The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists

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The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists Page 25

by Ardor

  "Hi, Ms. Mori would like to borrow your hand mirror for a few minutes if that would be OK." I asked.

  They all looked at me as I spoke. The guy standing behind their model stopped painting her butt and said, "Sure, it's right over there."

  He pointed to the mirror with his paint brush. I picked it up and said, "I really like your design. It's very cool."

  They thanked me and took turns introducing themselves. I wanted to stay and talk art with them but I knew Ms. Mori was waiting. I knew I also might be in trouble so I said I had to go and would talk to them later. I rushed back to Ms. Mori trying to ignore my bouncing breasts and the trouble I hoped I wasn't in.

  When I got back to Ms, Mori I handed her the mirror hoping she'd like the design enough to forgive me for getting carried away. She held the mirror over herself and used it to look at the work. As she studied it so did I. My eyes widened as I realized that it was a little top heavy.

  "Joan this really is lovely, however..."

  "I know it's top heavy. I'm so sorry, but I can fix it." I said really worried.

  Ms. Mori looked back in the mirror again and then looked at me and said, "I was going to say that it was more elaborate then I had planned but now that you point it out I see what you're saying. What did you have in mind?"

  "What it needs to balance it out and make the piece complete is a triangular design right here." I said placing my hand just above her vagina. "Let me draw you a sketch."

  I grabbed the original sketch and drew in a rough example of what I had planned. When I held it up for her to see I explained how it balanced the design and flowed over her body to not only enhance her beauty but embellish it.

  She smiled and said, "It certainly would. The way you have it framing my vagina it'll also draw the eye right down there."

  I looked back at the drawing and saw that she was right. That's exactly how it would balance out the design.

  "I'm sorry let me work up something else." I said about to go back to work on the rough drawing.

  "No no, that's OK." She said with a smile. "I like it. Go on."


  "Yeah," she said with a mischievous smile, "it'll give the guys a reason to look."

  "OK." I said relieved that she was happy with the unexpected addition to the design.

  Since this part of the design was lower on her body I pulled up a chair and sat right between her legs. I was now face to face with her shaved vagina. Her lips were slightly engorged and her clit was sticking out.

  I wasn't sure if it was me that had aroused or not but I looked up towards her head to find her looking back at me. Our eyes locked and she gave me a small smile. I smiled back at her and then went to work.

  I've been told several times already that most Blanke Schande women go through various states of arousal during the course of any given day. It was no big deal and in most cases no one even notices.

  Ms. Mori was just aroused enough to show some minimal signs but nothing more. Her lips had thickened and opened just a bit and if I concentrated I could just about detect the scent of her arousal. It was so faint though I doubt anyone else could have noticed it. It was like a little secret we shared.

  Being so close to her vagina made it a little difficult to ignore though. I was dying to know what it would be like to lick another woman. Even though she didn't look it Ms. Mori had to be ten or fifteen years older then me and she was my teacher on top of that.

  It would be totally inappropriate to just lean down and slip my tongue inside her. It didn't matter that she was aroused and spread out right in front of me. It just wasn't appropriate, right?

  "Brain switch back to art mode!" I yelled at myself inside my head.

  I'm gonna have to do something about this though. Maybe I should talk to Chrissie tonight? She'd probably be up for it... I was so tempted to do it earlier and if she's gonna lick my butt hole it's the least I can do in return.

  Having some sort of plan figured out I was able to get my mind back on the problem at hand. I forced myself to focus in on what I had to do and got to work. The design went onto her body easily enough and I was only slightly distracted when I had to do the work close to her vagina.

  It's hard not to think sexual thoughts when you're that close to a beautiful woman and the evidence that she's turned on is right there in your face. I only stole one or two good looks at her vagina as I worked on her though. I had to keep it down to a minimum otherwise I'd never get anything done and I was in enough trouble already.

  I finished the work around her vagina and sat back in my chair to look over my handiwork. As I did I heard a voice to my right say, "That is very lovely work Miss."

  I looked over to see that the voice came from a man who looked to be in his fifties. He was dressed kind of stodgily and looked like an accountant or something.

  "Thank you." I said giving him a weak smile.

  Ms. Mori lifted her head, looked at me and asked, "Can I sit up?"

  "No Ma'am, you have to stay in this position until the henna dries or you could smear it."

  "I see." Ms. Mori said looking from me to the man standing at my left. "What can I do for you Bertram?"

  I turned to look up at him just in time to see him look from Ms. Mori's vagina to her face.

  "I came to speak to you about the faculty meeting that was scheduled for today." He said looking back between her legs and smiling.

  "What about it?" She asked.

  "It's been rescheduled." He said looking back to her face. "The meeting has been rescheduled until next week."

