This Time Around

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This Time Around Page 11

by Davies,Amy

  We fell asleep naked last night, which is safe in this house. Connie never comes into my room in the mornings without knocking. His dick is at half mast and is still looking impressive. I take it in my hand and bring it to my mouth. I lick him from root to tip. He starts hardening straight away and I take him fully into my mouth until he hits the back of my throat. Lucky for Mr Bradley, I have no gag reflex. His hips buck, forcing his cock into my mouth. I widen my lips and flatten my tongue. A moan escapes his mouth and the sheet leaves my back. I look up at him, my mouth firmly wrapped around his dick. Our eyes lock and the sleepy look, looks fucking hot on him. Hell, every look, looks hot on him.

  “Fucking hell, baby. Now that is how I want to wake up every morning.” His head slams back into the pillow as I take him all the way down and swallow, making my throat tighten around the head of his shaft. “Holy fuck,” he pants out. I moan around him, knowing the vibrations make him feel good. His moans make me wet between my thighs, if I was wearing knickers they would be scorched off my body. I pull my mouth from his shaft and run my tongue around his balls; I feel them tighten under my touch.

  “Do you like that?” I ask.

  “Y-yes. Shit.”

  “I have wanted to taste you for so long,” I say between licks. I pull my face away and look up to him, my hands resting on his thighs. I rub my thumb back and forth as we get lost in each other’s eyes.

  “Fuck, you are beautiful. Suck me off, babe.” I lower my mouth and lick around the head of his cock. He hisses. Our eyes stay locked as I bring my finger to my mouth and suck it. I get it nice and wet and Liam’s eyes widen when I lower my wet fingers to the sensitive area between his arse and his balls. Being a nurse has its perks. I add a little pressure to the taint and take his steel cock into my mouth. I suck and add pressure and Liam bucks his hips so hard that the head hits my throat. Liam groans and pulls back, his dick falls from my mouth.

  “Fucking hell, you have no gag reflex.” It wasn’t a question; he was stating a fact from feeling it.

  “Nope.” I wink at him and get back to sucking him off. I am not normally one for giving blowjobs but Liam has a pretty dick, I wouldn’t tell him that though. It is time to make this man beg me to make him come. I love having this power over him, because he has the power over everything else about us. But in a good way.

  I take him back into my mouth and suck hard and fast, bobbing my head up and down while adding pressure to his arse. It doesn’t take long for this tattooed God to start panting out my name.

  “God, baby. Penny. Fucking shit, I’m going to come. Shit. NOW!!” He cries out in pleasure. The first burst of come hits the back of my throat and I swallow it down. I take everything he gives me. Burst after burst and he just keeps coming. I pull my fingers away and his body starts coming down from his climax. I give his slit one last lick before climbing up his body. He is like jelly under me. His hard muscles have relaxed and he is soft. I kiss his neck and he wraps his arms around me but his movements are lazy, sluggish. I giggle knowing that me, little Penny Miller has done this to him. I trace the little red heart that sits on the top of his shoulder. The small grey lines around it make the colour pop.

  “Bambi, I think you just killed me. I can’t move.” I giggle and lift my head up. I rest my arms across his chest and rest my chin on my hands, staring into the eyes of my man.

  “Glad I could be of service.” I smile at him.

  “Bambi, you can service me anytime you fucking want,” he winks at me.

  “That’s good to know. Now come on we need to get up. I need to get breakfast sorted for Connie.” I climb off him before he gets the chance to stop me. I walk over to my chest of drawers and take out a pair of jammies. I love my bunny jammies. Connie bought them for me for my birthday last year. The pink top has two bunnies hugging. I turn to Liam and he is sitting on the edge of the bed in a pair of basketball shorts. He smiles when he sees what I am wearing. He stands and steps over to me. I watch him closely to see what he will do. He lifts his hands and takes a hold of my boobs and massages them together. I cock an eyebrow at him in a ‘what the hell are you doing?’ look.

