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Pretty Little Lies

Page 20

by Jennifer Miller

  Panting, his eyes turn towards me, his mouth now in a grim line. In lieu of answering me, his head bobs up and down in a quick nod.

  We sit down side by side on the bench and Jason tries to get control of his breathing. He leans over, elbows on his knees and keeps huffing and puffing. I wonder if I should rub circles on his back in a soothing motion, but decide that is more personal than I’m willing to get with someone I barely know. After several minutes, Jason’s breathing is under control. He takes a final deep breath, sits up and turns to me smiling. “I hope you are having a nice time.”

  Is he serious? We’ve barely spoken, and I’m worried that I’m going to end up having to call nine-one-one because he has a heart attack. Oh my gosh, if that happened, that’s it. I am done with this dating crap. At this point, I just want to get this date over with. I want to go home.

  I don’t respond to his comment and instead say, “Are you ready to keep going? I think if we head through this tunnel and to the right it will just end up being a large circle leading us back to the parking lot.” There, that was subtle right?

  “You are correct, that is the way to go.”

  We each stand up and start making our way along the path once again. Jason seems to be more in control, so I’m hoping reinitiating conversation is safe. “Do you have any hobbies that you enjoy?” I’m really not sure what else to say. Conversation that was easy on the phone before feels more awkward today.

  Before he can answer, I almost stop walking in shock. I’m looking straight ahead anxious to reach the destination of the parking lot, when I see someone that looks just like Luke. What the hell would he be doing here? I have to be seeing things. The man is still quite a ways away, but the closer we get, I have no doubt that is Luke headed this way. I would recognize that swagger anywhere.

  I grab my sunglasses from the top of my head and put them on my face. A giggle escapes me because I realize I had hoped in doing this, it would somehow hide me. They aren’t invisibility sunglasses unfortunately. Dammit.

  Luke is just about upon us now, and I can see a tell-tale smile on his face. He was here looking for me. Damn Pyper. I don’t know how she managed this but, I just know she’s somehow responsible. Again.

  “Olivia! Fancy meeting you here.”

  Oh that grin. It simultaneously infuriates me and turns me on. “Luke,” I spit through my gritted teeth, “what are you doing here?”

  “Well it’s a beautiful day, and I thought coming to the park would be a great way to enjoy the beautiful weather, plus this park has a great view.”

  Of course, he is looking me up and down as he says that and when his eyes reach mine once again they are a combination of mischievous and smoldering. He looks between Jason and me expectantly. Sighing I say, “Jason, I’d like you to meet Luke,” yep his eyes are definitely amused, “Luke, this is Jason.”

  Luke reaches out his hand to shake Jason’s. “Nice to meet you man.”

  “You too.”

  “You guys mind if I walk with you?” asks Luke.

  “Yes,” I say at the same time Jason says, “No.”

  Completely ignoring me, Luke turns and starts heading back in the direction he just came from walking along side me. “So, what were you two talking about?” Luke asks.

  Well, isn’t this comfortable I think to myself, “I was just asking Jason if he had any hobbies he enjoys.”

  “Oh, cool,” says Luke, “what do you like to do, Jason?”

  “Well, remember a few years back when beanie pets were really popular?”

  “Yeah, sure, I remember,” I reply. “Those little stuffed toy animal things right?”

  His laugh sounds somewhat mocking, “Oh Olivia, they are much more than just stuffed animals. When I was about five-years-old they were released by a toy company called Kidlets. The original beanie friends were Skippy the Frog, Porkers the Pig, Whiskers the Cat, Moo the Cow, Crabby the Crab, Hoppers the Rabbit, Rainbow the Fish, Pokey the Porcupine, Bananas the Monkey, and Henrietta the Hippo. The toy company stopped producing the product in 1998, but the demand became so high they decided to initiate a comeback with new and different pets for the line, never again reproducing the first nine. So far, I’ve managed to track down six of the nine original beanie pets. I have made it my mission to find the other three.”

  Oh. My. God.

  This cannot be happening.

