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Reaper Inc.

Page 24

by Thomas Wright

  The androids were identical to the one he fought in the arena. They carried no weapons, relying on brute strength which they had in spades. Ben heard the laser rifle firing and the screams of prisoners as they were being thrown around, bodies being broken. There were a few exceptions; the larger champions and Harry were holding their own. Eight androids against forty prisoners, most with no weapons. Ben had an idea and it couldn’t be any worse than the brawl he was watching going on around him.

  Only two of the eight androids were out of commission after fifteen minutes and at least half of his people were on the ground. Not many were dead but they were out of commission. Ben picked up a stunner off the floor and picked five prisoners to follow him. He pointed at an android who had a prisoner in its grasp and was breaking the prisoner’s arm. Harry grabbed it from behind by the arms and two others tackled the legs. Ben walked up quickly and placed the muzzle of the stunner against the lower abdomen and pulled the trigger. It opened its hands and the prisoner fell free to the ground. He put the muzzle up under its chin and pulled the trigger. Again its body jerking almost violently.

  Ben grabbed the two men who held the legs; they got the hint and let go. Harry slammed it against the wall and it fell in a heap on the floor. Ben pointed at another of the androids and this time, all five of the prisoners jumped in and grabbed a hold, it thrashed. He stepped forward to repeat the process when he was slammed against the wall. A steel grip squeezed his throat as he stared at the featureless face. A red streak blinded him then liquid sprayed from its head as it fell over taking Ben with it.

  Picking up Ben’s stunner, one of the prisoners finished what Ben had started while Ben lay on the floor prying fingers from his throat. Another laser blast hit the remaining android in the head and it collapsed on the floor. Ben was able to breathe and he just lay on the floor listening to the wounded moan and cry out.


  2 minutes. . .

  The Ark began firing as soon as the Warhammer was at the limit of its range. Its effectiveness was almost nil. If not for the small percent the shields had dropped, it wasn’t more than a light show.

  "Lieutenant Benson, mark your target. If you miss, you’re fired," Aisling joked. "Send all four two-by-two with a two second interval."

  "Captain, Captain Aok is on the com and our target just cloaked."

  "Put her on the screen, ensign." E'Aria along with her bridge crew were all looking at the screen when it activated.

  "Aisling, we will be arriving in one minute. It seems our target just cloaked."

  "We were about to put four torpedoes into it. It was just sitting there."

  "Yes, we have been monitoring it. The emperor would like you to patrol and watch for any more fleeing ships and apprehend them. Lieutenant Benson will still get something to shoot at but it might be a little harder to hit."

  "We can do that! Can you tell me what the plan is?"

  "There are three Trillond warships that will be arriving within a few minutes also. We are going to try and take the ship with minimal structural damage. You will see laser fire but its main purpose is to keep the Ark visible on the scanners. The Cjittan will launch a boarding party and then the rest of us will follow."

  "Would you like the use of our marines? Lieutenant Jared would be happy to be of assistance."

  "I will need to ask the queen for permission. Let me get back to you on that."

  Aisling asked, "Do you think he is still alive?"

  "We think that the exodus of ships might be a sign he was alive at least when that started. We have no proof but it's our hope."

  "That is one impressive group of starships you are traveling with. I would hate to have them chasing us around the galaxy."

  "Aisling, it's about to start. Keep the Warhammer back away from here. The queen should have her warriors on a tight leash but let’s not take any chances."

  "When this is over, let’s get together. Bring your crew onboard and stay for a day or more as our guests."

  "Thank you Aisling, we will do that. Claymore out."

  The com cut. Lorelei looked at her captain. "It will be good to see them all."

  E'Aria said, "Yes, it will. If he is alive he may need to spend some time in the tank on the Warhammer."

  "That’s a bet I won't take," Lorelei answered.


  Queen Tazleaha wore her battle armor ready to leave and take control of the ship stolen by her mother’s murderer. "Emperor Xamand, I am launching my warriors. If you could, have your ships target the weapons arrays. I will be following them as soon as they have breached the airlock."

