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Awaken dots-2

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by Kristen Day


  ( Daughters of the Sea - 2 )

  Kristen Day

  The sacrifices we make have the power to shift the very fabric of who we are, and ultimately who we are meant to be…

  After learning of her true destiny as the intended Leader of the Tydes, Anastasia Whitman must now embark on a perilous quest to the Underworld before the age of eighteen in order to plant the seed of immortality and complete her essence to become a true Sea Goddess. But before she can make her legendary journey, an unexpected new student transfers to Lorelei; initiating a sequence of events that will unravel Stasia’s new life, and test the boundaries of her relationship with the mysterious, dark, and sexy Finn Morrison. The line between the Underworld and the Living begins to blur as gruesome ghosts, morbid reveries, and pure evil haunt her waking hours as well as her sanity. Once the details of Finn’s own startling destiny are revealed, the dangerous secrets he’s been hiding will threaten the very love Stasia believed to be indestructible. As time begins to run out, she will be forced to choose between the one she loves and the destiny she cannot escape.


  Daughters of the Sea 2

  Kristen Day

  Dedicated to my wonderful husband, Matt


  The familiar call of seagulls diving for fish amongst the crashing waves pulled him from his restless slumber. His tired, bloodshot eyes opened and gazed upon that same weathered stone ceiling looming above. As they roamed down the sloped wall where he kept count, he pushed back the agonizing hopelessness encasing his heart. Another long night behind him simply meant another long day before him. He swung his legs over the side of his cot and gently placed his worn feet on the stone floor. It was always bitterly cold in the morning. He shivered as he glanced down at his too-skinny legs and the dirt that clung to his calloused feet. His ragged, cotton shorts now hung low around his emaciated waist and his faded blue shirt had been discarded long ago; traded for a sunken-in, bare chest. He smoothed down his gray hair and thick beard; wondering if today would be the day.

  Sighing, he stood and collected the conch shell he kept hidden within a crack in his counting wall. He found the last mark and bent down to add yet another. He never counted days; only nights.

  The darkness always brought out his worst nightmares and he was continually amazed he had made it through so many. Thousands of marks littered the wall before him; a diary of solitude and sheer will captured forever in stone.

  As he did every morning, he padded over to the window and looked out over the rolling sea.

  The lone window of his small room faced east, allowing him one pleasure amidst the hell that had become his life. Sunrise. At first, each sunrise brought only tears to his eyes while the slow ache in his chest grew, threatening to rack his body with a sadness no man should bear. What those brilliant colors dancing across the sky stood for only served as a reminder to his unending loss. Another night bereft of her loving arms. Another day without her magical presence. Over the years the pain had receded, but her memory never faded. Neither did the seed of hope she had planted so long ago. It grew every day, branching out and becoming the only thing that kept him alive. Many nights he had peered out of his window at the white sand far below. He thought of how easy it would be to end this torture and return to her. But he knew he had a bigger purpose and he would not let her down. He would endure and wait until his heart beat no more.

  Once a week he was allowed to stroll along the beach and speak to the others. But it was only a brief illusion of freedom. They could feel the eyes that watched their every move. The others had become his only companions. For years there had only been seven. But a couple of months ago, a newcomer had arrived. He could hear her anguished cries at night and her deep despair was evident in the scratches along her arms; the victims of her own fingernails. She, too, finally succumbed to the seclusion and hopelessness; becoming void of emotion and as hollow as the rest of them. His thoughts moved back to the present and to the brilliant ball of light inching its way above the horizon. This was when he felt closest to her. He closed his eyes and called upon the memory of her ever gentle, loving eyes.

  “My love, I have lived to see yet another dawn cast its light upon this retched spit of land.

  Thankfully, this dawn brings new hope for my weary soul. You appeared to me in my dreams once again last night, but for the first time I heard the sweet melody of your voice. You spoke to me and breathed life back into my withered heart. You told me to be patient; to remain steadfast. You assured me the hour is growing near and I know the words you speak are true. Indeed, it is almost time.”

