Book Read Free


Page 5

by Phoenyx Slaughter

  “I’m gonna need both of you to come out here.”

  “Fuck off.”

  Rent-a-cop thinks he’s tough. Cracks his knuckles while he lumbers over. Instinctively, I push Athena behind me. Looks like his muscles come from hours at the gym staring at himself in a mirror instead of actual work. I’m going to enjoy kicking the shit out of him.

  “You sure about this, boy?” I challenge. It’s the only warning he’s gonna get.

  He stops and shines his light over me again.

  “Just checking on the girl,” he says while backing up a few steps. That’s right motherfucker, keep going. “You can’t be back here, though.”

  “We’re leaving.”

  I grab Athena’s hand and walk right past the security guard. He backs down fast, because as I suspected, he’s a pussy.

  “Oh my God. Do you think he saw anything? That was so embarrassing.” Athena’s high-pitched babble makes me chuckle. Her whole one-minute-she’s-on-her-knees-sucking-me-off-and-next-she’s-embarrassed attitude is fuckin’ cute.

  Another band’s setting up their gear as we drop back down onto our blanket.

  “Have fun, kids?” Dante asks with a dickish grin.

  Karina jumps up and grabs Athena’s hand. “We’re going to grab sodas. Do you want anything?”

  Dante hands her some cash and points out which concession stand he wants her to go to—the one he can see from where we are. While Athena rolls her eyes, Karina leans over and kisses the bossy bastard.

  He watches them walk all the way up the hill until they’re standing in line, then slides his jerkface on and glances at me.

  “So, you ready to pass that bitch around yet?”

  My hands fist and he smirks at me knowingly. “Ain’t so funny now, is it?” he asks in a low, calm voice meant to remind me of all the shit I’ve given him since he hooked up with Karina.

  “Fuck off. Only reason I’m not knocking your head off your fucking shoulders—”

  “Is ‘cause you had that coming?” he asks as he stands and waves his hands at me in a come at me, bro gesture.

  I rise and face him. I don’t think my enforcer seriously wants to take a swing at me here in public. Dante’s too level-headed to draw that kind of attention our way for no reason. No, he wants to make his point, and because I have been a dick to him about his girl, I’ll let him. Up until he actually throws a punch. Then it’s game on.

  “Yes,” I admit. That’s as much of an apology as he’s getting out of me.

  He nods and a slow smirk slides over his face. “Thought so.” His smirk turns from amused to deadly as he glances the girls’ way again.

  “Can’t let them out of our sight for a second,” he grumbles as he takes off up the hill. As soon as I see what’s got him so pissed, I’m right behind him.

  I need a drink.

  Something fizzy.

  Karina elbows me as we walk back up the hill to the concession stands. I try to sneak a glance around us to make sure that security guard isn’t in the area.

  As if my botched blow job hadn’t been bad enough. Almost getting caught by that security guard had been mortifying. Didn’t seem to faze Romeo, though.

  “What were you doing?” Karina asks while wiggling her eyebrows and laughing at me.

  “Nothing you haven’t done a hundred times, I’m sure.”

  Not at all insulted, she laughs even harder and gives me a quick shove.

  The line for drinks stretches into the crowd, and we get jostled around while we wait. “Are you sticking around?” she asks without looking at me.

  “Well, for another day at least.”

  Her mouth turns down.

  “You said yourself, Kadence won’t be back for a few weeks. I’ll come home then, promise.”

  She shakes her head. “It’s not that. Romeo seems to like you a lot. Have you told him you’re leaving?”

  “No.” She’s going to have a field day with this. “I don’t think were at the planning-out-our-lives together stage of our relationship yet.”

  As I expected, she doubles over laughing, bumping into someone in the crowd.

  “Oh, shit, sorry.”

  She glances up into a familiar face. “Hunter?”

  “Hey, Karina.” My next-door neighbor lifts his chin at me. “What’re you doing here, Athena?”

  “We come every year.”

  “No, I mean your parents have been freaking out.”

  “What? Why? They know I’m with Karina.”

