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The Last Great Wizard of Yden

Page 14

by S. G. Rogers

Lee and Fred suddenly plopped their lunch trays down on each side of Kira. Fred shone a megawatt smile in her direction. “Hello, beautiful. I think we got off on the wrong foot this morning.”

  “I used the correct foot as dictated by the situation,” she replied.

  Lee spewed milk out of his nostrils. “She's got you there, Fred,” he said, mopping himself with his sleeve.

  “Hey, you're funny as well as gorgeous,” Fred said. “Lemme show you how to eat that.”

  He grabbed Kira's salad plate and sucked the lime-flavored blob into his mouth, whole. Only the lettuce leaf remained. “Now that's how a real man eats,” he proclaimed.

  “That’s how a horn-snouted wild porcinian eats,” Kira replied.

  Fred, confused, flushed red. “Huh?”

  She pointed to the glass of orange juice on Fred's tray. “Do you want that?”

  Before he could respond, she took the glass and poured the juice down her throat in one gulp. She set it down on the table with a satisfying thud. Then she belched. “That’s how a real woman drinks.”

  As Fred and Lee hooted in approval, Brett and Casey arrived.

  “Hey, Jon, I downloaded photos from the crash scene,” Casey said. “You and Fred should come by my office to see them.” He glanced across the table at Kira. “This must be your cousin?” A look of recognition flashed across Casey's face. “But you're the girl—”

  “She’s the girl who kicked Fred's can this morning,” Jon interrupted. “Casey, meet my cousin, Kira, from Romania.”

  “Oh? Oh. I got you now. Kira from Romania,” Casey repeated. “Nice to meet you.”

  Casey and Kira locked eyes for several long moments. A purplish color began to creep up from Fred's collar as he realized he'd lost Kira's attention. He leaned into her with his shoulder.

  “So, Kira, what's it like in Romania?” he asked.

  “There are many wonderful things where I come from,” she replied. “But here you have freedom.”

  “Give me liberty or give me death,” Casey said, quoting Patrick Henry.

  “Yes, that's right!” Kira exclaimed. “I remember that saying from this morning.”

  “Is that a song lyric or something?” Fred asked.

  “Mrs. Reed will be showing me another documentary about the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights this afternoon,” Kira said.

  Fred and Lee laughed. “Torture!” they cried, in unison.

  “I’m looking forward to the torture,” Kira said.

  Fred and Lee stopped laughing.

  “I've got some time now,” Casey said. “Maybe I could watch it with you?”

  Kira blushed. “That would be very agreeable.”

  As she rose from her seat, Casey shot to his feet. They left the cafeteria together without a backward glance.

  “Wow,” Jon said.

  Fred pouted. “What the heck just happened?”

  Brett shrugged. “Some girls are into brainiacs, I guess.”

  “I could be smart if I tried,” Fred said.

  Brett patted his hand. “I'm sure you could.”

  “There’s a silver lining, Fred,” Jon said. “Casey didn't touch his lunch.”

  Fred brightened as he pulled Casey’s lunch tray over. “Yeah, you're right.”


  Efysian materialized outside Pacific High, dressed in blue jeans and a leather aviator jacket. His long black hair was tucked under his baseball cap. He raised his hand and moved it in a semicircle, as if he were trying to sense something. He winced for a moment. The yellow eyes of his Wolf Clan ring glowed. Efysian nodded, satisfied.

  Moments after the final bell rang, he stepped onto campus. Students began to flow out of classrooms, spilling onto sidewalks and grassy areas like so many ants. No one gave Efysian a sideways glance. If they had, they might have noticed his piercing gaze as he hunted hungrily for his quarry.

  “Pardon me, I’m looking for Jon Hansen,” he told a group of students. “Do you know where I might find him?”


  When Jon came to collect Kira after school, she and Brett were sitting together outside the library. Cheerleaders had begun to assemble on the grassy quadrangle for practice. Brett wore her sapphire-blue uniform very well, which helped Jon take his mind off the fact Ophelia was acting ornery.

  “Hey there, ladies,” Jon said. “How did it go this afternoon, Kira?”

  “It was wonderful,” Kira replied. “Casey is quite knowledgeable.”

  “He's probably the smartest guy I know,” Jon replied.

  “Brett says she’ll accompany me to acquire garments sometime,” Kira said.

  “Girl stuff,” Brett said to Jon, with a wink.

  “Brett is good at garment acquisition,” Jon quipped.

  Kira pointed toward the football field some distance off. “I notice you have war games! This culture is not so different from my own.”

  “It's just football,” Jon said.

  But Kira sprang to her feet. “I want to watch the combatants.” She trotted off.

  Jon would much rather watch the cheerleaders. “I'll meet up with you later, then,” he called out.

  “We're working on pyramids today,” Brett told him.

  Jon settled himself on the library steps, where he had a good view of the action. “Go team,” he said.


