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Passion by the Book

Page 10

by Pamela Yaye

  Clothes sailed in the air, fell to the floor like the snowflakes falling from the sky.

  Kissing him senselessly, she dragged her nails up and down and over his strong arms. Marcus murmured in her ear, said things that would make anyone blush. The sensual texture of his voice, that silky smooth tone oozing with passion, made her pulse quicken. His mouth was everywhere. On her neck, her shoulders, hungrily lapping between her breasts. He touched her in the right way, in the right places, just the way she liked, giving her exactly what her body needed.

  To excite him, she whipped her head around like a stripper dangling from a pole. Marcus ate it up. Cheering her on, he watched with growing interest as she gyrated her hips to the beat of the music. “God, I love you,” he breathed. He held her tight then, so close Simone could feel his heart beating through his striped crewneck sweater.

  Clutching the back of his head, she purred into his ear, then licked and seized the lobe between her teeth. A siren whirled in the distance, grew so loud it drowned out the music. Simone squinted, stared out into the darkness. Steam fogged up the back windows, making it impossible to see, but the blinding glare of headlights flooded the limo. Had the driver heard their moans and called the police? Where the boys in blue en route to arrest them?

  “You feel so good, baby. I could never, ever get enough of you.” Marcus massaged her sweet spot through her panties, caressed and tickled and massaged it until she was squirming beneath him, trying to get away. His hands rode her clit, probing and pleasing. In and out, his fingers stroked. Simone raised her shoulders, arched her back like a prizewinning equestrienne mounting a horse. Marcus stirred his finger inside her, gave her everything she needed and more. The song playing on the stereo had a slow, languid beat, but his strokes were quick, deep.

  “I’m coming!”

  Simone couldn’t believe it. She’d never come this fast before, never felt like crying and screaming at the same time. Swathing her arms around his neck, she rotated her hips, rocked hard against his long, thick erection. Flushed, as out of breath as a champion swimmer, she gulped furiously for air. Tilting her head back, she closed her eyes and soaked in the pleasing sounds of their mingled moans and groans.

  “We will be arriving at the Chateau LeBlanc in the next five minutes.” The driver’s deep voice silenced the music and filled the backseat of the limo. “I’ve notified the concierge of your arrival, and he will be waiting at the front entrance to meet us.”

  Grinning, Marcus snatched his clothes up off the floor and slid on his shirt. “We better hurry up and get dressed. We’re almost there.”

  “You’re not backing out on me, are you?”

  “Don’t worry. As soon as we get to our cabin I’m taking you straight to the bedroom.”

  Simone shook her head. No way was she stopping. Not now. Not when she was on the verge of a second, more explosive orgasm. “I can’t wait,” she breathed, roughly tweaking his nipples with her thumbs. “I need you now, baby. Right now.”

  Marcus’s jaw hit the floor. What has gotten into her? They’d always had a great sex life, and on occasion Simone even initiated lovemaking, but she’d never been this aggressive, this spontaneous. Ten minutes ago she was against having sex in the limo, and now she was roughing him up. Marcus loved it, but he had to put a stop to it. As exciting as this was, he didn’t want to tarnish his reputation. This was the type of story that ended up on the internet, and he didn’t want to be the focus of some cheap gossip blog. “We have the whole weekend to make love, and...”

  Smiling coyly, she pressed a finger to her lips and shook her head. “Enough talking.”

  Simone eased forward, slid closer and closer until his erection was buried deep inside her. Gathering steam, she furiously rotated her hips like she was spinning a hula hoop. Licking from his neck to his ear, she pushed Marcus to the brink. He grunted, groaned. And when Simone drew his nipple into her mouth, sucking on it as if it was a chocolate-flavored lollipop, he shot over the edge. He thrust himself inside her, hard and fast.

  Simone felt weightless, lighter than air. Pleasure rushed down her back, tickled her all over. The muscles between her legs contracted. Simone pressed her hands against the wall and ordered her quivering limbs to quit shaking. To deepen the penetration, she clamped her thighs around his waist and held on for dear life. Pressed together, hands and legs entwined, they moved together as one, giving, loving, pleasing.

