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Cowboy Edition EBook

Page 64

by Maree, Kay

  Eka could hear the few wives siting near her speaking about how foolish she was to stay with Smith. They all knew what he was up to and could see her bruises.

  “Maybe talk to me and not about me. You never know what you may learn from speaking to a human and not about them like they are not even there,” Eka bit out to the women. Her fingers curled into fists, nails biting into her skin. She had enough of staying quiet. Enough was enough.

  The women looked at her, their cheeks turning a deep red color, looking like sunburnt crabs more than rodeo wives all done up and fancy.

  “Well, didn’t you have something to say?” Eka questioned, raising her bruised eyebrow at the women.

  Their mouths fell open and shut and open then shut. Like little fishes out of the water, gasping for air. It made Eka smile and feel stronger. She was not going to be pushed around or spoken to like she didn’t matter. She was just like them, a woman. A human and she had feelings, goddamn it, she felt so much more than anyone would ever know.

  “Um, well no, no not now,” one of the women sputtered out as her other lady friend's cheeks deepened with a hot pink.

  “That’s what I thought.” Eka spoke with her head high she pushed the hat slightly back from her face just to be sure that they all could get a good look seen they were all still staring at her.

  “You all should be ashamed. If I saw one of you with bruises or marks, even a scrape and a sad look in your eyes, I would ask if you were ok and if there was anything I could do. I gather that is just the Native American in me. Caring.” Eka was on fire as she grew in strength, finding her voice and letting these women know enough of the hushed whispered and stares that they think go unseen.

  “I would never treat another woman or human with as much revulsion and rudeness as you all have shown me.”

  Eka crossed her legs and leaned back as the women turned their eyes from her back towards the arena where they all should have been looking in the first place.

  Wolf managed to cover his bronc for a seventy-nine-point ride.

  The rest of the contestants including Cody did not fare so well. Jerm’s words echoed in Eka’s ears. She knew he was off and Jerm was right; it was because of his hatred for a man he doesn’t even know.

  At least Cody and Jerm made it into the top eight for team roping. That guaranteed them a return for tomorrow. Wolf and Benny took the number one spot.

  Jerm didn’t compete in the bulldogging event after yesterday. He got shut out and it wouldn’t be advised either. I am surprised that he is even competing today. Cody’s thirst to win and be the best would have been a hard fight to go against, and I gather Jerm just gave in to him and his demands. Eka knows all too well how to pacify a man with a wild temper and a notion that they are the only thing that actually breathes and exists in this universe.

  It was still another hour until the bull riding. Eka was hungry and needed a break from the sun. Walking to the concession stand, she grabbed a hotdog and a cold beer. She ate and drank while walking, enjoying the slight breeze on her skin and the laughter of children. Eka walked back toward Cody’s trailer wanting to change from the denim shorts and now wet, sticky T-shirt into a cooler lighter garment like a summer dress and sandals.

  Eka dug out the key from the back pocket of her shorts, then slid it into the lock. As she went to twist the doorknob and step up onto the metal step of the trailer, she heard a thump coming from inside. Her heart stilled; Cody should not be here. She could not face him right now, she didn’t have the mental strength nor the energy to fight or be slapped around. Eka heard the sound again. This time though it was mixed with a cursing male voice along with another, but this was a husky laugh.

  What the hell was going on in there. Eka took a deep breath and blew it out slowly as she twisted the key inside the lock, her hand shaking as she pushed the door quietly open and slunk inside. Softly clicking the door closed behind her, Eka stepped in and froze at what she saw before her. Cody and Jerm were naked. Their flesh, dotted with the scrapes and bruises of rodeo riding, coated in a sheen of sweat that sparkled under the dim sunlight coming through the small skylight above them. Jerm was splayed over the small kitchen table that Eka had spent mornings alone eating breakfast or sipping coffee. The same table that she had spent countless nights alone at, siting in the dark bleeding or trying to eat a meal made not out of love for a woman but out of guilt for the marks splayed over her skin.