  Down by the football field, Efysian paused at a bench where a quarterback was adjusting his cleats. “I am looking for Jon Hansen,” he said. “Is he here?”

  The quarterback pointed to Fred, who was busy doing mountain climbers several yards away. “He knows Jon. Ask him.”

  Efysian gave the boy his most gracious smile. “Thank you.”

  As he walked toward Fred, Efysian passed a chestnut-haired beauty on her way to the bleachers. There are so many pretty girls to choose from here on Yrth, he reflected. It’s too bad Mandral is obsessed with only one.


  Brett and her team warmed up and then began to practice building a cheerleader pyramid. Brett was a “flier,” the person at the top. When she performed a cradle dismount by jumping off the pyramid and into the arms of her teammates, Jon’s mouth fell open.

  “How can you be sure they won't drop you?” he asked when the team took a break.

  “When you're first learning these stunts, sometimes you do get dropped,” she explained. “But we use mats then, and it doesn't hurt so much.”

  “You’re very flexible. You must have taken gymnastics,” Jon said.

  “For years,” she replied.

  Brett took a short running start. When she demonstrated a series of back handsprings, Jon applauded. “Wow! That’s amazing!”

  “I used to want to be a gymnast, but the practices took up too much time,” she replied.

  He noticed a fine sheen of moisture on her forehead. “Are you thirsty? Let me get you some bottled water.”

  Brett gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “You’re so sweet.”

  The kiss was an impulsive gesture of the moment, but it made Jon feel good all the same. As he walked over to the vending machines on the opposite side of the quad, he couldn’t wipe the grin from his face. His glee was short-lived, however. When he punched the button for the water, Ophelia bit him harder than she ever had before. Jon nearly doubled over from the pain. “Ow! What are you trying to do to me, Ophelia?”

  Jon slid the ring off his finger and banished her into his pocket. He retrieved Brett’s water and headed back toward the practice. Brett ran to meet him.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, wide-eyed. “What happened? Did you get stung by a bee?”

  He gave her the water. “I got zapped by static electricity, I think. Gave me a pretty bad jolt.”

  Brett took his hand. “Where's your ring?”

  “Oh, I took it off. She—I mean it—has been bugging me since school let out. I'm all right now, but if you want to keep holding my hand, I’m good with it.”

  She giggled. Suddenly Jon got the eeri
e feeling that someone was watching him. He glanced over his shoulder toward a stand of eucalyptus trees nearby.

  “What is it?” Brett asked.

  “Nothing. For some reason I...oh, never mind. Look, I’ve got to split. I need to talk to Casey, so I'll see you tomorrow.”

  “Thanks for the water,” Brett said.

  She ran back to practice, and Jon veered off toward the football fields to retrieve Kira. What Jon had to tell Casey would be a lot more believable with her there. On the way, he brought Ophelia out of his pocket to have a word with her. “How about you stop hurting me and I'll stop stuffing you in my pocket?”

  Jamming her back on his finger, Jon was satisfied Ophelia knew who was the boss. When he reached the football field, the team was about to wrap up practice for the day. Kira was out on the grass with some of the players. She threw a beautiful long spiral pass to Fred, who caught it handily. She and Fred joined Jon a few moments later.

  “Did he find you?” Fred asked.

  “Is someone looking for me?” Jon asked.

  “Yeah, your dad,” he replied.

  A shaft of excitement pierced Jon’s chest. “My dad was here? Are you sure?”

  Fred shrugged. “I dunno. He said he was your dad.”

  “Was he over six feet tall with blond hair?”

  “He mighta been that tall, but I didn't notice his hair color. He had on a baseball cap,” Fred said. His gaze dropped to Ophelia. “He was wearing a funny ring kinda like yours. Only it looked more like a dog.”

  Jon fought panic. “Could it have been a wolf's head?”

  “Yeah, that's it,” Fred said. “With yellow eyes.”

  A sick realization washed over Jon. He must have turned white, because Fred grabbed his arm. “Hey…you all right, Hansen? You look dizzy all of a sudden.”

  “The guy wasn't my dad.”


  Brett drained her bottle of water and dropped it in the nearest trashcan.

  “Excuse me, my dear,” Efysian said, stepping out of the shadows. “Do you know Jon Hansen?”

  Brett peered at him. “Who’re you?”

  “I'm his father.”

  Brett's eyes grew wide and she took a step closer. “His father? I thought you were missing!”

  “I’ve been gone for a long time. It's a fantastic story. Could you take me to him?”

  “Jon went over to the school newspaper office. Give me a sec and I'll show you where it is,” she said.

  Brett retrieved her sports bag and then escorted Efysian to the administration building. “I haven't known Jon very long, but we hit it off right away. I was really grateful to him. He helped me out of a tight spot when we first met.”

  “And who could blame him?”

  They neared the open door to Casey's office. Efysian lingered in the hallway when Brett walked inside.