  Marcus ran his hands through her hair, grabbed a handful. Having her hair pulled made Simone climax, and when he hiked her legs in the air and increased his thrust, a hard, fast orgasm barreled through him. It was debilitating, as powerful as any earthquake, and Marcus couldn’t move if his life depended on it. That’s why when the limo stopped and he heard a soft rap on the passenger side window, he called out, “Come back in an hour!”

  Chapter 10

  I’m going to love it here, Simone decided, waiting patiently while Marcus checked them into the Chateau LeBlanc. Loosening the knot on her knit scarf, she openly admired the hotel’s chic, elegant main floor. Talk about grand! A fortune had been spent decorating the lobby with antique furniture, low-hanging lights and plush area rugs, and the lounge looked so inviting Simone wanted to stretch out on the couch and take a snooze.

  “Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Young.”

  Simone turned just in time to see a slight, clean-cut gentleman pick up their bags.

  “Hello, my name is Jules, and I’ll be your butler for the duration of your stay.” He reached out and shook their hands. “If you follow me, I’d be happy to escort you to your cabin.”

  They walked through the lobby and were greeted by hotel staff every step of the way. Next to the café was a high-end boutique, and as they passed the front window, Simone decided to return in the morning for a quick look around. Shopping would keep her occupied while Marcus was at his meeting, and by the time he returned she’d be dressed and ready for dinner.

  Outside, stars crowded the moon and the wind whipped through the trees surrounding the opulent Chateau. “It’s so beautiful up here, so quiet.” Inhaling the pine air, Simone marveled at how lush and expansive the hotel grounds were. Nestled on seven acres of land blessed with sweeping mountain views, the Chateau LeBlanc was comprised of private cabins and cottages just steps away from the main building. The groomed trails were wide and steep and stretched to unbelievable distances, beyond what her eyes could see.

  “Baby, look,” Marcus said, pointing to the lake. “We should rent some skates tomorrow and go for a spin around the rink.”

  “You go. I’ll watch.”

  “Come on, it’ll be fun.”

  “No, it won’t,” she argued, shaking her head adamantly. “I’ll probably break my arm, and at my age there’s nothing cute about wearing a plaster cast!”

  The couple laughed.

  “Here we are. Cabin Equinox.” Jules strode briskly toward the cedar wood cabin and unlocked the door. Stepping aside, he flicked on the lights. “I trust that you’ll feel at home here and find everything to your liking.”

  Marcus whistled. “This place is tight.”

  You can say that again! An elaborate flower arrangement sat on the kitchen table, dark wood furniture beautified the main floor and the stone fireplace offered warmth and light. With windows on each side of the suite, the forest was visible from anywhere in the room.

  “This is our most popular cabin,” Jules explained, resting their bags on the living room floor. “Over the years we’ve had dignitaries, TV personalities and even a young, charismatic presidential candidate stay here with us.”

  “TV personalities? A presidential candidate? Really?” Simone asked, stunned by the unexpected revelation. “Anyone we know?”

  “We pride ourselves on being discreet here at the Chateau LeBlanc.” Jules leaned in and glanced around as if he was afraid someone might
overhear him. “But I will say this, she’s a global icon with a heart of gold, and he was your state senator for seven years.”

  Simone gasped. “No way!”

  Jules nodded, wearing a smile that displayed every perfectly white tooth.

  Wait until I tell Angela and the girls! Simone thought, drunk with excitement. She could see their wide eyes, gaping mouths and stunned expressions now. Simone wanted to know what movies Oprah ordered on pay-per-view and what the Obamas ate for breakfast, but before she could grill their affable butler, Marcus dismissed him.

  “Thanks for escorting us to our cabin, Jules. Good night.”

  “Would you like me to fix you a snack while you unwind upstairs in the master wing?” he asked, taking off his cap and tucking it under his arm. “I went to culinary school in the South of France, and I don’t mean to brag, but David Beckham told me my quiche is to die for.”

  Marcus shook his head. “We’re good.”

  “Very well. If you need anything, just buzz the front desk and I’ll be right over.” A curt nod and he was gone.

