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The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists

Page 18

by Ardor

  As I was finishing up a guy stopped to watch me. Not being able to help myself I quickly stood up straight and turned to face the water. As I peeked at him over my shoulder he smiled and said, "Lovely." I felt myself blush a little but before I could say anything he just nodded goodbye and then walked away.

  I stood there for a second or two with the water beating on my upper chest trying to sort out my feelings about what had just happened. Then I shrugged, smiled to myself, shut off the water and walked towards the lockers for a towel.

  A little breeze blew up as I walked with the water still dripping off my naked body. How could such simple sensations feel so nice? It was like a giant secret that had been kept from me for eighteen years. I let the breeze blow over me for a little longer and then took out a towel and dried myself off. It actually took five of them to get me dry.

  I tossed the wet towels in the hamper part of the locker and then picked up my backpack and put it on. If I remembered the campus map correctly the cafeteria was just a bit farther down the path.

  As I walked towards the cafeteria there were more and more people. Then the path turned into a fair sized concrete area with three buildings surrounding it. There weren't just people around me now. They were right near me! I was standing naked at the edge of a busy crowd of people!

  My heart started to beat a little faster as I tried to deal with this. It was somehow different now that I was among other people. Before most of the people I had seen were around me in the distance or like twenty feet away. These people could reach out and touch me as they walked by.

  "The best way to handle this is to just do what I needed to do." I thought.

  I just started walking again. I was just moving slowly through the crowd. Unable to help myself I looked around at the people near me. Most people were just walking to wherever they were going like all of this was normal. They were either by themselves or talking with friends as they walked. It all looked just like any other public area except here all the women were naked.

  There was a little square grassy area in the center that was surrounded by benches. It looked to be about thirty feet square. In the center of that on a raised concrete platform that was about eight feet square was? Oh, my god! There were two toilets back to back and then two of the shower poles facing outwards. I couldn't believe anyone used these toilets. I mean I know the deal around here and all the bathrooms are out in the open but these? It's like putting on a show for the world.

  There were people sitting on the benches reading or talking with friends. One girl was eating a yogurt as she chatted with a guy about something. It all looked very natural somehow. I felt like I was walking through some kind of surreal dream as I looked around me.

  I stopped when I saw a small group of girls come out from the path on the other side. They seemed to be egging one of them on as they walked closer and closer to the grassy area. She looked nervously around her as she walked forward. I just looked on blankly not believing what I thought I was about to see.

  They got to the edge of the grassy area and the nervous naked girl looked back at her friends. I could just about hear them now and they were all encouraging her onward. When she still seemed hesitant one of the girls said something to her and then walked up to the toilets. She sat down on it, spread her legs, peed, wiped herself, flushed, rinsed off in the shower from the waist down and then walked back to her friends still wet.

  The girl who just peed took the nervous girl's hands and said something to her that looked encouraging. The nervous girl took a deep breath and then walked timidly up to the toilets. She sat down and then made a surprised face and blushed. She sat there for a few seconds and then reached for the toilet paper. I couldn't believe it when she reached behind herself to wipe.

  Now that I think about it she was walking a little funny. She must have really had to go and then surprised herself when it automatically came out of her when she sat down. She finished wiping and then showered all the while blushing bright red.

  When she got back to her friends they hugged and kissed her. Then one of them said something to her and her jaw dropped. They all looked at her as if they were waiting for something. She slowly turned around and bent at the waist. Then she reached back and spread her cheeks as the whole group of girls spot checked her. They must have pronounced her clean because she stood up and turned around as the whole group of girls hugged her again.

  Two of the girls stood on either side of her and raised the nervous girl's hands high in the air and screamed, "She's done it! She conquered the Matterhorn!"

  Then the people who had been trying very hard not to notice what had happened a few minutes ago looked at the nervous girl and cheered for her as her friends kept her hands held high.

  After a minute or so the cheering started to die down. As people started to go back about their business I started towards the cafeteria again. I didn't know what to think about the Matterhorn. Everyone saw her use that toilet but pretended not to until her friends made it obvious that she had. Then they cheered her? Very weird…

  "Just what the heck did I get myself into here?" I said laughing to myself.

  I opened up the door to the building and almost bumped into a guy rushing out. He apologized and said he was late for his physics class. He did however find the time to stare right at my boobs for a few seconds before he looked me in the eye, blushed and ran off. I almost laughed again as I watched him disappear into the crowd.

  I went inside the building and sighed as my bare feet touched the cold, smooth tile of the hallway. It really felt good after all that concrete I've been walking on. The air conditioning was another story though. It wasn't freezing, thank god, but it was cool enough that my nipples stood up and took notice.