  Cody had his hands on Jerm’s hips, his legs widespread as he thrusted his cock deep into Jerm’s ass. Cody bent his head down towards Jerm’s ear, “You like that my dirty cowboy?” He panted, thrusting harder. “Don’t you, baby?” His hand left Jerm’s hip and slapped him on his ass hard. The cracking sound echoed off the walls as Cody pulled out and teased the opening of Jerm’s ass with the swollen red head of his cock. “You dirty, dirty boy you like daddy’s cock,” Cody hissed down over Jerm’s body as he teased him with his cock. Jerm pushed his ass back hard toward Cody’s cock, begging him with his body for more. His panting was all Eka could hear inside her ears as Jerm whimpered, “Yes, daddy, please fuck me hard. Punish me, daddy. I’m a bad boy.” Jerm spoke with an aroused tone, his voice foreign to Eka’s ears. Embarrassment for what she was witnessing washed over her. Cody reared back, his fingers digging into Jerm’s hip as his other hand slapped his ass cheek over and over. Jerm gasped in pure sexual pleasure. The sound bounced inside Eka’s head like a ping-pong ball back and forth as she watched the sexual show from her standing point. The two men were lost inside the euphoria of each other and their pleasure. Their bodies molded together, meshed in an insane rhythm of thrusts and panting, groans and the sound of wet skin soaked in sweat slapping together. They both grunted and moaned, an erotic sound of secret lovers dancing on a sensual edge of pleasure, exploring each other. Jerm’s hands dug into the side of the table with such pleasured force that the wood spilt sending a crack to float inside the small space. Eka sucked in a deep breath as she watches the two men take from each other. Cody’s body moved like he was love drunk and Jerm met each of his movements like he was one with him. Pity they could not compete like they fucked. In time with each other. Pulling and taking what they needed. Drawing on each other’s pleasure and dancing inside a whole different rhythm, it was beautiful to watch they were magic. If only they were this in sync with each other on circuit, they would be un-stoppable.

  Eka tried to exit quietly, like the way she entered. But she ended up walking backwards into the bench knocking a cup into the sink causing a deafening echo inside the quiet trailer. Both men’s eyes snapped up, meeting Eka’s. Her cheeks burned red. She could feel the heat creeping down her neck as a bead of sweat began to travel down the length of her spine. Wicked smirks broke over their lips. Cody pulled his bottom lip into his teeth as Jerm darted his tongue out over his, leaving a sheen of silver over his top lip. Eka’s face distorted into a horrified expression at what her eyes had fallen upon. What they were doing and even now how hot and turned on they were. Both were hard and still driving into each other while their eyes stayed locked on hers. Cody flexed his hips, grinding his cock deep in Jerm’s ass, and Jerm was biting down on his lip, his body responding to the pleasure and to her watching them.

  Cody then pulled out of Jerm watching as his hard length slid from the tight opening slapping Jerm’s ass hard as Jerm whimpered at the loss of his lover's cock.

  Jerm looked over his shoulders to Cody, a wicked glint in his eye as he pushed his body from the table, his lean muscles flexing with the movement. His eyes moved to Eka’s burning her with a scolding touch, yet he was on the other side of the small trailer. Eka ran her hands over her arms, yet the scolding heat wasn’t under her palms but burying deep under her skin. Jerm took the few small steps around to the end of the table, his sweat sheened body lean and taunt. Years of riding and working out had chiseled him into a body fit for any gym magazine.

  Eka watched him watch her as his hands slid down Cody’s body. H
is eyes moved from Eka’s to Cody’s. Lust shone through them, showing the same desire and longing for Cody that Eka had spent countless hours looking the same when the days and nights were good. Then, when it was bad, she would plead with the dark raging anger inside him to be merciful to her body and not hit her as hard as he had the last time.

  Eka watched as Jerm trailed his fingers over the same scars and scrapes Eka had. Down the same taunt ridges of conditioned muscle. The scar from when Cody had a bull’s horn lodge just above his right hip. Eka had kissed that so many times her fingertips burned at the memory as she run the pad of her thumb over her now dry lips.

  Jerm’s hand continued down as he lowered his mouth to Cody’s skin, sending small sweet delicate kisses over skin that Eka had also traveled over, stopping at the same places she once had, admiring the same view. Until his lips meet Cody's erect cock, ready and waiting for his lover's lips and mouth. Precum glistened on the tip of his swollen head, begging for him to suck it away… to taste the salty mix of Cody Smith, the rodeo rider. Jerm lowered himself fully down to his knees. His fingers dug into Cody’s hips as he nosily began sucking Cody’s cock.

  “Holy shit.” She mouthed, digging her nails into her clenched fists, not knowing where to look, or even what to do, let alone think. She watched as Jerm’s eyes meet Cody’s, then moved his fingers from his hips to his abs and raked them hard over the rippled flesh, leaving red sensual lines like love paint over the Sunkissed skin of Eka’s once partner. The man that she had given it all up for. Lost so much to be with him, including herself. The same abs Eka had slept on, kissed, licked, and grabbed when he had taken her to the floor and was pulling her up by her hair. Jerm’s hands moved back down slowly over Cody’s body to his hips, digging his fingers deep into his wet flesh.

