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Piece of Tail: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance

Page 6

by Milly Taiden

  Becca sucked a breath through her teeth, but stiffened. “Jaylon—” She shook her head and then pushed him down onto the pillow, straddling his hips. “Ms. Wilder said we need to talk.”

  He let go of her nipple with a soft pop. “How can I focus on anything when your luscious, half naked body is straddling my cock?” He cupped both breasts, grazing her nipples with his thumbs.

  She smirked. “Now I see why your teens are such a handful. Their Alpha has a one-track mind.”

  “Only around you.”


  Grinning, he tucked both arms behind his head. “Okay, okay. Talk. But maybe what we need is time. Talk and time. So why not stay?”


  He nodded. “Yeah. Why not? We can stay in our own little bubble for a couple of days and get better acquainted.”

  Becca laughed. “You’re already acquainted with every inch of my body.”

  “Not every inch, but I’m working on it.” He nuzzled her.

  She considered him, pursing her lips. “Time, huh? Maybe that’s not such a bad idea.”

  “Of course, it’s not. I read somewhere the average couple goes on three dates before they hook up.”

  “Well, we’re not average.”

  He laughed. “No, we’re not.”

  Becca chewed on her lip. “Well, we already had the prerequisite lunch date, so why not? Two more days.”


  Becca rolled her eyes. “I will have to get back to the Pinelands at some point or my best friend will call out the National Guard, and don’t you have a pack to get back to in Montauk? You’re their Alpha, right?”

  Jay snorted. “They can give me three measly days to find a mate.”

  “Find?” She raised an eyebrow.

  He pulled her down again and brushed her lips with his. “I meant get to know my mate.”

  “Then we’d better do this date thing,” she said with a nod. “We might find out we’re incompatible.”

  He slid his hands from her hips to her waist, heading for her breasts again. “I doubt that. My cock is like rock every time I look at you.”

  She gritted her teeth, trying to keep a coherent thought in her head. “There’s more to compatibility than sex.”

  “Right now, I can’t think of a damn thing.”

  She climbed off his hips to shrug out of her ruined top, shimmying her skirt to her ankles as well.

  His eyes skimmed her full figure. “You’re killing me, Smalls.”

  She laughed. “Good. Serves you right. And I love that movie, too. The Sandlot is one of my favorites.”

  “What’s your favorite line?”

  She slipped under the covers and plopped down on the pillow next to him. “You’re not going to like it.”

  Jaylon grinned. “Try me.”

  One eyebrow hiked up and she smirked. “You know—if my dog was as ugly as you, I’d shave his butt and tell him to walk backwards.”

  He groaned and Becca’s grin widened. “I warned you! Every cat in my Leap loves that line.”

  Stripping out of his boxer briefs and t-shirt, he crawled under the covers with her. “So, how do we get past this cat and dog thing?” He turned on his pillow to face her.


  “On?” he pressed with a teasing grin.

  “What secrets we keep.”

  Jaylon scooted closer until they were nearly nose-to-nose. “And what secrets are those?”

  She lifted one shoulder and let it drop.

  “C’mon, Bec. How bad could your secrets be?”

  “Depends,” she evaded again.

  A deep chuckle rumbled in his chest. “I can see you’re going to be a handful when it comes to straight answers.”

  She shook her head, letting her gaze rest on his. “My Leap is almost decimated, Jaylon. My father was our Prowl Leader and after he died, my brother took over.”

  “As he should. What’s the big secret in that?”

  “My brother died two years ago in a raid on our camp.” She took a breath. “We lost half our males in that fight, leaving me as the last of my line.”


  “My brother’s death made me our Prowl Leader. I’m the leader of my Leap, Jaylon. Same as you being the Alpha of yours.”

  He blinked. “I see.”

  She leaned on her elbow. “Do you?”

  “It’s pretty transparent, Becca. A small, vulnerable Leap with a female leader needs an alliance with a strong clan. After all, you’re the one who made the political alliance comment. I’m assuming that’s why you sought help from Ms. Wilder.”

