The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists

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The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists Page 24

by Ardor

  Design class was a few buildings over from the cafeteria and three floors up. I walked into the building and headed for the elevator. When I got to the elevator there was a guy who looked a year or two older then me standing there waiting for the car. I stood there next to him and waited. When the car didn't come I leaned forward and pressed the button. As I did I felt my breasts move with my body. I couldn't help but giggle a little to myself.

  "What's so funny?" The guy standing next to me asked.

  "Huh? Oh, it's just my boobs." I said with an embarrassed smile.

  "They don't look the least bit funny to me." He said looking at them and then back up to my face.

  "No, it's just, I'm not used to going braless so it's weird when they're all over the place."

  "I don't think it's weird at all." He said with a big smile.

  "No, I'm sure you don't." I said with a laugh.

  Then I looked down at my boobs and gave my shoulders a little shake just to watch them wobble around on my chest a little. I laughed and then said, "Nope sorry, still funny to me."

  "I don't think you'll find a guy on campus who's going to agree with you but that's OK. I'm Ben by the way."

  "Hey Ben, we're Joan." I said giving my shoulders another shake.

  "Your boobs are named Joan?" He said looking at me with one raised eyebrow and a funny smirk.

  "Yeah." I laughed. Then I put the tips of my fingers under each breast. I bounced the right one and said, "This one is Jo." Then I bounced the left one and said, "This one is An."

  He laughed and said, "OK, so now your boobs are named Jo and Ann?"

  "This is getting entirely to silly. I'm Joan, they," I said shaking my shoulders again, "are just along for the ride."

  "Nice to meet you Joan." He said with a smile and a little nod.

  "You too." I laughed and then said, "This is kinda fun."

  "What is?" He asked as the elevator finally showed up.

  When the doors opened we walked inside and somewhere behind us a male voice yelled, "Hold the elevator please."

  Ben pressed the hold button as I said, "I used to be so paranoid about guys getting a free show but here we are joking about my bare breasts, as I stand here completely naked, like it was nothing."

  "Well, it certainly isn’t nothing. You have a great body but that's the whole point to BSC. I mean, besides an amazing education that is."

  "That I have a great body is the whole point of BSC?" I joked to him as three other guys got on the elevator.

  When the new guys heard me say that they all smiled and looked me over as the elevator doors closed. Ben and I were at the back of the elevator and I was very aware that I was trapped naked in there with with four completely dressed guys. Only one of whom I knew anything about and all I knew about him was his first name. I felt a tiny bit of fear creep up my spine but I tried to stay calm.

  "A girl I knew in first year came here a complete wreck. Oh, could you hit four for me please." Ben said to the guy near the elevator buttons.

  "Three for me please." I said.

  "I bet Ms. Astamendi took care of that." The guy standing in front of me said.

  "Yeah, she really did. In six months not only had her complexion cleared up but she lost thirty pounds and couldn't even look at a cigarette. Now, I'm not saying she was magically transformed into a super model or anything but she was suddenly a person you wanted to be around."

  "What, because she lost weight and her skin cleared up?" I asked hesitantly.

  "No, those were just incidental cosmetic changes. You wanted to be around her because her whole attitude had changed. She was bright, sunny and vibrant. Physically she may have gone from a three to a six or maybe seven but mentally she was a twenty. It actually made her more attractive than the changes to her body."

  I understood what he said but I didn't get his point. When I looked at him confused he said, "OK, for instance you girls aren't naked just because you have to be. You're naked because you're safe to be and that changes everything. By giving you the freedom to be totally comfortable with yourselves we get so much in return."

  "How do you give us freedom?" I asked completely lost.

  "That's an easy one." He looked from me to the other guys in the elevator and said, "Guys, the four of us are standing here alone with an attractive naked woman right?"

  They all shook their heads in agreement like that was the most obvious thing in the world.

  "We've all enjoyed looking at her but have any of you even thought of doing anything else?"

  They looked at him as if they didn't know what he meant.

  "You know, like, forcing her to..." Ben said with a shrug and an unpleasant look as if it was so distasteful a thought he couldn't even complete the sentence.

  When they all got where he was going they looked horrified. They backed away from me as far as the small space would allow and each one started to apologize.

  "No, not at all." The guy in front of Ben said with a pleading look.

  "Never, not even for a second. I swear!" The guy in the middle promised sincerely.

  "Oh my god, you didn't think that did you? I would never, please tell me you didn't think that." The guy right in front of me asked.

  "No, I didn't. I mean, I was a little nervous but I didn't think that." I said trying to calm and reassure them.