  "We will follow on your signal to provide support to your warriors. Please notify us immediately if you locate my beloved sister and Benjamin."

  "It will be done Xamand. Have your warriors ready." A minute later, fifteen small attack craft departed the Cjittan ship. They were provided cover fire by the Allond battle cruisers who were destroying the weapons of the Ark with precision accuracy. The small craft attached themselves to the hull and began cutting. They would be inside in less than five minutes.

  Chapter 30

  "Master, the files have all been copied. Our escape ship is ready for departure as soon as we can board."

  "Arm yourself and follow me." The master input a code on the data pad at his throne and a door slid open. "This will lead us straight to the ship. With the data, I can setup and rebuild and in a short time. It will be better than it is now."

  The master went through and she followed, not bothering to close the secret door. Her master was too distracted to notice. It would be a long walk to the ship if it was in any of the shuttle bays.

  Ben, Tawniz, and ten of their men arrived at the bridge to find the entry door open. There was a crew member lying on the floor, his body twisted. Ben guessed it was a android. Tawniz looked over all the consoles, tapping screens and pressing buttons.

  She looked at Ben. "The bridge has been locked out and transferred."

  "Any chance of getting access?"

  "I do not have the skill to do that. The screens are actively displaying but we have nothing we can do. It seems right now we are surrounded by three Allond battle cruisers and your Claymore along with another ship. There are four other ships forming an outer perimeter; three Trillond and one I do not recognize."

  Ben's voice was hoarse and his neck was bruised and purple black. A small moan interrupted the silence as they contemplated what they say.

  Tawniz walk over to the body on the floor and gently turned it over on its back. She lowered her head next to his mouth and held it there for a few seconds until a sigh escaped from his lips that would be his last.

  "He said master, controls, throne, not far."

  "Ok, let’s go find it and find out when the cavalry arrives."

  Tawniz decided not to ask what a cavalry was. She walked out into the corridor and looked left and right. Left looked like a regular corridor but about half of the right side was decorated. They hurried, easily finding the throne room and again the controls were locked out. They saw the open door. Ben did not hesitate he began to hobble as fast as he could his whole body aching.

  There was just enough light to see four steps in front them. He didn’t get too far before he began tire and stumble. He felt himself lifted by four arms. Harry carried him moving into position behind Tawniz. Ben felt the spider touching his thoughts. A picture of her moving back the way they had come, down the main corridor parallel to them popped into his head.

  Ben croaked, "Tawniz take this but be careful; it has poison coating the length of the blade." He let her take the hilt from his hand and they continued at a run. They came to the end of the corridor and Harry put Ben down. Ben opened the door and saw the master and Blue Eyes walking towards a ship with boxes in their arms. He threw the door open and ran towards them. He could hear the others behind him. He was going to tackle the master when Blue Eyes dropped her box and pulled a rail pistol.

  The master said, "You should ha
ve let us leave. You then would have your lives for a while longer till I came for you later. But fortune has smiled on me again and I can fulfill the contract on you, Benjamin Jamison. Two hundred years of prosperity and you come along and destroy it." He pulled his hood back and Ben saw him for the first time. It was an older version of the queen’s body guard.

  Ben answered. "If you hang around, I believe there is someone recently arrived who would like to talk to you."

  "Yes, I bet she would love to kill me. There would not be much talking. It was a good thought to get me talking in hopes someone would arrive but we have no time. Kill him!"

  Blue Eyes pointed the rail pistol at Ben and pulled the trigger. The round ripped through his side just under his ribs. He fell to the floor crying out, holding his side with blood running through his fingers. A moment later, a number of large insects came through the door and stopped.

