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A Most Wicked Headmaster (BDSM Erotica)

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by Jay Merson

  A Most Wicked headmaster


  Jay Merson

  ©Copyright: Jay Merson 2005. The right of Jay Merson to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted under the Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Illegal copying or distribution of this title in any form or by any means is strictly prohibited. All characters in this story are aged eighteen years and over.

  Smashwords Edition

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  Chapter 1

  The little slut was simply delightful. Her crisp white school blouse pulled tightly around her slim waist and harshly under the swell of her ample breasts. At the open neck and front, the blouse buttons were pulled under pressure by the thrust of her orbs creating tempting little peepholes of firm cleavage. Through the thin material the outline of her lacy black bra showed as a pretty little harness about her lovely slim body. Her short pleated skirt in navy blue finished high up her slender thighs to show her lean legs to best effect and at the back it hung teasingly from the jutting rounds of her taut buttocks. She arched her back and held her head high to further emphasise the swell of bust and her backside, so aware of her body and the effects it could have on men. The little bitch had styled her blonde hair to fall around the sides of her cheeks, framing her face as a mask of child-like innocence tinged with a raw sexual alluring. Her full and red-painted lips however, belied this appearance, they seemed designed especially to fit around a stiff cock and her wide blue eyes held a hidden knowing.

  The headmaster sighed inwardly and his cock stirred into life within the confines of his trousers. He looked down on her as she stood in the grounds at the front of the school, watching the games session and blissfully unaware of his secretive ogling. His thick and long cock hardened as he imagined the little slut naked, her silky youthful skin would be a delight to touch and to press his cock against. Beneath her little panties her pussy was sure to have a downy covering of wispy blonde hair and he sighed wistfully as he visualised the slut bent over and ready to receive the cane. He gripped his hardening cock through his trousers and squeezed it in several long and lust filled grasps, he looked longing down from the first floor widow of his study at the teasing little slut below. A wicked smile creased his face and he began to chuckle softly.

  The beginning:

  The entire school was gathered on the sprawling lawns at the front of the building in welcome. All girls were in full uniform and lined up in their forms and year grades; they wore white blouses, navy-blue pleated skirts and polished black shoes with white ankle socks. Staff members stood close to each form of girls in supervision as they all awaited the arrival of the new headmaster.

  The rambling Victorian building, set in the huge estate grounds was a most ideal setting for the school. Private but costly, the school attracted only the best of pupils, if not academically then certainly from high income parents that paid heavily to give their daughters a worldly-wise education. Previous reputations though had not been maintained and both standards and results at the school had slipped to a most worrying level. The Board of Governors had at last acted and pinned their faith now in the new headmaster that they had appointed.

  The car swept majestically down the long driveway and swung noisily on the gravel of the turning circle and halted. The driver alighted and dutifully opened the rear door to allow his passenger to step out.

  Tall and thin, the man stood erect and confident, his piercing black eyes and hooked nose giving him a strict and slightly evil appearance. About him he carried a most commanding air that transmitted itself over the distance to all present, this aurora of self-confidence preceding him. He silently and quickly scanned over the girls of the lower forms and moved his gaze rapidly to the older sixth form girls. He stared at the eighteen-year old beauties; the horny little sluts that had the fully developed bodies of women yet were so wonderfully inexperienced in knowing about and using them. That then, was his mission, to educate these little sluts, to help them to know and to come to terms with their developing bodies. He felt his cock jerk and he broke a wry smile, it was a challenge that he relished very much - oh, how he loved his work.


  Twelve staff members sat in the common room, seated in a semi-circle facing his chair. Three male and nine female but only four of those could be rated as fuckable the headmaster thought as he was introduced to his staff. Two were very nice but couldn't even begin to come close in comparison to the delights that the young girl pupils could hold for him. He contented himself with ogling their legs, their thighs and breasts as the mundane speeches of welcome droned on.

  At last it was his turn, he had listened to the drivel and the many weak excuses offered in defence of their failure for long enough. He stood to assert his authority and pushed his chest out, the headmaster paced back and forth in a slow and deliberate pacing.

  "I have listened to much this morning, of reasons and excuses as to why the standards here have dropped and I have to tell you - that I accept none of them."

  He turned to face them, fixing the group with a withering and set stare that simply challenged disagreement.

  "Things will change and change swiftly," he said in a low and even tone. "The sixth form groups represent the final stages here - and the examination results by which we are gauged. I will, as from today, take over control of all sixth form groups and add my teaching experiences to them."

  He turned back and began pacing the room, his impatience and displeasure obvious in his manner.

  "All staff in turn will meet with me in a private interview during which I will assess you and your abilities. Afterwards, I will repeat the same with each and every pupil of the sixth forms groups."

  His voice rose both in volume and in venom.