  They seemed to relax a little when I said that. I could feel a tiny little smile creep across my face. I mean these guys towered over me and could easily over power me yet they were afraid I would even think of such a thing? It wasn't power that made me so happy because I could see how just one girl lying about something like that could bring everything to complete ruin. It really was freedom. I really was naked, completely free and totally safe.

  "I was thinking about asking you to present but there's no way I could do that now." The guy in front of me admitted sheepishly.

  I looked at him suddenly brimming with more confidence than I had felt in my entire life.

  "You wanted to look at my pussy?" I asked.

  "Your butt actually." He said with a crooked smile. "I only got a glimpse of it when I was running up to the elevator."

  "Wait, all you want to do is get permission to stare at my butt?" I asked confused.

  When he nodded his head I shrugged, turned around and bent at the waist for him. Then I wiggled my butt around a little and asked, "How's that?"

  "Wow, that's great. You have an amazing behind." He said appreciatively.

  The elevator dinged and then the doors opened so I turned around and said, "Glad you like it but this is my floor guys."

  They all stepped aside so that I could get off. When I was out of the elevator I turned around and looked at them. The door started to close so I put my hand on it to keep it open and said, "Thanks guys, you really changed the way I feel about being here."

  "Ah, if it wasn't us someone else would have helped you figure it out. Once you really get Blanke Schande you can't help but wanna make everyone else understand." Ben said happily.

  "Yeah, I could see that." I said with a bight smile.

  I was standing facing the three of them with my legs about shoulder width apart. I knew they could see everything and not only was I OK with that I was happy to give them a good look. These were three good, upstanding, Blanke Shande men.

  "Thanks all the same." I said giving them what I hoped was my prettiest smile.

  Then I turned and practically skipped down the hall to design class.

  Chapter 18

  I opened the door to design class thinking I was on time if not a little early only to find that it looked like class had already started. The class was split up into groups of five students. In each group a naked girl was standing spread eagled while the rest of her group painted designs on her naked body.

  "Can I help you?" A beautiful Asian woman asked me.

  She was a tiny petite woman with large dark eyes and jet black hair that surrounded an angelic face. Her body was slim with medi
um sized breasts yet she was incredibly sexy and curvy for such a tiny woman.

  "Um, yes, I'm Joan Harper."

  "I was told to expect you this week. I'm Fumiko Mori and I'll be your design teacher for this semester." She said with a friendly smile.

  "Did I get the class time wrong? I thought I was early but it looks like class has already started." I asked looking out over the classroom full of busy students.

  "You're on time. The class was so excited about the first project that we decided to meet a little early today so we could get a head start."

  "Oh, I see." I said disappointed that I was even further behind in this class then the others.

  "The group you'll be working with on this project is right over here." Ms. Mori said leading me into the classroom.

  As I followed her into the classroom I couldn't help but watch her walk. Her long black hair was so pretty and shiny as it hung down her back. It seemed to point down to her butt as she walked.

  We came up to a group of four students, three guys and one girl. The guys were busy drawing intricate designs on the naked girl who was standing spread eagled while they crowded around her.

  "Gail, Steve, Larry and Jim, your fifth member is here." Ms. Mori said pointing each of them out as she called their names. Then she turned to me slightly and said, "I'd like you to meet Joan Harper."

  They all looked at me with a smile.

  "Nice to meet you Joan." Gail said as she started to move.

  "Hey, no moving you, you're still wet." The guy on her left side said.

  "You can blame that on Jim down there." She said with a good natured smile.

  Jim was the guy sitting on the floor between her spread legs. He had been working high up on her inner thigh and around her vagina. The design radiated out from between her legs. He looked up at her and said, "You chose this design. I'm just making sure it's properly executed that's all."

  "Uh huh, and your careful attention to my details is admirable." Gail said joking with him.

  He just smiled up at her and then went back to work.

  "What are you working with?" I asked looking at the strange cone shaped things they were using to draw with on her naked body.

  "It's henna, you apply it with these little mylar cones." Steve said holding the cone out for me to look at.

  I looked at the cone in his gloved hand and said, "That stuff is semi permanent isn't it?"

  "The design should last anywhere from two to four weeks." Larry said before going back to work on Gail's left breast.

  He was drawing tiny, delicate little lines that circled around her nipple and radiated outward.

  "Wow, that's commitment to a project." I said looking at Gail.

  "Ah, it's not that big a deal really. I got to approve the design before it goes on and it's not like it's here forever. It'll be gone in a month or so." She said with a tiny shrug.

  "I guess that's true. So how can I help?" I asked looking at the four of them.

  Ms. Mori saw I was in good hands so she said she'd check back on us later and went off to look in on the other groups. I took off my backpack and sat down in a desk near them.

