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Harper's Fate

Page 23

by F. C. Clark

  ‘Everyone, this is Kate Harper.’ Luke reassuringly squeezes my hand, feeling the dampness in my palm. ‘Kate, this is my mum Olivia.’ Evidently, Luke has inherited his mum’s strikingly good looks.

  She pulls me towards her, embracing me and giving me a double kiss.

  ‘Kate, finally I get to meet you.’

  ‘Pleased to meet you, Mrs Sutton.’

  She reaches for my hand while a stunning Sutton smile spreads across her face.

  ‘You look beautiful, and please call me Livy.’ Clearly, my name has come up in conversation.

  ‘This is my dad, Edward, head of the Sutton clan.’


  Once again I’m drawn into a Sutton clinch. So, Luke has a friendly family – what happened to him? Maybe it’s me … do I bring out the worst in him?

  I turn to meet two very good-looking men. From Luke’s previous description I assume Declan is the one who looks a lot like Luke, except with longer hair and an extremely mischievous look on his face. The younger of the two must be Ollie, who looks like his dad – not as dark as his two older brothers, nonetheless very handsome.

  ‘This is Declan.’

  He jokingly yanks my hand, pulling me towards him. ‘Kate, what are you doing with my brother? I’m by far the better-looking Sutton boy.’

  Luke gives a half-hearted smile. I sense he’s not loving the humorous behaviour of his brother.

  ‘Honestly, I think one Sutton boy is enough for me.’ I catch Luke’s eye. Surely he must realise he is the only Sutton that will ever have me?

  ‘I like this girl. I think she might keep you on your toes. Right, who wants a drink? Ollie, come with me to the bar – I think we should get some early shots in.’

  ‘Pleased to meet you, Kate.’ Ollie places a gentle kiss on my cheek. ‘Ignore Declan – he’s always like this.’

  ‘Thanks for the warning.’ Luke’s description of Ollie was spot-on; he’s definitely more sensitive than his peers.

  ‘We need to make our way to the ballroom – boys, meet us in there,’ Edward orders his family.

  We leave the foyer, following the mass of guests. Luke tenderly places a hand on my lower back, while Livy walks directly next to me.

  ‘Kate, I must apologise on behalf of my son; he should have escorted you from your room.’ Her brow creases.

  Luke catches sight of my chuckle, at his expense.

  He takes hold of my hand. ‘Something amusing?’

  ‘Yes. I never thought I would see the day that Mr Luke Sutton – businessman of the year – would be chastised by his mum.’ He gives me a smile. ‘Luke, I do believe there is a step behind you – a naughty step for naughty boys.’

  He leans close to my ear, a hint of his warm breath sends shockwaves through my body.

  ‘Kate, are you challenging me to be bad? Please let me show you just how bad I can be.’

  I swallow hard and look at his dark, alluring eyes. Why does he turn me on so much? ‘No, Luke I wasn’t.’

  Who am I kidding? Holy fuck, yes, of course challenge me! Do I have to fight, or can I give in?

  We enter the large ballroom. As expected, it’s beautiful. Oddly, the brick vaulted room looks like a church. I wonder what history it holds. However, my eyes are drawn to the soft warm glow from the many chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling, mixed with the candles flickering around the room. It’s magical. The elegance of the room wraps you in the notion of romance. I’m lost. Swept away on a ride for lovers. We take our seats. Thankfully I have the perfect dinner guests on either side of me, Luke and Ollie. Any concerns I had about meeting the Sutton family have evaporated.

  Luke and his brothers automatically fall into old habits of teasing each other. Watching Luke with his family lets me discover more about him. How can he be so relaxed, when earlier today he was cold and unemotional?

  The seven-course meal begins. Why do we need so many courses, especially when my dress is so tightly fitting? Luckily I have two men on either side of me with very healthy appetites and empty plates.

  Luke chats to his mum; business talk. I turn to Ollie.

  ‘So, Kate, tell me, what do you see in my overbearing brother?’ We both laugh, although there is some truth in Ollie’s description.

  ‘Now, that would be telling. Truthfully, we’re just friends. I’m not sure if you’re aware, but I cook for Luke.’