  “I can’t believe the Obamas stayed here!” Simone gushed, clearly awestruck.

  “That’s nothing,” Marcus said with a dismissive shrug of his shoulders. “I have a lot more in store for you, and a surprise on Sunday night that’s sure to knock you off your feet!”

  Elated, Simone threw her arms around his neck and kissed him so hard he dropped into the leather chair. She stroked his face, sprayed kisses on his forehead, cheeks and along his jaw.

  “Wow, if I knew you’d be this excited, I would’ve brought you here a long time ago!”

  Happiness shone in her eyes and filled her voice. “Thanks for planning this weekend for us, Marcus. It means a lot to me.”

  “I’ll do anything for you, Simone. You know that.”

  Simone caressed his chest with the palms of her hands. She pressed her body against his, made sure he felt her erect nipples and the softness of her warm flesh.

  “Save some of that passion for later,” he advised, winking at her. “We’re going to experiment tonight in the bedroom and you’re going to need your strength....”

  Lust blazed in his eyes and seeped into his smooth, silky tone.

  Simone could only image what Marcus had in store for her. Having a quickie in the limousine was exhilarating, and Simone was still reeling from her multiple orgasms. They had the entire weekend to themselves, and the sly grin on Marcus’s face suggested they were probably going to spend most of it making love. “I wish we could stay here for a month.”

  “You do?”

  “You don’t?”

  “I enjoy getting away from time to time, but I’d miss going into the office.” A smile fell across his lips. “And we have two great kids at home who need us.”

  “I know, it’s just...” Simone hesitated, wavered between sharing her thoughts and keeping them to herself. Since Marcus was in a great mood, and they were having a nice time, she decided to share her heart. “Sometimes things are so good between us. We talk and laugh and you make me feel like I’m the most important person in your life, and other times—”

  “I hate when you talk like that,” he interrupted, cutting in.

  “Talk like what?”

  “You make it sound like our marriage is in trouble and it’s not. Every relationship goes through ups and downs, and we’re no different than any other couple.”

  “I know, but—”

  “But what?” His body stiffened, became ice-cold.

  “I wish you had more of a traditional schedule, like other fathers, that’s all. Sometimes the kids and I don’t see you for days, and it’s tough doing everything by myself.”

  “Simone, you’re so busy comparing our marriage to everyone else’s you don’t see how good we have it.”

  “That’s not it.”

  “Then what is it?” he demanded, sliding her legs off his waist and standing up. “Because I’m sick of hearing what a crappy husband and father I am.”

  Simone surged to her feet. “Don’t put words into my mouth, Marcus. I never once said that you were a bad father.”

  “You didn’t have to. I can read between the lines.”

  “When have I ever said that—”

  He waved off her question with a flick of his hand. “Forget it. I didn’t come all this way to argue, and that’s exactly where this conversation is headed.”

  “At least we agree on one thing,” Simone mumbled, stunned by the sudden change of events. One minute they were cuddled up, kissing and playing like a couple of teenagers, and the next they were at each other’s throats. What’s up with that? she thought, noting Marcus’s narrowed gaze and rigid posture. Can’t I share my feelings without him blowing up at me?

  To regroup, she took a deep breath. As Simone exhaled, a salacious image flashed in her mind’s eye. A grin came. Inside the limousine, they’d made love so passionately, so urgently, she was eager for round two. This was their weekend to reconnect, and Simone didn’t want to waste a second of it arguing. They did enough of that at home.

  Determined to get their evening back on track, she decided a dip in the hot tub was just what the doctor ordered, but as she opened her mouth to suggest it, Marcus’s cell phone buzzed.

  “I’m going to go into the office,” he said casually. “I need to make some calls.”

  Simone nodded and smiled to hide her disappointment. “Oh, okay, I guess I’ll go unpack then.”

  “I’ll be back in a few.”

  “Meet me in the bedroom.”

  Surprise flashed across Marcus’s face. The corners of his lips were twitching, and his gaze was smoldering with lust. “Give me ten minutes.”

  “I’ll be waiting....”

