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Made To Love You

Page 9

by Megan Smith

  These boys, so freaking possessive.

  Cooper’s face changes and gets serious. “I asked your mom.”

  I sit up straight. “My mom knows?”

  He nods.

  “Did she know you planned on asking me today?”

  He smirks. “She actually helped me plan the whole thing.”

  That right there is just another reason why I love him so much. He involved my mom. Just because I don’t have a dad he didn’t just take it upon himself to ask me without permission.

  I lean back against him. “Huh.”

  “Is that a good huh or a bad huh?”

  I spin around, his legs falling aside and I place my legs around him. I reach for his hand holding it with mine. “Who else knows?”

  “Mason knew I was planning on asking you but he had no idea when. Besides him and your mom no one knows anything.”

  “So no one else knows? Not even your sister?”

  He shakes his head. “No one, they don’t even know we’re here. Actually, Eli knows, too. He’s covering for me this weekend and I told him I’d cover for him next weekend. With the season coming up I wanted to get away for a little bit with you.”

  It’s just the two of us snuggled away in this cabin all weekend. “Can we turn our cell phones off and just let it be me and you for the weekend?”

  Cooper reaches into his coat pocket and pulls his cell out and powers it down. “Done.”

  I kiss him once more before climbing to my feet. “Let’s get a fire started and get the bags in the house.” I take a few steps back towards the door trying to set the mood for when we get back into the house. “I think I’m having doubts again.”

  Cooper is up and on his feet in the next second. “We can’t have that happening again, now can we?”

  I run out the front door and to the car. There is a faint glow of sun that is just setting over the mountains. As I glance up above us, the sky is grayish and gloomy, looks like a snow storm is about to roll in. Maybe I can convince Cooper to get in the hot tub with me before the snow starts to fall.

  I open the passenger side door and reach for my purse. I wanted to turn my cell off just like Cooper had done but I think better of it. If something happened to someone while we were here I’d never forgive myself. Instead, I put it on silent and toss it back in my purse. I’ll only check it once or twice a day. Cooper grabs two of our bags from the floor behind his seat and I grab the third. We make our way back into the house and walk into the bedroom.

  Cooper drops the two bags just inside the door of the bedroom and then he slips my bag off my shoulder, it hits the floor with a thud. Cooper steps back slightly and reaches behind him with one hand pulling his shirt over his head. He’s getting right to it.

  My eyes roam from the snow that’s covering his shoes to his bare stomach. I love his body. His stomach is flat and lean. His abs are visible, but not in a fitness model kind of way. My fingers itch to roam over his body but I keep them planted on my sides. Cooper flicks the button of his jeans, unzips them and they sit perfectly on his hips. A smug smile tugs at Cooper’s lips as he toes each shoe off. He takes a step away from his shoes, pushes his jeans down and kicks them to the side.

  I can’t hold back anymore. I take a step forward, my fingers graze over his stomach. As they do his stomach muscles tighten causing his abs to be defined. Lifting my chin up Cooper kisses me and I melt into him, slowly at first but then it’s like fireworks have been lit and now I’m exploding. He reaches for the hem of my shirt and pulls it off, my bra, panties and jeans follow.

  Cooper reaches for my hand and he pulls me to the bed with him. He kisses low on my shoulder while his fingers skate over my bare chest all the way down to the center. There is nothing in this moment but the two of us, everything and everyone is blocked out. Our hearts beating as one.

  Cooper slides one finger between my legs and massages my clit. I’m already wet for him; I’m always ready for him. My eyes start to flutter close but Cooper bites down on my shoulder and my eyes fly back open. “Do you know how fucking sexy you are? Always so responsive to me.”

  My breathing catches as Cooper continues placing small kisses down my collarbone. He cups my breast in each of his hands and takes one of my nipples into his mouth. He kisses it, swirls his tongue around it a few times before moving on to the other one. He starts to make his way down to my stomach but I put my hand under his chin and stop him.

  “My turn.” There is no way he’s going to get me all worked up like this and I not return the favor.