  “In a nutshell, yes,” she bobbed her head. “Why did you contact Gerri?”

  He shifted to look at her better. “I already told you.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Are we really playing this he said/she said again? You just mentioned my reason. The trouble with our teens.”

  She shook her head, confused. “Why would you need Ms. Wilder to help you with pack teens? It makes no sense.”

  “I told you. Role model. We’re a modern pack. Too much so, and our teens have no use for traditions or the old ways. My council thought if we held a traditional scenting ceremony and I mated a shifter woman in a time-honored rite, it would spark interest in our youth.”

  “A scenting ritual?” She laughed. “My Leap is provincial compared to yours and we haven’t held one of those in—” she broke off, glancing down at the crumpled sheets between them.


  She shook her head. “Nothing. I’m trying to remember, that’s all. It’s been that long.”

  Jaylon eyed her. “Secrets already, Becca?”

  “It’s not a secret. Just an unhappy memory. The last time we held a scenting ceremony, my father died.”


  She shook her head again, cutting him off. “I don’t really want to talk about it, Jaylon. Not yet, anyway.” She put a hand on his cheek. “One step at a time. Okay?”

  Not happy, he watched the emotions play on her face as a wall dropped. There was more to this than she let on. Her scent was tinged with a metallic trace that usually hinted at deception.

  He shook his head. No. Not deception. More like fear. She was afraid of something and his gut told him it was from her past.

  “Becca, if you want this to go anywhere other than us rolling around beneath the sheets, you’re going to have to trust me.”

  She nodded. “I know. Trust is not something I do easily, Jaylon.”

  He ran a hand over the curve of her hip to her breast. “But this is?”

  Her eyes dropped and she shrugged. “Detached sex is one thing. It’s easy when it’s all scent and skin, passion and need. For the longest time, that’s all I let myself feel. When I contacted Ms. Wilder, I didn’t want any part of someone like you.”

  His brows hiked up. “Like me? How?”

  “An Alpha. Or a Prime. Or anyone who would want to take over. Rule me. Rule my Leap. I wanted someone who was willing enough in bed, but would also leave me alone.”

  He exhaled. “I know what you mean. I didn’t want hell on wheels. I wanted a female who would fade into the wallpaper. Someone my council would accept yet was compliant. Someone who wouldn’t cramp my style or give me crap about the way I managed my life, let alone my pack.”

  She chuckled softly. “Sounds to me like we both gave Mrs. Wilder the same tall order and she chose to serve us up instead.”

  “Expectations.” He chuckled, remembering Gerri’s problem with the word.

  “Exactly.” Becca looked at him. “So, what now?”

  With a shrug, he cupped her breast again, playing with her nipple. “We face the music with our respective camps.”

  “And until then?” She slid her fingers over his chest to his thick member.

  “I think we can find a way to pass the time.” He let go of her breast to move his hand between her legs, his fingers spreading her already moistening
folds. “No secrets here, right?”

  She glided her hand behind his head and nipped his bottom lip. “Don’t be too sure.”

  “You’re such a tease.” With a grin, he lifted her, plunging her onto his cock with one fluid move. “Think you can teach this dog new tricks?”



  “Good morning, beautiful.” Jaylon spooned behind Becca and nuzzled her hair. “

  Half awake, Becca smiled, curling more to fit his shape. “Good morning to you, too, handsome.”

  “You smell absolutely amazing. All warm and cozy. I could stay wrapped in bed with you all day.”

  “Movies and room service, then?” she replied.

  Lifting his free hand from her waist, he slid her hair from her shoulder and kissed the gentle curve to her throat. “Mmmm, yes, and everything that goes with it under the covers. That’s my idea of a perfect date.”

  She lifted her chin, giving him better access. “Been there done that, wolf boy. Don’t you think it’s time we left the hotel and actually did stuff together? You know, as part of the getting to know one another process?”

