off you in waves.”

  “Please. Please fuck me, I can’t take any more teasing. I have to come or I’m going to die, I just know it.” The instant her ass tilted up Kalen pushed in until his balls were slapping against the engorged lips of her labia. The feeling of her tight anal muscles clamping down on him was almost painful in its intensity. Logan had moved into position and slid to the edge of the bed when Kalen moved Abby’s left arm out of his way without ever altering the rhythm of his strokes in and out of her tight little ass.

  Logan’s voice was gruff and Kalen knew none of them were going to last long. “Open your eyes and look at me, baby. Good girl, now suck me. Get me all wet because I’m going to sink into your heat in one hard thrust when the time comes and you want me as wet as you are when that happens.” Kalen couldn’t see Abby’s mouth because of the curtain of her hair, but he was certain he knew the very instant she sucked Logan’s cock deep because the guttural sound that came from deep in his friend’s throat was a sure sign of blinding pleasure. “Fuck me. Your mouth is pure sin with sweet lips, baby. Oh Christ, that’s enough.”

  Kalen bent his knees against the backs of Abby’s thighs and used that leverage to help him lift her knees and move forward. He pulled out partway and waited for Logan’s quick nod indicating his cock was lined up with Abby’s pussy. When Kalen saw the nod he lowered Abby down just as Logan thrust up hard and fast, and true to his word he was as deep as he could go in a split second. Abby’s scream was pure raw desire set to the music of her voice. He and Logan took their cue from her and began alternating their thrusts until Kalen was starting to see stars.

  His mind registered an awareness that the orgasm rolling over him was going to be explosive, but nothing prepared him for the burst of white light that exploded behind his eyelids when Abby’s entire body stiffened and then locked down on his cock hard enough that his own release was literally ripped from his body in an almost violent storm. At the same time Abby screamed their names they both shouted hers and Kalen was glad she fell onto Logan
because at that moment, he wasn’t sure he’d have been able to catch her. Hell, he was barely able to remain standing.

  When he finally realized the colors and dots that had marked his vision had faded, he managed to pull his cock from her ass and quickly went to the bathroom to clean up. Returning in just a few seconds, he found Abby still impaled on Logan’s cock and her dark eyes were still dazed. It took them several minutes to clean themselves up and get dressed. Kalen noted smugly that Abby was still a little wobbly as they made their way down the hall to the club.

  He turned to Abby and kissed her in a way that he knew would convey his support. “Let’s do this. We believe in you love, let’s go—it’s show time.” As he opened the door, he heard Logan telling her how beautiful she looked and how great he knew tonight was going to go. You have to love a man with older sisters. Logan had known exactly what to say to send Abby into the room looking like she owned it. With just that small bit of praise to boost to her self-confidence Abby had taken on a luminescence and its effect on those around her was almost magnetic. People were even more drawn to her than usual, and from across the room Kalen saw John Parsons’s eyes lock onto her like a heat seeking missile.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  There was no mistaking the sated, almost dreamy expression on Abby Garrett’s face as she walked into the club from what must have been a private entrance. Even though there were several people surrounding him, including Mitch Grayson who had evidently been assigned the task of babysitting him, John didn’t see anyone but Abby after she walked into the room. Christ, she was even more gorgeous than he remembered. He’d met her once when she’d talked to him about her safety concerns related to the Consortium. But she’d been covered head to toe in some God-awful tweed pantsuit that hid the gorgeous body he saw now. The sparkling red dress she was wearing tonight might be more conservative than most of the submissives were wearing, but it was still leaving little to the imagination. The top was cut so low, he wondered if the tops of her areolas were visible up close. Suddenly he understood why Fantella had been so anxious to spend more time with the woman. She might be some over the top genius who’d made a trillion dollar discovery, but she was also fucking hot. Suddenly this mission had just become a whole lot more interesting.

  * * * *

  “Incoming at eleven o’clock and three o’clock.” Kalen’s words came quietly over his earbud, but Logan hadn’t missed them. He’d seen Parsons at the eleven o’clock position when they’d walked in, so no need to look there. But he slowly rotated enough to see Callie making her way toward them and if he wasn’t mistaken, Ian’s sweet wife was purposely timing her arrival to coincide with Parsons’s approach.

  “I swear, I’m gonna paddle her sweet ass myself if Ian doesn’t do it. Abby, send her after something, get her away from you if you can.” Logan was speaking against her ear and running his hands over her shoulders so to any outsider it would look like nothing more than an intimate conversation between lovers.

  John Parsons stopped in front of Abby, his eyes raking down her in a move so blatantly that of a sexual predator that Logan nearly came unhinged. The only thing that kept him from stepping in front of her was feeling the subtle shift of her body away from Parsons and toward Callie. In a flash of insight Logan realized that Callie’s move had been calculated with a precision that that would make a general proud. She’d given Abby a way to shift her focus that would never be construed as anything other than friends greeting each other. Callie’s sweet voice rang loud enough that everyone within earshot would have noted her enthusiasm. “Ohhh, I’m so excited to see you. It’s been forever. And girlfriend we really need to talk about that gorgeous choker.”

  Callie’s high-pitched squeal of delight drew even more attention and Logan bit back a smile at the look on Parson’s face. Clearly the man hadn’t done his homework because he was looking at the woman that held Ian McGregor’s heart in her tiny hand like she was a virulent gnat. Logan’s pride in her soared when Abby looked to him for approval before moving out of his hold to embrace her friend. She had not only done so with the natural ease of a well-trained sub, but she had also sent a clear message to Parsons in the process.

