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Barely Breathing

Page 19

by Ancelli

  Abby, Diana, Vickie, Sophia, and Tuy sat around the table talking.

  “I can’t believe you didn’t tell him we were all coming.” Olivia smiled at Vickie, who rocked the baby.

  “I wanted to surprise him,” Vickie answered. “We haven’t been together like this since Mama died. Sophia, thank you for accepting us in your home.”

  “It’s John’s home,” Sophia said. “I knew he’d be happy to see all of you.”

  He watched from the doorframe. All his sisters in one room meant trouble. What were they doing here? Diana and Abby had had an issue with Sophia’s being black when he’d told them about her, and now here they were, smiling in her face. He strolled in. “Well, I’m surprised.”

  When they all saw him enter, they screamed. “Happy Birthday!”

  “Yeah… whatever.” He stared at Vickie. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”

  Abby and Diana stood and gave him a hug. “Hi, baby brother! It’s been too long. And we wanted to meet our niece and your new girl friend,” said Abby.

  “J.J.!” Diana said, squeezing his cheek.

  “Stop that.” John smacked her hand away. “I’m not a kid anymore.”

  Sophia smiled, covering her mouth, and everybody laughed.

  “Not funny,” he said.

  “Johnny, you’ll always be our baby brother.” Olivia gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Happy birthday, sweetie.” Then she turned to Sophia. “Welcome to our crazy family.”

  “I hope you’ll learn to accept us.” Vickie chuckled. “Not like her.”

  “Stop talking about Amy. She’s sweet,” Abby said.

  “Abby, show some respect. Sophia’s here,” Diana said.

  “It’s okay.” Sophia drank some water.

  “No, it’s not okay,” John said. “Why are you guys really here?”

  “We wanted to surprise you for your birthday,” Vickie chimed in.

  Tuy put up his hands. “I had nothing to do with this. I do whatever I’m told.” He got up and put his dishes in the sink.

  “Where are your kids and husbands?” John asked, looking around. “Are they going to jump out?”

  “No, we didn’t want to overwhelm Sophia,” Olivia said. “And we’re only here for one day.”

  “Daddy, happy birthday,” Johnny said coming in to the room in his PJs.

  He was surprised to see his son. “Thank you son,” he ruffled his hair. “Who picked him up?”

  Olivia placed Amber in a bouncer on the counter, and started preparing John’s, Sophia’s, and Johnny’s breakfast plates.

  “I did.” Abby kissed her nephew. “I thought your son should be with you on your birthday.”

  “Amy let you take him?”

  “She had no choice, and I’m her favorite sister-in-law,” Abby said.

  “Ex-sister-in-law,” Vickie said. “I never liked that heffa, but I really like you.” She squeezed Sophia’s hand.

  “You’ve been an angel to John. He’s told me everything you’ve been through together,” Olivia said.

  She smiled, and her eyes sparkled when she gazed at John. “He’s my rock.”

  He gazed back at her.

  “It’s been a long time since I’ve heard him laugh,” Vickie said, “like I did last night. I know him better than anyone in this room, and you make him happy.”

  “Excuse me, I’m standing right here.” John took the plates from his sister and served Sophia and Johnny.

  “Thank you, Daddy,” Johnny said.

  John stood behind Sophia, began caressing her neck, then bent down and whispered in her ear. “I love you…”

  He knew she hadn’t been expecting those words, but her gift of family, that she would accept his family, meant the world to him. Amy never could handle all of them at the same time, but Sophia was taking it like a pro.

  No one heard his whisper but the two of them, but all his sisters just stared at him. They were observing everything he did around her.

  Sophia placed her fork down, and turned to face him.

  He wiped a falling tear, and gave her a sweet kiss. “I love you,” he said against her lips.

  When he stood, all his sisters and his brother-in-law were engaged in conversations. His condo had never had so many people in it. He looked at his family. Abby had Johnny in her arms, and for the first time in over a year John stared at Johnny. His sisters all resembled each other, and then he looked at Amber in her bouncer. Even she resembled them. Olivia and Abby had green eyes, and Diana and Vickie had gray eyes, but they all had black hair and similar smiles. Johnny had light brown hair and hazel eyes. He didn’t resemble his family at all, but he knew genes were crazy like that. He wouldn’t be doubting anything, if the boy at least looked like Amy—but he didn’t. Stop it, he told himself.

  “Sophia, call your daughter,” Olivia said. “I want to meet my new niece Cara.”

  “Okay.” She walked out and returned with her iPad. “Cara, say hi to everybody.”

  They all took turns saying hello.

  “She’s beautiful,” Diana said.


  It was a long crazy day with his sibling, and he had to admit he enjoyed having them around. He didn’t know so much laughter could make him feel so loved. His sisters seemed to accept Sophia, and even Abby seemed to have put aside her prejudice.

  They’d all left after dinner.

  Sophia was already in bed.

  “Thank you,” he said, giving her a kiss.


  “For my birthday gift, and loving me enough to put up with my sisters.” He slipped under the covers.

  She cupped his face. “You’ve put up with so much more.”

  “I love you,” he said, and took her mouth prisoner with his.