  Cooper lies back on the bed as I climb between his legs. I kiss his stomach all the way down until my mouth reaches the waistband of his boxers. His cock is straining against the one barrier keeping us part and it jumps as I lean in and kiss the head. He’s so worked up already and I’ve barely touched him. He lifts his hips for me and I start sliding his boxers off. When they’re off I toss them behind me.

  “Baby,” he pants as he pulls me back over him and crashes his mouth against mine.

  Cooper rolls us, his body covering mine. He grips my thighs moving them up over his hips, the new position has the head of his dick is at my entrance. He slams into me causing me to scream out his name. He gives me a second to recover before he’s slamming back into me again. He leans down and rests his head against my shoulder. His thrusts are hard but controlled while he finds the rhythm we both like.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me. I can feel his heartbeat against my chest, that’s how close we are. “I never want to stop feeling this.”

  “Never,” he groans.

  My hips buck meeting Cooper’s thrust for thrust. My body starts humming as my orgasm builds.

  “I love you, Cooper.”

  Leaning up on his elbows he says to me what I’ll be hearing for the rest of my life. “I love you, too.”

  My eyes fix on Cooper’s for just a second before my muscles start clinching around him as wave after wave of bliss crashes over me. I know Cooper feels it because his eyes darken and he starts pumping faster. His release hits him in the next second. He continues to rock into me at a slower pace until eventually his body gives out and he collapses on top of me. I run my finger nails up and down his back as he gets his breathing under control.

  “Fuck,” he pants out. “I never wanted it to end.”

  “We’ve got all weekend, baby.”

  He slips from my body with a hiss and I miss him instantly. “Damn right we do.”

  We wrap our arms around each other and fall asleep eventually listening to each other’s breathing.

  I wake up a few hours later freezing. I can feel that Cooper isn’t behind me anymore because the warmth from him is gone. I sit up holding the covers up around my body. All the blinds in the bedroom are up and I see it’s snowing like crazy. The room is dark so it’s hard to see where my clothes are.

  “Ugh,” I wrap the blanket around me tighter and climb from the bed. I trip and stumble around until I reach the door.

  “Don’t think about putting clothes on,” I hear Cooper yell out. He must have heard me.

  I open the bedroom door and the smell of food hits me. I pull the blankets a little further up so I don’t fall on my face as I make my way out to the kitchen. I stop mid-step. Cooper is standing in the giant kitchen, naked and cooking.

  He looks down and then he gives me a side glance. “I told you no clothes this weekend. I couldn’t go back on my word.”

  I drop the blanket, the cold air making my nipples painfully hard but I have no doubt that Cooper will warm me up. I step behind him and wrap my arms around him. “What are you cooking?”

  “Spaghetti,” he shrugs. “It was the only thing we had at home. I tossed it in my bag and figured we could run out to the store tomorrow for food.”

  “It smells delicious.” Even if it didn’t I’d never tell him that. Cooper never cooks, ever. He’d screw up boiling water so for him to attempt to make me dinner meant I’d suck it up and eat
no matter what.

  My body starts to shake from shivering and Cooper notices. “Why don’t you go cuddle up on the couch in front of the fire?” He points to the boiling spaghetti. “This is almost done.”

  I place a kiss in the middle of his back. “Okay.”

  I grab the blankets and push the couch a little closer to the fireplace. I see my purse lying on the ground over by the fireplace. My hands are itching to check it. I know if I don’t I’ll keep thinking about it so I reach over and dig around for my phone. There’s a text from my mom and Chloe.

  I tap on my mom’s first. “I know you’re going to check your phone sooner or later. I hope your answer was yes although I know it will be. Don’t let him get away from you, Jay. I love you. Enjoy yourself and stop checking your phone after this. Everything is fine.”

  I laugh. She knows me so well. I sent her a quick text back saying that I love her and confirming that I said yes.

  Chloe’s text was asking me to dinner. Saying Jackson had a dinner meeting and Alex was with Elle. I don’t respond back because I know she’ll text me back and ask where I am.

  “Hey, Cooper?”