  I hear Luke smother a laugh behind his hand. I feel a flush begin in my cheeks at the fact Luke is witnessing pea soup’s revelation. Jason is looking at me expectantly, “Oh, wow. Well that is an um, different hobby you have there Jason. Are they worth a lot of money?”

  “Not yet, but I fully expect they will be. They are already worth a few dollars more than purchase price. I expect this to go up. I have them all in glass cases, displayed on a shelf in my house, keeping them in pristine condition for when they are ready to re-sell. Maybe I can show you some time.”

  I hear Luke laugh again - the ass. Jason seems to be completely oblivious and I pretty much want the ground to swallow me up, but I’m also smiling just a bit too. I look at Luke out of the corner of my eye and see that he is also looking at me. He starts to smile wider and I have to quickly look away before I start laughing out loud.

  “Well, that’s cool man. Good luck with your hobby. I hope you end up finding the other three bean guy things.” Luke says.

  “Beanie pets,” Jason corrects, “Thanks. I’m sure I will, the key is patience and I have plenty.”

  I’m relieved when I see the parking lot just up ahead and I feel my shoulders relax a little, knowing that this crazy date is almost over. Not wanting to delay the inevitable, I say, “Well, Jason, it was nice to meet you. As Luke said, good luck with your beanie friends and it has been nice getting to know you.”

  “Thanks, Olivia. Would you like to go get some dinner or something?”

  “Uhhh….” Before I can even think about how I am going to back out graciously, I’m saved by Luke.

  “Oh Olivia, I was hoping to steal you for a bit, I would love to get your feedback on some design changes for the club.”

  “Oh, okay. Sure, Luke. Sorry Jason, but thanks for the offer.”

  “Okay. Well, I will talk to you later. Bye, Olivia.” He proceeds to give me an awkward hug, made even more uncomfortable by the fact he is still drenched in sweat. I pat him gently on the back and discreetly wipe my hand on my pant leg. “Bye.”

  I watch as Jason walks to his car, and then turn to Luke eyebrows raised, “Just out enjoying the weather, huh?”

  “Look, angel, I told you I wasn’t going to make this easy, and I meant it. I didn’t want you to get so caught up in your date with this Jason guy that you forgot about me, but I see now that I needn’t have worried about that.”

  “Well aren’t you arrogant! Maybe I really liked Jason.”

  Luke is smart and chooses not to laugh hysterically at that comment. “I’m not arrogant, I just know you, and I know that guy is not the kind of guy you are attracted to.”

  “Oh, really? Then what kind of guy am I attracted to?”

  In answer, Luke slowly walks towards me, making me back up. When my back comes into contact with the side of my car, he takes advantage of the fact that I can’t go anywhere and I feel the curve of his body pushing against mine. He leans in until his lips are just a breath away from mine, “Me.” Oh holy hell. “It’s okay to admit it, Livvie. I know you are attracted to me, even if you are trying to tell yourself you aren’t.”

  He leans in and instead of kissing me, he turns his head to the side and starts trailing his nose along the side of my neck and I’m lost in him. I can’t help but tilt my head to the side giving him easier access. Everything about him…his smell, his lips, his body, it’s intoxicating. I want him.

  I’m a complete goner. He lifts his face up from the side of my neck and makes eye contact with me. He begins moving his lips towards mine. My eyes look from his eyes to his mouth, back to his eyes, and then his mouth again
. My lips part and I start moving my lips toward his like they are a magnet seeking its source. Why do I keep fighting this? I want him, I’ve missed him, and I never thought I would have this opportunity again, so what am I waiting for? I just need to give in, trust him and believe what he says; believe in second chances.

  I’m startled from my thoughts when my phone rings. “Shit,” Luke says, it scared him too, or maybe he’s just mad that our almost kiss was interrupted. He steps away from me and I smile at him apologetically, taking my phone from my pocket. The screen shows ‘Unknown Caller,’ so I assume it’s just going to be a hang up call again, but I answer it anyway.


  “Hello, princess.”

  Fear crawls up my spine. It’s Deacon.

  y mouth falls open, I start breathing a little harder, and I freeze. Just the sound of his voice makes my skin crawl. I don’t know if it is the separation that has given me clarity and a realistic look at the man that used to be my husband, or if it is the simple fact that I know a phone call from him isn’t going to result in anything positive.