  His cell phone rang. “Baby, can you answer it?”

  She answered. “Hello?”

  “Put John on the phone,” Amy said.

  Sophia stared at the phone and handed it to John.

  “Hello,” he answered, looking at Sophia.

  “Hi, sweetheart,” Amy said.

  He arched his eyebrow.

  “I just wanted to say happy birthday.”

  Sophia just glared at him, but she didn’t seem mad.

  “Thanks.” He didn’t know what else to say. “I have to go.”

  “Wait. Can I say goodnight to our son?”

  “He’s already sleeping.”

  “Oh, okay. Maybe we can take him to the park.”

  “Amy, goodnight.” He hung up, and looked over at Sophia.

  “What was that about?”

  “She wished me a happy birthday.”

  Sophia smiled, but he could tell she was a bit bothered. “Baby… I love you…”

  “I know, but I’m only human.”

  “I understand.” He kneeled over her waist. “I’m missing one more present.”

  She giggled. “And what’s that?”

  He gently slid his fingers through the folds of her pussy. “This”—and he settled in between her legs.

  Chapter Forty-One

  John came into the kitchen with Amber in his arms. He’d just given her a bath.

  Sophia was preparing dinner, and when she turned and saw them, she began laughing.

  “Why you laughing? I think I did a great job here!” Amber’s hair was up into two crazy-looking ponytails with her curls everywhere.

  “Did you detangle her hair?” Sophia asked.

  “She doesn’t need that,” he said, now laughing too. He lifted her up to face him. “She’s beautiful, regardless.” He kissed her nose.

  “I guess not. You need to put grease in her hair.” She placed the roast in the oven.

  “She doesn’t need anything in her hair.” He pulled one of her curls, and it sprang back in. “You see?” He tried to fix her hair on the side.

  “Yes, she does. Her hair isn’t like yours, and it gets dry really fast.”

  He looked at Amber. “Her hair isn’t like yours, either.”
  She gave him the look.

  “I think my baby girl is perfect.” He turned, about to leave the kitchen.

  “Hold on. Let me put the potato salad in the fridge and I’ll teach you.”

  He stared at her. “Why? I have you.”

  “I might not always be here, and I don’t want my baby looking crazy.” She washed her hands. “Come on.”

  They walked over to the family room where Johnny was playing with Legos; John sat and put Amber between his legs and took off the rubber bands, making her whine. Sophia grabbed a bin with the baby’s hair stuff, and sat next to him.

  “Here.” She handed him a bottle of some sort of hair cream. “Massage a little bit on her scalp and hair.”

  He grabbed it, opened it, and placed a bit in the palm of his hands, then rubbed them together, and gently massaged it into her scalp like he’d seen Sophia do.

  “Here.” She handed him a brush. “Brush it out.”

  He started brushing her hair and Amber let out a loud cry. He tried, but couldn’t handle hearing her cry like that. He stopped and picked her up. “Daddy’s done.” He turned her over. “That’s why I don’t touch her hair.”

  Sophia chuckled. “She has you wrapped around her little finger.” She stood and took her from him, and sat back down. “Let me show you how it’s done.” She placed their little girl on her lap, parted her hair with a comb, and gently detangled her hair. Amber whined. She didn’t like her hair combed. Sophia then brushed her hair into four perfect ponytails. “See?”

  He smirked, and gave his son a kiss on his head. “Buddy, you see what it’s like living with girls.”

  “Fun!” Johnny answered.


  His cell phone rang, and he looked at the screen. Why would she be calling me? Johnny’s already here. “Yes?”

  “I need your help,” Amy said.

  John stared at Sophia, who was playing with the kids.

  “What do you need, Amy?” he asked, getting up.

  “John, I’m losing it. I need a drink.”

  “What’s going on? Why after all this time?” He watched Sophia from the doorframe.

  “I’m going through a lot right now,” she cried.

  He took a deep breath. I hope I don’t regret this. “I’m coming over.”

  “Thank you.” She hung up.

  He slowly walked over to his family. “Baby.” She looked up at him. “Come here for a minute.”

  She stood, and they moved toward the side. “Amy called.”

  “Johnny’s here. What does she want?” she asked, rubbing her fingers together.

  “She’s having a breakdown.”

  “And she called you?”

  “I want to go check on her, but I want to make sure it’s okay with you.” He stopped her from rubbing her fingers together.

  “It’s not okay.” She gave him a half smile. “But I will feel really bad if something happens to her, and you could’ve prevented it.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “No.” She laughed. “Kidding, I’m sure.”

  He kissed her lips. “I’ll be back before dinner.”


  He rang the doorbell, and Amy opened the door, a bit shaky.

  “John.” She hugged him. “I thought you wouldn’t come.”

  “I told you I was coming.” He walked in. “Don’t you have a sponsor you can call?”

  “Yes, but I need someone who knows me.”

  “Where’s Charles?”

  “I don’t know.”

  He looked over the room and saw a bottle of tequila on her table. “Your sponsor might be able to help you more than I can.”

  He walked over to where the bottle was, grabbed it, and marched into the kitchen. He opened the tequila and poured it down the sink. “Do you have any more liquor?”