  ‘Oh, I didn’t realise.’ Ollie looks a little confused. ‘Forgive me for saying, and I do know my brother quite well, he doesn’t see you as a friend.’

  I look down at my hands and try to reply honestly.

  ‘I think a lot of Luke, and I mean a lot, but we’re from different worlds. Tonight is a perfect example – my dress, the hotel, the ball – it’s so far removed from my own life.’ I look at Ollie.

  ‘Do you think that matters?’

  ‘I’m not sure. Different folks, different strokes.’

  ‘Different is good.’

  ‘Maybe… But different can cause problems, not just here, but—’

  ‘Listen, Luke’s not perfect; he’s had his fair share of troubles, believe me… Money hasn’t always been his main focus. Sometimes Mum wondered where he was heading… Mixing with the wrong crowd. Let’s just say I’m sure most of them are locked up now, if you get my drift. Bad boys from the wrong side of town.’

  ‘What? I know Luke likes control, and his temper is a little… hot-headed, but I don’t fear for my safety.’ Quite the opposite – Mr Control Freak Sutton.

  ‘No, Kate, it wouldn’t be your safety, but if your safety was threatened…’

  He does have a point – the day after I was attacked he flipped out.

  ‘Is he a troubled soul?’

  ‘No… He got lost for a while and now he wants to own the world – and I’m guessing he wants to own you, too.’ Own me? Is Luke playing hard to get by pissing me off?

  The meal ends and I’m full. I excuse myself and go in search of the bathroom, hoping the walk will do me good. As I approach the bathroom I notice the handsome Matthew Williams out of the corner of my eye. I look straight ahead, not allowing my eyes to wander in his direction. Unfortunately, he spots me, the person he wants to hunt.

  ‘Kate Harper, are you avoiding me?’

  ‘Am I that obvious?’

  He places his hand directly over his heart.

  ‘You wound me. How can a beautiful woman be so hostile?’ He gives a sexy smile; a mating call, if you like. ‘As I said, I will hunt you down for that dance.’

  ‘Hunt away – I’m good at deflecting predators.’ I stand aside to walk pass him.

  He pulls my arm, stopping my exit. ‘A girl who is not afraid – I like what I see.’ I shrug my arm and continue to the bathroom.

  What the hell was that all about? I don’t need any more challenges. Christ, I have enough challenges to deal with from Luke.

  The bathroom is heaving, with woman chatting and exchanging information on dresses and restaurants. Yet, for a room full of people I seem to be quite alone. Thankfully, I make it back to the table in one piece, only to find Edward pulling at my arm for a dance.

  ‘I will not take no for an answer.’

  He moves very well around the dance floor – old-school dancing, as I would expect from my dad. I can see Luke watching us, but not for long, as he takes his mum to the floor.

  ‘I think my son is quite smitten with you, Kate.’ What is it with the Sutton gang? Do they want to see Luke married before midnight?

  ‘I like your son too.’

  ‘Good. I would like to see him settle down.’

  ‘Oh, I’m not sure I’m the right girl for him.’ Because your son drives me crazy.

  ‘Nonsense. I see a strong-minded young lady. You’re exactly what Luke needs.’ He continues to spin me around until we make contact with
Luke and Livy.

  ‘Dad, I think we should exchange partners.’ Luke’s gaze locks on me as he speaks to his dad.

  ‘Kate, thank you for the honour.’

  ‘It was a pleasure, Edward.’ I reach up and give him a kiss.

  I’m now in Luke’s arms – the place I love and fear the most.

  ‘Your family are lovely.’

  He looks down at me.

  ‘I think you have made quite an impact on them, as you do on most people.’ His words are stern. Is he still angry at this afternoon’s events? I have no idea what is going through his mind.

  After our dance, Luke excuses himself to mingle. I’m more than happy to sit at the table, and people-watch, but not for long, as Declan grabs my arm.

  ‘You owe me a dance.’ ‘No’ is not an option, as he almost drags me to join him.

  His behaviour makes me laugh, even though it is completely inappropriate in our formal surroundings.

  ‘So, little Miss Kate, my brother has the hots for you, big time.’