  The master turned to Blue Eyes and yelled, "I told you to kill him." She pointed the rail gun at his face and pulled the trigger. The master’s body hit the floor as the round of super heated tungsten ripped through his head. Blue Eyes looked down at Ben and winked, then turned and shut the door. Harry picked him up and they all moved back away from the ship. She eased it out of the shuttle bay through the force field and in an instant, it was gone.

  The insects surrounded the small group but made no hostile advanced. The spider entered the bay through a different door and walking towards where Ben lay on the floor. Tawniz was pressing her hand against his side to slow the blood loss. When two of the insects blocking the spider’s way would not move, she batted them out of the way and stood over Ben and Tawniz. Harry seemed ok with it but the others were nervous as hell. Harry pushed down on their shoulders and made them sit and be still.

  Ben could hear voices as a large group entered the shuttle bay and walked towards them. The spider began to lift her legs one at a time standing in place.

  "Show me who has arrived." The picture showed Queen Tazleaha and her bodyguard leading the group with Emperor Xamand and E'Aria following right behind her. There were others in the background, Captain Dakkon and a number of other Allond. Grubb and Buddy were armed and a few steps behind E'Aria.

  "Does she make you nervous?"

  "She is the Queen of Queens. I am a queen to my line and the others you see all have a Queen but she rules over all. She is demanding that I move away from you but she walks with our enemy and I do not want to move."

  "Do you mean the Allond emperor?"

  "Yes, they have been our enemy for a thousand years."

  "They are a friend to me and mine. If we can make peace then they will no longer be your enemy. I will stand and talk to them."

  Ben began moving to stand and Tawniz tried to keep him down. "Help me up and stay close."

  E'Aria moved up to stand right behind the queen. She was watching Ben closely. He was hurt bad and bleeding but he had that look in his eyes. Harry moved to stand on the other side of him.

  Ben looked at the bodyguard. "One of your people is lying over there. I hope you weren’t too close; you can see right through his head. Served the asshole right, he deserved a lot worse." The crowd moved over to get a better view. The queen motioned and her bodyguard walked over and looked at the body.

  Ben looked the queen right in the eyes and spoke as loud as his hoarse voice would allow. "Do not be hard on your queen behind me. She and I have an unspoken bond. I have fed her and her children who are now all dead. I have freed her from slavery aboard this ship and in return, she protected me when she could as well as the others, including the emperor’s sister Colonel Dakkon. She accepted Colonel Dakkon as a warrior but recognizes the Allond here as enemies so was hesitant to move and leave me and the others unprotected."

  Ben looked at the queen and could tell she was preparing to say something. "I know you hear my thoughts. You really shouldn’t say whatever it is you’re about to say. I'm telling you to leave her the hell alone. She has lost everything and doesn’t need you bitching at her."

  The Queen and E'Aria's mouth dropped open and the spider danced a little more. "I need to tell you, Queen Tazleaha, of the courage of your ministers who fought bravely by our sides and sacrificed themselves so that we could escape. They used their bodies to destroy the force field that kept us in an arena fighting for our lives. I trust you will honor their memory as their last words were that they lived to serve."

  Emperor Xamand knew Ben had done something telepathically between his verbal statements. He did understand the giant spider feared him and slowly approached Ben and his sister Tawniz.

  "You both need to go to my ship right now and receive medical attention. Do you mind if I talk to your friend?"

  "Sure, but if you see her rear back, duck and roll because she is about to bite your head off. It’s kind of her signature move."

  The emperor stepped up and bowed, then began to speak softly. He explained that they were pursing peace with the Cjittan and that Benjamin was a friend of his empire also. The spider had calmed now that the queen was not addressing her and emperor was doing his best to explain things. Ben turned to find himself face-to-face with the queen.

  "I would be honored if you let me provide medical attention to your wounds, Benjamin Jamison. You have honored my people and treated them fairly when others would only think to kill them. Would you do me this honor?"

  Ben looked at E'Aria and she nodded. She must have thought the offer was sincere. He turned to Tawniz. "I am going to get stitched up. Would you tell them about the ship that just left?"