  "I am a strict disciplinarian - both with my pupils, and with my staff. Failure should be rewarded I believe, with the most severe punishment."

  Silence filled the room, not one dissenting voice was heard as the headmaster looked at each of them in turn. His manner and stare defeated all and pre-empted any objections.

  His voice rose and his mood brightened.

  "Good! Now I will settle into my study and will see the first of you later this afternoon, the others will be seen over the coming days. Times will be issued for you to attend your assessments."

  He walked to the door, paused and turned.

  "Be warned though, I am a stickler for punctuality."

  He pulled the door open and walked out, his cock beginning to rise to erection at the prospect of the pleasure to come.


  About twenty-eight he guessed her to be, a fairly recent addition to the staff there and certainly a good-looking young woman with a slim and shapely body to match. She wore her black hair down the sides of her face as he liked and her full red lips were painted with a bright and glowing red lipstick that highlighted her mouth as the focal point of her face. The sluts dressed well too, sober enough to be acceptable in her teaching position but had chosen tight-fitting clothes that left no doubt whatsoever as to the shape of her body beneath. Her tight skirt hugged her narrow hips and thighs beautifully; the hem ending just a little above
the knee to show a tantalising hint of thigh when she sat. She was a teaser; a wanton whore that led two lives he felt, one life a façade for the school days and another in private. In that private life he could imagine her as a sex hungry slut that enjoyed flaunting her looks and body to gain her thrills. She looked demure enough now before him, but experience told him that she would like nothing better than to offer her body to tease and taunt men. The bitch was aware of her looks, of her body and the fact that men wanted what she had between her legs. She was unsure of herself in her work though, in awe of her seniors and pliable, on a probationary period and anxious to succeed, simply perfect as his first conquest. He would enjoy playing with the slut, verbal fencing at first, taking control and then making her squirm, now in embarrassment and later in pain.

  He stared silently at the woman as she sat on the dining chair placed a little back from and in front of his desk, she fiddled nervously with her fingers as his gaze roamed her from head to foot. He made much of the fact that he was inspecting her, using long and slow leering gazes and pausing on her thighs and the points of her thrusting breasts as they pushed against the inside of her thin jumper. He delighted in the way her face flushed knowingly as he mentally undressed her but she was too polite and nervous to object.

  It was right, he felt, to instigate command and control from the outset and not always via words, for looks and silences could achieve much, words then were far more effective when added later.

  "Stand up please," he said with a firm but inviting tone.

  Her eyes flicked up to his face momentarily and then she returned her gaze to downcast and to her knees, after a moment's hesitation she slowly stood.

  An electrically charged atmosphere hung in the room as he ogled her, she knowing that he was looking and leering, him knowing that she knew. His cock stirred and hardened as the little slut stood passively with her hands clasped behind her back, her head down and cheeks flushed red.

  "You are inexperienced," he stated to further her submissiveness and his command over her.

  Her big brown eyes flicked up again to note his leering smile and stare then she instantly averted her gaze.

  "I've only been here for three months," she pleaded in a little soft voice that further portrayed her nervousness, "it's my first teaching post since qualifying."

  "Is that why you were late for this interview? I warned that I punish such laxness and discourtesy."

  "Only by a minute or so," she protested weakly.

  She started in shock as his great hand slammed hard down on the desk to rattle the penholder and to spill the paper clips.

  "Don't argue with me," he growled in a menacing tone.

  Her bottom lip began to quiver; the young woman was shaking visibly and close to tears.

  The headmaster softened his tone to one of soft reassurance and coaxing.

  "From reading your personnel file your early days here have not been a huge success have they?"

  "No," she said almost inaudibly.

  His tone lightened again, filled with certainty.

  "But, I think that you hold much potential as a teacher and in time will progress to become one of the best teachers at this school."

  Her head lifted and she broke a smile, her eyes sparkled hopefully like a little puppy seeking praise from its master.

  "You will need much guidance and tuition to achieve it though and that, I am ready to give. For your part though, to retain your post here and to become a fully fledged and experienced teacher, I need total commitment and loyalty from you."

  "Yes," she said instantly and took a half step forward, her hands now clasped in front of her, "I will be... I am loyal and I am committed.

  The bitch was hooked, it had been easy and now he intended to further his entrapment of her. His cock attained a full and pulsing erection beneath the desk, as he looked at her little pleading expression.

  "You live in staff quarters I understand?"

  "Yes, the old grounds man’s cottage at the back of the stables - now the garage for the mini-bus."

  He nodded.

  "Very well," he then paused for effect, "I will visit you there three evenings a week and instruct you, beginning this evening at eight."

  Her face beamed her delight and the woman couldn't contain herself.

  "Thank you, thank you," she said with deep sincerity.

  He felt his cock jerk within his trousers.

