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Barely Breathing

Page 16

by Ancelli

  “Look.” She handed him her phone.

  He took it from her, and smiled as he looked at the picture of himself and his kids. “I never thought I would have another baby, and especially with you.”

  She placed her sandwich down and arched her eyebrow.

  He looked up. “You know what I meant. Did you see this coming?”

  Her features became soft. “No.”

  He kissed her hand. “I can’t imagine being without Johnny, my princess, and you.” At that moment Amber cried. “I’ll get her.” He stood before Sophia could rise, and walked out to get his daughter.

  He returned with the baby in his arms.

  “Hi, Amber,” Johnny said, touching her tiny feet. “Can I go watch TV?”

  “Yes, but put your dish in the sink,” replied John.

  “Okay, Daddy.”

  John softly patted his baby on her back, and whispered lullabies to her.

  Sophia stood and grabbed all the plates from the table and placed them in the sink. “You’re spoiling her,” she said, beginning to wash the dishes.

  “I’ll do it,” he said, moving closer to her.

  “Remember, we’re roommates? Please let me contribute.” She continued what she was doing.

  “I Skyped my sisters while you were in the room.” He kissed the baby’s head.

  “What did they say?”

  “The only thing they could, that’s she’s beautiful, and I think they were a little surprised.”

  “You didn’t tell them I was black?” She sounded surprised.

  “No, because the color of your skin doesn’t matter to me.”

  “But I guess to them it does.”

  “I don’t care what Abby thinks when it comes to you or my daughter.” He moved closer to her, and touched her chin so she would look at him. “I’ve never dated a black woman before, but it wasn’t because I was against it. It’s because I hadn’t met you.”

  “Okay!” She shied away.

  He sighed. “Everything happens in its own time for a reason.” He bent his head and gave her a feathery kiss on her lips.

  She froze as he said the words. He moved away and let her finish the dishes.

  John just watched her. Can I try again?

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Two months had passed since his little girl was born. Sophia went back to work part-time at her old job, but not before she investigated the babysitter they’d selected. On the other hand, nothing had changed between Sophia and John, even after he’d told her about his feelings when she’d come back to town. They still acted like roommates.

  John was at work, staring at a picture of Johnny and Amber. He could finally say he was happy again, and it was because of one special person.

  Tabitha pushed his door open. “Are you busy?”

  He smiled. “Come in.”

  She strolled into his office, dressed in a gray pants suit, and sat in front of his desk. “God, it’s been more than a year and I’m still embarrassed.” She couldn’t really look him in the eye.

  “Embarrassed about what?” He entwined his hands.

  “About the way I threw myself at you,” she said, blushing.

  John chuckled. “Tabitha, there is no need to feel embarrassed. I don’t kiss and tell.”

  She loosened up, and took a deep breath. “Good to know.” Then she saw the picture of his kids. “Your son is getting so big. Is that your daughter?”

  “Yes,” he answered proudly.

  “I love her curly hair, and those big, light brown eyes. You should be proud. You have beautiful kids.”

  “Thank you,” he replied, looking at the photo, too.

  “Your little girl has your eyes and nose. But your son didn’t gain any of your genes. He looks like your ex-wife.”

  “Yes he does.” He answered looking at the picture too.

  “Back to the reason I’m here.” She patted her blond hair. “I’m in charge of putting together a function for our annual charity gala, and one of the guys that volunteered to help raise money for the children’s hospital bailed out, and I need you.”

  “I’ll help as much as I can.”

  “Good to know! As you know, it’s in two month. Will you help us raise the money?”

  “Anything for the kids.”

  “Great.” She stood. “Are you still a bachelor?”

  “Well, kind of.”

  “Even better! I will be auctioning you off to the highest bidder, and believe me, they’ll pay for you.” She chuckled. “You can’t back out.”

  “What?” He stood.

  “Whoever pays the most gets a date with you.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Remember, it’s for the kids.”

  He laughed. “Okay, you got me. I’ll do it.” His phone rang. “Hello?”


  “Yes, Amy?”

  Tabitha heard him, waved, and left his office in silence.

  He sat back in his chair. “How can I help you?” Ever since the divorce he’d tried really hard to be cordial to her.

  “I was wondering if you could keep Johnny over the weekend?”

  “I don’t mind keeping our son, but may I ask why?”

  “What I do is no longer your concern.”

  “You’re right. It isn’t my business.”

  “Can you pick him up from school?”

  He squeezed the phone. “You call me fifteen minutes before school lets out to ask me?”

  “You can get your bitch of a girlfriend to pick him up, because I can’t.”

  “I can’t believe this shit. You know what, Amy?” He needed to calm down. He hung up the phone. “I’m suing her ass for full custody,” he said out loud.

  He hated to ask Sophia but didn’t have anyone else. He picked up his phone and dialed. When Sophia answered, he could hear their baby crying. “Hey, I need a huge favor.”

  “What’s up?”

  “Can you pick Johnny up from school?”

  “Of course, but doesn’t he get off in ten minutes?”