  “Well, I guess they tried to stop by her house and found out she doesn’t live there anymore.” The suspicious glance he casts at Karina makes me want to punch him in the junk.

  Karina always thought Hunter was an epic douche, so she doesn’t care what he thinks of her. “I moved in with my boyfriend months ago,” she says in a bored tone.

  I yank my cell phone out of my pocket. Dead. Oops. Guess I was so busy getting laid, I didn’t think to charge it. That really says something for Romeo’s skills. I’m on my phone so damn much Karina’s threatened to jam it in my ass more than once.

  “You can use my phone,” Hunter offers.

  The thought of calling my parents and getting reamed out isn’t very appealing. I don’t have a chance to answer because two terrifying, pissed off bikers join us. Dante slips an arm around Karina’s waist, clearly showing the world who she belongs to. For a second, I have a pang of regret or jealousy or some other stupid emotion. But when Romeo slings his arm around my shoulders in a possessive way, I’m embarrassed to admit to myself, I really like it.

  “We were getting worried about you girls,” Romeo says. Total lie. More likely they saw us talking to Hunter and decided to check out the situation.

  I sort of like the over-protective thing and hate it at the same time. I get enough hovering from my parents. I don’t need a man to take over their job.

  Suddenly it seems important I continue with my plans to leave for California.

  “We’re fine,” I answer.

  Hunter clearly has no idea what to make of Dante and Romeo. Shit. I can only imagine the story he’ll run home and tell his parents and then they’ll tell my parents and before you know it, the sheriff will be showing up at the Iron Bulls’ front door.


  Romeo won’t want me around if I end up causing him trouble.

  That’s fine. We all knew how this would end anyway. Maybe I’ll get to see him again when I visit Karina.

  I try to shift out from underneath his arm, but he tightens his hold on me.

  “Who’s your friend, sweetheart?” Romeo asks me.

  “Uh, Reed, this my next-door neighbor, Hunter. Hunter, this is my, uh...friend, Reed.”

  I don’t miss the disgust that flashes over Hunter’s face or the way Dante raises an eyebrow when I use Romeo’s real name.

  No one fakes politeness and offers to shake a hand.

  “Well, okay, then. Good to see you’re okay, Athena.”

  Hunter all but runs away from us.

  The guys wait in silence with us while we finally grab our sodas. Karina and Dante go back to our blankets, but Romeo pulls me aside. “What was that about?”

  I don’t know why I bother playing dumb. “What?”

  “That guy. He a boyfriend of yours?”

  “No,” I answer a little too fast. I’m not used to having such intense interest from a guy.

  I can’t decide if it’s flattering, or really fucking annoying.


  Athena’s a big problem for me.

  One look at that horny bastard making eyes at my girl had me ready to rip him limb from limb. I prefer to reserve my violent streak for MC business. I don’t do jealous boyfriend bullshit. There’s no point. Either a bitch wants to fuck me or she doesn’t. If one leaves, another one takes her place. That’s how it’s been since the day I put on my Iron Bulls cut. Only got better once I sewed that President patch on.

  This intense, primal need to stake my claim on
her feels strange, but right.

  The way she’s quick to say no tells me there’s more to the story.

  “So he ain’t your boyfriend now? Or he’s never been a boyfriend?”

  She plants her hands on her hips and cocks her head. “Why are you so nosy? I didn’t ask you which one of the many half-naked women trolling around your clubhouse you’ve boinked.”

  I’m speechless for a second. Not used to backchat from a bitch, but I like it. “We ain’t talkin’ about me. And you can ask me anything you want, just be prepared for the answers.”

  “I could tell you the same thing, you know.”

  Christ, the fuckin’ mouth on her gets me hard. I keep staring her down until she huffs and rolls her eyes. I like that she’s not easily intimidated. That’s an important quality in an ol’ lady.

  Not that I’m thinking about that.

  She takes a deep breath and uses a false-patient voice. “He was never a boyfriend. We fooled around and stuff when we were younger though. Happy now?”