  "Be warned though that I teach by reward, show no progress and punishment ensues."

  "Yes," she said firmly, "naturally it should."

  "Our arrangement will be in the strictest of confidence, not a soul is to know of it."

  "Of course, I prefer it that way too," she said almost too readily and blushed again at her impulsive reply.

  The headmaster stood, arching his back to allow her to note the bulge in the front of his trousers. He groaned inwardly as her eyes flicked down to his crotch and then quickly back up to his face. She blushed, a deep crimson at his awareness of her secretive glance.

  "How do you punish your pupils here? Physically I mean."

  The woman hesitated and then said.

  "The slipper or...err, the cane."

  He nodded and moved slowly around the desk.

  "And you? What method should we use on you as punishment for your lateness?"

  He walked slowly to the door, allowing her to stand in silence as he locked the door of his study.

  ", have never...don't know...must we?" she muttered fearfully.

  He walked back to stand beside her.

  "We must," he said in a soft but firm tone, "Which is it to be?"

  "The slipper," she blurted, her voice cracking with emotion and fear.

  He walked around the desk, opened the draw and pulled out a large man's sized plimsoll.

  "Bend over the desk then."

  "Oh God," she whimpered and stepped forward. Her hands were trembling as she placed them on the flat top of the desk and hesitantly bent over.

  "Not too hard, please not hard," she begged pathetically.

  The clinging skirt pulled harshly across her presented backside as she bent, pulling tightly over each contour of her rounded mounds and her panty line showed clearly through the material. The headmaster looked her over silently for a moment, savouring the wonderful sight of her firm young backside facing him.

  Her head threw back and her body arched as the plimsoll slammed hard down her buttocks.

  "Aaaaagh!" she cried out and straightened to stand, both her hands clamping over her stinging buttocks to soothe the affected area.

  "Get back down," he snapped.

  A little fear-filled whimper escaped her lips and then she bent again and braced herself.

  Her whole body jolted under the impact of the second blow, the air forced from her lungs and her head dropped to hang down between her outstretched arms.

  "Christ! That hurts," she muttered through gritted teeth and then bucked again under the third hard swipe.

  "Just six today," he said excitedly, "next time I will be more severe with you."

  He loved the heavy thudding sound that the slipper made on her taut buttocks but better still was the way her slim frame shook and tensed as the pain burned deeply into her body. The warmth would be spreading down between her thighs and to her pussy lips. He imagined the sweet fresh folds of vaginal flesh and groaned his excitement as he pictured himself licking it.

  On the fifth stroke he came in his pants, his cock jerked rapidly to emit his thick come into the inside of his trousers. He stood silently savouring the last jerks of orgasm and then composed himself.

  "Tonight at eight," he restated and dismissed her.

  The woman straightened and with face red and eyes filled with tears she rushed to the door, fumbled with the key to unlock it and ran from the room sobbing.


  The games session was well in progress, the sixth form sluts squealed excitedly as they ran back and forth on the hockey pitch. The li
ght grey gymslips flicked up pleasingly as they ran and stooped to give tantalising glimpses of upper thigh and navy blue knickers. Of strong muscular thighs and firm rounded buttocks, taut and silky. Their ample breasts jiggled delightfully within the tight restrains of their blouses to add another cock-stiffening dimension to the wonderful scene. The ones with the long, over- the-knee socks appealed greatly, the gap of bare thigh between the tops and the hems of the gym-slips held a horny fascination all of their own. The others though, with their socks rolled down around their ankles showing their long, lean legs produced mental images of them bound and struggling. With their hair tied back in either ponytails or in pigtails all of the maturing sluts held a childish look of innocence despite their beautifully developed bodies. It was difficult indeed to decide and to draw up a short list; all of the sluts were lovely, some more than others.

  Best of all though was the fact that they knew, were aware of him standing watching and they played it to the full. The little sluts would pose and strut, offering their bodies in profile and sticking their chests out, bending and stooping more than was necessary simply to display themselves to him. Like the little slut that sat to tie her shoelace, she positioned herself with her legs toward him, her knees drawn up and parted deliberately to show the dark gusset of her knickers to him. They were whores, teasing little harlots that were becoming aware of their sexuality, their bodies and sexual needs awakening and he intended to aid them every step of the way.

  His cock jerked in involuntary reaction within his trousers as he made his selection, much as he would like, he couldn't possibly fuck them all. Only the ripest, the most likely and the most tempting would go on his list to begin with and then, as the year progressed, who could tell? Perhaps he might just get to make every single one of the sluts squeal in pain, to revel in the heady feelings as their sweet little pussies and backsides were being violated. At that thought the headmaster pushed his hands deeper down into his trouser pockets, gripped his cock and groaned his need for the dirty little bitches flaunting themselves before him.


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