  Luke, sensing my unease, lifts his eyebrows in curiosity and tilts his head to the side in concern.

  “Olivia. Are you there?”

  “I’m here,” I whisper and let out a slight shudder at the sound of his voice.

  “It’s so good to hear your voice, princess.”

  I stay silent because I can’t return the sentiment. I see Luke look off to the side, his brows are furrowed and I can tell he’s wondering why I’m behaving differently – edgy, higher pitched, abbreviated speech, a slightly irritable tone. I can also tell he’s wrestling with whether he should stay right where he is or walk away and give me privacy. I can see the indecision on his face.

  “Where are you right now? What are you doing?”

  Returning my attention to the man on the phone, I do my best to shake off the fear and start to get to the bottom of why Deacon would be calling me. “It’s none of your business, Deacon,” at his name Luke’s head turns back to me and his eyes snap to my face.

  “I was only trying to make conversation. I’m curious to know how you are and to see how your day is going. I want to know how all of your days have been since you left me,” his voice sounds angry at that part, but I can tell he makes an effort to soften it and adds, “I miss you so much, princess,” making it come off sounding so much more gentle.

  I’m not buying it, “Don’t call me that.”

  “Why? You know you’re my princess. You always have been and you always will be.”

  “No, Deacon. I’m not your anything. Not anymore.” Luke takes a step towards me and places a hand on my shoulder, still looking into my eyes. I’m thankful for his silent support and I draw strength from him, “What do you want?”

  “I’m calling because it’s time you quit this.”

  “Quit this? What are you talking about?” I should just hang up the phone, but I know if I do, he will just continue to call me over and over until I listen to him. I know how he operates and I’d rather just get this over with.

  “It’s time you stop trying to make this pathetic attempt at a life without me. I let you leave, Olivia. I gave you your space and now I’m done with this. Your little vacation is over. I’m not about to stand back and let you think you are going to move on without me. It is time you come home. Now.”

  I flinch. He’s using the tone that usually makes me cringe in dread. It means he’s not going to take no for an answer, and if I don’t listen to him I’m going to regret it. His tone brings back the many times I’ve heard him speak to me this way before – bringing back memories of him in front of me with his fingers digging into my flesh, yelling into my face telling me what to do.

  At my flinch, Luke comes even closer almost listening at my ear. I see the concern all over his face and he is not happy. “No. You can’t control me anymore. You have no say in anything regarding my life. This is not some vacation. This is not me being difficult. This is me living my life, without you. How dare you call me and think you can tell me what to do? Hear me now, I am not yours.”

  His voice becomes so loud that I know without a doubt Luke can hear him. “Listen here, you bitch. You are mine. Do you hear me? You are MINE. It doesn’t matter what some fucking piece of paper says, you belong to me. I fucking own you. Now get your ass back to Boston. Do you hear me? If you don’t, you’ll regret it.”

  I’m stunned speechless by his words and before I can even attempt to come up with a reply to his delusional command, Luke takes the phone from my hand. His whole body radiates anger, but his touch on my shoulder is still gentle. He practically yells into the phone, “Who the hell do you think you are? Don’t you dare talk to her like that, you son of a bitch. You think you’re some tough guy talking to a woman like that?”

  That is sure to piss Deacon off right and proper. I can hear him yell, “Who the FUCK is this?”

  “I’m the guy that’s not going to let some asshole prick talk to my girl that way.” Oh god, that’s going to put Deacon over the edge, “I don’t know what your problem is, but you had better leave Olivia alone, or you will regret it. I will personally make sure of it. If you call her again and continue to harass her, we will call the police.”

  Before Deacon can even attempt a response, Luke hangs up the phone and hands it back to me. I’m not mad he took control, I’m grateful, but I would be lying if I didn’t say I’m scared too. I know Deacon, and that is not going to go over well. I have no doubt he will be calling me again. I shudder again, just thinking about it. Luke puts his arms around me and I let him, I need the comfort. Deacon’s phone call has shaken me to the core. “Are you okay?” Luke asks.