  “That’s it, fuck my mouth. Hard. Yes. That’s it, you naughty, dirty little fuck boy. Do it harder… suck it harder like you mean it, baby boy. Oooo, yes.” Cody egged Jerm on. His body responded to his demands as his hands dug deep, pulling him harder into Jerm’s mouth. Eka could see the hard length of Cody’s cock slide down Jerm’s throat. The taunt skin of his neck welcoming the length as his balls slapped under Jerm’s chin.

  Jerm moved at a frantic rhythm, coating Cody’s cock in a glinting silver as Cody grabbed fistfuls of his hair. Eka wanted the floor to open up and swallow her whole because in a sick way this was slightly hot, and she was clenching her thighs hard together, willing her body to not get turned on at the sight before her.

  “You like what you see, Eka?” Cody winked at her as he pulled and pushed at Jerm’s head, his cock sliding deep down Jerm’s throat, nearly touching his lungs, Eka was sure. He had to be way past the gag reflex and tonsils for sure. “You want some of this action? My dirty little whore,” he bit out the hateful venom toward Eka, making her body quiver in hatred. Anger rose from her clenched toes. Her curled fingers dug into the flesh of her palms. A million different emotions raged through Eka’s body as a swirling calm wind washed through her hair, sending a cleansing chill through the shattered shards of heart. “You know what? You can have each other. I’m not your monkey, and this…” She waved her hand’s in front of her while Jerm’s lips were still wrapped around Cody’s cock. Cody’s eyes burned with desire for Jerm’s mouth and fire for Eka’s sass towards him. She knew it. She knew she was breaking all the rules, but she was far from caring anymore. He will no longer control her.

  “This isn’t my circus.” Her voice sounded stronger than it had coming up and out.

  “Just having fun, darlin’ and you, my little Indian whore, will get over here and on your knees.” Cody snapped his fingers at Eka and pointed to the floor next to Jerm. Cody’s hands stilled over Jerm’s head. Threading his fingers through his hair, he forcefully pulled Jerm up from the floor and a loud pop sounded over the thud of Eka’s heart, which was beating far too loud in her ears. Jerm whimpered at the loss of contact and power he thought he had over Cody. Jerm will never be in control, ever. Cody was a dominant, violent bully. He got off on control and blood. Breaking bones and splitting flesh.

  “You have to be crazy to think I will ever bow down to you or your demands again!” Eka’s voice rose higher, making her shift her shoulders back and push her chest forward. Tla lyuwakodi ti usgvsv naquu ganvdisdi, Eka No time to cower now, Miss Eka. Be strong. Eka heard the soft words on the wisps of the wind as it blew through her hair.

  “Bitch, you will do as your told,” Cody spat toward her like sharp knives traveling on a hot tongue and slicing through her. Before she would shake at the bellow of his voice. Not today though. Cody stepped forward, Eka stepped back. Then again came the voice of a passed one. Gadogv gvdodi nihi adanvdo ale alasdi. Stand with your spirit and fight, Eka.

  “I am not gonna allow myself to be defeated by you anymore, Cody. Nor by what I may think is love within me, because it’s not. This isn’t what love is.” She waved her hands back and forward between them. Eka’s eyes grew sad. “You weren’t my love.” Her eyes fall to her hands. Tears were threatening to fall from her eyes.

  “I will not allow myself to go back to what is wrong, what continues to hurt me, yet I somehow find myself back within your trap, in the chains you've made for me. I am confused as to why I continue to allow myself back within your selfish heart... but not again. I WILL NOT ALLOW myself to go back ever again to what I thought was love, what seemed perfect and once was the illusion of something that could have been really beautiful. Because now I'm better, and now my heart is made of armor. You’re not it for me. My love song was sung on the wisps of the wind when I was young, and that love is what will save me from the evil likes of you.” Cody’s hand came up hard and so fast that Eka didn’t even see it coming, but she felt it hit her face. One harsh slap to her cheek had her head whipping fast to the left, her hair swirling around her as the voice from passed ones spoke loud inside her. Tlas ulosvgi Eka alasdi don’t fall Eka, fight. So that’s what she did. Her eyes rise to meet Cody’s as she pushes her hair from her face. A sick grin laced his lips as he saw the red mark from his slap that had also spilt her soft, plump lips. Eka ran her tongue over the blood, her body exuding Nulinigvgv strength. Eka’s fingers lace around her long hair as she pulls it to the side of her face and over her shoulder. Closing her eyes, she pulls in a deep breath down into her lungs and upon letting it go she speaks to Cody in her own tongue. A warning for him. Finally, he had pushed the stunning native women too far. Nihi uwa tsvsgina auohuhisdi wili gulutsv inv nihi galvauodi adanvdo you’re the devil death will come to your soul. Eka finished braiding her hair with the ugidali feathers of her tribe, her stunning green eyes shining brightly. Jerm’s hands reached for Cody’s back and shoulders. Cody shrugged him off, the flushed color of sensual pleasure gone from his cheeks and just a grey-white remained. She had only once spoken Indian tongue to him before, so it scared him. He had told her this many moons ago when he had first heard her speak it. So, she knew he would be haunted by her words. She had finally found her Galvauodi adanvdo soul.