  He turned to her. “What would cause you to turn to this again?” He threw the bottle in the trash.

  “You!” she yelled.

  He glared at her. “What are you talking about? I haven’t even had a real conversation with you since the divorce.”

  She began to cry. “John, I’m sorry.”

  “For what?” he asked, more than a little inpatient.

  “For hurting you. For everything I put you through.”

  “Amy.” He stared at her for a moment and walked out of the kitchen. “I’m over it. It’s in the past now.”

  “Are you over it?”

  “I’ve learned to forgive you, and I’ve moved on with a wonderful woman.” He marched through her living room.

  “With that bitch?”

  Her words made him stop dead in his tracks, and turn to look at her. “Coming over here was a huge mistake.”

  “Why are you really with her?” Her lips thinned in anger. “Is it because I cheated on you and you want payback, or because she had your bastard child?”

  He took long strides to the front door. “This is why you called me?”

  “I want you back and I won’t stop at anything.” She strolled up to him, wrapping her arms around his neck, and rapidly kissed him.

  When he forcefully grabbed her hand and pushed her back, her nails scratched his neck. “I don’t want you!” he shouted. There was nothing left to do but open the door and leave.


  Sophia tucked both kids in, and was ready to put away John’s dinner when the house phone rang.


  “Guess who just left my bed?” Amy asked.

  Sophia said nothing.

  “I told you he would always come running.”

  “Really.” She smiled to herself.

  “If you don’t believe me, look at the marks on his neck.”

  Sophia heard enough and hung up. Amy called again and she chose to ignore it. “Baby momma drama,” she sighed.


  John walked into the family room, where Sophia was watching a movie. “I have something to tell you. I shouldn’t have gone over there.”

  She looked up at him, and then stood. “Turn around.”

  He did so, arching a brow. She pulled down his collar and laughed.


  “Did she scratch you in a moment of passion?”

  “Hell, no.” He paused. “How did you know she scratched me?”

  “She told me.” She moved in front of him, placed her hands around his neck, and pulled him down. “I’m not a jealous woman, and it’s because I know what I have at home.” She kissed his lips. “Thank you for trusting me.”

  “You’re not mad at me?” He caressed the side of her face.

  “No.” She laughed and pulled away. She started unbuttoning her shirt, stepping away, stripping the rest of her clothes off, as she walked to their bedroom. “Are you coming?” she yelled.

  He chuckled. “Right behind you.”

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Someone kept ringing the doorbell. John turned and looked at the time. It was three in the morning. “I hope it’s not Vickie again.” He shot out of bed, and marched to the front door. He looked through the peephole.

  He hurriedly opened the door. “Amy, what happened?”

  Her left eye was swollen.

  “I’m sorry, John. I didn’t have anywhere else to go.” She cried.

  He helped her inside. “What happened?” he asked again. “Did Charles do this?”

  She didn’t answer.

  He sat her down and went into the kitchen. He came back with a bag of ice. “Put this on.” He sat next to her. “Where is he?”

  “At his house.”

  “What’s his address?”

  “John I don’t want to get you involved.” Amy’s voice sounded rattled.

  Sophia stood to the side, observing them with her arms crossed.

  He stood and stormed past her to the bedroom. She followed him, and watched him from the doorframe.

  “Why are you getting dressed?”

  “I’m going make sur
e Charles doesn’t touch another woman.” He put on his jeans. “He doesn’t have the right to touch her.”

  “You don’t know if he touched her.”

  “Why would she lie to me about that?”

  “I wonder why?” She crossed her hands over her chest. “You believe her?”

  “Why wouldn’t I? Didn’t you see her eye?” He picked up a T-shirt. “You out of all people should be understanding.”

  “Really! I’ll tell you what I see.” She stared at him. “I see a woman scorned, who wants you back, and would do anything for your attention.”

  “Sophia, don’t start this nonsense now.”

  “What?” She raised her voice. “It’s not the first time she has pulled this shit!”

  “I know you don’t like her and with good reason, but this isn’t about her, or you and me now. It’s about—”

  “It’s about what?” She raised her voice.

  “It’s about Charles fucking hitting her.” He pulled on the T-shirt.

  “Then call the fucking cops!”

  He slipped on his loafers. “Bye, Sophia.” He stormed out of the bedroom and slammed the front door.

  Amber started crying. “Great,” Sophia said, going to get her.

  She walked out to get her bottle, and was surprised to see Amy still there.

  Amy looked up at her, and smirked.

  At that moment, Sophia knew she was full of shit. “What are you still doing here?”

  “John told me to wait for him.” She stared at Amber. It was the first time she’d laid eyes on the baby. “She has John’s smile.”

  “Unless Charles hit like a girl, he didn’t hit you,” she said, observing her eye. “Don’t get me wrong, no man has the right to hit a woman. If I’m wrong, and he did hit you, then he is getting what he deserves.” She placed her baby over her shoulder.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said with another smirk.

  “I know what you’re trying to do, and it’s not going to work.” She moved to the kitchen. She grabbed the baby’s bottle, began feeding her, and strolled over to the door, opening it. “I’ll let him know you’re at your house.”


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