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Bubba and the Chocolate Farm 2- Where There's A Horse, There's Hope

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by Connie Foss

  “Good morning, everyone.You must be Bruce and Mickey,” says Lilly, as she walks down the aisle. Lilly graduated from college with a degree in Equine Science, and she knows everything about horses. She knows more about me than I know about myself!

  “I’m Lilly, Mickey, and I’m the lucky gal who’s going to show you how much fun it is to ride a horse.” Lilly is a peach.“ Julie loves to have people ride her. “You’re four years old, aren’t you, Mickey? Well, Julie is four years old, too. So you two have a lot in common.”

  That’s so strange. Lilly is talking directly to him, yet Mickey doesn’t look at her…or at any of us. He just keeps looking at the ground. I’d really like it if he’d pet Julie, then I’d know he isn’t afraid of her. Even though they’re both four, Julie’s a lot bigger than he is and that might be scary for him.

  “I’ll tell you what, Mickey. Julie hasn’t been for a walk yet today, so I’m going to take her for a walk in the stable.Want to come along? Julie doesn’t like to walk very fast, so it’s easy to walk with her.”

  “That sounds good,” says Bruce. “I’m going to walk with Julie and Lilly, so you come, too, Mickey.”

  As they start down the aisle, Bruce makes sure Mickey is close to Julie, and it looks like that’s okay with Mickey. He’s a funny little kid… for sure.

  “Julie likes people to know who she is so she would really like it if you would say her name,” suggests Lilly.There is no response from Mickey.“But just having you walk with her makes her happy.”

  They stop when they’ve walked around the work area, and Lilly asks Mickey again if he would like to ride Julie. “Your dad can help you get up in the saddle, Mickey, and Julie will stand very still. How about it?”

  Mickey doesn’t say yes or no. He doesn’t seem to have heard Lilly.

  “I think the answer is no, Lilly, but we have made a beginning. Tomorrow…Oh, is it all right if we come every morning? We may be slow, but each day we’ll do better.” I like Mickey’s father. He is obviously very patient.

  After Mickey and Bruce leave, I hear Lilly and Bill talking about what happened…or what didn’t happen. “In college, I learned that autistic kids are each different and need to be treated according to what their strengths and weaknesses are. You don’t make a big deal

  that’s why Bruce brought Mickey here…he learned that Mickey likes horses and isn’t afraid of them.”

  I don’t understand what Lilly means by autistic kids, but she isn’t disappointed in the fact that Mickey didn’t ride today. I am.

  “You know more about this stuff than I do, Lilly, but I suppose if we‘re going to help Mickey, I’d better get on the computer and learn,” says Bill.

  Chapter Six:


  “Are you all in your places with bright shiny faces?” Meg

  Sooner than I expected, things begin to interrupt our normal routine. First, Meg takes Whisper into the wash rack even before her workout. That’s funny. Whisper is a small, gentle Half-Arabian whose owner, Nancy, has become a really good rider.When Nancy and Whisper

  Now Nancy is a happy teenager who has become quite skilled.As proof, she and Whisper brought home several ribbons from last year’s English Pleasure classes.

  “Sorry I’m late, Meg,” Lilly apologizes as she takes over in the wash rack.

  “The sitter cancelled at the last minute, so I had to bring Robin with me. I so appreciate your mom’s offer to take care of her in a pinch. Good thing your little Brett and my Robin have so much fun together. Any difference in the photo shoot plans?”

  Photo-shoot…so that’s it. They’re never a lot of fun, but it’s okay…different anyway.

  “No. He promised to be here at 10. That should give us time

  is working Julie now, while I take Bubba for a jump around. Then we’ll wash those two. Let Prince wait until last when Bill has time to help with him. He’s still too skittish in the wash-rack for one of us to handle alone.”

  Meg and I are having a good go at the jumps, in spite of a stiff breeze blowing us about a bit. “I hope this wind dies down before we try to get some good pictures, Bubba. I’m planning to have Jeff take these outdoors and use the lilac bushes as the background, but if it’s too windy, that might not work.”

  The lilac bushes aren’t by the stable but by the house, which is closer to the road…at the end of the drive from the stable, set back in a grove of oak trees.The house isn’t as big as the stable, but it doesn’t need to be, for just Bill, Meg and Brett live there. Meg’s mom lives in town but comes out when she’s needed to take care of Brett.

