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Passion by the Book

Page 20

by Pamela Yaye

  They laughed, but the tension and stress hovering over the waiting area remained.

  “What’s the name of Simone’s doctor?” he asked, watching a group of white lab coats exit the elevator. “I need someone to tell me what’s going on.”

  “I can’t remember his name.” Angela scanned the waiting room, then pointed at a slim, brown-haired man in glasses. “There he is. He’s standing right over there, in front of the computer station—”

  Marcus marched over to the circular front desk and tapped the casually dressed physician on the shoulder. “Excuse me. My wife, Simone Young, was rushed here a couple hours ago, and I’d like an update on her condition.”

  He offered his right hand. “I’m Dr. Frederickson. Your wife is one of my patients.”

  “How is she doing? Do you know what’s wrong?”

  “Actually, I was just looking over her test results when you came over.”

  “And...” Marcus prompted, sucking in a deep breath.

  “Your wife has an ovarian cyst trapped in her left ovary.” Dr. Frederickson raised an X-ray film in the air and pointed at a gray, fuzzy clump. “It’s twisted, and rather large, about the size of a kiwi. She’s in excruciating pain, but for the time being she’s stable.”

  His heart caved in his chest, then plummeted to his knees. “Is it serious?”

  “If the cyst continues growing, she may need to have surgery.”

  “So...” Marcus paused when he a cold shiver tore down his spine. He took a moment to regroup, to channel positive thoughts, before asking, “What happens now?”

  “Normally, I’d send a patient home with a prescription for a painkiller and urge them to make a follow-up appointment with their family doctor. But because your wife’s still in her first trimester, I’d like to keep her for a few days of observation.”

  Marcus frowned. He puzzled over Dr. Frederickson’s words, tried to make sense of his baffling remark. “Hold on.” He shook his head, raised his hands in the air as if to stop the physician from saying anything else. “I’m sorry, what did you just say?”

  “I said, normally in these situations I’d send the patient home with a prescription for—”

  “No, after that.”

  The doctor gave a slight nod of his head. He wore a grin on his slender, chiseled face. “I take it you didn’t know your wife was pregnant.”

  “She is?”

  “Yes, Mr. Young, she is.”

  Struck dumb, Marcus stood there, his mouth agape, his eyes wide, blank pools of shock. “I—I had no idea,” he stammered, spitting out the words. “Simone didn’t say a word.”

  “There’s a good chance she doesn’t even know. Her HCG levels are low, so she couldn’t be more than a few weeks along. I’d guess she hasn’t even missed her next menstrual cycle yet.”

  Marcus waited for the room to stop spinning and his heart to quit skipping beats before he spoke. “I need to sit down.” Feeling unsteady on his feet, like a marathon runner on the verge of collapse, he slumped against the wall. “I think I’ve had too much excitement for one day....”

  * * *

  Simone blinked, adjusting her eyes to the rays of sunshine pouring into her warm, vanilla-scented room. Glad that Marcus had arranged for her to have a private room, she snuggled deep into her blanket and stared at the sea of lavish flower arrangements crowding the windowsill.

  A smile found her lips and filled her heart. Simone still couldn’t believe it. The largest, most extravagant basket—the one overflowing with organic fruit, Belgian chocolates, gourmet cookies and aromatherapy candles—was from her estranged brother-in-law. Last night, Derek came to the hospital with dinner from the Skyline Grill and, after apologizing for blowing up at her, promised that it would never happen again. And Derek wasn’t the only one showing the love. Gladys was being as sweet as pie, and she had baked one for her, too!

  But the person who had shocked her the most was Marcus. He’d been taking care of her for the last three days. Imagine, her own chocolate Dr. McDreamy—but without the stuffy white lab coat! He helped her get dressed, brushed her hair and zipped down to the hospital gift shop to get her magazines, chips and anything else she was in the mood for. Simone couldn’t remember the last time Marcus had lavished her with this much time, but she could definitely get used to it.