  Chapter 1

  I felt her suffocating presence before she ever appeared. A silent, bitter darkness slithered its way into my heart; eclipsing the light in my soul and chilling me to the bone. The hair on the back of my neck rose as the air surrounding me turned frigid. I wrapped my arms around myself and glanced at my classmates to see if anyone else had noticed the sudden climate change. That was the moment she walked through the door.

  The incessant clicking of her black stiletto heels against linoleum announced her entrance, and I could have sworn I heard a collective gasp of shock and awe. The black leather mini skirt hugging her hips had been strategically ripped on the sides, showing an inordinate amount of skin; her white tank top stopping just short of a diamond studded belly button ring. Flowing golden brown hair cascaded down her bare shoulders as she strode the rest of the way in to the room with a slight swagger. The impatient, manicured hand she placed on her hip oozed of arrogance and even the large stone pendant dangling from her necklace couldn’t compete with her overwhelming beauty. A tiny diamond stud adorned the side of her nose and when my eyes travelled up to hers, the icy darkness began to envelope me once again. My entire body shivered as her rich, caramel-colored eyes caught mine for a brief instant, before looking expectantly at the teacher. Mrs. Leone cleared her throat and shook her head, suggesting that she was just as taken by Nadia as her students were.

  “Class, this is Lorelei’s newest transfer, Nadia Trice. She has travelled all the way from California to be here. Please make her feel welcome.” Apparently satisfied with Mrs. Leone’s introduction, Nadia raised her perfectly shaped eyebrows at her audience; daring anyone to question her arrival. She dramatically brushed the hair off of her shoulder, sauntered down the middle aisle, and made herself at home in an empty desk diagonal to mine. While the rest of the class remained captivated by her dark, sexy style, I noted the sarcastic smirk playing across her glossy lips and the calculating gleam in her eye. I squinted as I caught a glimpse of something I’d never seen before.

  Not only could I still feel the darkness emanating from her, I could actually make out light gray tendrils swirling in the air around her. They had a smoke-like quality as they curled around her and floated out from her body. When her heavily lashed eyes met mine, the smoky tendrils suddenly disappeared and she turned back around abruptly. Her long, slender fingers began carving something in to the top of her desk. With her fingernail. As I followed her finger, I noticed that she wasn’t carving the wood as much as she was burning it. As she dragged her nail across the desk, the wood beneath immediately smoldered and darkened; leaving a slight smell of burning embers.

  “As usual, for the last fifteen minutes of class you will meet with your research groups.”

  After we divided up into our groups, her eyes flitted toward Nadia and then slid in my direction momentarily. “Nadia will be joining….” She inspected some papers on her desk while I sent up a silent plea she wouldn’t pick ours.

  “Lexi, Stasia, Maya, and Lyric,” she announced. Damn.

  Nadia inclined her head ever so slightly as Mrs. Leone steered her towards our group. As she breezil
y pranced across the room with a smirk, Maya groaned inwardly and I concentrated on not staring at the gray tendrils that had reappeared around her body.

  “Lexi. Stasia, Maya, and Lyric,” Nadia mimicked Mrs. Leone’s shrill voice and contemplated our outfits before taking a seat; clearly unimpressed. As we all stared back at her, shocked into silence by her obvious disrespect, I felt the already suffocating tension in the air thicken. Oblivious to Nadia’s adverse effect on everyone, Lexi had been gloating at her with pure adoration wrapped securely in unmistakable envy.

  “Hey Nadia! I’m Lexi! I am so excited you get to be in our group!” she gushed; not taking a breath before launching into a hundred questions. “So, where did you come from in California? Was it near the beach, too? What were the guys like? I love your shoes - Where’d you get them?”

  Nadia appeared to take it in stride, as if she was used to throngs of loyal fans showering her with compliments and occasionally offering up their first born if she’d pose for a picture.