  He blew a razzberry against her shoulder. “We have been getting to know each other.”

  “I meant more than just how our private parts fit together. How about plan B?”

  His lips spread in a teasing grin. “Give credit where credit’s due, babe.” He pressed his hard length into the curve of her ass. “It’s way more than just about the fit.”

  She chuckled, twisting to face him, but kept the covers high so only her forehead peeked over the top of the duvet.

  “What’s with the makeshift burka?” He laughed, reaching for the sheet, but she held it tight.

  “C’mon, Bec. I’ve seen you spread wide and pink with lust. I’ve whispered the dirtiest shit to you and made you come like rockets. Why the sudden embarrassment?”

  “That’s easy for you to say. You wake up looking like a magazine ad, suggestively tousled and utterly delicious. Me? I’ve got stubble burn, bedhead, and raccoon eyes.”

  “Stop that.” He chuckled again. “You’re as tantalizing now as you were last night.” He tugged at the sheet again. “Smudged make-up and all.”

  With a quick kiss to her nose through the sheet, she exhaled, releasing her vice grip.

  “Good, now shut up and kiss me for real.” He pulled the covers farther, the soft cotton slipping over her shoulder exposing more than just her face and neck. “Like I said. You’re beautiful. Soft and round, like a fluffy, ring-tailed bandit.”

  Ugh! She gave him a playful shove, but he folded her in his arms and kissed her.

  “You’re a thief, Becca. Slowly but surely you’re stealing your way into my life in more ways than I ever thought possible.” He slipped one leg between hers and pulled her closer, waggling his eyebrows. “So, any idea what you want to do today?”

  Becca tilted her head, listening. “It sounds like it’s pouring outside. Not much we can do in the rain.”

  “In New York City? There’s plenty to do indoors, unless that’s your way of telling me you’d rather go with plan A?”

  She laughed. “Anyone ever tell you you’ve got a one-track mind?”

  He laughed, cupping her butt. “All the time.” He eyed her with a grin. “So then, it’s ladies’ choice. What do we do today?”

  “First, I want a shower. Then I’m going to need to go shopping. One maxi skirt and matching camisole is not going to cut it for the next couple of days. There’s got to be a department store or something close by.”

  He nodded. “Bergdorf Goodman’s is on the corner across from the hotel.”

  “Good.” She smiled. “And food is a definite on the to-do list, as well.”

  He gave her nose a peck. “I’m starving, actually, so I vote for breakfast as soon as we shower.”


  He nodded again, letting his hand slip to the bottom curve of her ass as his lips hovered over hers. “Yes. We.”

  Becca’s eyes closed and her breath caught in her throat as his fingers played fast and loose, teasing her between her legs. After everything they did the night before, why would the thought of Jaylon’s naked body make her feel so awkward?

  “What?” He grinned at her distinct blush. “Am I making you nervous?”

  She glanced down, but then met his eyes. “Why me, Jaylon? I mean, look at you. You could have anyone you want.”

  “Because, Becca. You’re more than just a cocktease.”

  She took in his words and what he said earlier about stealing into his life. It was the same for her. If Jaylon walked away right now, he’d be the one she’d regret letting get away.

  She let it drop. There was time enough for talk. “So,” she asked instead. “What would be your first choice for something to do on a rainy day in the city?”

  He gave her a sheepish grin.

  “What?” she prompted.

  “Don’t laugh, but my favorite thing to do on a rainy day is go to a museum.”

  “Really?” She shifted to look at him better.

  Jaylon pulled back at her reaction. “Why do you sound so surprised?”

  “I’m not, it’s just—”

  “Just what?” He tilted his head. “I don’t look the type?”

  She nodded, a little embarrassed.

  He shrugged. “Peel an onion, Becca. It’s got a lot of layers.”

  She put her hand on his cheek. “I’m sorry, Jay. I didn’t mean anything by that. The museum it is. Which one is your favorite?”

  “Any of them, really. Your choice.”