  "Damn," Ms. Mori said more to herself then anyone else, "I can't wait until next week."

  "Yes, the chairman is aware of that which is why he asked me to come speak with you. I have been authorized to discuss whatever issues you might have and see if we can't provide you with a resolution or two." He said as he walked around the desk until he stood slightly behind me. Ms. Mori's looked a little uncomfortable so I figured he was getting a good eye full of her as he stood behind me.

  Ms. Mori looked at me and said, "Joan why don't you get back to work."

  "Yes Ma'am."

  I started to lean over her body again but quickly realized I had a problem. Because I was working farther up on Ms. Mori's body my breasts would hang and sway and possibly smear the still wet design. I should have worked from the top down instead of the bottom up.

  All I could do now was deal with it in the best way possible. So I stood up, moved my chair back and then held my boobs to my chest with my left hand as I leaned over to work on her with my right.

  I heard a small sound behind me and realized that it came from Bertram. I was blocking his view of Ms. Mori's vagina but bent over her the way I was he probably had a perfect view of me from behind.

  I knew he could see the inner lips of my vagina as they were fairly prominent but could he see my butt hole too? I glanced back at him over my shoulder and he was looking at my butt. My feet were about shoulders length apart. They had to be or I'd fall face first into Ms. Mori's belly. I couldn't close them if I wanted to.

  "Joan are you OK?" Ms. Mori asked.

  "Yes Ma'am, sorry, I'll get to work."

  "Bertram, if you wouldn't mind coming up here by my head I think you're distracting Joan."

  "Oh, of course." He said to Ms. Mori. Then to me he said, "I'm terribly sorry young lady. I didn't mean to be rude."

  "That's, OK." I said with a little half smile.

  He walked around my left side and up to Ms. Mori's head. When they started to talk about administrative school business I found it easier to concentrate on what I was supposed to be doing.

  Having finished another section I stood up straight and looked down at my work. My left hand was still across my breasts as I expected to lean back down and get to work in a few seconds.

  As I stood there thinking I felt someone looking at me. I looked to my left and saw that it was Bertram looking at me with a broad smile. It took me a second but then I figured out
what he was looking at.

  I was absentmindedly strumming my finger across the nipple of my right breast as I stood there thinking. I smiled at how easily his attention could wander and then bent over to get back to work.

  As I finished up the last of the work on Ms. Mori I heard another male voice enter the conversation. I hadn't really been paying attention to what they were talking about because frankly none of it was of much interest to me. When I heard the new voice I looked to see who it was out of reflex.

  He was a handsome man who looked to be somewhere in his late thirties. Whoever he was he kept himself in good shape. He was wearing tight jeans and a T-shirt that showed off his trim muscular body. The right leg of his jeans were covered with paint and his T-shirt was splattered with little bits of color here and there. Whoever he was he was obviously a painter.

  I finished the last few strokes of the design and then stood up to look over the finished piece. I have to admit it came out really nice. Once it dried and darkened Ms. Mori would look really hot.

  "That is very nice work Miss. You've somehow managed to make one of the prettiest women on campus even more lovely." The handsome painter said.

  "Um, thank you." I said a little thrown by his compliment.

  Being naked in front of a man I found attractive, regardless of the fact that he was probably a teacher and much to old for me, was a new and confusing feeling. I was caught between conflicting feelings of wanting him to look and being embarrassed by having him see me.

  "Especially this part down here." He said as he stepped closer and reached out his hand to point to the work I had just finished around her vagina.

  His hand started to get to close and I was already worried that I was in trouble so I didn't want to take the chance that he might accidentally smear the design. I put my hand up to block his and then move it before he could touch her.

  As Bertram was agreeing with him I said, "Please, it's not dry yet. If you smear it now Ms. Mori would have to spend the next month with the ruined design stained on her skin."

  He looked at me like I had done something unspeakable.

  "It's OK Joan, this is Russell Folley he knows something about how to handle art." Ms. Mori said smiling at him and spreading her legs just a bit wider.

  "Oh my god," I said with wide eyes, "you're not, the, Russell Folley?"

  A smile slowly spread across his face.

  "You've heard of me?" He asked.

  "I drove over two hours to see your show in LA last year. Your work is, amazing." I said awed.

  "You're very kind and, completely right, to protect your own work. Forgive me for being over enthusiastic. It would have been a shame if I accidentally ruined such lovely work and marred Fumiko's beauty for even a second nevertheless a whole month." He said graciously.

  "Um, it's OK, I over reacted." I said stunned.

  He smiled at me making my insides flutter.

  When I turned back to Ms. Mori she was holding the hand mirror over herself again and looking at the design I had put on her body. The two men seemed to take this as an invitation to study the naked woman spread out in front of them. Of course, aided by the design, all our eyes seemed to converge between her legs.

