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The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists

Page 9

by Ardor

  "Oh my god, and you'd all be naked?" I asked in disbelief.

  "There wouldn't be much point to it if we weren't, besides, a few of the girls are absolutes. If we tried to force them to wear costumes or something they'd back out." Sandy said plainly.

  "You do it every day at three?" I asked wanting to be sure I had the time right.

  "Yeah, but if you're going to come by to watch try to do it on a Friday. The rest of the week is sort of practice but on Fridays we really put on a show."

  "OK." I said a little disappointed that I would have to wait five whole days.

  I went back to contemplating my pussy until I realized that not only was it out in the open but so was my butt hole.

  "Oh my god!" I said a little panicked at the realization.

  "What?" Sandy asked concerned. "Did you strain something?"

  "No, it's my, butt hole," I said whispering the last part, "it's sticking right out in the open."

  "Well, yeah." Sandy said as if that was the most obvious thing in the world.

  "Isn't that kind of unladylike?" I asked feeling self-conscious that my butt hole was out in the open for all to see.

  "Honey, the term unladylike was made up by men who want to keep women in their place. As long as you keep yourself clean you've got nothing to worry about." Sandy said with a laugh. "Besides guys are weird remember? Some of them like to do more then look at your butt hole."

  "I guess that's true." I said with a little half smile.

  "There's no guessing about it," Sandy said, "guys like looking at pussy and asshole. So relax and let them look. It's the only way you'll get any peace in this joint. In fact it's the girls who walk around with their knees and butts clamped so tightly together that a fart couldn't squeak out that get asked to present the most."

  "Sandy!" I said laughing at her crude language.

  "It's true." A male voice said from behind me.

  My entire body stiffened as I heard the strange voice. My big mistake though was trying to turn my head to see who it was. Panicked I wasn't thinking straight and all I managed to do was unbalanced myself. Before I knew it I was falling and headed right for Sandy.

  Like an acrobat she unfolded herself quickly and arranged it so that instead of kneeing her in the stomach I wound up straddling her body. My face landed right between her breasts but at least no one got hurt. As I pulled out of her cleavage she looked at me and asked, "Are you OK?"

  "Um, yeah." I said and then slowly looked up to see who the guy was.

  He was cute with ragged shoulder length dark hair, a scruffy unshaven face and a slight smile. He stood there in his T-shirt and jeans with his book bag tossed over one shoulder looking down at us apologetically.

  "Sorry," he said sincerely, "I didn't mean to startle you."

  "Uh, it's OK." I said not knowing what to do next.

  Sandy arched her back, practically putting her boobs in my face again, and then turned her head slightly to look behind her. After seeing who it was she said, "Dennis you letch, trust you to sniff out the new girl before anyone else."

  "Hey," he said shrugging his shoulders, "I was just strolling through the campus when I came upon one, no two, of the most beautiful sights in my life."

  "Sweet talker," Sandy said slightly pissed off. Then she relaxed back to the ground, looked up at me, smiled, and said, "Look what you've done. You've practically scared poor Joan here to death."

  I looked down at Sandy and said, "No, no, I'm OK..."

  I sat up and then realized the position I was in. I looked down between my legs to see that the way I was sitting on top of Sandy left me completely on display. My legs spread over Sandy's naked body put my pussy a few inches below Sandy's. Her legs were closed but you could still see most of the cleft between her outer lips.

  "Beautiful, just beautiful, you two are enough to inspire a poet." Dennis said looking down at us.

  "Are you a poet?" I asked so excited at the idea of finding another creative person that I forgot my embarrassment.

  Dennis looked like he was about to say something when Sandy cut him off.

  "Dennis don't you dare!" Sandy said twisting her upper body so she could look him in the eye.

  "What? She asked." Dennis said defensively.

  "Yes, but she didn't know you were about to launch into an epic twenty page poem in tribute to your imaginary lover's dewy gates to heaven." Sandy said the last few words with a sarcastic a roll of her eyes.

  Sandy looked back at me and said, "Dennis here is an engineering major that fancies himself a poet."

  "I can't help it if the true beauty of womanhood inspires me to words." Dennis said dramatically.

  "Yeah," Sandy said to me laughing, "what it inspires him to do is beg you to sit with your legs spread wide open so he can gaze up into you with big puppy dog eyes and whisper adjectives into a mini tape recorder. When he runs out of adjectives he becomes so overwhelmed with passion that," Sandy made dramatic gestures with her arms and said, "he has to taste the flower of your desire."

  I couldn't help snickering at him a little.

  "Hmmm," Dennis said with a pout, "I can see true art isn't appreciated here. Good day ladies."

  As Dennis stomped off Sandy said, "Come on Dennis, I was just teasing."

  When it was obvious that he wasn't going to stop Sandy sighed, looked up at me and said, "Oh I'll make it up to him later."

