This Time Around

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This Time Around Page 12

by Davies,Amy

  “Hey little man. So, I am going to clean your head and then add some awesome glue that will stick your head together. It will help stop the bleeding, plus,” I lower my voice, “It will leave a wicked scar. The girls love boys with scars.” I wink at him and he giggles. Distraction is a great thing when children are involved.

  “Really?” he replies, with a slight hic-up from his crying.

  “Yeah, bud. The ladies love a tough guy, huh, Bambi?” I ignore Liam and smile down at Knox. I start to clean the head wound and see that in fact Doctor Butler was right; the wound isn’t that big and just needs some glue. I hate head wounds because they scare the crap out of people, because they bleed so much. I wash away the blood that has coated the side of his head and seeped into his hairline. I then use a dry gauze and dry off the area before adding the glue.

  “Are you ready, Knox? This shouldn’t hurt too much, sweetie, okay. But I need to hold the side together once I add the glue. If it hurts too much, tell me to stop and I will.” He nods his head, and his eyes flick over to his dad. Liam steps forward and takes a hold of Knox’s hand. I can feel the heat from his body as he moves in close. It is hard to ignore this man beside me, but I have no choice. I have a job to do, and that job is fixing up his son right now. I get the glue set up and hold the small wound together, Knox winces and I hold my hand still.

  “You okay?” He nods his head and keeps his eyes on the pens in the pocket on my scrubs. He is such a brave boy.

  “You are a tough cookie, Knox Bradley,” Liam tells his son. My heart swells but my head comes barreling into the equation, telling me to hold that feeling, and that I am still upset and pissed at Liam. I add the glue and hold the wound together, it doesn’t take long for it to dry, and before you can blink I am adding a small bandage over the cut. I brush Knox’s hair back off his forehead and look into his eyes. I see Liam in them; he is a mini replica of his dad.

  “All done. You did really good, sweetie.” I suck in a deep breath and turn to Liam. He offers me a smile that would normally make me swoon, but I am standing my ground on this. I lock my knees. “Keep the wound dry for a few days and the glue will do its job. The small bits on top of the skin will dry up and fall off when ready.” He nods his head and goes to speak, but I turn back to Knox. “Okay, sweetie you are all ready to go home. I will sort out some pain medicine for you to take home and your dad can give it to you later if you need it. Be right back.” I walk towards the door but don’t reach it. Liam snags my wrist, halting me. I turn my head to look at him and see regret on his eyes, but it's a little too late.

  “I’m sorry for earlier, I ...

  “Don’t,” I say, pulling my hand away and leaving the room. I walk the trolley back down the hall and deposit the used items in the correct tubs. I sort out the small bottle of pain medication for Knox and I wash my hands and add sanitizer, before joining Doctor Butler and Marta at the station. They both look up from the records they were looking at and smile at me.

  “How is the little man?” Butler asks.

  “He is okay. All glued up. In fact, Marta, could you possibly do me a huge favour?”

  “Of course, chick, what's up?” I hand her the bottle of medicine for Knox.

  “Can you take this to room four please? It is for Knox Bradley. I need to go umm.” I look around thinking of something to do, but nothing is coming to mind.

  I am running scared.

  Freaking coward.

  “Sure, honey.” She smiles sweetly at me. I watch her walk into the room and I let my shoulders sag. I turn to Doctor Butler and see him frowning at me. I turn to the desk and busy myself, hoping he doesn’t ask any questions, but I guess I am not getting what I want today.

  “You want to tell me what that was all about? Do you know that bloke in there?” I nod my head and swallow the lump in my throat. Bugger, I did not want to cry at work.

  “He is, umm was. Umm, shit. He is my boyfriend.”

  “What? And you treated his son? Bloody hell, Penny. You know you aren't supposed to treat family or friends,” he whisper yells at me.

  “I know. It all happened so fast. I’m sorry.” I look to the floor, like a child being told off for stealing a cookie before dinner. My nose burns with unshed tears that are fighting so damned hard to leak. “I am actually off the clock. My shift finished a half hour ago, I will hand my patients over to Grace and then I’m gone, so I can’t screw up anymore today. Bye Doc.”