  A sigh escaped her lips. Any day now, the fairy tale would come to a screeching halt and Marcus would resume his crazy-busy schedule. But until then, Simone was going to enjoy every minute they spent together.

  Simone stroked her throat, fiddled with the necklace lying there. Marcus had given it to her yesterday, said he had spotted it while shopping with the boys last week and knew she’d love it. He was right. She did. The diamond-studded “Mom” pendant was jaw-dropping, and every time Simone touched it she thought of her boys—Jayden, Jordan and Marcus.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead.”

  “Hey yourself,” she greeted, stealing his favorite line. “Any word on when I’ll be discharged? I’ve been sitting in this room for days, and I’m starting to go a little stir-crazy.”

  “Dr. Frederickson is doing his rounds, but he should be here soon.” Marcus rested the plastic tray filled with muffins, fruit and coffee he was holding on the side table, then came over to the bed and kissed her. “How is my gorgeous, ridiculously sexy patient doing this morning?”

  “Great. I feel alert and well-rested.”

  “You should. You’ve been sleeping for almost ten hours!”

  “Hey, don’t make fun of me,” she argued, faking a pout. “I’ve had a very stressful week.”

  “You’re right, baby, you have.” Marcus smoothed a hand over her hair, brushed her bangs away from her face. “You gave me one hell of a scare on Wednesday.”

  “I didn’t mean to.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me you hadn’t been feeling well?”

  “Because we weren’t speaking to each other,” she admitted, staring down at the blue blanket Jayden had brought her from home. Simone missed the boys so much it hurt, and the second she got home she was going to shower them with hugs and kisses. “And besides, I wasn’t a constant pain. It would come and go, so I figured it was just early menstrual cramps.”

  Marcus opened his mouth, then quickly closed it. Not yet. He was waiting for the perfect moment to tell Simone they were expecting, and although he hated keeping secrets from her, he had to make sure they were on solid ground before sharing the good news.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, he bundled Simone in his arms and brought her close to his chest. “If I had been home you wouldn’t be in this hospital room right now.”

  “Marcus, don’t. You heard Dr. Frederickson. This kind of thing happens to women all the time. Even if you’d been home, there’s nothing you could have done to prevent it.”

  “I still should have been there. You’re my wife. It’s my job to take care of you.”

  “Quit beating yourself up. I’m fine, see?”

  “That you are, baby. That you are....”

  She giggled and rested her head on his shoulder. Simone wished she could freeze this moment in time. Life was perfect, Marcus was perfect. It felt good laughing and joking with Marcus again. Nothing compared to being with him and having his love. All she cared about was spending the rest of her life with her husband and kids, and she was prepared to do anything to make her marriage better, stronger—except read another self-help book!

  “Baby, I owe you an apology. You were right. I never should have told Derek about the private things you told me the night you found out you were pregnant.”

  “You don’t need to apologize. I had a terrible day at the office and made the argument with Derek bigger than what it was. I should have—”

  “Don’t make excuses for him, Simone. He was way out of line, and I tol
d D. if he does it again, he’ll be eating a fist sandwich!”

  Surprise filled her. Her emotions must have shown on her face, because Marcus gave a curt nod of his head, said he was dead serious.

  “I meant my wedding vows,” he confessed, cupping her chin. “I promised to protect you, to shield you from all hurt and pain, and that’s what I plan to do from here on out. I won’t stand by and let anyone disrespect you, Simone. You’re a queen, my queen, and I told Derek the next time he steps out of line, I’m taking him down.”

  His ultracool demeanor hid the anger he was feeling inside, but Simone heard the chilling edge in his voice, saw how the veins in his neck pulsed and throbbed. To lighten the mood, she changed the topic and playfully teased him about almost fainting on their wedding day. “Thank God that minister was in great shape, because I thought he was going to have to catch you!”

  Marcus spoke with a smile. “I was so nervous that day. Scared out of my mind actually.”

  “The idea of being a husband and a father was terrifying, huh?”

  “No, not at all.”

  “Then, why were you shaking like a leaf at the altar?”