  His head pops around the corner. “Yeah?”

  “Hunter doesn’t know right?”

  He shakes his head. “Thought you’d want to tell him.”

  “Thanks, I’m going to send him a picture of my ring and turn my phone off.”

  Cooper throws his head back laughing. “I’ll be sure to expect a punch as soon as I see him.”

  I shrug. “Better you than me.”

  Cooper laughs and goes back to making dinner. I snap a picture of my ring and send it to Hunter and a little message that says. “I said yes. Thought you should be the first person I tell. Love you.”

  I hit send and quickly shove it back in my purse where it will stay until we’re on our way home. I rest my head back against the couch and for once I’m going to listen to my mom and not worry about anything and just live in the moment with Cooper. I’m engaged and about to spend the rest of my life with this man who completes me in every way possible. He knows me better than I know myself. He knows what buttons to hit when he wants to piss me off and what buttons to push when he wants to turn me on. He knows something is wrong without me saying so. He knows when I just need to be held and when I just need to be left alone.

  He’s my rock.

  He’s my fiancé.

  “Cooper,” I yell from the front door. “We’ve got to go or I’m going to be late.”

  When Cooper and I got back from the mountains two weekends ago we were hammered with phone calls, text messages and cold shoulders. The girls were pissed that they weren’t included. MacKenzie refuses to talk to Cooper; she thought she’d be told ahead of time since she was his one and only sister. Hailey and Chloe were mostly just playing around but they were a little sad that they didn’t get a heads up. Layla had a feeling something was going down when she found out Eli was covering for Cooper. Our parents were happy for us. My mom was ecstatic for us; she even patted herself on the back when everything went off without a hitch. Mason and Jackson said it was about time and Eli has been messing with Cooper saying while he’s gone he’s going to steal me away and switch out Cooper’s ring for his. And, last but not least, Hunter didn’t respond to the text I sent him, I figured maybe he was pissed. When we got home that night he showed up, in his uniform complete with bullet proof vest, and asked to talk to Cooper outside. Cooper came back in holding his side but a smile on his face. Hunter appeared behind him and asked if I was happy. I told him more than I have ever been. He pulled me in for a hug and said congratulations.

  I hear the keys jingling and his footsteps coming from our bedroom. “I can’t believe I got talked into going over to Mason’s so I can help babysit.”

  “Suck it up, buttercup.” I pat his face, turn to open the front door and walk off towards the truck. “Just think of all the laughs you’ll get at Mason’s expense while he’s trying to handle the twins.”

  “You know I’ll get dragged into helping.” Cooper opens the driver side door of his truck and slides in. “He can’t do shit by himself.”

  “My brother will be there, too,” I offer.

  “Ha, he’s got his hands full, too.” He shakes his head “Do you see where I’m going with this?”

  “You could go to Jackson’s and pray you don’t get the stomach bug from Alex.” I’m trying to make him see he’s got the better deal.

  “Yeah, no thanks. I’d rather deal with crying babies and shitty diapers than throwing up,” he shivers. “As little as those kids are they have more bodily functions than I’ve ever seen.” Cooper pulls out of the driveway. “We’re waiting to have kids for a few years. I want us to enjoy ourselves first.”

  “I’m okay with that,” I shrug. “We’ve got all those nieces and nephews if the desire to have babies any sooner ever comes up.”

  I like that he wants kids with me in the future. We never really talked about it. Since getting engaged and planning a wedding for next year I don’t see how having a kid would fit in. I’d like to buy a house, finish school, and then have kids. We’re both still so young and trying to figure out our life plans so holding off on having any kids is perfectly fine with me. That is until I glance down at my cell phone and see a text from my mom.

  Mom 5:09pm: Just checking in with you. Have fun at the movies.

  Mom has kept her word about checking in with me so I’m not worried all the time and I don’t pester her.

  Me 5:10pm: Thanks mom. How are you feeling?

  Mom 5:11pm: I’m fine, Jay. Have fun. Stop worrying.

  I hate that I’m a worrier. I wish I could just push it all aside and just live in the here and now but it’s so damn hard for me.