  “San Diego,” she responded flippantly, “but the guys were worthless. Only good for one thing.” She winked and I thought Lexi was going to offer her a BFF heart necklace right then and there.

  “Oh my God. I know exactly what you mean!” she exclaimed, crossing her arms in contempt. Maya’s clear blue eyes began to darken considerably as she glared at them both.

  “So Stasia, what are you doing for Fall Break?” Lyric asked loudly, attempting to drown out Nadia and Lexi’s self-involved chatter. Tomorrow marked the beginning of Fall Break, but I remembered Fall Breaks extending much longer at my high school in Atlanta. Classes had been cancelled Friday and Monday, but would resume on Tuesday. They really should consider calling it Fall ‘Long-Weekend’ instead. Fall ‘Break’ was definitely false advertising.

  “Just staying here. By the time I’d get home, I’d have to turn right back around and come back.” I shrugged my shoulders, hoping she wouldn’t ask me anything about ‘home’. My adoptive parents, Dee and Charles Whitman, had requested that I come home for Fall Break; but after explaining how short a time I would be able to spend back in Atlanta, they agreed it would be better to wait until Thanksgiving.

  “Everyone I’ve talked to is staying here, too. Plus, the weather’s supposed to be good. I definitely see some sun, sand, and a good book in my future,” Maya grinned dreamily.

  “Speaking of reading, we need to talk about our paper,” Lyric frowned at Lexi and Nadia. “I think having another member of the group will give us an added advantage.” As we brought Nadia up to speed on our research, I realized I hadn’t seen a trace anywhere on her body. And with so much of it showing, I found that to be a little odd. But then again, it could be anywhere. I also couldn’t help but wonder which order she belonged to. She was beautiful but she didn’t quite fit into the Siren category. Being that she was a girl, it only left the Tydes. I shuddered at the possibility. Since that fateful weekend of the Cimmerian Shade Ball last month, I knew my life would never be the same.

  But what I hadn’t expected was the intense pride and sense of protectiveness I would feel for the Order of Tydes. I had a greater understanding of what being a descendent of the Nereids truly meant. Not only had I found my original home on the Fortunate Isle, I had found my true destiny as well. As the only child of Thetis, I was the Chosen future leader of the Tydes, which included Sirens (which they were not too happy about).

  My whole world had immediately shifted; aligning my heart and soul with the new path I must walk. As terrified as I was at that prospect, it didn’t hold a candle to how I had felt about returning to school that following Monday. The rumor mill had been working overtime as it twisted and mangled the truth about what had happened that night on the Isle. Thankfully, I had three incredible roommates who had helped me wade through the litany of accusations and whispers.

  Depending upon the Order of the person, I could receive anything from an icy glare to a joyful hug.

  Most Sirens shunned my very presence, while the Tydes and Sons sent loving praise my way. It was an awful divide that seemed to foreshadow something larger to come.

  Isadora’s death was covered up by a fabricated ‘car accident’ on the mainland that same weekend. It didn’t fool anyone, but it kept them from asking too many questions. The former teacher at Lorelei had been replaced the very next day. Kira had been completely healed by the water of the Lagoon and Priscilla had stayed away from me for the most part. As the Maven, or high mistress of Lorelei, she could easily keep an eye on me without my knowing. She was fully aware of my upcoming journey and I expected some sort of retribution at any time. I tried to lose myself in my school work as well as retrieve any sense of normalcy to my life, no matter how remote. I knew what I had to do. I knew what my future held. And I would face it head on. But until then, I just wanted to be Stasia for a little while longer.


  “Huh?” I snapped out of my thoughts.

  “We need something to, um, ‘show and tell’ as it relates to Thetis, so we were kind of well… we were hoping…” Maya asked shyly.