  It’s hurry, hurry, hurry until 10, when Jeff’s white pickup pulls up to the stable. “Morning, everybody,” he hollers as he gets his gear out of the truck.

  Jeff is one of my favorite people. He’s about as wide as he is tall, with a smile that breaks his face wide open.We get to see him a lot, for

  up with his well-known banter, keeping a constant conversation going as he does his work. Some horses get jumpy when there’s a camera

  “Okay, Meg, my lady, what’s the plan? Where would you like to stage this grand event, in the stable or up by the mansion? “

  “Well, Jeff, last time we were inside.With the spring so lush, I’d like to use that hedgerow of lilacs up by the house as the background. They’re in full bloom now. Why don’t you get set up, and we’ll bring the horses one at a time, starting with Julie. Oh, just a minute. Lilly, Bubba’s

  him up, and you get into your western show clothes. I want you riding Julie for her photos.You can change while Bill saddles her, and we’ll take her pictures after Bubba’s.”

  “You’re looking pretty spiffy this morning, Bubba,” Jeff comments

  the whitener on my blaze and my legs.“That dark chocolate brown and your white make a striking contrast. You’re a pretty sharp looking guy, Bubba.Your Clydesdale daddy would be proud.”

  That’s nice to hear, but I’d rather be chomping down on mouthfuls of the green grass growing here on the lawn. When Meg decides we have enough shots, she lets me grab a couple of bites, as we head down the drive back to the stable.

  “Bill and Lilly, I have a great idea,” Meg says, as we walk in the

  around her eyes…before Lilly and Julie head toward the photo shoot. “When it’s time to take Percy’s picture, I think we should have him pulling his sulky with Robin and Brett holding the reins. Our kids are two years old so they can do that, don’t you think? We can get it all set up and just duck out of the way at the last minute.”

  “Robin would love to do that!” smiles Lilly.“You know how she is around horses. Nothing makes her happier than to be with a horse. You have my vote,” and Lilly clucks to Julie, as they’re off to have their picture taken.

  “I don’t know if that’s safe, Meg. Percy is usually pretty calm, but you know how winds affect horses. It’s windy today, not just breezy.”

  “Oh, Bill, sometimes you’re just like an old mother hen. I’m going to run up to the house and ask Mother to get the kids ready for pictures.”

  It’s pretty obvious who’s the boss of the stable. As Bill gets Prince ready for his picture, Bill’s shaking his head with worry.

  Prince is not a halter horse. He looks best going over a jump, but that isn’t the kind of photo session we have going.While Bill takes Prince for his pictures, Meg is in the house helping get the kids ready, and Lilly is hitching Percy to the sulky. Having his picture taken is right up Percy’s alley. He is a showoff, if I’ve ever seen one. I do like him, but

  braided a ribbon into his mane.With this wind, that ribbon may cause a bit of a problem for Jeff.

  “I’ll put Prince back in his stall, Lilly, and then help you get Percy up there,” Bill hollers. It just takes him a jiffy to take off Prince’s show halter and latch his door. Lilly has Percy ready to go and is in the

  a “cowgirl” where you usually see someone that’s dressed more like a jockey.This should be fun to watch.

  “See ya, Bubba, I’
m off to meet the wizard, the wizard behind the camera,” chortles Percy as he prances out of the stable. I often wonder if all Miniature Horses are as cocky as Percy. Nothing seems to keep him from acting like he’s king of the hill, yet he’s about the size of a big dog, maybe 30 inches at the withers. He’s living proof that size is not important. It’s your attitude that gets you somewhere. And Percy is doing well with his life. When we’re at shows that have Miniature Horse classes, he’s always right up there with the best, for no one tries harder than Percy. Looking just like an Arabian who shrank in the wash, he’s super small and a pinto to boot, with big patches of chestnut hair


  With Bill, Lilly and Percy heading toward the lilac hedge, I see the wind has picked up, arching the tree branches and blowing dust up the drive. Small as Percy is, it’s a wonder he can keep from blowing away.

  There come Robin and Brett out of the house, holding Gram’s hands. Robin is dancing up and down, pretty excited. Both kids have

  today. Robin is wearing a brown English Riding habit, and Brett is snazzy in a dark green Western show suit, including a matching green cowboy hat.