  When Ms. Mori seemed to suddenly realize that everyone, including herself, was looking directly into her open vagina she put the hand mirror down by her side and said, "It really is lovely work Joan and I'll be proud to wear it for the next month. However, we will have to have a conversation about your work methods. Your improvisational skills and your ability to think quickly to solve design problems are a credit to your talent but you can't always rely on that. You risk making a client unhappy by delivering something other then promised in your initial roughs. That could lose you commissions or get yourself a reputation for being unreliable as an artist."

  "Yes Ma'am." I said unhappy with myself because I had disappointed her.

  "Fumiko, don't be so hard on the girl. Spontaneous improvisation is the corner stone of some of the greatest works of art." Russell said defending me and making my heart flutter again.

  Ms. Mori looked at him a little displeased and said, "Russell, I won't have this debate with you in front of one of my students." Then she paused and gave him a smile that would melt a Sherman tank and said, "Perhaps later tonight though, over a glass of wine?"

  "It would be my pleasure." He said smiling graciously.

  Bertram didn't seem to happy about the offer and I have to admit I was jealous of her for a few seconds. Then I realized how silly that was and I felt happy for her. In fact thinking of my beautiful naked teacher out on a date with this handsome and talented artist was a little bit of a turn on. I thought about my design on her skin and the possibility of it being between the two of them as their bodies pressed together...

  "Joan, why don't you get back to your group. I'm sure they could use your help." Ms. Mori said interrupting my thoughts.

  "Yes Ma'am." I said snapping out of my fantasy.

  As I collected my things I felt like all three adults could read my naked body like a book and tell where my mind had been. Once I had all my stuff together I awkwardly walked back to my group in a weird daze.

  When I put my things down by a desk near my group Gail was the first to notice me. She looked at me smiling at first but then concerned asked, "You OK?"

  I smiled at her and said, "It's nothing, I'm fine. How are you guys doing?"

  "We're doing good. Could use some help though." Jim said from between Gail's legs.

  "No problem, where do you need me?" I asked picking up my henna cone and getting ready to go to work.

  "Why don't you work on Gail's right boob? I'm just about done with her left. All we need you to do is copy the design so they match." Larry said.

  "OK Sure." I said stepping up to Gail.

  She smiled at me as I came up to her. I smiled back but then had to be careful or I'd bump right into Jim who was still working between her legs.

  "Oops." I said looking down at Jim. "Sorry, I hope I'm not crowding you down there."

  He looked over to his left, between my legs, and then up to my face and said smiling, "Somehow I'll manage to persevere."

  I smiled down at him and then at Gail before I looked over to the design on her left boob. As I was studying it she asked, "How did things with Ms. Mori go?"

  "It went good. I ended up doing more work on her then planned though."

  "Really? Like what?" Gail asked.

  "The design wound up being a little top heavy so I did a secondary piece between her legs to balance it out."

  "No way!" Larry said looking at me surprised. "You were face to twat with Ms. Mori? I would have loved to see that."

  I just looked at him to stunned to say a word. However, in a disproving tone Gail said, "Lawrence."

  "What?" He asked defensively.

  "Dude, it's totally not cool to talk like that." Steve said shaking his head at him.

  Putting his hands up Larry said, "OK OK, sorry. Can I take it back?"

  "No, but if you don't ever do it again we'll forgive you won't we Joan?" Gail said.

  I couldn't help but crack a tiny smile as I said, "Eventually, if he's a good boy."

  "I'll be good, I promise." He said looking sincere.

  "I'm sure you will." Gail said with a friendly, sincere smile.

  Larry's slip forgotten we all got back to work on Gail. While we turned Gail into the illustrated woman she and I chatted. She asked who the hunky guy who came into class was so I told her all about Russel Folley and the date Ms. Mori asked him out on.

  I was surprised that the guys didn't say anything about our gushing over the hot guy or our girl talk but when I glanced over at them they seemed either to busy working on Gail or just happily enjoying our nudity to care.

  After I finished making her boobs match the guys showed me the design that was to go around her neck. It was an intricate band of lines and little flowers that circled around her neck with a triangular piece at her
collar bones that pointed down between her breasts.

  The designs on her breasts left paths of bare skin that flowed and curved downward between the other designs and lead your eye all over her naked body. It really looked very pretty on her.

  Steve and I worked together on the neck piece. He took the back part and I did the front. The weird part came when I realized that I had to be directly in front of Gail to do the triangular piece at her collar bones. Jim was still down there between Gail's legs so I had to stand with my feet on either side of Jim's body. I had to practically straddle the back of his head to get close enough to work.


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