  He knows I’m not. I’m sure he can tell by my shaking. I’m shocked and angry, and I hate the fact that Luke is witnessing this nightmare. I don’t know how to answer his question, so I just nod my head once.

  Rubbing my back Luke, says quietly, “I think it’s time you tell me about Deacon.”

  My eyes meet Luke’s and I nod my head again in agreement.

  Luke talks me into leaving my car at the park, telling me he will have someone take care of it – whatever that means - and drives me to his home. I am not surprised to find out Luke lives in the West Loop. A trendy neighborhood, full of spacious lofts, cozy cafes and popular nightspots; this screams Luke and reflects his personality.

  When I walk in his loft, it’s as impressive as I expected it would be. Immediately inside the door there is a small foyer. A large light fixture hangs directly above us and there is a closet to our left. A few feet in front of us, on the left side is a staircase leading to the loft above. Walking straight ahead, I enter a room that is a large square that makes up the space for the living room, dining room, and kitchen. On the right is Luke’s living room area. He has a black leather couch that faces the wall and is flanked by black end tables, and also has a coffee table in front of the couch. Next to the couch there is also one oversized leather chair and ottoman. The wall has a large flat screen TV hanging from it. Below the TV is a mantle. I see a few pictures, but can’t make them out from where I’m standing, and below the mantle is a gas fireplace.

  Behind the couch, in the middle of the room is a large dining room table that is black wood. It is surrounded by six chairs and I’m surprised to see a large silver vase full of pink roses sitting in the center. Seeing the roses makes me smile. To the left of the room is the kitchen. Painted hunter green with cherry wood cabinets and black appliances, it also has a long counter acting as a breakfast bar, with three black wooden stools underneath. The center of the kitchen has an island with a bowl of fruit sitting atop it.

  The first floor has wood floors throughout, so in front of the black leather couch is an attractive rug with a hunter green, black and beige design. He also has another matching rug under his kitchen table. It all looks very nice, and is the epitome of a bachelor pad. There are very few wall hangings and the place still feels somewhat sterile.
br />   I walk to the doors leading out to his balcony. Stepping closer, I see that his view is beautiful - tall buildings and blue sky as far as the eye can see. He even has a wrought iron table and chair set out on his patio. A perfect place to eat a meal or drink a cup of coffee, weather permitting.

  “This is home sweet home. I’m still working on making it homier, but it’s comfortable.”

  “I think it’s really nice. Your view is amazing. Even though it is a one-bedroom, I’m assuming?” Luke nods his head yes, “It is very spacious. You’ve done a great job decorating it so far and making great use of your space. I really like it but yes, it could use a few more homier touches as you said. It’s very much a bachelor pad.” I tease, smiling at him.

  “Well, I hope to change that someday soon.” He returns my smile, but there is no teasing in his tone. He’s very serious and he’s directing that thought right at me.

  I feel my face flush with warmth at his insinuation. Still smiling, Luke grabs my hand and at the moment of contact, a thrill runs through me. How does he do that? Does it happen to him too? “Come on, why don’t you sit on the couch. Take your shoes off, if you want to relax. Can I get you something to drink? We should order some take out or something too. You’ve got to be hungry, I know I am. There is a great Chinese delivery place close by, does that sound okay?”

  “I would love a bottle of water, if you have one, and Chinese food sounds great.”

  “Okay, just a second.” Luke disappears into his kitchen and I hear him open the refrigerator and a second later the beeping of a phone sounds.

  I take the opportunity to look around the room a little and just as I begin to sit down, those framed pictures on his fireplace catch my attention again. I walk over to look at them, the curiosity too much to ignore. The first picture, sitting in a hunter green frame, is of Luke’s parents. His dad is standing behind his mother and he has his arms wrapped around her waist. She’s leaning against him and they are smiling into the camera. It’s a lovely photo, they both look happy and I think the photo is a recent one. Luke’s mother looks a little bit older than I remember, although she’s aged extremely well. Her body looks frail and her face thin, but her blue eyes - so like Luke’s - are shimmering in happiness. Luke’s father is an older version of Luke. Very attractive, his stature emanates confidence and wealth.


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