  "You mean you're gonna let him?" I asked surprised.

  Sandy laughed and said, "He's already seen up inside me. How do you think I know his routine? He's got a wonderful tongue though. To bad he's such a lousy poet."

  "Sandy, you're horrible." I said laughing.

  "No, he's horrible but he can lick one hell of a pussy."

  We laughed for a moment or two but then I saw Sandy's eyes look up and down my body. We stopped laughing and looked at each other quietly.

  "Sandy I..."

  She just smiled at me and said, "The administration office is probably open by now."

  "Yeah?" I said not really hearing her. A few seconds later the words finally penetrated my head. "Oh my God. I've gotta go!"

  "I know." Sandy said with a warm smile.

  I pulled her up to me and hugged her, our naked bodies rubbed together before I hopped off her and said, "Thanks for being so nice to me. I'll see you later and I'll be there Friday at three!"

  She just kept smiling at me as I grabbed my purse and ran off.

  Chapter 9

  I started off running down the sidewalk but my tits were bouncing so out of control that it hurt so I had to slow down. Unhappily I settled for a really quick walk. However now that I had time to think about being naked I felt awkward again. I couldn't seem to figure out how to hold my purse or where to put my left hand.

  I tried carrying my purse over my shoulder like I usually do but the way it rubbed against my hip only reminded me that I was naked. So then I used both hands to hold it in front of me but that only looked like I was trying to cover myself. It didn't feel natural carrying it in my left hand and I almost tripped over the strap. In the end I put it over my right shoulder again and held it against my body. It still felt weird but now I was close enough to the entrance of the building to be distracted by another problem, people.

  There weren't a lot, maybe because it was still early, but there were people walking around campus now. There were men and women and annoyingly enough they didn't seem to care that I was naked. A male student hardly looked at me as he walked past me. I wasn't sure if I should be glad or offended.

  I turned my head to watch him walk away from me. When I turned back I saw that I was headed for a collision with a naked blonde with big boobs who was to busy chatting with the guy walking next to her to. We both turned our heads in time to see each other but to late to stop from running into one another.

  I had my purse but her arms were free so as we collided she threw her arms around me and took a step back to keep us from falling over. My entire body rubbed up agains
t hers and somehow her leg ended up between mine. My pussy lips rubbed up against the soft skin at the top of her thigh. She held me tightly in her arms, our boobs pressed together and she said, "Sorry, I didn't see you. Are you OK?"

  "Um, yeah, I'm fine I, oh!" I said as she moved her leg which made my clit pop out from under its hood.

  She looked confused for a fraction of a second and then she must have figured out what was going on. She smiled at me and I felt her nipples harden and poke into me.

  "Sorry about that too." She said as she helped me stand up on my own and took her knee out from between my legs.

  "It's OK," I said trying to ignore my clit.

  Now that I was back on my own feet I looked over to see who she was talking to. Standing next to her was a tall cute guy.

  "Hey." He said smiling at me.

  "Hi." I said back awkwardly.

  "No really, I feel bad. I'd be glad to, help you out." She said with a sweet smile.

  I looked at her for a second and then it dawned on me what she meant. Stunned I looked at her friend and then back to her and asked, "Here?"

  "No," she said as if I asked the most ridiculous question in the world, "but there is a spot not far from here where we could–"

  "Thanks, really, but I've gotta get over to the Administration building. I'm probably late as it is."

  She shrugged and said, "OK but remember there are no doors or stalls in the bathrooms so if it gets too bad for you don't be afraid to ask an upper class student for help. Believe me it's less embarrassing then having an orgasm in the middle of class."

  "Oh my god." I said shocked, and a little turned on, at the idea.

  "Yeah," she said smiling, "I did it twice before I got up the nerve to ask for help."

  "Oh my god." I said quietly.

  "You sure I can't help you out?" She said leaning in close and rubbing one of her breasts against me.

  "I have to... Your skin is so soft." I said with a sigh.

  "That's the lotion. It's wonderful isn't it?" She asked.

  "Lotion? What lotion?" I asked.

  "You know, the lotion. Wait, you don't know about the lotion?" She asked with a confused look on her face.

  "No, this is my first day on campus." I admitted hesitantly.

  "You poor thing. No wonder your clit is as hard as a little pebble." She said sympathetically.

  "Uh, yeah." I said my eyes flicking to her friend and then away.

  His eyes were between my legs and I could feel myself blushing. Oh god, is he going to ask me to present? Would I be expected to lay down right here on the side walk and spread myself wide open? If he asked me to open my lips I don't know how I'd keep my fingers off my clit. I could feel myself blushing so to change the subject I asked, "What's this lotion?"