  They weren't hard in the same way as if I was turned on but now I was aware of them. Each bounce my breasts made, sort of, tugged on the tight skin of my nipples and areola. After just a small walk down the hall I had to resist the urge to touch myself.

  Thankfully the doors to the cafeteria quickly came up on my left. I pushed one open and walked into a large cafeteria. There were long rectangular tables in rows and smaller circular tables that broke up those rows.

  At the back of the room I could see a line of people and behind them were refrigerated displays with fruit and cold drinks. I could also make out the counters behind which the cafeteria workers cooked the hot food. I wondered if the female cafeteria workers were naked too? Wouldn't that violate some kind of heath code?

  As I walked through the busy cafeteria I noticed a drink station in the center of the room. I walked up to it and saw that there was coffee and tea available for free.

  "Do you need some help?" A female voice from behind me asked.

  I turned around to see a naked woman who looked to be about thirty-five or so. She was a bit plump but not unpleasantly so. She had round, apple, sized breasts with surprisingly large rings through each nipple. They must have been about an inch across with a little ball at the bottom of each ring.

  They looked heavy too from the way they were tugging her nipples down as they dangled from her breasts. Besides that all she was wearing was a hair net, latex gloves and a clear vinyl apron.

  The apron was kind of weird though. It covered her in front and it also covered her in back with about two inches of bare skin at her sides. It was kind of like a see through mini skirt with a slit that went way up to the waistband.

  The really odd part though was that it had some kind of built in G-string. There was a strip of clear vinyl just wide enough to cover her pussy. It went from the waistband in front down between her legs and I assumed up to the waistband in the back.

  She was shaved and her pussy lips and clit sort of pressed up against the strip of vinyl in an awkward way. I couldn't help wonder if it was uncomfortable.

  "Um, yeah," I said trying not to be distracted by her "outfit." "This is my first day on campus. How do things work in here?"

  "Oh, it's easy. You can get coffee
and tea for free over here." She said pointing at the station.

  "Is this that magic tea I've heard about all over campus?" I asked.

  "Yeah, great stuff. Keeps you warm and healthy as an ox! The food is back there." She said pointing to the line at the back of the room.

  As she moved her upper body to point at the line the nipple rings swung on her chest.

  "You can get hot and cold food as well as juices and smoothies. Everything is all natural, organic and free range. It's all really good if I do say so myself. Then you pay at the head of the line with your student ID."

  "That does sound pretty easy." I said as she turned back to me.

  I tried not to look but my eyes were drawn to her swinging nipple rings. I looked back up to her face quickly but it was obvious that I had been caught.

  "Sorry," I said embarrassed, "I didn't mean to stare."

  "It's OK they do kind of attract the eye." She said looking down at them and shaking her shoulders a little so that the rings would swing.

  "They look, kinda heavy." I said since she didn't seem bothered by the topic.

  "Go on, feel them." She said sticking her chest out at me and smiling.

  I tentatively reached out with both hands, putting my fingertips right under the little balls, and lifted them. I moved them up and down, felt their weight and said, "They are heavy."

  "My husband calls them my door knockers because whenever he plays with them I let him in, so to speak." She said with a wink.

  It took me a second to get what she meant. When I did, out of some weird reflex, I dropped the rings and pulled my hands back. They fell fast and the weight of them pulled hard on her nipples.

  "Oh!" She said quickly reaching up to soothe her nipples.

  "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

  "It's OK honey." She said with a warm smile as she lifted her boobs at me. "They like it a little rough. You just took me by surprise that's all."

  "Sorry." I said biting my lip.

  "Really honey, don't worry about it. This damn apron is way more uncomfortable than a tug from these ever could." She said with a sarcastic smile and a little tug on each nipple ring.

  "So the apron is as uncomfortable as it looks?" I asked sympathetically.

  "That's not the half of it. Vinyl doesn't breath. We get all sticky and sweaty under these things. I mean I know they like to look at pussy here at BSC but this is ridiculous. Two of my girls got yeast infections and several more have heat rashes and this is only the beginning of the second week we've had to wear them! Our first protest isn't having much effect so I made an appointment with Ms. Grimes Ferguson, the president of the university herself. She'll get this straightened out." She said firmly.

  "What was your first protest?" I asked.

  She smiled and then turned around and bent at the waist a little. I looked down at the back of the apron and saw at the top in black sharpie was written, these aprons suck!" Under that she used the strip of G-string vinyl to spread her cheeks apart so that you could see her butt hole which was circled angrily in black sharpie. Then under that was written, let my pussy breath!

  "And that had no effect?" I asked.

  She turned around and with a wry smile said, "Not the one we were hoping for anyway. That's why I made the appointment with Angela. She'll straighten this out."

  "Good luck." I said with a smile.