  No. Actually, I want to go plant my fists in the kid’s face a couple times. A frustrated growl rips out of me, and the little bitch laughs.

  “Are you planning to club me over the head and drag me off by my hair now?” she asks.

  “Yeah, maybe.”

  She laughs, as if I won’t have the balls to do it, and spins around to head back to our blanket. I catch up quick, grabbing her hand and yanking her against me. “Not so fast, Shortcake.”

  “What now?”

  “How bad you wanna see the rest of the show?”

  Her eyes meet mine and her breathing picks up, making her tits rise and fall.

  “Why?” she asks, so low I read the question on her lips.

  I lean over, bringing my fingers up to wrap them around her neck when I do, and pull her close to whisper in her ear, “Because I want to take you home and bury my tongue in your cunt.”

  My filthy words make her shiver. I flick my gaze down and find her nipples pressing against the thin cotton of her tank top. “Yeah, I think you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

  She can’t seem to form any words, but she nods.

  We stop by long enough to let Dante know we’re leaving. Luck, Amy, and the others have returned, so I don’t feel too bad about ditching them. Not that Dante gives a fuck.

  Athena can’t keep up with me, I’m moving so fast to the exit. People are everywhere, blocking our escape and I fight the urge to smash through the crowd. I make a quick detour to one of those “safer sex” tents with the bowls of condoms and grab a handful, just in case we can’t make it back to the clubhouse. Athena laughs.

  “Do I want to know?”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  I crouch down in front of her. “Climb on.”

  “Romeo, you can’t carry me out of here.”

  “Sweetheart, I could bench press you all day long. A piggyback ain’t nothing. Now get on.”

  She wraps her arms around my neck and I hoist her up. Much better. We move through the crowd a whole lot faster this way. She giggles and squeals and chokes the fuck out of me the whole way back to my bike.

  When I set her down, she bounces around and lets out a happy squeal. “That was fun.”

  Her happiness turns my mouth up, and I’m usually a pretty cranky son of a bitch. But her enthusiasm is contagious. I like how she makes me feel.

  When we’re finally on the road, she starts gettin’ frisky. At first I think it’s an accident that she brushes her hand over my crotch. But pretty soon she’s steadily rubbing my dick through my jeans.

  She keeps it up we’re gonna crash.

  I pull off the highway into a wooded area and shut the bike down.

  “What? Where are we?” Athena asks.

  “Get off,” I growl.

  She dismounts and stands next to me with wide eyes. I get a sick thrill watching her tremble with uncertainty while I stare her down. “You’re a bad girl. That’s dangerous, messin’ with the driver.”

  Her bottom lip pushes out into the sexiest fuckin’ pout. “I couldn’t help myself,” she says in a low sex-kitten voice. I sit back and yank her over my lap to paddle her ass a few times. She yipes, kicks, and giggles. Then she’s gasping as I work my hands under her, undo her jeans and yank them down over her hips. My bare hand on her bare ass feels a whole lot better.

  For me anyway.

  This time she shrieks.

  “Ow! You fucker. Cut it out.”

  I push a finger in her pussy and find her soaking wet. “Don’t lie, Athena. Your body says you like it.”

  “Bullshit. I’m worked up from before.”


  We’re off the road, but not exactly hidden. I doubt anyone can see what we’re doing, but the sounds of cars rushing by and the occasional lights wash over us, reminding me we’re not alone. Getting caught would probably be unpleasant. Might end up with a ticket. Might end up in jail for the night.

  It still doesn’t stop me from helping her sit up and face me, back to the handlebars. “Lift up.”

  She does as I ask for once, and I yank her pants off, taking her sneakers with them. “Hey!”

  “Shut up.”

  She helps me work my jeans open and free my dick. Thankful for the condoms I grabbed, I take one out and get it on pretty fuckin’ fast. I pat my thighs. “Put your feet here.”

  Takes her a second to figure it out, but finally, she’s sinking down on my cock and I groan so loud, I probably scare every coyote and jackrabbit within five miles away.

  “Fuck me, I never should have let you out of my bed today.”