  “Because I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to provide for you and the boys. I had sunk all my savings into Samson’s, and I didn’t have a plan B if the gym tanked.”

  Simone nodded, told him she understood.

  “I wanted so much for you to be happy, for you to have everything you’d ever dreamed of. You sacrificed a lot for our family, and I was scared that one day you’d resent me because you had to give up your career.”

  “Did you feel pressure to marry me because I was pregnant with twins?” Simone asked, staring up at him. “Is that why you proposed while we were on vacation?”

  “No. I knew you were the one by the end of our first date, but I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to scare you off.”

  “Really? How’d you know?”

  “Because I’d never had such intense feelings for anyone before.”

  “Right,” she quipped, wearing a righteous smirk. “Us sleeping together after making out in the VIP section of that nightclub had nothing to do with it.”

  “No, that had everything to do with it.” Marcus grinned, slid his hungry, predatory gaze down her physique. “You have this whole innocent, sweet, good-girl vibe going on, but you’re a tigress between the sheets, and I love it!”

  A shriek shot out of her mouth.

  “Simone, you are, and will always be my heart and soul.” Marcus raised her left hand and touched her diamond wedding ring with the tip of his thumb. “I couldn’t have asked for a better wife or mother for my kids, and I love you very much. That’s why, from here on out, we’re going to work as a team. You’re my soul mate, the woman made especially for me, and I plan to be married to you for a very long time, so hurry up and get better so I can take you home!”

  “I’m working on it,” she whispered, blinking to keep her tears at bay. It had been a long time since Marcus had made her feel this loved, this safe. He wasn’t an express-his-feelings-every-day-type guy, but she was deeply moved by his confession. His words—his soft, sweet words of love and affection—soothed her troubled mind. They were going to make it. Going to spend their days and nights loving and caring for each other. And that amazing, wonderful thought made a warm glow fill Simone’s body.

  “I want to be the husband and father you need me to be, but I think I might need a little help to make that happen.” Marcus bundled her in his arms and gathered her to his chest. “I was thinking, maybe we should go see Jaxson Stafford together.”

  Simone hid a smile. “I’d like that very much.”

  “Good, because I scheduled an appointment for the end of the month.”

  “Wow, that was fast. I’m impressed.”

  “You know how I am when I get an idea in my mind. I don’t rest until it’s done. That’s why sometimes I get so wrapped up in my work I lose sight of the big picture,” he confessed. “But I’m glad I have you to pull me back in line whenever I veer off course.”

  In spite of herself, she laughed. “Nicely put.”

  “Thanks, I’ve been working on that one all week!”

  They laughed.

  “We have a pretty good life, don’t we?” Simone didn’t wait for an answer. She didn’t need her husband to tell her how good she had it. “We have two happy, healthy children, jobs we love, amazing family and friends.”

  “But...” he prompted, staring down at her.

  “I don’t mean to nag you, or get on your case about how much you work, but sometimes I don’t feel like me or the kids are a priority.”

  “I know, and that’s my fault. Nothing matters more to me than you and the boys, Simone. You have to believe that. I’ve been chasing wealth and success for years, to prove to myself, and my dad, that I could be successful, but it’s time for me to slow down. The next few months are going to be really hectic for us, and I don’t want you to be stressed out about anything.”

  Simone sighed in contentment.

  “I have something to tell you, and it’s the best surprise ever—” Marcus broke off speaking when he felt her body tense, stiffen. “What’s the matter? Why do you look so scared?”

  “Because the last time you said you had a surprise for me we ended up in freezing-cold Manchester!”

  “That was a pretty awesome trip, wasn’t it? Dining at classy restaurants, slow dancing in our cabin, making love in that stretch limo, then hours later on that bearskin rug....”

  “You’re right, baby, that was some weekend.” Simone poked him in the chest with her finger. “Well, until you had to leave for Atlanta.”

  Dropping kisses on her cheeks and lips, he ran his hands down her shoulders, massaging away every ache and pain. “Nothing like that will ever happen again, Simone. You have my word. From now on, we’re going to work together as a team. There are going to be a lot of changes in our lives this year, and—”

  “There are?”

