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Keeping Faith

Page 6

by T J Vertigo

  Faith grinned. "Actually, I have a few phone calls to make, I need to fix this script or I won't be doing this movie. Then I have to think of a way to get Reece to listen to me. Once she's like this… oh boy."

  "Well, okay. But if you need me, you know where I am. I can be over in a second."

  "Thanks Vi, you are both the best."

  Cori and Violet sat there for a few moments, holding hands. Both of them felt a little helpless not being able to be there to console Faith. Suddenly, Cori jumped up.

  "Fucking Reece, I'm going to work and giving her a piece of my mind."

  Violet held her lover's hand tighter, understanding her anger but not agreeing with running there half cocked. "Honey, she's already pissed, you have to let her simmer down some or you'll wind up making it worse."

  "I'm not afraid of her." Cori declared.

  Violet grinned. "I know baby, but just give her a little while before you start getting in her face. She has to think about this."

  Cori stomped her foot. "That's just it! She's not thinking, she won't! She's going to block this out and ignore it and it may destroy them. I won't let that happen."

  Violet sighed. "I can't stop you can I." she stated. "Okay, you Just call me if there's any problems."

  Faith had enough time to relax through her frustrations and started to become angry. She had the phone in her hand several times, ready to tear this film maker a new asshole, but knew she had to calm down again before she really created a scandal. It was late, and she knew this guy wouldn't be at the office at this hour and that pissed her off even more. Knowing she had no choice but to wait until morning, she sat and stewed.

  She was disappointed in Reece. She thought her wife would have given her enough credit to know she wouldn't do anything to hurt her intentionally. She was angry too, knowing it was going to be hell to try and talk to her about this again without another tantrum.

  Smudge, who ran away and hid during all the yelling, came over to his mommy and looked at her curiously. Faith picked him up and kissed him on the nose. "I'm sorry for all that sweetie. Auntie Reece can be a big baby sometimes." Smudge settled down in Faith's lap and after a while of stroking him, the actress became much calmer. Just as her eyes were getting heavy, the phone rang. She debated picking it up but curiosity got the best of her.

  "Oh, Louise! Who's the hot lesbo actress about to make another movie?"

  Faith chuckled. "Hi John. You're a sicko ya know?"

  "I take that as a compliment. Sooo, what's happening? Rumor has it this script is hot!"

  Faith groaned. "Hot isn't the word. It's practically porno."

  "Huh? Are you serious?"

  "Dead serious. John, I'm not going to do it if they don't change it." Faith stuck out her chin as she spoke.

  "Oh wow. What did Spike have to say about it?"

  "You don't even want to know." Faith sighed.

  "Mmmm. I bet it didn't go over too big." John said sympathetically. "Hey, it's been floating around that Alicia Alvarez got cast as well. She is a fine specimen isn't she?"

  "Oh my god! No! Not Alicia!" Faith began to panic.

  "What? And here I thought you were a lesbian. Shit, I'd even do her! What do you mean no?" John teased.

  "I have a huge crush on her and Reece knows it! This is awful!"

  John grimaced and covered his tracks. "We don't know what part she's been cast in, so it may not be a disaster. Besides, she's as straight as a pin, she'd never go for lesbian porn."

  "You never know. It's quite chic to be queer, everyone's jumping on the bandwagon, why should she be any different?"

  "Because, she's got at least a million boyfriends and is never photographed without one. All which are gorgeous by the way."

  "Alicia Alvarez. Fuck. Reece hates her on principle. Says she's a pig."

  "Louise, you only know Spike is mad because you think Alicia's the bee's ankles."

  "That doesn't make it any better. Oh man." Faith closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I'm going to see the producer tomorrow morning, so I'll find out who's playing my love interest. That's if they decide to clean up the script. Otherwise, I'm outta this mess."

  PART 8

  CORI SAT AND stewed in the cab, she couldn't believe Reece gave Faith such a hard time. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became at Reece. Finally arriving at the club, she stomped her way up the stairs. Her face fixed in a scowl, she burst into The Lounge full of piss and vinegar.

  Sarge, always looking out for the dancers, worried about Cori's mood. Knowing Reece was in rare form worried her even more. "Hey Cor, what's the face for?"