  “Hey, Casey,” she said. She glanced around the room. “Where’s Jon?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t seen him since lunch.”

  “That's funny. He said he was on his way to talk to you.” Brett put her bag down on a nearby table. “There's someone special here to see him.”

  “Oh?” Casey stood up. “Kira?”

  Brett stepped into the hallway, followed by Casey. She was suddenly discomfited by the peculiar smile on Efysian’s face. “Um…why don't you wait here, Dr. Hansen, while I check the library?” she suggested.

  “You are quite lovely, Kira,” Efysian said. “It's no wonder Mandral wants you back.”

  Brett had time for only the briefest expression of confusion as Efysian touched her shoulder. In a flash of light and a sound like muffled thunder, the two disappeared. Casey reeled and shook his head, stunned. He put his hand out to feel the open space where Brett had been only moments before.


  “It's Efysian,” Jon said to Kira. “He's here.”

  “Who's Efysian?” Fred asked.

  “He's tracked me down. Ophelia tried to warn me just now, but I didn't understand,” Jon said.

  “Who's Ophelia?” Fred asked.

  “Why would he come here?” Kira asked. “If he’d wanted to take you, he could have done so before now.”

  “You’re right. Efysian could’ve kidnapped me at the vending machines. I felt him watching me.” Jon thought a moment. “Maybe Mandral sent him to find you, Kira.”

  “Who's Mandral?” Fred asked.

  “Efysian must know you’re with me,” Jon said. “He might’ve assumed we had something going on.” But anyone who'd seen me with Brett Tanner would know I was interested in her, Jon thought. Especially after she kissed me…

  Jon gasped as a feeling of dread ran down his spine.

  “You okay, dude?” Fred asked. “You’re freaking me out.”

  “Keep Kira safe,” Jon told him. “Don't let anyone touch her.”


  “Where are you going, Jon?” Kira asked.

  “Efysian may be after Brett.”

  As Jon sped toward the quadrangle, he prayed Brett had gone home. There were still a few cheerleaders milling around after practice. Heather was packing up her pom-poms.

  “Have you seen Brett?” Jon gasped.

  “Oh, yeah, she was with some older guy. They went into the admin building.”

  Fighting the stitch in his side, Jon raced into the administration building in pursuit.

  “No running in the halls,” hollered the janitor.

  Jon didn’t break his stride. He ran around the corner and skidded to a stop. Casey stood in the hallway outside the newspaper office with an astonished expression on his face. From the scent of ozone permeating the air, Jon knew what had happened. “No,” he moaned.

  He slumped against a corkboard devoted to chess club announcements and banged his forehead in frustration. Moments later, Kira arrived.

  “He took her. Efysian kidnapped Brett,” Jon said.

  “I’m sorry, Jon,” she said. “This is my fault.”

  “No it's not, Kira. It's mine. Dorsit warned me I was in danger. I should’ve realized I couldn't protect you or anyone else from Efysian.”

  Casey stared at the two of them. “Okay. Why don't we start from the beginning?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Unlikely Posse to the Rescue

  Casey handed around cans of soda he liberated from the faculty break room refrigerator. As they sat in his office with Kira, Jon told Casey everything—from his father's disappearance up to Brett's kidnapping. Most of it was new to Kira as well. When he finished, the silence was deafening.

  “You think I'm crazy and a liar, don't you?” Jon asked.

  “No. I accept everything you said. I knew there was something different about Kira the moment I met her.” Casey glanced at her. “Something wonderful.”

  The tight knot in Jon’s chest began to loosen. “So you believe me?”

  Casey nodded. “It's all plausible and logical. Yden is a world where energy can be channeled by a certain people—”

  “Wizards,” Kira supplied.

  “Okay, wizards,” Casey said. “It's probably genetic and runs in families. Jon can literally draw this energy and create things from it.”

  “Being able to sketch flowers and butterflies won’t help me fight a wizard like Efysian,” Jon said.

  “I’m pretty sure that’s not the extent of your abilities,” Casey replied.

  Jon sprang up from his chair and began to pace. “Brett’s parents are going to go ballistic.”

  “Not so much,” Casey replied. “Her dad left when she was small, and her mom kind of travels around.”

  “Does Brett live alone?” Jon asked, taken aback.

  “Her mom comes home maybe six months out of the year. The rest of the time Brett lives by herself in a house overlooking the ocean,” Casey replied. “I think the housekeeper looks in on her every so often.”

  “If Brett's family has money, then why was she working at the mall this summer?” Jon asked.

��You don't know Brett very well yet. She may look like a stereotypical blonde, but she's independent and determined to make it on her own,” Casey said.

  “We'll find her, Jon. And your father, too,” Kira promised.

  “If Efysian thinks he’s captured Kira, I think the first place we should look is Mandral's castle,” Casey said.

  “We? I can't let you come, Casey, it's too dangerous,” Jon said. “Besides, I don't know if I can transport three people at once. I've only managed two.”


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