  Brushing her lips to his, she threw the covers back. “C’mon, then. We’ve got a wash and rinse ahead of us and then off we go.”

  “Miss?” The bellman smiled, reaching for the bundles in Becca’s arms. “I’ll see that your packages are taken to your room.” The man nodded, taking the Bergdorf bags from her hand. “Will there be anything else?”

  She opened her mouth to reply, but she caught Jaylon in the corner of her eye crossing against the light. He waved, and then took the hotel’s steps two at a time and then stopped in front of her with a couple of wrapped wax paper bags.

  “Hey, where’ve you been?” Becca asked.

  He leaned over and pecked her cheek. “Getting you a taste of New York.”

  “Is there anything else I can do, sir?” the bellman asked, looking from one to the other.

  “We’re going to need a taxi,” Jay answered, handing Becca one of the wrapped bags.

  The bellman nodded. “Good, sir.” He put Becca’s bags on his cart and then headed toward the street, his whistle already in his mouth.

  “What’s this?” Becca asked, looking at the warm parcel in her hand.

  “A hot pretzel. A must-have while visiting NYC and one of my guilty pleasures.”

  She snorted. “I don’t think so, Jay. I can barely walk without wincing from your guilty pleasures.”

  He took a huge bite of his pretzel and chewed, fishing in his jacket pocket for a wad of napkins.

  “I cannot believe you. We had a huge breakfast a couple of hours ago.”

  “Rule number two. Remember?” He clicked the inside of his cheek. “Always hungry.” Jay held out a piece of the soft, salty goodness, but she shook her head.

  “No, thanks. I just went clothes shopping. After what I saw in the dressing room mirror I may never eat again.”

  “That’s ridiculous. You’ve got the kind of curves any shifter would die to sink his teeth into. If I was with you in that dressing room, they would have called store security on us for indecent exposure.”

  “No doubt.”

  He swallowed, wiping his mouth on a napkin. “Still, I don’t get why you wouldn’t let me come with you. You could have modeled what you bought.”

  “Please. I have a hard enough time at regular stores finding clothes I like, let alone ones that make me feel good. That store across the street is all about designer trends for skinny bitches. Trust
me, it was not pretty.”

  He laughed. “Real women have curves, baby, and you are a real woman.”

  He growled for effect and Becca’s cheeks warmed at the sincerity on his face.


  “You know what?” Becca lifted her chin. “You’re right.” She broke off a piece of pretzel and let her tongue lick the salt the same way she did with the french fry at the Boathouse restaurant.

  “You know, I think we forgot to take care of something upstairs,” Jaylon said, turning her toward the hotel’s doors.

  “Really? What?”

  “My hard on.”

  Becca rolled her eyes. “Seriously, Jay—”

  The bellman interrupted, calling for them curbside where he held a cab.

  “Guess we’ll have to put that idea on ice for now,” she giggled.

  “Literally.” He nodded with a grunt, and the two headed down the steps to get into the cab.

  “Where to, mister?” the cabbie asked.

  “Central Park West. The American Museum of Natural History, please.”

  “I can’t believe this is real.” Becca stared at the majestic cat on the wide platform, its heavy skeleton and massive saber-like fangs staring at her from the staged set.

  “That would have been you, eleven million years ago.” Jay slipped his arm around her shoulder with a chuckle and kissed her hair. “For real, I’d have to tell you to watch your teeth on my sensitive parts.”

  “It’s amazing we descended from this.” She shrugged. “Well, me anyway.”

  He nodded. “Wait until you see the size of the prehistoric wolf. That canine is no joke.”

  She laughed at the pride in his voice. “You don’t say.”

  With a grin, he pointed across to the exhibit and then tugged Becca over to look at the display.

  “Wolf shifters came from something very similar to that very species. It was called the Dire Wolf, one of the deadliest predatory mammals of the prehistoric era. Its teeth were larger with greater shearing ability and more bite force than any other creature of its category, only our ‘sabers’ grew from the bottom jaw, unlike our feline counterpart.”


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