  "Where's Reece?"

  "Somewhere inside. I saw her wandering around earlier. You two arguing or something?"

  "Not yet." Cori narrowed her eyes and stormed off in search of Reece. Banging on the office door was fruitless, it was locked and if Reece was in there she wasn't letting on. Pissed, Cori went to the dressing room, with hardly a minute to spare before she was to dance. Angry and frustrated, she changed quickly and made her way to the center stage and waited for her music to start.

  The lights went dim, her intro music started and Cori began to dance seductively, her foul mood seemed to entice the men and she was picking up tips like crazy. She shimmied over to the left side of the stage when something caught her eye. It was Reece, leaning on the smaller stage, with two dancers all over her. No wonder Cori couldn't find her, she was looking for the tuxedo. Reece was still dressed in her street clothes, her baseball cap on practically hiding her face altogether. Cori saw red as the dancers rubbed all over the club owner, touching her sensuously, and Reece eating it all up with a stupid grin on her face. Disregarding her job entirely, Cori jumped off the stage in the middle of her show, and ran over to Reece. Insinuating herself between the taller woman and a half naked dancer, and shoving the other one away, Cori stood in front of Reece, chest heaving. "What the fuck is your problem?"

  Reece tilted her head to the side, an amused expression on her face. "You. I was having a great time until you showed up."

  "You are such an asshole Reece! I don't know what the fuck to do with you!"

  A crowd had formed as most of the men watching her perform followed her when she left the stage. Once people started to recognize that it was the club owner Cori was fighting with more people crowded around.

  Reece towered over the dancer. "How about, you just leave me alone and go dance." She reached out for one of the girls.

  Cori exploded. "Fuck you!" She shoved Reece hard. "What the hell are you trying to prove with these girls?" She shoved Reece again.

  Reece's eyes flashed and she balled her fists. She clenched her teeth as she spoke. "Get out of my face, Cori, if you know what's good for you."

  "No!" Cori pushed Reece again, this time knocking her off balance. "You tell me what the hell you're doing?"

  Reece grabbed Cori by the wrist and squeezed. "I... am having fun. At least these girls aren't having sex with me are they?"

  Cori screamed in frustration. "You suck Reece. Faith doesn't even want to do that stupid movie and you're an asshole." She wrenched her wrist out of the boss's grasp and stormed off.

  "That's only because I don't want her to!" Reece watched Cori as she left. "Yeah, at least I'm not having sex with them." she added to herself.

  Violet was startled when Cori came flying through the door. "Honey?"

  "That.. that.. ARGH!" Cori threw herself on the couch and kicked her feet.

  Violet ran over and stood in front of her. "Honestly Cor, a tantrum?"

  "You have no idea! Reece thinks this is a fucking game or something! She was fucking with the dancers, talking about how she’s just having fun, and she’s not having sex with them!"

  Violet clenched her jaw. "While Faith is at home eating her heart out. That son of a bitch."

  Cori flung herself again. "Tell me about it!"

  Violet sat down and rubbed her lover's back. "Why are you home? What happened?"

sp; "I had no choice, Reece probably would have killed me if I stayed."

  Violet narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "Cori, what did you do?"

  "I may have shoved her a few times."


  "In front of everyone." Cori added.

  "Have you lost your mind? No, seriously, you shoved her?"

  "I was mad!"

  Violet sighed. "Okay, looks like no one is thinking rationally but me. I'll be back later."

  Cori stood up in fear. "Vi! Where are you going?"

  "To take care of this the right way, without yelling and scenes. That's the last thing anybody needs right now. And to get to Reece before she does something stupid."

  Cori grabbed her lover's hand. "Vi, you can't go there now."

  "Watch me."

  "Okay, show's over." Reece waved her hand at the crowd. "Everything's fine, she's just a little menstrual."

  The crowd dissipated slowly and the dancers that were hanging all over the club owner, felt awkward after that display until the club owner waved one over.

  The dancer stepped forward and smiled. "Hey, you still up for that lap dance?”