  She moans in agreement and grabs my shoulders so she can work herself up and down my dick.

  “Good girl.”

  “Are you sure we won’t tip over?”

  “I got us, sweetheart. You just worry about riding my dick.”

  “I—I—am,” she stammers out in a breathless whisper. “I can’t.”

  “Lean back.”

  She does as I ask, thrusting her breasts up and I slide her shirt up so I can see them better. “Thank fuck you’re flexible,” I mumble while keeping one hand on her hip.

  “Romeo, I’m…I’m—”

  “Good. Give it.”

  She sobs and moans and shakes apart as she comes. Feels so fucking good, it triggers me. I give her a second to breathe before pulling her off me and helping her dress.

  When we’re cleaned up I curl an arm around her, bringing her close for a kiss. “That will hold me until we get back to the clubhouse.”

  “Oh my God.” She laughs and leans up to kiss my cheek. “You’re crazy.”

  If I’m crazy it’s all because of her. I’m known for being cold, calculating, and level-headed. Not with her, though.

  She’s a big risk in my life.

  We make it back to the clubhouse with no more stops. Well, unless you count Romeo pushing me up against the clubhouse wall and kissing me until my heart pounds. We’re interrupted by two guys who barely look old enough to drive, let alone be members. Romeo growls an unhappy greeting at them.

  “Wolf’s looking for ya,” one says.

  “Where’s he at?”


  “You have a chapel here?” I ask when Romeo pulls me inside.

  “Not that kind of chapel, honey,” he answers.

  His eyes are already searching the clubhouse, so I assume he has things he needs to take care of. “I feel all sweaty and dirty. Do you mind if I go up and take a shower?”

  “Not at all.” Digging into his pocket, he pulls out a set of keys, slips one off and hands it to me. “Lock the door behind you. I have another key.”


  He tucks me up tight against his body and leans down to whisper in my ear. “Get yourself clean, so I can get you filthy again.”

  His lips move from my ear, along my jaw, and finally press against my mouth before he releases me.

  It takes a second to find my feet and star
t moving toward the stairs.

  Romeo’s room is in sight when one of the doors on my left opens and Melody steps out. She’s busy fixing her top and doesn’t see me right away, but it’s impossible to move past her without her noticing me.

  “Shocked you’re still here. You’re not really his type.”

  If she thinks I’m surprised or insulted, I’m about to disappoint her. “I know. Weird, right?” I answer in a voice laced with sarcasm that probably goes right over her empty head. I don’t stop for her reaction, but she lobs another verbal bullet my way before I work Romeo’s door open.

  “You know he’s just using you to get close to Karina, right?”

  “Good to know.” I raise my hand and wave without turning around and shut the door firmly behind me.

  That’s stupid, right? I mean, Karina’s so obviously with Dante. And from the little I’ve seen, these guys don’t fuck around with another brother’s woman.

  Then again, Karina’s hinted in a thousand—not so subtle—ways how much she dislikes Romeo.

  Maybe there’s more to the story.


  “What?” I ask as soon as I step in the chapel. Yeah, club comes first. But right now, there’s a hot naked woman in my shower that I’d rather be dealing with, than anything my VP’s gotta tell me.

  “Tucker’s a problem.”

  “No shit.”

  “I’m serious. He made a detour. Went right through Red Storm territory, and I’m pretty sure he had a sit-down with Deacon.”

  Well, fuck me. Karina’s father really must have a death wish.

  Wolf all but snaps his fingers in my face when I don’t answer him right away. “How do you want to handle it?”

  “My plan was to let him get through these next few shipments, then hand him over to Dante to deal with.” Dante’s got lots of reasons to want Tucker dead. But now that it looks like Tucker’s trying to get protection from one of our rivals, it might be time to move up his execution date.

  Wolf’s eyebrows draw down. He doesn’t know the full story about why Dante’s got it out for Karina’s father. And it ain’t my business to tell it. From what I know, after the way Tucker’s treated both his daughters, he’s earned every bit of pain coming his way.


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