  "Thanks, now you go get yourself something to eat." She said in a very motherly tone.

  "I will, I just want to get some tea first." I said gesturing to the drink station.

  "OK sweetie, you have a nice day." She said as she walked off.

  "You too."

  I put my hands up to the shoulder straps of my backpack very aware of how that pushed my shoulders back and stuck my boobs straight out. Then I awkwardly leaned over to my right to slip the strap off my shoulder making my boobs jiggle to the right.

  I tried to avoid the jiggle to the left when I leaned that way to slip the strap off the other shoulder but had no luck. My boobs were all over the place. I was about to shake my shoulders to get the pack to slide down when I realized the show that would give the world.

  Part of me was tempted to do it but I was too shy. Instead I moved my arms together behind me and gravity helped the pack slip down to where I could grab it.

  I brought it around front and took out the thermos. Then with the pack over one shoulder I unscrewed the cup and put it under the dispenser. After filling it with a few sips of tea I tried it to see what it was like. It tasted kind of like an herbal tea. It needed some honey or something but it wasn't bad.

  From all the stuff that I've heard was in it I was afraid it was going to taste like medicine or something. Then I saw there were several containers with pump top dispensers next to the tea. They were labeled cherry, mint and green apple. I tried a squirt of green apple in my tea and then tasted it. It was really good!

  Not only that but the hot liquid poured down my throat and warmed me up from the inside out. I happily put the cup on the counter, unscrewed the top of the thermos and filled it with tea leaving enough room for several good squirts of the green apple. I closed up the thermos, gave it a strong shake and put it back in the holder. Then I tried to put the backpack on without jiggling all over the place.

  I didn't have much luck there. As I lifted the right strap into place my boobs wobbled to the left and then to the right when I put on the other strap. I tried hard not to care but only had so much success. As I turned to walk around the drink station I saw a table full of guys who had been watching me.

  I thought about what Ms. Astamendi said about how I handled that guy outside her classroom. Room for improvement huh? I straightened my back, stuck my tits out and walked past them smiling like I didn't have a care in the world. OK, so maybe I was bluffing but they didn't know that.

  I walked towards the back of the room to see what kind of food they had to offer. There was a line but it wasn't that long. There was a big display case. It was like something you'd see in the produce section of a supermarket. It had a section for apples, bananas and pears. Next to that was an open refrigerated case with prepared stuff.

  There were little plastic containers of fruit salad, cut up raw veggies and yogurt with fresh fruit. Past that section was the counter where they made the hot stuff for you.

  I looked up at the big menu board on the wall overhead. It was filled with really good wholesome food. There wasn't a deep fried sugar coated thing to be found anywhere in this joint. There was also a full menu of juices and smoothies made to order.

  It looked like you could get just about anything juiced or smoothied fresh on the spot. At the bottom of the juice menu it said in large red letters, "No sugar or sweeteners of any kind added." It seemed more like some kind of health food restaurant rather than a school cafeteria.

  I thought about getting a berry smoothie with a cholesterol free omelet but then I thought about what I'd need to do afterwards. I wasn't quite ready to tackle the Matterhorn and while my stomach was empty it wasn't grumbling, yet. I decided to hold off until lunchtime. I'd get something to eat after my next class.

  I wandered back through the tables until I found an empty round table over in the corner where I wouldn't be noticed much. Taking off my backpack I laid my towel down on a chair and sat. Then I took out my thermos and my computer pad. I was really excited to play with my new toy so I poured myself some tea and turned it on. While it was booting up I looked at my cell phone quickly for the time. I still had about thirty-five minutes until class.

  After putting my cell away and taking a sip of tea I saw that the pad was up and ready. I put down my tea and browsed a few web pages to see what it was like on the device. Then I opened up the bookstore and flipped through to see what was available. I found a free book or two so I downloaded one just to see what it was like to read on the device.

  It downloaded pretty quickly right to a "bookshelf." I double tapped on the book and it opened right
up. God this was so cool! I flipped through the first few pages of copyright information and the table of contents to get to the actual reading. It wasn't quite the same as having a real book in your hand but it was clear and easy to read. It would also be a breeze to carry around every textbook I'd need for the next four years without an added ounce of weight.

  I was really getting into what I was reading when a female voice from in front of me said, "Reading something really good?"

  "Huh?" I asked looking up to see a girl who looked a couple of years older than me with a tray of food.

  She looked directly at my right boob. That's when I realized that I was sort of fingering my nipple. I quickly put my hand down at my side and said, "Sorry I didn't realize."

  "Don't worry about it. Mind of I sit with you?" She asked with a smile.

  "Sure, have a seat. My name is Joan." I said putting down my computer pad and turning it off.


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