  “Ium udanilahige uha ugatahvsv ganayegi nihi awisvdi ayu nahna atsilv gvdodi nihi ganaquatisdi. Naquu v wili yequ uwa saquu inv ayohisdi wihi uwa uganasdv igoduigv utsa aqu tohi adedi nasgi uwa usiwa ganoivvsgv utsa a uyotsvhi gvgeyui.”

  My weakness has turned fierce. You set me on fire with your hate. Now I will be the one to bring you the delicious taste of my freedom upon empty wings of a broken love.

  These were the last words she spoke to him as Jerm hid behind Cody, his lips on his shoulder and his hands splayed over his chest. Cody stood before her naked, his hard cock now limp. Eka left him with a limp cock and a rage burning inside him… embarrassed and taunted by a woman in front of his lover.

  From where I’m standing, he’s always been my home.

  ~ Eka Peno

  Eka walked back to the rodeo grounds in a daze. She smiled politely at the other women who were sitting in the family stands waiting for the bull ride to see their husbands and boyfr
iends ride. All fighting for that top place. That top ride that will secure them the points needed to go to the PBR World Championships.

  Men fell and ate dust or met horns of the wild beasts that they all fought hard to stay on. Some made the eight seconds. Some did not. A lot lost points to technicalities or falling short of the eight. Hats were thrown into the dust with a forced anger. Tempers flared.

  Men were sore, wives’ annoyed, children over tired.

  Cheering and clapping were met with oooo’s, nooo’s and ahhhh’s.

  Eka grabbed water from the bucket at the end of the seats. Rolling it over her lips that were stinging from the wind hitting the fresh cut. She moved the bottle from her lip to the base of her neck as she never did manage to change. Her eyes scanned the bull chute as she waited for the last two rides. She was surprised to see Jerm pull himself up on the outside of the bull chute, passing a bull rope to Cody.

  ‘Wow ok then,’ Eka thought to herself as she watched the two men get ready for a bull ride. Not even twenty minutes ago, they were naked doing the wild thing. Living their best life with each other’s dicks inside the other.

  Cody punched his bull rope into his palm threading it around his hand flexing his fingers and punching it back tight into place.

  His eyes meet Jerm’s as he brought his head up, a longing stare of secret lovers passed between them lost to the unknowing eyes but in full vision for Eka. She could see how they fed off each other inside the confines of an illicit affair.

  She could see that Jerm brought a different color to Cody, and they both seemed to speak a secret language.

  It was something to watch, that’s for sure.

  Cody pushed his hat up with his free hand before raising it into the air and rocking himself back on the bull. He nodded to the gate boy. As he looked up to exit the chute his eyes met Eka’s. His face paled as she winked at him, she couldn’t help herself she thought they had a forever. He had shattered her more than anything else in this world. He made her feel a cold that she never even knew existed. It was painful that she was addicted to him and he was addicted to someone else. She caught her breath, watching him ride out as she twisted her shaking fingers over the cap of the bottle. Regardless of her newfound strength, he still scared her. She guzzled down the contents, the chill of the water a welcome feeling to the heat riding all over her body. The gate swung open hard and fast, catching Cody unready as seeing Eka had shaken him. The bull broke out fast, twisting, kicking and bucking hard and fast. Cody fought hard to regain his composure and his stance on top of this massive beast’s back as it left the ground and kicked and twist mid-air. His hand flew around like it had been dislocated from his shoulder at the force of the wild ride. The countdown of the eight seconds of this rough and wild ride, then he could hear the buzzer go off. He fell as the bull spun in circles on the ground, flicking a whirlpool of dust around bull and rider. The fall was hard. Cody was laying limp on the dirt as the bull spun on him and before the bullfighters could make it to him, the beast’s horns had dug in under his body and spun him up in the air. The tassels on his leather chaps flicked like a bright colored rain on a broken day. He landed down hard as Jerm jumped over the rails and ran to his lover. That ride knocked not only Cody out but knocked him from the number one spot definitely and that meant that Wolf would advance to number one spot and he still was yet to ride.


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