  Marcus nodded. “Yeah, we have to convert the spare bedroom into a nursery for one.”

  A laugh bubbled out of her lips. “Are you planning to adopt?”

  “I don’t need to. We’re pregnant!”

  * * *

  Simone shook her head, laid her hands on his cheeks. Dark circles rimmed his eyes and stress lines covered his forehead. Poor thing. Her husband was so tired he was speaking gibberish. After they ate breakfast, she was sending Marcus home to get some rest, because Lord knew he needed it.

  “I almost fainted when Dr. Fredrickson told me—”

  “I’m not pregnant. I had my period a few weeks ago, and it was completely normal.”

  “Your blood work confirmed it, Simone. We’re pregnant.” Marcus smiled from ear to ear. “If they sold Cuban cigars in the gift shop, I’d smoke a whole box!”

  “Th-th-the doctor must have made a mistake. Must have mixed up my lab results with someone,” she said, tripping over her tongue, which suddenly felt too big for her mouth. “It’s my body, Marcus. I think I’d know if I was pregnant.”

  “Dr. Frederickson told me a few days ago, but I asked him not to say anything until after I talked to you. I wanted to make sure we were good before I told you.”

  Marcus caressed her face, stroked her cheeks with his fingertips. “Are you all right?”

  Positively stunned, Simone took a moment to gather herself, to allow the bombshell her husband had just dropped to sink in. Placing a hand on her chest didn’t slow her erratic heartbeat or stop the painful drumming in her ears.

  Simone fell back against the bed of pillows. She felt winded, out of breath, and her vision was so blurry she couldn’t see. She waited until her head cleared and the room stopped spinning before she spoke. “Yeah, I’m okay,” she answered, reuniting with her voic
e. “Just a little, no, a lot surprised!”

  “I didn’t want the doctor to tell you because I was worried how you’d take the news.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “Because you said you weren’t ready to have more kids.”

  “I’m not!” Simone took one look at Marcus’s wide, blinding grin and burst out laughing. He was practically bouncing on his heels and so damn excited he couldn’t stay still. “It’s going to take me a couple days to wrap my head around the fact that we’re pregnant, and that you found out first, but I’m happy, and Jayden and Jordan are going to be over the moon!”

  His tender kiss set her heart ablaze. His hands stroked her back before settling around her shoulders in the sweetest embrace. Between kisses, Marcus whispered words of love, of sincere affection. He apologized for his past mistakes and promised a better life for her and the boys. “I love you so damn much,” he confessed, his earnest tone wrapped in warmth and sensuality. “I love your flirty little smile, the indescribable magic in your eyes, how delicious you taste....”

  Simone didn’t want Marcus to ever let her go. Savoring the moment, she snuggled in close, inhaled a lungful of his scent. She heard a commotion in the room, then a loud, high-pitched shriek, and peered over her husband’s shoulder. Standing in the doorway, pointing at each other, were Jayden and Jordan.

  “Mommy, Jordan called me a stinky buttface!”

  “No, I called you a stinky butthead.”

  Marcus groaned. “I swear, these kids have the worst timing.”

  “Don’t look at me,” Simone quipped, smirking at him. “You’re the one who asked for more!”

  Chapter 21

  Simone stood on the balcony of her oceanfront Boca Chica Resort suite, and watched the tide roll in. The sky was a stunning coral blue, the humid breeze was perfumed with the scent of salt water, and she could hear the distance sound of steel drums and cymbals. Today was the start of Carnival—a colorful, cheerful festival with music, dance and traditional costumes—and the whole resort was buzzing with excitement.

  Her gaze swept across the lush, green grounds. Sun-seekers stretched out on the beach guzzling cocktails, and couples lazing in hammocks kissed under the towering palms that swayed in the wind. Golf enthusiasts, decked out in plaid caps and crisp polo shirts, zipped across the eighteen-hole course on flashy, yellow carts that had the resort’s logo splashed across the side.


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