  ‘Don’t hold back, Declan,’ I laugh.

  ‘No fear of that.’ He looks at me and smiles.

  Out of the corner of my eye I spot her. It didn’t even occur to me that she might be here. My movements slow. I know she has seen me, but she doesn’t allow herself to look in my direction. At least she knows how I feel about her, and she’ll do well to remember that. Declan looks at me as our playful dance diminishes to a slow sidestep.


  ‘I can feel a cold wind from the north.’

  He looks perplexed.

  ‘Sorry, Declan – I’ve just seen the super-bitch on the dance floor.’ Ooops, no filter – she clearly holds my verbal mute button.

  He spins me around to scan the room.

  ‘Love the name!’ He laughs. ‘You’re talking about Alexis Cooper?’

  ‘Too bloody right. She’s lucky that my right foot hasn’t launched itself up her arse. Please don’t tell me she’s your friend too.’ My eyes meet his, conveying a look of disgust at the mention of her name.

  ‘No fucking way! She used to hang around with Luke years ago.’

  ‘Well, she hates me and wants to get into Luke’s trousers.’ The mention of her name makes my blood boil.

  ‘Feisty – Kate, I didn’t see that coming.’ We regain our original momentum and spin around the floor, ignoring Alexis.

  Declan returns me to my seat after our dance and passes me a glass of champagne before he hits the floor with a very attractive blonde. If she plays her cards right, I sense a one-night stand.

  Gratefully, Ollie joins me at the table.

  ‘Luke said you want to be a teacher.’

  ‘That’s right. I’m looking for a placement.’

  ‘Good for you. I think you’ll do well – you have a sense of calm about you. Maybe you should teach your brother how to be calm.’ We both laugh.

  ‘Luke’s not thrilled with my chosen career.’

  ‘I don’t see that. I do see that he cares and worries about you.’

  Ollie looks down.

  ‘Tell me, what age are the children you want to teach?’

  ‘Secondary. Eleven to sixteen.’

  I nearly spit my champagne out. ‘Bloody hell, do you have a death wish?’

  I laugh. He’s braver than I imagined.

  ‘I want to work in underprivileged areas in London. Mum and Luke don’t know yet, but I had an interview a couple of weeks ago. It went well, I hope. I really want to help kids that haven’t had a chance; we’ve had so much money thrown at us it’s bloody ridiculous.’

  ‘I think you and Luke are not that different. Luke is a philanthropist and you’re hands-on. You both want to change the world.’ I touch his arm, sending him strength to follow his passion.

  He squeezes my hand. ‘How the hell did my brother find you?’

  ‘You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.’ The story of how and when will not be escaping my mouth.

  I spot a young girl who has been watching us.

  ‘Ollie, my love, I do believe you have an admirer – the brunette in the red dress.’ I tilt my head in the direction of the girl.

  ‘No, I don’t think so.’ He looks down at the table, not wanting to check out the talent. A shy Sutton boy? Wonders will never cease.

  ‘Trust me, she’s definitely interested.’ I wave at the pretty girl, who reciprocates. ‘See, I told you. Now, go over there and ask her to dance. What is the worst that can happen? You’ll be back with me. I know how appealing that sounds.’

  ‘If she says no, you owe me, Kate.’ He gives me a Sutton look.

  ‘And if she says yes, you owe me… Now go.’ I watch Ollie make a slow, shy approach towards the pretty brunette, and after a short chat I am happy to see them on the dance floor.

  Being left alone does not prove to be a problem, with a bottle of bubbly in front of me, and lots of people to watch.

  ‘I do believe I have hunted and captured you.’ I turn to see Matthew Williams. ‘It’s a crime to have such a beautiful woman sitting alone, especially when she’s aware of the Venetian law.’ He gives me his all-American smile, which may work on most women, but once again ricochets off me.

  ‘If I say no?’

  He leans closer towards me. ‘No is not an option. Live a little; you may enjoy yourself. I know I will.’

  ‘Persistent, I can’t deny that.’ I shake my head and admire his tenacity.

  ‘In more ways than one.’

  I think he wants more than a dance. Actually, no thinking is necessary; he’s definitely searching for more than a quick spin around the dance floor.