  I can feel Cooper’s eyes on me so I glance over at him.

  “What’s the matter?”

  I shake my head and attempt to shove the worrying away. “Nothing.”

  “Jay,” Cooper warns.

  “Mom just texted me.”


  I rest my head back against the headrest. “She was just checking in.”

  “And what’s wrong with that?” He glances from me back to the road. “That’s what you wanted, right?”

  “Nothing is wrong with it.”

  He shakes his head and mumbles something like ‘this isn’t going anywhere’.

  “I was just thinking about our future, finishing school, the wedding, kids and then I saw a text from her and it made me sad.” I try to keep my emotions in check but it’s so damn hard sometimes. “There is a chance she might not be around for any of that.” I take a deep breath and hold the tears at bay.

  “I’ve told you this a million times and I’ll keep telling you. Stop worrying and thinking about things like that unless you have a reason to.” Cooper grabs my hand and brings it to his lap. “She’s fine right now.”

  I nod. “She’s fine right now.”

  A few minutes later we pull up to Mason’s. MacKenzie, Hunter, the kids, Chloe, and Layla are already here. Before Cooper even has the truck shut off the front door swings open and Hailey is standing there with her hands on her hips.

  I take a deep breath and push all the heavy stuff aside. “Told you to hurry up.” I mumble climbing out of the truck. “It’s Cooper’s fault.” I yell over towards Hailey.

  She stands there shaking her head. “You keep having sex the way you two are and she’s gonna be knocked up next.”

  Cooper throws his arm around Hailey’s neck and pulls her inside with him. “Your two kids are enough birth control for us, sis.”

  “Hardy har har.”

  “Boo!” Mason yells from somewhere in the house. “What the hell is this shit?”

  We follow Hailey into the kitchen where Mason has both the babies in high chairs. He’s holding jar of food up to his nose and smelling it. “This smells like shit.”

  Hailey goes over and takes the jar from Mason. “Quit smelling it and just feed
it to them.”

  “I tried that.” Mason throws his hands up. “Caleb just spits it out.”

  Hailey takes the spoon from the tray and dips it into the jar. “Open up, bubba.” Caleb with his big blue eyes and dark curly hair opens his mouth and closes his lips around the spoon. He swallows and opens his mouth again.


  Cooper starts chuckling. “Looks like you don’t have the magic touch there, daddy.”

  Mason turns and glares at Cooper. “Let’s see you do it, tough guy.”

  Cooper never backs down from a challenge. He steps over to Hailey and takes the jar from her. He follows the same steps as Hailey. Caleb opens his mouth and takes the food without a problem.

  Mason throws himself in the chair at the kitchen table.

  “He’s a picky eater.” Hailey tries to stroke Mason’s ego.

  Mason rolls his eyes.

  “Try it with Alexis. I bet you she eats it.”

  Chloe steps into the kitchen. “We gotta get going or we’re not going to have time for dinner.”

  Hailey holds out the jar and spoon for Mason. He takes it from her Alexis opens her mouth wide for him. She is absolutely adorable with her blonde hair in a ponytail at the top of her head. “See.”

  Mason smiles.

  “She’s only being so compliant now because she’s going to be a handful when she’s a teenager,” Cooper grips on Mason.


  He gets cut off by Hailey hitting him in the stomach. “Mouth!”

  “Schooled,” Hunter shouts coming into the kitchen.

  MacKenzie steps up beside him. “You’re one to talk. What was one of Olivia’s first words?”

  Hunter looks down shaking his head. “Shit.”


  Cooper bumps MacKenzie’s shoulder. “Hey.”

  MacKenzie turns towards Hunter giving her brother the cold shoulder. “We’re getting out of here.” She stands on her tip-toes kissing Hunter on the lips. “Love you.”

  Hunter glances over to Cooper and chuckles. “Love you, too.”

  “You can’t ignore me forever.” Cooper shoves his hands in his pockets. He admitted to me he felt a little guilty not involving her in at least helping to pick out the ring.


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