  Bags in hand, Simone climbed the stairs to the second floor. The cottage had all the comforts of home, and when she saw the toy-filled bonus room next to the den, her thoughts turned to Jayden and Jordan. A smile touched her mouth when she remembered the scene at the airport. Jayden sniffling, clutching her legs, Jordan jumping on and off the luggage carts, shrieking with delight. Simone missed her boys, and although she knew they weren’t problem kids, she could only imagine what trouble they were giving Grandma Gladys at home.

  Glancing at her watch, she decided it wasn’t too late to call, and she dialed her home number. When no one answered, she tried her mother-in-law’s cell phone. “Hello?”

  Simone heard a rustling sound, giggling, then Jayden’s high-pitched voice on the line.

  “Hi, Mommy!”

  “Hey, baby,” she greeted, a grin overwhelming her lips. “How are you doing?”

  “Great! Mommy, can I have a mohsikel?”

  “A what?”

  “A mohsikel,” he repeated, nice and loud.

  “What’s that?”

  “A bike that people ride on the street.”

  Simone laughed. “Oh, baby, you mean a mo-tor-cy-cle.”

  “That’s what I said, Mommy. So, can I get one? Please?”

  Simone frowned, stared down at the receiver. It sounded like Jayden, but he would never make such an outlandish request. Now Jordan was another story.

  “Uncle Derek took me for a ride on his shiny new motorcycle, and it was so much fun!”

  Simone’s heart stopped dead in her chest.

  “He bought me ice cream, too, Mommy. And it had sprinkles and chocolate syrup.”

  He giggled and said something Simone didn’t understand.

  “Jayden, honey, put Grandma on the phone.”

  “Okay, Mommy. Bye!”

  A second later, Gladys came on the line, chatting a mile a minute.

  “How was your flight? Everything okay? Have you guys checked into your hotel yet?”

  “Did Jayden go
for a ride on Derek’s motorcycle?” Simone asked, hoping her son’s tale was a figment of his overactive imagination.

  “Well, hello to you, too.”

  Simone took a moment, waited until she was calm before she spoke again. “Gladys, we really appreciate you watching Jayden and Jordan on such short notice, but we expect you—”

  “But nothing! Don’t talk to me like I’m one of the boys. I’m twice your age, missy.”

  Shocked by the sharpness of her mother-in-law’s tone, Simone slumped against the dresser, wide-eyed and tongue-tied. She couldn’t believe this was happening. Again. Couldn’t believe that Gladys was attacking her. Again.

  Simone swallowed her retort. Marcus had promised to talk to his mom, had sworn up and down that Gladys would stick to the schedule this time, but he obviously hadn’t said a word to her. And that pissed Simone off.

  “Jayden wanted to go for a spin on his uncle’s bike, and I didn’t see a problem with it.”

  Of course you didn’t, Simone thought, gritting her teeth. You think you’re perfect!

  “I don’t want the boys eating junk food all day long or riding on Derek’s bike, either.” Simone spoke calmly, but inside she was boiling mad. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and prayed for restraint. Because right now, she wanted to reach through the phone and shake Gladys until her wig fell off.

  “Why are you being so uptight? The boys are having a great time, so relax.”

  “Gladys, there’s a food chart on the fridge beside the boys’ schedule, so if you’re unsure about something, just double-check.”

  “We’re not at the house, so I’ll just have to wing it this weekend.”

  Simone frowned. “Where are you?”

  “At my place, of course.”


  “Because the boys want to spend the night,” she explained hotly. “They’re having so much fun playing with the neighborhood kids they wouldn’t even come inside for dinner.”

  To stop from voicing the words running through her mind, Simone slid her tongue along the front of her teeth. Her mother-in-law was crazy. Officially off her rocker. Why else would she take Jayden and Jordan to her house halfway across town and let them do whatever they wanted? Simone didn’t want her sons anywhere near Gladys’s on-again, off-again boyfriend, and if she thought there was a red-eye flight to Chicago, she’d be on the first thing smokin’ out of Manchester. “I’ll give you a call tomorrow,” Simone said through clenched teeth. “What time will you be back at the house?”


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