  ‘Fine – one dance.’

  He holds his hand out to me and I warily place my hand in his. His mouth makes contact; a kiss before we dance. He is incredibly forward – not in a Luke Sutton way, but explicitly unrestrained. He glides me around with style and elegance. I’m sharp enough to realise this man is confident in all aspects of life.

  ‘How long have you and Luke been an item?’ I can sense the lack of respect in his tone when Luke’s name is mentioned. He may well be a friend of the super-bitch.

  ‘Not long. You never mentioned that you knew Luke?’ I keep my eyes forward.

  ‘I didn’t know you were apparently together?’

  ‘Apparently we are. How long have you known Luke?’

  ‘Many years – in fact, we grew up together.’ He begins to spin me around, flashing his smile. ‘I don’t think we need to talk about Luke. I’m happy not to talk when you are in my arms. There are many other ways of communicating.’

  Bloody hell, he’s confident.

  ‘I think we’ll stick to chatting.’

  With a definite grip on one hand, and the other firmly resting on my lower back, a little too low for my liking, he spins me around and then unexpectedly dips me. His eyes lock to mine, unpleasantly peeling my dress from my body. However, out of the corner of my eye I notice a pair of extremely shiny shoes. I look sideways to see a slightly distorted Luke Sutton. Matthew brings me to a standing position.

  ‘Luke, I’ve just had the pleasure of escorting your beautiful girlfriend around the dance floor. The dip was quite a treat.’

  ‘Fuck off, Matthew, and I mean walk away now.’ Luke’s jaw tightens and his lips straighten into a thin line. I look down at his clenched fists. Holy shit, this is not good.

  ‘Kate, until the next time I hunt you down…’ Matthew smiles and leans towards me for a kiss.

  In a flash, Declan is at Luke’s side, preventing the attempted kiss.

  ‘Luke, he’s not worth it. Fuck off, Matthew, before I mess up your pretty-boy face.’

  ‘Oh, the Sutton boys are ruthless. Good luck, Kate; you’ll need it.’ He walks away – thank God.

  With no time to think, Luke pu
lls me into his arms and we begin to dance, our bodies held close by his strong, masculine arms. I can feel his heart beating against his chest, ricocheting through mine. His breathing is low, yet his grip on my hand is brutal.

  He leans close to my ear. ‘What do you think you were doing?’ His words drip with disdain, not concealing his frustration and anger.

  ‘Are you joking? What have I done wrong?’

  He laughs spitefully. ‘Do you feel the need to dance with everyone?’

  My heart is racing. I am shocked at his attitude.

  ‘I have danced with your family and then Matthew. I don’t think that constitutes “everyone”.’ I stop moving and glare at him. ‘I tell you what, Luke, how about next time you give me a list of who I’m allowed to dance with? Then maybe I won’t fuck up.’ Shove that up your arse, you prick.

  ‘That’s not a bad idea, Kate.’

  ‘You have to be kidding! If you think you can give me a list, then you have me mistaken for someone else.’

  His eyes darken to the deepest black. I know he’s seriously pissed off, but I’m not taking the blame for this. He can kiss my arse.

  Roughly, he takes hold of my forearm and almost drags me off the dance floor. We arrive at the bar. The atmosphere between us is electric.

  ‘Whisky,’ Luke commands the bartender. How fucking rude.

  I turn to look at him.

  ‘Are you going to tell me why you’re behaving so irrationally?’

  ‘Do I need to spell it out for you, Kate?’

  ‘Apparently so, as I haven’t got a fucking clue what’s pissed you off.’ I fold my arms to prevent me hitting Luke in frustration.

  He glares at me and shakes his head. ‘Articulate as usual, Kate.’

  ‘Fucking moron as usual, Luke. Is that articulate enough for you?’

  Luke stares in disbelief. I’m guessing not many people answer him back, but he’s met his match tonight.

  ‘As for Matthew, he wants to be in your knickers.’

  ‘Small problem with your theory, Sherlock – I don’t like him and it takes two to fuck.’

  ‘Watch your fucking tone.’ He downs his drink and places the glass on the bar, allowing me a flash of his rigid knuckles.


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