  “Yes, but his mother just called me, and I’m needed in court in half an hour. If you can’t…”

  “I told you I’ll get him. Amber and I are out the door as we speak.” He could hear her locking the door, and clicking the car alarm. “Can you call the school, and let them know I’m picking him up?”

  “I added you to the list of people who can sign him out months ago.”

  “Hold on, let me put her in her seat.”

  He heard the buckles clicking. “John, don’t worry. See you when you get home.”

  “Thank you.” He hung up. “It’s time for me to step up to the plate.”


  The condo was dark and lonely when John entered. He searched through the mail, found nothing important besides the usual few bills, until he came across a fancy, ivory envelope. He opened it and found an invitation to a charity gala for the Children’s Hospital. He was reading it, when Sophia walked in with Johnny in one arm and the baby in the carrier in the other. He rushed over and took Johnny out of her arms.

  “Have you been out since I called you?” He looked at her exhausted face.

  She rolled her eyes at him, and placed the baby carrier on the couch.

  “Where?” he asked still holding his son.

  “Your ex-wife made your son a promise.” She sat, then took Amber out of her seat. “She told him she was going to take him to the park, so when he saw me, he cried his little heart out. I couldn’t disappoint him anymore, so I took him and then I took him to Adventure Land.”

  He watched her. “I’m so sorry. I know you were up all night with the baby, and you just started working.”

  “It’s okay.” She stood. “Did you have dinner?” she asked, yawing.


  “I can make you something.”

  He gazed at the amazing woman in front of him. She looked so tired, but still was willing to take care of him. She still put everybody f

  “I can make myself something. Did you eat?”

  “Yes.” She smiled. “I’m going to give Amber a bath.” She strolled out of the living room toward her bedroom.

  He kissed his son on the head, and walked to Johnny’s bedroom. He cleaned him up with wipes, trying not to wake him, and tucked him in. “Good night, Jay.” He stood, turned on the boy’s night light, and walked to his own bedroom.


  When John stepped out of the shower, he could hear the baby crying her little lungs out. He hurriedly got dressed, marched from his room to Sophia’s, and knocked.

  “Come in.”

  He opened the door, and Sophia was rocking the baby in the rocking chair, trying to calm her down.

  He moved into the room.

  “I’ve tried everything, I fed, changed, and burped her, and she’s still not happy.” She rubbed the little girl’s back.

  He bent down, gently took the baby from her arms, and started rocking her. “I’ll take care of her. You need your rest.”

  She stood, yawning.

  “Go sleep in my room.”

  “Thank you.” She closed the door behind her.

  The baby continued crying. He walked around the room with her. “Princess, you need to sleep.”

  She cried louder. He started patting and rubbing her little back until she let out a loud burp.

  “There you go.” She calmed down, still hiccupping from all the crying, but her eyes fluttered closed. He sat in the rocking chair until she fell asleep. He stood and placed her in her crib, and walked out to the kitchen.

  He turned on the light and there was a plate on the table with two sandwiches, chips, and a tall glass of iced tea, all of which made him smile. He pulled out the chair, sat, and began eating the meal his lady had made for him. Yes. My lady. She’d done everything without his even having to ask her. Amy always complained, but Sophia hadn’t, not once, not even with everything she’d been through. He tried not to compare them, but he couldn’t help it.

  John gently opened his room door and walked in. Sophia was sound asleep on her side. He wasn’t going to deny himself any longer. He slipped under the covers with her, settled next to her, and wrapped his arms around her. He placed his lips near her ear. “It was delicious.” She didn’t answer back. He placed his head in the crook of her neck and eventually fell asleep too.


  The baby’s cry came through the monitor on the nightstand, waking them both up at four in the morning.

  His powerful arms were wrapped around her, making her feel safe. She tried to move and he whispered.

  “Baby, I’ll get her.”

  He kissed her cheek, and as soon as his arms left her body, she felt lost for a second. He stood and left the room.

  She could hear John speaking to Amber through the baby monitor.

  “Daddy’s here, sunshine.”

  By the time he returned, Sophia was in the bathroom, brushing her teeth. He placed both of his hands on the sink, locking her in. She looked at their reflections in the mirror and wondered how she’d gotten so lucky. John was gorgeous even this early in the morning, and she looked a mess with her black silk scarf around her head and a toothbrush in her mouth.

  He leaned down to her neck, giving her a gentle kiss, and whispered, “I can’t take this roommate shit anymore.”

  She arched her eyebrow.

  “I told you months ago how I feel about you, and nothing has changed. I gave you some time because of everything you went through from Cara, and jail, and having our baby, but enough is enough. I want you in my bed.”

  She still looked at their reflection in the mirror.

  “I want your beautiful face to be the last thing I see at night and the first one I see in the morning.” He started giving her wet kisses on her collarbone. “I’m not taking no for answer.”

  She finished brushing her teeth and turned in his arms. “Are you sure this is what you want?” Sophia gazed at him.

  He kissed her lips. “Yes…”

  “I have issues.”

  “Who doesn’t?”

  “John, when I love, I love with all I’ve got.” He gazed back at her and lifted her scarf from her head. “I don’t want to get hurt.”