  “I am hugging the bunnies. Don’t come between a man and his bunnies, woman.” He winks at me, and I have no choice but to step away from him, otherwise we will not be leaving my bedroom. “Babe, come on. They need some more loving.”

  “Nope. No more booby loving for you,” I say, and I walk out of my bedroom.

  I turn the coffee machine on and start cooking breakfast for the three of us. I am so glad that both Connie and Liam love a good cooked breakfast. Ten minutes later, Liam walks into the kitchen looking like sex on a stick and Connie isn’t too far behind him. Thank the Lord that he has put a t-shirt on.

  They both take a seat at the breakfast bar, but I notice that Liam is looking down at his hands and rubbing his thumb over the empty patch of skin on his wrist. What the hell has happened between my bedroom and the kitchen? I left him smiling in my room. I walk over and place a mug of coffee in front of him and kiss his head. He mutters a ‘thanks’ but barely acknowledges me. I stand there for a few seconds not sure what I’m waiting for but he gives me nothing.

  “Mum, can I have my eggs scrambled, please?”

  “Yeah, sweets. No problem.” I turn my back to them and start scrambling Connie’s eggs. The rest of the food is placed on the plate warmers in the center of the table. Liam is now playing on his phone and not paying any attention to either of us. My stomach sinks with the feeling that he is tired of me already. I finish up the eggs and place the plate in front of Connie, I can see her eyes shifting between Liam and me. Connie digs into her breakfast and I walk over to the fridge and take out the orange juice.

  “Where is Connie’s father?” Liam’s words stop me in my tracks. I turn to see that Connie’s fork has stopped midway into her mouth. My eyes flick over to Liam who is staring at me intently.

  “I’m sorry, what did you just say?”

  “I asked. Where is Connie’s father?” he asks again. More sterner this time. I place the glass jug on the counter before I drop it. My skin prickles cold and my heart races in my chest. I see Connie’s face morph into a mask of upset, she knows about her dad. We don’t have any secrets in this house.

  “Connie, can you go up to your room, please, babe?” She nods and leaves the room with her head hanging low. God, I hate seeing her upset. I turn my back to Liam once more and pour myself a small glass of juice. This question has made my throat feel like the Sahara desert. I take a big gulp and then place the glass back onto the counter and turn to Liam.

  “Why do you want to know about Connie’s father?” I ask, trying to keep my voice calm. His face isn’t showing any signs of emotion now, he has firmly put a mask in place.

  “Because you have to admit, that the pregnancy timeframe fits.” Fits what?

  “What are you talking about, Liam. Fits what?”

  “Fits our time together.” What the hell is he talking about?

  “You are talking in fucking riddles, Liam. Just spit it out,” I demand. His vagueness is pissing me off and he had made me bloody swear. His eyes widen at my words.

  “Is she mine? Did you keep my daughter from me for nearly ten-fucking-years?” He stands up, almost knocking the chair over with the force.

  “Bloody hell. Do you really think that little of me that I would keep your daughter from you?” I reply. My anger is spiking.

  How fucking dare he ask me this?

  “Well answer the fucking question. Is she mine?” he growls out.

  “No Liam, she isn’t yours,” I affirm.

  “What do- I mean are you sure?”

  “What the hell is it with you and Adrian asking me if I am sure of the things I say? Damn it.” I take a deep breath. “Liam, let's go into the living room. We need to have a chat.” He listens to me and joins me on the couch. We sit at either ends, not touching in any way. I look around the room and see the photos th
at are scattered all around, showing the love in my family. I see a photo of Adrian, Rachel, Jodi and me. I smile and walk over to it and take it off the wall, along with a baby photo of Connie and me. I join him on the couch again and start to tell him everything.