  Meg and Lilly take the kids, and as they’re getting them settled in the sulky, Bill is holding Percy and talking to Jeff.The wind seems to

  then another, with that crazy red ribbon tickling Percy’s ears. Not good, for Percy is touchy about his ears.When he’s being groomed, he shakes his head if anyone even accidentally touches his ear. He’s probably been ear-twitched too many times. I don’t like being ear-twitched, either, but sometimes when you have to hold perfectly still, like when they’re using the clippers, if they grab and twist your ear, it hurts so much that the message gets through, and you stand still.

  There, it looks like they’re ready. Percy is pretty sharp, standing there all perky with two little kids in the sulky. Even from this distance, I can see a big grin on Robin’s face. She’s a cute little tyke, blond like her mother, and a ball of energy. Luckily for me, after my photo shoot, they put me in the paddock, so I can see a whole lot better from here than from my stall.

  “I think we’re all set, Jeff, so if you are, let’s do it. Bill and I will step out of view, and Robin and Brett, you sit still and don’t forget to smile.”

  It’s hard to hear Meg with the wind beginning to howl. I’m feeling uneasy. I don’t like wind. I don’t like feeling it, I don’t like hearing it, and I don’t like seeing what it’s doing now.With a mighty gust, it tears the ribbon out of Percy’s mane and blows it right around his ears.That’s too much for Percy. Snorting, he takes off with the sulky, the two little tykes suddenly jerked back in their seats.

  I can see the terror on the kids’ faces. I take that back, I should say I can see the terror on Brett’s face. Robin is grinning ear to ear. Percy is heading toward the road, the sulky wheels spinning and the kids hanging on. He has to be stopped, but no one there can run as fast as Percy. But I can. It’s up to me.

  I haven’t jumped a pasture fence for a long time, but it’s no different than the fences I jump in shows. With hardly a thought, I’m over that fence and aiming to head Percy off at the road.The driveway

  the driveway, I turn toward Percy and give him a scream, pawing the air to emphasize my message.

  Stop! That’s my message, and Percy knows me well enough to pay attention. He may be cocky, but I’m big and he’s little, so he knows who’s boss.

  As the sulky comes to a stop, Percy is still prancing but in one place. Robin is bouncing in the sulky seat but looking with disgust at the crying Brett.

  “Oh, kids, I’m so sorry you had such a scare, but it’s okay, it’s

  Bill close behind. Everyone is breathing hard...except me. I guess those morning workouts really keep a guy in shape.

  “Bubba, you are the best,” says Bill and he gives me a warm pat on the rump, “but don’t you get in a habit of jumping out of the pasture. This time it was great, and we thank you.You saw the problem and got here a whole lot quicker than any of us.”

  That episode took the fun out of the morning for everyone, and the photo shoot came to an abrupt halt. Fortunately, Percy was the last on the schedule, and there was one good shot taken of him before the wind did it’s number on his ear.

  Chapter Seven:

  A Busy Stable

  With the photo shoot done, we are all focused on the upcoming spring shows. The Chocolate Farm is growing by leaps and bounds, and we have a stable full of horses ready for the shows.

  “Hiss-hoo, Bubba, I ascertain that this is about as busy a stable as I have had the pleasure to frequent,” Mr. O hisses one morning, as a trailer is unloading yet another horse. “The more horses, the more feed for mice and rats, and the more mice and rats, the more I will be recognized for my extreme generosity. Having been educated in the highest-ranking institution in the world, I am meticulous about records. Therefore, I have started a tally up here in the rafters, marking every delicious morsel I provide to Tom and his family. As busy as I am, I am considering engaging some assistants in this highly specialized business.”

  “You mean another barn owl, Mr. O?” I ask him. As superior

  enough patience to share the rafters with another owl.

  “Of course I am referring to another owl.Anyone with superior

  intelligence would know that no lesser creature will do. I am addressing

  another matter, that of a mate. It is time that I share my marvelous

  genes, my exceptional skills, and my laudable intelligence with the world.

  I have found a lady who is acceptable, one that I can educate in this most

  thought you might be interested and be amenable to insisting that your four-legged creatures show some deference to her when and if she becomes the queen of my kingdom.”