  "It's sort of a combination body lotion and sun screen. You can get it at the bookstore. Between that and the tea your skin will feel like silk." She said smiling.

  "The tea?" I asked.

  "All natural herbal stuff or something. It's full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and tons of other things that are good for you. All the girls drink gallons of it a day. It gives you energy, boosts your immune system, speeds up your metabolism but most of all it keeps you warm on chilly days. I'd freeze my tits right off if it wasn't for that stuff." She said cupping her breasts and pretending to shiver.

  I couldn't help but look at her boobs as she squeezed them. Neither could her friend.

  "Of course you pee your brains out all day but that's good for you too and the guys love to watch. Don't you, you perv." She said giving her friend a shove with her shoulder.

  "Hey, it's natural and healthy to be curious about the opposite sex." He said defensively.

  "He speaks!" She teased him, then looked at me smiling and said, "I was beginning to think he was so busy using his eyes that he forgot how to talk."

  "As long as he doesn't forget how to use his tongue he's probably worth keeping around." I said joking nervously.

  "Oh he's got a lovely tongue," she said smiling at him, "after a whole day of wandering around naked in public I ride his face like a jockey and he loves it."

  He just blushed, shrugged his shoulders and smiled at me awkwardly.

  She laughed, wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close. Her naked body pressed up against him and he slipped his arm around her waist and patted her naked ass. I couldn't help wonder what that was like. To be that naked and wrapped around someone who was completely dressed, in public!

  "I'm Belinda by the way and this is Larry." She said looking at me over her shoulder.

  "Um, I'm Joan." I said trying to ignore my crazy line of thinking.

  All he'd have to do is move his hand back a little. Then it could slide right between her cheeks. Oh my God! He could be casually toying with her butt hole as we stand here, in public, chatting. Then he could slip another finger right up...

  "Joan are you OK? You look a little flushed." Belinda asked concerned.

  "Uh, yeah." I said coming back to reality.

  "You sure you couldn't use a, finger friend?" She asked with a whisper and a little smile.

  "Um, yeah, no, not right now, thanks. I gotta go. It was good meeting you both though." I said quickly and turned to leave.

  Belinda grabbed my arm before I could get away and said, "Believe me I know what you're going through Joan but this isn't the outside world. There's no shame in being horny here. It doesn't make you a slut or anything. You have to give your body what it needs or you'll go nuts. Just think about it OK?"

  "Um, sure, I will, I promise but right now I have to get to the Administration office. Thanks and good to meet you two." I said as I started walking towards the door again.

  "You too," Belinda said with a little laugh. Then as I walked away she said to to Larry, "That girl is going to explode like Mount Vesuvius right smack in the middle of one of her classes."

  I heard him smirk but I kept right on walking. There's no way that could happen to me I thought. Then I took a closer look at my body. My heart was beating like a base drum, my nipples were hard as rocks and my pussy was definitely wet. Oh god, she's right... What do I do? What do I do?

  By now I had walked up to the front door of the administration building. I stood there uncertain and looked around. There were more people, both male and female, going about their business. Not a huge crowd by any means. Just a handful or so but more then enough to keep me from taking care of the problem at hand, so to speak.

  Not knowing what else to do and realizing that I had to get registered for class I tried to put the whole thing out of my mind and just get back to business. I walked into the building and looked around for the registrar's office.

  Not seeing anything I walked over to a girl sitting behind a clear glass desk and asked her where the registrar's office was. She smiled at me, pointed and said, "Right past the bathrooms there's a hallway, make a left there and it's three doors down."

  "Thanks." I said smiling back at her.

  As I walked off in the direction she pointed me in I couldn't help but look back at her. She seemed so happy and carefree. Being naked didn't seem to bother her in the least. I wanted to be like her but I couldn't help wonder if I ever would be.

  I didn't have much time to think about that though because a short walk put me right in front of the bathrooms.

  There was the standard door with the little graphic image of a man on it and right next to that was what had to be the women's room. There was no door with a graphic of a woman on it though. There was no door. In fact there wasn't even a wall!

  There were four toilets against the back wall, there was a full length mirror, two sinks with mirrors above them and a stack of small hand towels against the right wall and what looked like four shower heads sticking out of the left wall. Two of the shower heads were about 7 feet off the ground. The other two were right under them at about three feet off the ground.

  That's it, there were no stalls, no curtains, everyth
ing was right out in the open. You couldn't do anything in there without being completely on display. I just stared at it open mouth for a minute not knowing what to think. I mean I know a BSC girl wasn't supposed to hide herself and there was something on the website about the bathrooms being open plan, but this? I wasn’t expecting this!

  As I stood there dumbfounded a woman who was about thirty-five or so walked past me and into the bathroom. Then she sat down on one of the toilets and started to pee. As she did she looked up at me, gave me a funny little smile and said, "New to the school?"


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