  It doesn’t take me long to hand my remaining patients over to Grace. I avoid Knox’s room but I am not sure if they have left already. I think my heart is both relieved and sad that I didn’t see them leave. I sling my bag over my body and walk out to my car.

  I sit in my car but don’t start it up. I just sit here and think over Liam’s reaction to me treating Knox. He must know that I care for Knox. That I would never intentionally hurt him or care less. His words really hurt me today. His lack of trust in me goes to show that maybe we shouldn’t be together. If he can’t trust me to treat his son, then there is no hope for us.

  I guess that it isn’t meant to be this time around!


  Do you know what a knobhead looks like? Well I do, and I am looking at one right now. He is staring back at me in the mirror. I fucked up five days ago when I mouthed off to Bambi at the hospital. And in front of the Doctor she was working with that day. He had a pop at me about my behaviour and to be honest, I deserved it. I know that she doesn’t care any less for Knox than she does for Connie, I see that in the way she looks at my boy. But seeing him cry out in pain made my last nerve snap. The way he screamed when he fell took twenty years off my life, I swear it.

  I splash cold water on my face, and let the frigid temperature wake me up. I have slept like shit the last few nights. The first night I wrote out a text four times, but chickened out and I didn’t send it. It just didn’t seem right saying sorry over the phone. I know I need to do this face to face, but I also wanted to give her some time for - I don’t really know what for. Forgiveness maybe? Shit, I have no fucking clue. My life is all about taking one step forward and then being knocked three steps back. Every time something good happens, shit comes running around the corner.

  Drying my face off and throwing the towel into the hamper I go and find Knox. He has been pretty quiet since we came home from the hospital, he won’t tell me what is wrong, he just shrugs his shoulders and leaves the room. I have my thoughts and I think it has to do with the fact that Bambi and Connie have not come around and we haven’t gone over to their house either. He told me when we left the hospital that I was wrong for shouting at Penny, and that was that. I have had mostly one word answers from him and some grunts. I know how he is feeling because I miss them too. I know I need to man up and make the first move; I screwed up so it is up to me to fix things.

  Walking into the living room I see my boy sitting in the recliner that belonged to my grandfather. It is brown leather and very worn, but Knox loved it so we brought it with us. He is zoned out watching some cartoon on the TV, his broken arm resting on a pillow and a blanket covering his knees. He takes after his great-grandad, that's for sure. I walk over to him and crouch down in front of the chair, I touch his leg and he jumps a little.

  “Whoa, bud. Are you okay there?”

  “Yeah, Dad."

  “How's the arm and the head?”


  “Just ‘Good’?”

  “Yep,” he answers again, without taking his eyes off the TV.

  “The arm isn’t itchy? I remember when I broke my arm, the cast made my arm itch terrible.” As if on cue he starts rubbing his free hand over the blue cast covering his arm.

  “I’m fine, Dad,” he states.

  “Okay. Do you need anything?” I say, standing up. He takes his eyes from the TV and looks up at me. He stares a little, before he opens his mouth.

  “You could try and talk to Penny. I miss her, Dad. Connie too,” he says, hi
s voice almost breaking with emotion. Shit, I really messed up.

  “I know, bud. I miss them, too. So, what do you say we come up with a plan to help me show Bambi how truly sorry I am.” That gets his attention. He springs to his knees, forgetting about his injured arm. He is wearing a big smile that mirrors my own.

  “Really, Dad?” I nod my head.

  “Yeah. So, what’s the plan?” I say, winking at him.

  “I am eight, Dad. What do I know about girls?” He shrugs his shoulders. Okay, he has a point. How the hell am I going to show Bambi that I am truly sorry for the shit I said the other day? I have never had to chase a girl before, they always chased me. So what the fuck do I get her? I know she likes helping people. She is always putting people’s needs before her own.

  “Dad?” Knox says, poking my thigh. I didn’t even see him climb off the chair.