  “Liam, Connie isn’t your daughter, because she isn’t mine. Not biologically anyway,”

  He goes to speak but I raise my hand to stop him. “Let me get it all out and then you can ask questions. Do you remember the night we met?” He nods his head. “I was at the concert with my best friend Jodi, she was the one practically eating the drummer of the band.” I chuckle at the memories of Jodi. “Jodi slept with the drummer that night and got pregnant. Now as you can imagine, how many groupies came forward claiming to be pregnant by one of the band members. Well Jodi got that treatment. He refused to take a DND test, he even claimed that he never slept with her. Anyway, Jodi was a very strong willed woman and she refused to beg him for help. We all helped her through the pregnancy and she was in love with the little girl growing in her belly.” I take a deep breath and will the burning tears away, I need to get this out once and for all.

  “I supported Jodi all through the pregnancy, as did Adrian and Rachel. We were driving home from a shopping day when a driver of a transit van, ran a red light. He was four times over the legal limit, they couldn’t believe that he was able to function. Jodi was thirty-eight-weeks pregnant. The van hit her side of the car, Liam. She didn’t stand a fucking chance.” Tears are streaming down my face but I don’t wipe them away. The pain has always been there, but talking about her is bringing all the hurt back. I know that Jodi would have been a great mother to Connie and it hurts to know that she never got to see her grow up.

  “She was cut from the car and taken to hospital before I was even removed. I remember sitting in the car, my legs pinned to the seat by the dashboard. I watched as the helicopter took my best friend and her unborn baby to the hospital. I had to wait three hours before they would tell me anything. Three fucking hours. Do you know what that feels like?” He shakes his head no. “It feels like someone has reached inside your chest, and is crushing your heart from the inside out. You feel cold and numb. I just wanted to curl up and cry and leave the world behind. The doctors finally came in and told us the news. Jodi had died on the operating table. But they were able to save her daughter. My Connie. She weighed in at six pounds and three ounces. She was perfect. They brought her to me and that was when I was told that I was now her legal guardian. Jodi has it listed in her will that if anything was to happen to her, I was to take full legal rights to the baby. That minute my world crumbled, but I couldn’t stay a pile of rubble for long, I had just became a new mum.” The bittersweet feeling of losing Jodi but gaining Connie will always be with me.

  “Jesus fucking Christ. Penny, I am so fucking sorry. Baby, come here.” He opens his arms for me and I take the invite. I crawl into his lap and sob like a baby. I cry for Connie not meeting Jodi. I cry for Jodi for not meeting her perfect daughter.

  My world was made a better place the day that Connie James Miller was brought into my life.


  I have been sitting outside the hospital for the past fifteen minutes. I can’t get Liam and mines conversation out of my head, our talk yesterday was bittersweet. It always hurts talking about Jodi, but it was also nice to tell Liam all about her. Once we got over the initial talk about Jodi, and Connie’s birth. We called Connie back downstairs and we all cuddled up on the couch and talked about Jodi. What our little group used to be like when we were younger. We talked about Connie’s baby life, much to her embarrassment. Connie loved talking about Jodi and we loved looking at baby photos. We have a few of Jodi while she was pregnant and Connie treasures them. I love that she loves her even though she has never met her.

  Just thinking about her makes my heart hurt. I will always have Jodi in my heart, because she gave me the most precious gift you can give someone. I went from a single student, studying to become a nurse, to a single mum, struggling to become a nurse. Even with my family I still struggled, for the first few months I hated leaving Connie, I thought she was going to be taken away from me, just like Jodi was. Matt talked me into seeing a family counsellor and I will always be grateful to him for that. Sucking in a deep breath, I climb out of my car and head into work.

  Suzy and Marta are at the nurses station chatting to one of the new Doctors. I think his name is Doctor Butler. I only passed him on one shift, I was leaving and he was starting, but he seems like a nice bloke. The girls smile at me when they see me approach.

  “Well good afternoon, Miss Miller.”

  “Hey, Suze. Hi, Marta, how are the kids?” I ask her, she has four year old twins and they are a handful.

  “Oh you know, they are amazing, when I am not with them,” she winks at me. I see Dr Butler watching us and smiling.

  “Oh come on they can’t be that bad,” he says. We all turn and look at him.

  “Oh yes they can. You need to have Marta tell you the story of how the twins got in the garden. Do you have children, Doctor Butler?”

  “I do. My son is three months old.”