  Mr. O is terribly conceited, but maybe all owls are. It might be that they are exceptionally intelligent, for people do say when talking about some smart person that he is ‘as wise as an owl.’

  “I expect you are wanting to be sure that Tom and any other cats respect you and your mate and any offspring you may have,” I say to Mr. O.“I’m sure Tom appreciates all the donations you’ve made to his food pantry, so you can expect no problem from the cat population.” After further thought I add,“But if we are to show you and your mate respect, you must agree to require any owls in our stable to leave Elliott alone. Is it a deal, a fair trade?”

  After that exchange, I spread the word to Tom and Elliott, and we all will keep our eyes open for any increased activity in the rafters.

  Chapter Eight:

  April Showers Bring…

  Tonight there’s a lot of scurrying around. Lilly even stays late to help Meg and Bill, though she needs to get home to her family.

  “Percy, what is going on? Why is the schedule different tonight? Have you heard anything?” I ask my next door stable-mate.

  “All I know is there’s some crackpot rumor that Julie is being put in a bigger stall. Why should she get a bigger stall than I do? It’s just not fair.‘Cause she’s a girl, I ‘spose.”

  share, but what they’re saying about Julie is news to me. I haven’t visited with my sister for a few days, so I don’t know anything about it.

  “Julie, can you hear me?” I trumpet into the air. “What’s going on? Are you moving to a bigger stall like Percy says?”

  I guess she can’t hear me for she doesn’t answer.

  But around the corner and under the stall door creeps oneeyed Tom. Now that he and his family are doing well, enjoying plenty to eat with the help of Mr. O, Tom is back to his snooping. If anyone knows what’s afoot,Tom does, and he is always eager to share what he discovers.

  “Hey, Bubba, things are a happenin’ that you jest wont believe. Have you noticed that lately the new horses that come have gone to the pasture instead of a stall? Ever wonder ‘bout that, Bubba? Well now,

  horses that come and are put out in the pasture are mares. Does that tell ya anything?”

  “No, I
guess it doesn’t. Guess I’m not sharp enough to get what you’re saying,Tom.”

  “Hee, hee! I reckon you’re still too wet behind the ears. Them mares is comin’ to make love to you, Bubba! Well, there might be a couple little dinky things for Percy and one or two for Geoffrey. I hear’d tell that when you went to them Class A shows last year…jes you and Meg…and you met all those high-falutin’ Clydesdale folks, they took a liken to ya. Seein’ as you are ‘bout as big as they are, but yer half-Arabian

  some foals like you.”

  “Really? Gosh, I’d be willing to try. I remember two of those

  mares that I met at one show that I really took a liking to.You think they

  came to see me?” Just thinking about Dulcie and especially Annie, I get

  “Hey, that’ll be easy. I’ll just go an’ ask. I’ll be shore to let ya’

  ain’t that big to need so much room for jes herself.” And Tom is off.

  There will be no sleeping tonight.With my head full of Annie and what might happen…it’s just too much to put aside, so I talk to Percy. “Percy, did you hear what Tom said? Julie is in a double stall. What do you suppose that means?”

  “Gees Louise, Bubba, Tom was right, you are wet behind the ears. But I’ve been around the block, so to speak, and I know why she’s in a double stall. It’s ‘cause Julie’s going to have a baby.”

  A baby? My sister having a baby? I knew she was in love with Geoffrey, but a baby? Why didn’t she tell me?

  “Gosh, that will really be something. I wish I could be there, but maybe I can get Elliott to go watch. He often comes when I’m eating out of the feed tub, so maybe if I push the tub around a bit, he‘ll come running. He knows I’m sloppy and he can clean up the grain I push out of the tub.”

  Sure enough, in a matter of minutes, here comes Elliott, slinking

  what’s going on with her? Percy thinks she’s going to have a baby. Could you do that for me, please?”

  “’Peers to me that Percy’s right. I was just there, and Julie is walking in circles in her stall. Good thing they moved her to a double one so she has more room to walk. But the real clue is that Meg and Bill are sleeping on cots just outside her stall. Guess they don’t want to miss anything. Funny, when my wife has babies, she doesn’t get that much attention. It’s crazy is what I say.”


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