  Larry came over and showed me how to roll a cone out of a flat piece of mylar and fill it with henna. Then he demonstrated how to draw with it on a piece of paper. He gave me a pair of gloves and a few pieces of paper and told me to practice for a few minutes.

  It took me a few tries to figure out how much pressure I needed to put on the cone to get a consistent line but in no time I was drawing away with no problem. It wasn't much different then piping icing on a cake.

  Soon I was drawing little swirly patterns and flowery shapes similar to the designs that the guys were putting on Gail.

  Suddenly I felt a presence over my shoulder and then I heard Ms. Mori say, "Joan that's really pretty work. You have a very delicate touch."

  "Thank you." I said smiling.

  "In fact," Ms. Mori said as if she was thinking, "how would you feel about putting that design on me?"

  "Really?" I asked turning to look up at her.

  Since she was standing so close to me the first thing I saw when I turned was her left breast. It was right there in front of my face. I could almost feel the other one brushing up against my hair. I managed to look up into her eyes as she spoke.

  "I have to admit that I've been thinking about it since you started working on Gail." She said to the rest of my group. "And I'll give the whole group credit for any work Joan does on me to make up for your group being one short."

  "Sure, as long as the rest of the group is OK with it." I said.

  They looked at me and shrugged as if saying why not. So I looked back at Ms. Mori and said, "Did you have anything specific in mind?"

  "Oh, something simple and pretty, maybe around my belly button." She said placing both her hands on her tummy.

  "OK." I said getting out a fresh piece of paper. "Does anyone have a pencil?"

  "Here." Steve said handing me one.

  I drew out a quick female torso and then started to sketch out a flowery swirly design around the belly button.

  "I really like that Joan. Have you done henna designs before?" Ms. Mori asked me.

  "No, but all I did here was modify some of the designs the boys are doing on Gail and alter the pattern to conform to the area." I said as if it wasn't a big deal and I really didn't think it was.

  "Still, very nice. Using unfamiliar elements and a new technique to you created a design that, while based on other’s work, is uniquely your own. I'm impressed."

  "Thanks," I said a little embarrassed, "so you still want me to put it on you?"

  "Yeah, um... Let's go up to my desk." She said leading me away.

  I grabbed my backpack, scooped up the supplies I'd need and with a nervous look at the rest of my group I followed Ms. Mori up to her desk. I was a little concerned about how the rest of my group would take all this. I was glad to see that they didn't look mad or unhappy. As I glanced back at them all I saw were smiles.

  When we got to Ms. Mori's desk she put a few things away so that the top was clear. Then she sat down on the edge of the desk and asked me how I wanted her. Looking over this beautiful naked woman my first thoughts were far from artistic but I managed to tell her to that I'd need her to lay down across her desk length wise. When she did I saw that I wouldn't be able to get to her belly with her legs closed and I didn't think I could work comfortably from the side.

  "Um, Ms. Mori, I'll need you to kinda, spread open your, um, legs." I said hesitantly.

  "Sure, no problem." She replied casually as she opened her legs as wide as she could.

  I looked down on a truly amazing site. Ms. Mori was breath taking.

  "Joan, everything OK?" Ms. Mori asked lifting her head off the desk and looking at me questioningly.

  "Yeah sure, sorry." I said as I stepped up between her legs and set the supplies down on the desk around her.

  I forced myself to ignore her vagina, to look at her smooth supple belly as a canvas and got to work. What didn't help was the fact that I had to bend over at the waist to work on her.

  So not only would the tips of my breasts occasionally bush over her soft skin, keeping my nipples hard, but the lips of her vagina would occasionally touch my lower belly as I leaned over her. I'm also sure I was putting everything between my legs on display as I bent over in front of the entire class.

  It took a little concentration but eventually I my brain switched to art mode and I managed to focus on what I had to do. The first line was a little shaky but once I had the design going I started to loose myself in it.

  So much so that I started to add and embellish the design that I had sketched out. Suddenly I heard my name and realized that it was Ms. Mori who was calling me. Realizing what happened I looked to her face and said, "Sorry, I got a little lost in what I was doing."

  "I can see that." She said looking down at herself.

  I took a step back to look at my work. It had come out
much better then planned however it had gone way past the simple design she had asked for. I looked at her guiltily and hoped she wasn't mad. She didn't seem mad but she did tell me to go ask the group nearest us for a hand mirror.

  I looked around and then headed toward the nearest group. This group was made up of three girls and two guys. They were using body paint to cover the girl that was the model for their group. They had painted her entire body a light blue. They were using a darker blue to add shadows and black to create tribal designs. It made her look kind of alien like but it was pretty cool looking.


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