  “Awwww, that’s sweet. Enjoy him while you can because before long, he will be demanding that his clothes need to be top brands, costing a small fortune. His pocket money needs to rise weekly and, oh yeah, the taxi service starts,” Suzy says, smiling sweetly. She can smile all she wants because her kids are all grown up. I laugh and walk towards the staff lounge. Popping my bag into my locker I walk back out and join the girls, ready to get my shift started. I see Marta running towards me calling my name and my heart skips a beat.

  No, Connie. Oh no, God please no. My heart starts racing for fear my daughter is hurt.

  I reach Marta and she is panting, and my mind goes into stupid mode by thinking that she needs to hit the gym and do some cardio.

  “There is a guy out front demanding to see you. His son is hurt. He says he is your boyfriend. But I never knew you were in a relationship.”

  “Oh shit, Knox.” I take off running and burst through the double doors. I see Liam, sorrow clear across his handsome face. I see Knox lying in his large arms, blood covering one side of his head and he is cradling his right arm. Oh shit, my baby boy.

  “What the hell happened?” I ask when I reach them.

  “He was riding his bike around the driveway, and Ramsey went crazy around his wheels. Knox tried dodging him, but he lost balance and him and the bike hit the side of the house. He says he wasn’t knocked out.” I do a quick assessment of his head and the blood is still flowing at a good rate, which isn’t good. I know head wounds bleed more, but you can never be too careful when it comes to a child.

  “Follow me. Why didn’t you call for an ambulance?” I say, opening the doors. “Doctor Butler, I need you,” I call. I lead Liam through to an exam room and he places Knox down on the bed. He whimpers as Liam steps back.

  “I’m here bud. I’m not going anywhere,” Liam states looking at me, daring me to correct him. Does he think I would ask him to leave his injured son? I help Doctor Butler assess Knox’s arm, which is clearly broken from the angle it is sitting. But in children, again it can look worse than it is. Knox cries out when I re-position his arm.

  “Fucking hell, be careful will you,” Liam growls out. I let that one slide because I know he is hating seeing his son is pain.

  “I am careful Liam, but I need to make sure his arm is in the right place, to ease the pain for Knox.”

  “To ease it? Jesus Christ you're hurting him more. Just because he isn’t yours doesn’t mean that you should care less. FUCK!” he all but yells, making both Knox and me jump. He soothes Knox and I stand back from the bed. Tears spring to my eyes from his words. Talk about being kicked in the stomach. How the hell can he think I care less, just because Knox isn’t mine? I treat all my patients the same. If anything I helped Knox skip the people in the waiting room. Doctor Butler is checking the head wound o
n Knox’s head, and little whimpers come from the little boy. I hear my name being called but I can’t pull my eyes from Liam, who is still not looking at me.

  “Penny.” I blink as Doctor Butler shakes my shoulders. “Are you okay?” I nod and clear my throat.

  “Yes. Sorry, I- I am-.”

  “No it’s fine. Are you okay to clean and glue the wound up?” He turns to Liam. “It isn’t deep enough for stitches and head wounds do bleed a lot more. He will be just fine.” He turns to me. “You okay to carry on?” I nod my head and leave the room. I slump against the wall just outside the room and fight the tears that are fighting to run down my cheeks. I can’t believe he just said that to me. My breaths become hard and I lean forward, placing my hands on my knees trying to calm myself down. Doctor Butler’s voice brings my body upright.

  “I hear you speak to any of my staff like that again and I will have you removed from the hospital. Nurse Miller was only doing her job. She cares about every one of her patients. Equally.”

  “Listen, I get what you are saying but my son was in pain and I lashed out. I will apologize to her.” I don’t hear what Doctor Butler says in return because I take off for the supply cupboard and get the items I need to clean up Knox and glue his head together, before he goes to X-ray. Adding everything to the trolley I head back to fix up Knox. I stop just outside the door and take a much needed deep breath, before opening the door and walking in. Liam stands from the bed but I ignore him. I stop the trolley beside the bed and give Knox all my attention.


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