  “Oh! Sure, yea, not a problem,” I assured her with a smile as soon as I realized what she was asking. As if on cue, the temperature in the air around me plummeted and I felt a precise pain between my eyes. I automatically met Nadia’s piercing stare. Images began to flood my mind with the ferocity of a freight train. Vivid flashes of faces, landscapes, and colors whirled before me, throwing off my equilibrium. The last image I saw was a massive tree teeming with activity. It appeared to be lit by an inner glow, giving it an otherworldly quality. I became entranced in its beauty until the image was ripped away. In true Stasia fashion, I had fallen out of my chair.

  “Stasia! Are you okay?” Maya and Lyric were instantly at my side, helping me up. I tried to regain my balance and stop the world from spinning, but it was the venom in Nadia’s voice that forced me to find my center once again.

  “Violate my mind again and I will end you.” Her eyes sparked with fury, reminding me of a bolt of lightning. “I’m the last person you want to mess with.” Amidst a cloud of swirling smoke only I could see, she vanished out the door and out of sight.

  “What did you do to her?” Lexi shot me an accusing glare. I was too stunned to react to her hostile tone.

  “I didn’t do anything to her,” I claimed, although I was fast becoming the one that needed convincing.

  “Whatever,” she dismissed me as I tried to wrap my mind around what had just happened. It was exactly like seeing the sea turtle’s memories that first weekend at Lorelei. But, this had to be different…right? I had an affinity for sea animals, not people. But I couldn’t deny what I had seen.

  Had I unknowingly reached into Nadia’s mind and seen her memories? Did I hurt her? How did I do it? My frantic thoughts were halted once I noticed Nadia’s work of art still burned into the top of her desk. It was only one word.

  Penance Claiming sickness, I was granted permission to skip the rest of my classes that afternoon. I texted the most amazing guy on earth (who also happened to me my boyfriend, Finn) to let him know I wouldn’t be in last period, and walked towards Maren Hall in a hurry. I had to do some serious thinking and clear my head. Literally.

  Chapter 2

  “’Trophy Wife’, ‘Come to Bed Red’, or ‘No Prenup’?” Phoebe asked, as she placed three small bottles on the coffee table in front of her.

  “I still think you should go with ‘Fishnet Stockings’” Carmen suggested, glancing up from her homework.

  “What happened to normal colors like ‘Baby Pink’ or ‘Red No. 5’?” Willow wrinkled her button nose at the bottles and settled onto the couch beside Carmen.

  “Who wants to paint ‘Baby Pink’ on their nails when you can paint ‘Take Him to the Cleaners’ on them instead?” Carmen disputed, reading the bottom of a bottle with a grin.

  “Nothing says ‘I’m girlfriend material’ like the color ‘Call Me Irresponsible’” I added, after inspecting several
of the already rejected colors of polish. Phoebe had a habit of repainting her nails to match her outfit, shoes, or favorite candy of the week. She had more nail polish in her collection than you could find at any one store. It was impressive. Her most recent revision was in preparation for her date with Ian. After asking her to the Ball last month, they had become inseparable.

  “Speaking of irresponsible, have you guys heard about the new girl?” Carmen asked with revulsion. My heart hardened as the memory of this morning’s incident with Nadia replayed in my mind.

  Phoebe’s head peeked out of her bedroom mid-outfit change, “I heard she transferred from the House of Metis in California because she got heavy into drugs.”

  “She’s in my history class and I can tell you she definitely won’t be crowned Ms.

  Congeniality anytime soon,” I informed them with a frown.

  “I heard she was in the Order of Nymphs,” Carmen added, putting down her spiral notebook.

  “Like a marsh Nymph? Or a river Nymph?” Phoebe guessed from her room.

  “I guess it’s possible she could be either of those,” Willow bit her lip in deep thought.

  “Okay wait, I’m confused. There are more than four Orders?” I asked Willow, seriously considering creating that dictionary again so I could keep all of this straight.

  “There are many Orders, but the Nymphs are the descendents of the Oceanids. While we’re all connected to the sea, they’re connected to specific bodies of water. So a river Nymph would be connected to one particular river,” she explained.

  “So that would mean there are pond Nymphs and lake Nymphs?” I deduced.


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