  Reece grinned devilishly. "You bet." She sat down on a platform and opened her arms. I’m right, I’m not doing anything wrong. Fuck that. It’s just a lap dance, and I’m not having sex. So what if Cori’s pissed, she’s just a freak anyway. The scantily clad dancer shimmied all over the club owner who was becoming quite stiff and less relaxed. I’m not actually touching her, she’s not all the way naked. Reece took a deep breath and tried to focus on the bare tits in her face. She reached out and grasped the dancer's hips and frowned. Fuck, she’s bony, nothing to hold on to really. She let go of the dancer and leaned back. Her tits are okay, but they’re not Faith’s. Faith’s are perfect and that one isn’t pierced and sexy. Suddenly Reece's stomach hurt again and she felt sick. Scaring the dancer, she bolted up and wiped off her legs. "That's enough," she said curtly and stomped off towards her office.

  Faith wandered around the house, wishing she could do something right that minute to help diffuse the situation. She wondered how Reece was feeling, how she was handling everything, and what she was doing about it. She wondered also about Alicia Alvarez and if she was really going to play opposite her as a love interest. That would be the hardest to explain, even if she did manage to amend the script's porno quality, there was no way around it. Reece was very aware that Faith had a huge crush on Alicia, they talked about it and Reece took an instant dislike towards the woman, even going so far as drawing mustaches and blacking out her teeth on the cover of magazines. Even the ones in the supermarket. Faith sighed. She'd never get any sleep with all of this on her mind. Maybe she'd just take Violet up on the offer of company.

  Cori scowled at the phone as it rang, but answered it anyway. "What."

  "Cor?" Is that you?"

  The dancer relaxed. "Yeah, it's me."

  Faith was puzzled and upset. "What happened? Why are you home? Did Reece throw you out?"

  "No, I walked out. She's probably pissed as hell with me though. Are you okay?"

  "I don't know how I feel. I'm up, that's for sure and I'm not thinking sleep is an option. What did you do to Reece?"

  Cori snickered. "I may have pushed her."

  Faith's eyes widened. "Physically or mentally."

  "Physically. Look, I was mad, she was being an ass. Anyway, I have nothing to do, Violet went to supposedly put Reece in her place. Want me to come over?"

  "You pushed her??? Are you crazy? Wait... Violet went to what?? Oh my god."

  "Faith, calm down, if anyone is even tempered it's Vi."

  "If anyone's NOT, it's Reece!'

  Cori shook her head. "I couldn't stop her. I'm sure she'll be fine, besides, Reece needs a talking to, and I apparently can't control myself."

  "That's it, maybe I'll go to the club..."

  "NO! Don't... stay there, I'll come over."

  Sarge was more than surprised to see Violet pouncing up the stairs. "Hey, Cori had an argument with Reece and ran out of here about an hour ago, what's going on?"

  "Reece is being a dick."

  Sarge winced. "Oh?"

  "Yes, and I need to talk to her, where is she?'

  The bouncer sighed and pointed. "She's in there somewhere. She told me to stay the hell away from her when I came in tonight and I'm trying my best, but if you need me, I'm there."

  "Love ya Sarge." Violet kissed the big woman on the cheek.

  Violet searched all the nooks and crannies of the club and came up empty. She stopped at the bar to get a glass of soda and ventured to Reece's office. She knocked a few times with no reply. "I know you're in there, so you better open this door."


  "Reece! Open this door!"

  The door opened and a very disheveled looking Reece opened it, the meanest look on her face. "Great, reinforcements. What do you want?"

  Violet walked passed the club owner and leaned on the big desk. "We need to talk."

  "About what?" Reece asked, annoyance plain as day in her voice.

  "You're fucking up big time Reece and you may not get out of this one."

  Reece slammed the door and walked in front of Violet. "Oh? Really? Am I getting naked for a room full of sweaty guys and pretending to fuck some bitch?"

  Reece's anger was palpable and the piercer tried not to flinch at the tall woman's proximity, or throw her soda on her for infuriating her. "Key word, pretending, Reece. You're not a complete fucking moron. It's ACTING."

  "That's my WIFE!"