  “Yeah, Kid?”

  “Girls like nice things, right?” I nod my head. “Well, buy her something she likes. She likes chocolate and strawberries. Get her a fruit- flower-thingy that my teacher had when we broke up for the summer.”

  “You mean a fruit-bouquet?”

  “Yeah?” he says, but he is clearly unsure. He walks into the kitchen and I follow him. Opening the fridge he takes out a can of pop. I stand there and watch him struggle to open it one handed. He is like me in so many ways. He knows he has the help there, but finds it hard to ask for it.

  “Do you need a hand there?” I nod my head in his direction. He looks up at me and nods sheepishly.

  “Thanks,” he adds. Manners have been drummed into him, just like they were me at a young age.

  “You’re welcome. I am going to text Claire and see if she knows anyone who makes them. Then we can set our plan into motion.” He smiles at me and I send a text to Claire.

  My neighbour had really come through for me, she found the lady who makes the fruit-bouquet’s. So I ordered one for Bambi. It is a special chocolate covered strawberries bouquet. The strawberries are covered in different chocolates and different patterns. It looks rather tasty if you ask me. Knox is practically bouncing in the back seat as we drive over to Bambi and Connie’s house. I have dressed him in a pair of denim shorts that come to his knees, a red polo shirt and his red Converse. I am going for the cuteness factor here, so I decided to match him. Right down to the red Converse, that I had to buy brand new by the way. We stop at a red light and I turn the radio on to try and calm my nerves. Well the song that plays through the car is that. Justin Bieber’s ‘Sorry’ is playing on the radio. Knox’s burst of laughter fills the car as he recognises the song.

  “Haha, perfect, Dad.” He starts singing along with the song and I join in with him. Part of the song describes my predicament, so it really is perfect. We sing to the song and a few more on the way to our final destination. I indicate and pull up outside Bambi’s house. I turn the car engine off and climb out of the car. Knox smiling through the window, you would swear he is going to get the girl the way he is acting. I open his door and take the fruit-bouquet out of his hands and help him climb down from the car, being extra careful of his arm. I hand the basket back to Knox and open the little white gate for Knox to walk through. Our plan is for me to stay at the gate, while Knox charms my girl with his baby face and the good charm that I gave him. I am hoping that Penny will take pity on Knox when he tells her how crap it is living with a sad arse like me since I screwed up. I watch as he places the basket on the floor and knocks on the door.

  My heart is racing a mile a minute waiting for her to open the door. I know she is here because the car is in the drive, plus she has all the windows open. I place my hand over my heart, praying it doesn’t break through my chest. I swear I am going to have a fucking heart attack if she doesn’t open the door soon. My heart is thankful when I see the door open, and there she is in all her fucking beauty. She is wearing white short shorts and a blue vest-top with white stars on it, and she is barefoot.

  My Bambi

  She smiles down at Knox, but then confusion covers her face as she looks up at me. I give her a little wave but she doesn’t return it. Shit. My smile falls from my face. Shit, she is really upset with me. I have really ruined any chance for us?

  “This is from my dad. He is really sorry, Penny. He misses you. I miss you, too. And Connie.” I watch as he offers her his best Bradley smile, it is our signature smile for getting what we want.

  “Well thank you, Knox. That is very thoughtful of you. But can I ask you something?” He nods his head, yes. “Why are you knocking on my door and not your dad?”

  Knox turns to look at me, while Bambi glares at me. Well shit, this hasn’t gone to plan.

  “He was scared that you would close the door in his face. He is really sorry. He has been moping around the house and let me tell you, that is no fun for me.” I try not to chuckle but it escapes my mouth. Bambi's head snaps in my direction and I swear if looks could kill, I would be six feet under right now.

  “Well since your dad has been a grump for the last few days, even though it is his fault that I am not talking to him, why don’t you come in and enjoy this delicious treat with Connie and me.” She cocks an eyebrow at me, daring me to challenge her, but I know better than that. Any man stupid enough to challenge a pissed off woman, deserves everything he gets. I watch as my woman walks my son into her house, with the fruit-bouquet in her hand. She doesn’t even give me one last glance before she shuts the door. Damn. Why does that hurt? I rub the center of my chest, trying to ease the stabbing pain there.