  He combed her hair out with his fingers. “I don’t know what the future holds for us, but I know I want you in it. I will try never to hurt you. I promise I will always be honest with you. Is that enough?”

  She cradled his face in her hands. “I’m a fighter.”

  “I know, baby, I know.”

  “I fight for what I want, and if you’re sure you want me, then yes, that’s enough.” She pulled him down to her kiss.

  “I’m so sure you’re who I want,” he said against her lips.

  He lifted her up, placed her on the sink, and settled in between her thighs. She could already feel his arousal through his shorts.

  His hand made his way to her hair and he gently pulled, making her gaze at him. “Do you know how long I’ve waited to have you again?”

  She smiled. “As long as me.”

  Their lips met, and he devoured her mouth. His tongued played with hers, making her follow his lead. She wrapped her hands around his neck to pull him closer. Damn, she’d missed this. It had been way too long. They were hungry for each other. She opened her legs wider, grinding on him.

  “Baby…” He took her legs, wrapped them around his waist and his arms under her ass, and carried her to the bedroom. He gently put her in the middle of the bed and took off her PJs, admiring her remarkable body.

  He traced his finger over her one stretch mark.

  She giggled. “That’s my love mark,” she said.

  “Love mark?”

  “It’s there because of the love of my life. Amber is my miracle, and if the price I paid was this little stretch mark, then I’m good.”

  He bowed, kissed the mark, and the scar on her leg and came back up to kiss her lips, parting them with his tongue.

  She put her hands in his hair and moved him to her breast. He began with her left breast, gently sucking on her nipple, while playing with the right one. “Oh God, yes…yes…more…” He bit on one. His hand trailed down to her core.

  “Mmm, so wet…” he said against her breast. He kissed his way down her chest to her belly, to her navel, and stopped at her pussy. “You’re so beautiful.”

  John parted her lower lips with his fingers, and smiled. With the tip of his tongue, he touched her clit, and started tongue-kissing her.

  She was so horny, his one touch almost made her come. She bounced off the bed, and he grabbed her hips to hold her down. He sucked on her pearl, making her moan.

  “John…” Her breathing was short and fast.

  He dipped his tongue into her core, and she exploded. He continued his attack on her pussy, and her hold on his hair got tighter. She squeezed her shaking legs around his head.

  He chuckled as he gripped her thighs and escaped her hold. “Damn, woman.” He kissed his way up. “Why didn’t you tell me you needed to come? I would’ve been honored to please you.”

  He settled in between her legs.

  “Condom,” she said, still shaking.

  He looked at her, confused. “I’m clean. I haven’t been with anyone since we made love.”

  She caressed the side of his face. “I don’t want any more surprises.”

  He chuckled and dug into the nightstand and found several condoms. “You want to do the honors?”

  She took it, and he got on his knees. His cock was at full attention, pointing straight at her. Her mouth watered. She wrapped her hands around it and started stroking him.

  “Baby, I don’t want to embarrass myself. It’s been a long time.” She slowed down.

  She wanted him in her mouth, but she needed him inside of her. They had all the time in the world for that, later. She opened the wrapper and gently guided on the condom on his rigid, thick staff.

  He settled down, placing himself i
n between her legs. He grabbed his cock, used her juices as lubrication, and gently pushed into her core, making her gasp.

  She opened her legs wider, giving him deeper access.

  “Sophia…” He went deeper, stretching her to the limit. “You’re mine…” John gazed into her eyes. “Mine…” He took her hands in his, placing them above her head, and bent his head.


  He captured her mouth, stroking his tongue with hers, mimicking his long, slow, deep thrusts. He swallowed her cries of passion. His grip on her hands got tighter.

  Sophia wrapped her legs around his waist, moving to his rhythm, up and down. “Dame mas…yes…mas…”

  “You want more?” Releasing her hands, he grabbed her hips and flipped her around so she was on top.

  She started to ride him, slow, fast, up and down. She bit her bottom lip, trying to hold on. “Your dick is so good.”

  His mouth was agape. “You’re so good,” he said between gritted teeth, touching her breasts.

  Her pussy was starting to contract, signaling she was about to come. He smacked her ass, and squeezed it. She leaned down and he grabbed her nipple in his mouth, sucked it, making her come.

  “John!” she screamed.

  He pulled out, then turned her over on her hands and knees. He plunged into her, kissing her back, as she arched it up. “Baby…I’m about…to…”

  She backed her ass up on him, and he came, growling her name.

  Both of them were out of breath as he fell on top of her. Her chuckle was deep under his sweaty body. “You’re heavy.”

  He rolled off her and in one swift movement, pulled her on top of him. “Sorry, baby.”

  She placed her head on his chest. “Is this real? Is there really an us?”

  He caressed her back and kissed her forehead. “This is real.”

  She traced her fingers around his nipple. “I need Cara to come home. Skpying is not enough anymore.”

  “I know. You’ll be reunited soon. We just have to wait a little longer until we know she’ll be safe with us.” He entwined his fingers with hers.“ And we need a bigger place.”


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