  "Yeah, and my wife spreads her fucking pussy for a room full of sweaty guys with hard-ons because they're waving a stinkin' dollar bill at her." Violet sipped her drink calmly.

  Reece glared.

  "I know you heard me, so don't pretend that you didn't."

  The tall woman blinked. "That's different and you know it."

  "Different? How? She's acting too! Reece, for god's sake, she doesn't want any of those men! She acts like she does and that's why we live in a great apartment in a great neighborhood and have good food on the table! It takes a very clear, well screwed on head to go up on that stage and take her clothes off for money without feeling demeaned or degraded! I'm damned proud of her for it and I tell her every day. When's the last time you told Faith that you're proud of her?"

  Reece glowered. "I tell her." she said defensively.

  Violet stood tall. "Really? Cuz the way I hear it you screamed at her and slammed out of the house tonight. She can't be feeling all that great right now and she certainly doesn't think she has your support."

  "Violet! She's going to be doing sex scenes!"

  "Did you even listen to her? She doesn't want to do those scenes! She hates them! And she hates that you hate it too. The last thing she wanted tonight was to have you yell bloody murder and run away. And let me tell you something, if she ever found out what you did with those girls tonight, out of pure spite, I don't think she'd forgive you. I wouldn't."

  Reece stepped back, feeling offended. "I didn't do anything with those girls! I was mad, and.... anyway, you're not Faith." She folded her arms looking triumphant.

  "I wouldn't get so cocky just yet. You have a wife at home, who feels like she disappointed you. You never even let her explain herself. I think you need to go home, and listen for a change. I don't care if you have to dig your nails into your palms, you just shut up and let her talk."

  "Are you through, Dr. Phil?"

  Violet put her pinky to her lip and thought. "No, there's one more thing."

  Reece rolled her eyes.

  "You need to apologize."


  "Yes, you. And if I were you, I'd make sure it came with flowers. Now I'm done." Reece watched, blinking rapidly as Violet waltzed to the door and opened it. "You'll thank me some day."

  The club owner pursed her lips. "Vi."

  Violet turned around, "Yeah?"

  Reece got quiet. "I didn't like it you know. The girls
and stuff."

  "You don't have to tell me that, I had a feeling you didn't or you wouldn't be locked up in here."

  "Uh, what you said... ya know... " Reece nodded, and pointed to the piercer.

  "You're welcome." Violet winked and left.

  Cori and Faith were well through their second pitcher of frozen Margaritas and both felt oodles better for it.

  Cori leaned over and giggled. "So, Alicia Alvarez. God she's hot."

  Faith groaned. "I don't know what I'm going to do. I'll feel like I'm cheating, even if it's just pretend."

  "That's cuz you're hot for her hoochie." Cori wiggled her eyebrow.

  Faith swatted at her. "Stop it!"

  "Come on, we all know. Reece knows. You want her booty."

  The actress covered her face with her hands. "Oh shit Cori. I'm totally hot for her booty."

  The dancer was curious. "Can you kiss her, even though it's acting, and not get hot?"

  "I don't know!" Faith panicked. "That's scaring the crap out of me! What if I do get hot? Isn't that cheating? How guilty will I feel?"

  Cori smiled. "Hell, I'd do it anyway. How many times can one say they tangled tongues with Alicia? A woman no less?"

  Faith lit up. "That’s right! She's so incredibly straight. She won't be doing anything remotely sexual with another woman. What am I worried about? You think there'll be tongues?"

  Cori laughed. "After reading those scenes, I certainly think so."

  Faith groaned painfully again. "Anyway, I'm going to take care of this in the morning, if I can help it, there won't be any tongues."

  Cori yawned widely. "Speaking of morning, I'm going to crash. I'm done."

  "Okay, I suppose I should go to bed too. I don't want to be up when Reece gets home."

  PART 9

  REECE SAT IMMOBILE in her office long after Violet left. She knew the piercer was right... about everything. She really didn't let Faith talk, and now as she replayed the events in her head, she felt a little bit like the asshole Cori told her she was. But apologizing? That was hard. Reece felt she had every right to be angry, Faith is hers and Not to be shared. How would Faith like it if Reece decided she wanted to act out a few sex scenes for the world to see?


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