  I turn and stumble back to my car. I numbly open the door and climb in, even though my body feels like lead. I have well and truly fucked up. I let my worry for Knox hurt the one woman that I can see my future with. God, if my grandfather were alive he would kick my arse from here, to Kingdom Come and back. He would have loved Bambi and Connie. He taught me how to treat a girl the right way, to respect her, to cherish her and to love her. And to never ever disagree with a woman, because she will make my life hell. Well I fucked that part up didn’t I? I am so lost in my own head, that I don’t see Adrian’s car pull in behind mine, until he is ripping my car door open. I haven’t seen him in a few days, because he went away to see Claire’s parents. I am wishing that I had put my seatbelt on now, as he is drags me out of the car by my shirt. His fist connects with my face and I stumble back as the pain radiates through my jaw. Fuuuck, that hurt like a motherfucker.

  “You fucking prick. The one thing I tell you not to do, you fucking do it. You don’t deserve her.” He goes to hit me again, but Claire screams his name. He freezes mid punch and tilts his head to see his wife.

  “That is enough. You are scaring the kids, babe.” She angles her head towards the car where Harry and Jorja are sitting, watching their dad, punch my lights out. He uses the hand he has on my shirt to push me back down. His face showing pure hate for me right now, and I totally agree with the way he is feeling, because no-one hates me more than me. I lay flat on the ground and close my eyes, trying to calm my breathing. I cover my eyes with my arm and take in a deep breath. My son's startled voice has me whipping my head around to see him running down the garden path towards me. I see Bambi following quickly behind him and Connie following behind her. I quickly sit up, but the world spins a little and I have to put my hand back on the ground to steady myself. Adrian doesn’t bother to help me, he just stands there scowling down at me.

  “Daddy, are you okay? What happened?” he says, and kneels next to me.

  “I got dizzy and fell over, kid. I am fine.” I smile at my son. I look up at Bambi and see that she is throwing a nasty glare at Adrian, but she doesn’t say anything. I stand up and brush the gravel off my arse and the backs of my arms. The noise of cars passing by fills the silent void between us and I know this is my time to take my son home. I have lost the woman who owns my heart. My heart sinks into the pavement beneath my feet. I take a look at the people around me and see hurt and disappointment. I turn
to Bambi and ask.

  “Did you like the strawberries?” Her head snaps to mine, the look on her face shows she had forgotten I was there. Fuck. She nods her head, but doesn’t say anything. I nod my head in acknowledgment. And that is my cue to leave. I take Knox’s hand.

  “Come on, let’s go home.” We walk away and I fight my body from turning and looking at Penny. I know how hard it is going to be from today forward. Owning a business and working with her best friend is going to be hell. But fuck, I have to stick at it for Knox’s sake. Knox pulls on my arm, trying to stop me from leaving.

  “But Dad, I want to stay with Connie and Penny. We were playing a game inside,” he pouts.

  “Listen, things are going to change bud, so maybe I can talk to Penny in a few days and see if you can come over and see them, okay?” I hear a gasp and turn to look at Bambi. She has her hand covering her mouth and she is staring at me with tears in her eyes. Why is she upset? She isn’t willing to try and fix this.

  “What’s wrong, Mum?” Connie asks her.

  Without taking her eyes off me she answers her daughter. “He said my name,” she states through the lump in her throat. My heart beats faster in my chest but I show no emotion on my face. I learned a long time ago to mask as much emotion as possible when it came to women. “He always calls me ‘Bambi’ but he called me Penny,” she explains. My chest constricts. I am just hurting her more. I tug on Knox’s arm again and walk towards the car.

  “Sorry. I- I. Shit. Never mind.” I open the car door and help my boy into his seat, he looks out the front window at everyone standing there, watching us walk away.

  He looks so upset, and I can’t help but wonder, how many more people am I going to hurt?



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