  Jace and Ian had pointed out that it would be very difficult for an untrained sub to track and obey two Masters and if she had two men flanking her it might be more than Parsons would want to face, so Kalen was working with the security team and Logan was her escort for the evening. Logan and Kalen knew that having one-on-one time with Abby was going to be crucial to the long-term success of the relationship they envisioned them sharing for the rest of their lives. And even though Kalen was taking a backseat this evening, he had refused to be anywhere he wouldn’t be “eyes-on” with Abby. Even though Logan couldn’t see his friend at this particular moment, he didn’t doubt for a minute he was close by.

  “Hi Callie, I’m glad to see you too.” Abby ran her fingers over her collar and smiled. “It’s beautiful isn’t it? It was a gift and I’m looking forward to sharing all the juicy details with you.” Evidently John Parsons was tired of being ignored, because he cleared his throat to get Abby’s attention.

  * * * *

  Abby turned to face John Parsons and almost cringed at the look he was giving her. She was sure that if there was ever such a thing as “visual sexual assault” then she’d just become a victim. “Mr. Parsons? I didn’t realize you were a member of Club Isola. How are you?” Abby intended to play this off as a casual meeting and keep the fact that she’d known she would be seeing him off the table. She’d played enough poker with her dads and brother to know better than to tip her hand too soon.

  “Abby Garrett, imagine seeing you here. And I must say, you look lovely. Oh, yes indeed—very lovely.” The weasel glanced at Callie and his feral grin went hot as he raked his gaze to Callie’s low cut dress that was prominently displaying her ample cleavage. Abby had laughed so hard earlier that day at her new friend’s delight in the fact that she actually had “breasts” now that she was pregnant. Callie had told her that she’d told her gynecologist that he’d better figure out a way for her to “keep the boobs” after the baby was born because she wasn’t giving them up. “Abby, please introduce me to your lovely friend.” Not in a gazillion years you asshat.

  Callie took a step forward that no one would interpret as friendly and Abby saw for first time why Ian called her Carlin. Callie stuck her hand out and in a voice that might have sounded like pure sugar, but was filled with loathing, said, “There is no reason to put my friend in such an awkward position when I am so clearly capable of introducing myself. I’m Callie McGregor. And who are you and how do you know Abby?”

  Abby was literally biting the insides of her mouth to keep from smiling. Oh yea, “little champion” was a very accurate description of Callie McGregor. To his credit, Parsons seemed to recover quickly. “John Parsons, and Abby and I have a mutual interest in renewable energy.”

  He’d taken Callie’s outstretched hand and rather than shake it he pulled it toward his lips fully intending to kiss it but Callie had other ideas and pulled her hand from his grasp. “Mr. Parsons that would be inappropriate. I suppose I didn’t make myself perfectly clear. I’m Mrs. Callie McGregor, Ian McGregor is my husband and my Master. And I can assure you that he would not approve of that action.”

  At that moment Ian stepped up behind Callie and wrapped his arm protectively around her letting his left hand caress his wife’s baby bump. Abby saw fire in his eyes before they softened when he leaned down and softly bit Callie’s bare shoulder. “Carlin, you are absolutely right. You please me very much my love.” When Ian returned his gaze to Parsons the warmth was gone and the businessman that Abby had only seen on rare occasions was in place. “Mr. Parsons, if you have any questions about my club, please don’t hesitate to let me know. I’ll ask that you stay close to your sponsor this evening. It is my understanding that Alex Lamont had to bow out and sent Mitch Grayson in his stead, is that correct?”

h stepped up and shook hands with Ian. “Hi Ian” then he nodded at Callie. “Callie, you look great and that baby is mighty lucky to have such a sweet mama. Rissa sends her love and has volunteered to come and stay for a few days with you, assuming she can wrangle Bryant and I into taking over care of ‘Betsy the Destroyer.’ Don’t laugh, I’m not kidding. She may look like her mama, but I’m convinced she is a reincarnated terrorist.” Everyone laughed and Abby saw Mitch slap Parsons on the back, “Hey, I didn’t ask you if you have a wife or children.”

  Mitch had managed to touch Parsons twice since he’d walked up and Abby had heard the men say he’d have a better chance of reading the man if he could touch him. Since Mitch had actually convinced her of the validity of his “gift” as he called it, she’d been fascinated to learn everything she could about how it worked. Parsons answered Mitch’s question but kept his eyes glued on her, and his look made Abby more nervous than she could ever remember being. “No, no wife or children…yet. But I must admit the idea is sounding better and better as I get older.”

  Abby couldn’t hold back the shudder that ran up her spine. Parsons hadn’t missed it, but neither had Logan. “Cold, baby? There does seem to be a bit of a draft right here. Let’s move on. Why don’t you and Callie have a seat over there while Ian and I get you something to drink?” He’d motioned to the sitting area that was the most open and Abby knew it had been chosen in advance for its visibility.

  Sitting on the small seat next to Callie, Abby smiled at her friend. “Damn girlfriend, you are something. Are you sure you aren’t a Texas girl?” Callie’s laugh was cut short when she placed her hand over her tummy and frowned. “Hey, what’s that frown for? Is something wrong? Do you need me to get Ian?”


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