  She answered. "Yes, should I tell them all of it?"

  "It’s not like it’s my fault, so go ahead. You need to make sure they get to all the wounded we left in the corridor or do you want me to tell them?"

  She gave him a look. "No. I’ll do it. What part of making peace do you not understand?"

  Ben looked at her and smiled. "All of it."

  "That I believe."

  The queen said, "Come Benjamin, before you bleed out."

  "I am feeling about a quart low. Hey Grubb, come with us in case I need a hand." Grubb looked to E'Aria who nodded. The queen nodded. Ben thought it was good everyone could agree.

  E'Aria's com sounded and she answered. Lorelei was calling to ask if they found Ben and the colonel. "We did find them and he looks bad but I believe he will live. The colonel seems ok, a bit banged up maybe."

  "Aisling wants to know if he needs medical attention, their med lab healing tank is free. They have no major injured right now."

  "No, I believe he is about to get all the attention he needs."

  "I’ll let her know; but I'm not telling her that if it means what I think it does."

  "It does, but he is also getting medical attention."

  "Is it the queen he was slobbering on when he was drunk?"

  "Yes, one and the same. He took Grubb with him, just so you know."

  "Ok. See you when you get back."

  Ben got as far as the main corridor when he had to stop. He leaned against the wall. Grubb started to help but the queen stepped forward and pulled him close to her. "Lean on me. It’s not far to my shuttle."

  Grubb thought that she was only about an inch shorter than him and there was nothing man-like about her. She was all woman, probably a lean one eighty but at six four, she was perfect. Ben had a real bad month. Grubb had never seen him look like this. It wasn’t just the wounds, he was dead tired and his eyes had dark rings around them. He looked sick, like he’d been poisoned.

  The queen left Ben with Grubb and came back a minute later with a roll of bandage material. She wrapped his side then removed the bandage on his leg and wrapped it. The leg looked bad to Grubb; red and inflamed with infection. The queen saw it too but didn’t seem too concerned.

  They arrived at her ship and there were two males who looked similar to her with platinum hair and black eyes but were shorter they were waiting with a hover stretcher. Ben lay down and it dropped but quickly recovered, adj
usting to his weight then leveled off about four feet off the floor. They took him to a spotless medical center and transferred him to a flat table with no padding and removed his clothing, cutting it off and discarding it down the waste shoot. Grubb stood at an observation window and watched as they put him to sleep and went to work.

  The doctor moved a full body scanner next to him and set it up. It scanned from head to toe sending the images to a data pad the doctor held in his hands. The queen stood on the opposite side of the table. Grubb could tell she was looking at the old scars. The doctor touched something on the table and it became transparent, the scanner flipped over and scanned his back side before coming to rest at the top of his head.

  The scan was completed and the doctor moved the table into a chamber and shut the door. He tapped and slid his finger over the data pad then made a final tap. A liquid filled the chamber and the table dropped down to rest on the bottom leaving Ben suspended in the viscous soup. Grubb was concerned because there was no mask and Ben’s lungs were filling up. The doctor held the data pad out to the queen and she tapped it.

  Four flexible snake-like arms came down from the top of the tank and held Ben by the wrists and ankles while a fifth arm with an injection gun delivered treatments to his shoulder, leg and side. Whatever it was caused his body to spasm; he jerked his arms and kicked his legs. Grubb understood why the restraints had some flex. The injection gun gave him another shot as the tank drained. Ben began heaving the contents of his stomach. The tank emptied and a spray began to rinse him off as the table came up under him.

  A second piece of equipment with hoses and a mask arrived and the doctor put the mask over Ben's face. He tapped his data pad and two small hoses snaked down Ben’s throat. His eyes fluttered open a few seconds later. He looked around disoriented, his hands grasping the sides of the table. The queen put her hand on his chest and leaned over him so he could see her face and nothing else around him. She put her other hand over his hand and rubbed it. Ben relaxed his death grip on the table.


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