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Keeping Faith

Page 9

by T J Vertigo

  Faith lingered at Reece’s hard clit for a few seconds, drawing a pleasured groan from her lover. Slowly she brought her tongue lower and teased the wanting entrance. She circled the opening slowly and barely used any pressure.

  Reece squirmed from the tickling sensation and began to give Faith a mental countdown until she took what she wanted. She grit her teeth and flared her nostrils against the sensual attack, breathing heavily and erratically.

  Faith drew her tongue up, around, across, down and even poked the tip inside, teasing her lover mercilessly. She relished in the taste and textures her tongue met with each swipe. She hummed her delight as she tasted and licked, reveling in the sensation of Reece’s hard thighs flexing and straining.

  Reece groaned, and bucked in pleasure as Faith drew her clit in between her puckered lips. Without warning, she clamped her strong thighs around her wife’s head and grabbed her hair with both large hands. “Enough humoring, make me come.”

  Faith gasped at the sudden display of strength and immediately obeyed. She was satisfied enough at Reece’s patience so far and was more than happy to make her come. She concentrated on the swollen clit in her mouth and sucked it hard.

  Reece blew out a loud breath of relief and ecstasy, her thighs trembling in anticipation of release. Her muscles clenched and spasmed as she began to come.

  Faith whimpered in her own pleasure as her lover’s orgasm took control. She pictured that gorgeous face in blissful release, her own clit throbbing in empathy.

  Reece opened her thighs and let go of Faith’s head, pulling her up quickly and pushing her down onto her back. “My turn now.” She said, breathless and intent. She climbed to her knees at Faith’s feet, grabbed both ankles and threw the smaller woman’s legs over her shoulders. “You’re so fucking wet for me.” She grabbed Faith’s ass cheeks in her hands and raised her even higher.

  “Reece!” Faith gasped as she practically dangled from her lover’s shoulders. “God!”

  Reece wasted no time burying her face entirely in Faith’s sex, thrusting her tongue inside like a hot spear.

  Faith tried to react, attempted to thrust her hips but was helpless as she lay on only her shoulders and head. “Baby, yes!”

  Reece grunted and growled as she lapped up as much sweet ambrosia as she could, fucking her lover with her tongue, shaking her head back and forth to drive Faith crazy.

  Faith moaned a high pitched sound as Reece’s nose drove back and forth against her hard clit, her thick tongue plunging in and out, driving her quickly to the edge of oblivion. “Oh god Reece, it’s coming already…”

  Reece snaked an arm out from under Faith and plunged two fingers inside to replace her tongue which she was now using as a weapon across Faith’s throbbing clit. “Mmm, mmm…” she hummed as Faith’s inner walls began to clench at her fingers.

  “Reece! Baby!”

  Reece opened her eyes and looked down the length of Faith’s body. Her breasts were heaving, her face red, her lips full and wet as gasps of pleasure escaped them. She twitched and writhed, her sex grabbing at Reece’s fingers like a vise as she came. Reece drew out the orgasm, watching through hungry eyes as Faith thrashed and groaned. Then slowly, she removed her fingers and eased up on her oral assault, leaving tiny kisses on Faith’s pulsating sex. “You have the hottest pussy.” She whispered, carefully lowering her wife from her position.

  The panting actress wrapped her legs around her lover’s waist and opened her arms. “C’mere baby.”

  Reece pulled Faith up gently by her arms until she was sitting on her lap and wrapped her strong arms around her. “You taste so good.”

  Faith sighed in Reece’s embrace. “You feel so good. “

  They sat like that for a long while, wrapped in each other’s arms, until Reece stretched out on the couch. Faith crawled on top of her, and they both drifted off into a well deserved nap.

  Faith wandered around the house aimlessly after Reece left for work. No one returned any of her calls, not even Brad. She tried watching TV for a while but was bored to death with it. She looked out of the window and watched the people go by and had a sudden urge to do the same. Calling for Smudge, she hooked his leash on and went for a walk, knowing Reece would never want her out by herself at night.

  It was a really nice evening, the breeze was blowing, the air was clear and Faith calmed quickly. Smudge sniffed and poked at everything he could and Faith enjoyed a rare opportunity to walk him. Reece, despite what she would admit, was the real mommy. She walked him, fed him, inspected and picked at him constantly. Faith smiled to herself when she recalled the day Reece thought Smudge had the flu because he sneezed. The dog sniffed at dust under the bed and sneezed three times in a row. Reece panicked immediately assuming he was dying, blaming Cori for giving the dog her cold. Truth was Cori had allergies, and dogs can’t catch human colds, but Reece wasn’t hearing it. Faith warmed up inside while thinking about how gentle and soft her big bad wife behaved with the dog. Goliath. She thought with a laugh. Just as she finished snickering, her cell phone rang. It was Reece. Shit, she’s going to kill me. “Hi baby,”

  “Where are you?”

  “In front of the house.” Faith lied.

  “Why? Didn’t I tell you it’s not safe for you at night after that last crazy?”

  Faith frowned. “I’m fine, Reece. Besides, I have Goliath to protect me.”

  Reece blinked several times and remained silent.

  “I know all about it so you don’t even have to try and explain.” Faith said with a smile.

  Reece cleared her throat. “It’s just that Smudge is such…. You know, and me being so… and Goliath just sounds better.”

  Faith smirked. “I thought so. Now go back to work and let me enjoy the night.”

  “I just wanted to know if you heard from anyone yet.”

  “No, no one. That’s why I needed to get out of the house. I’m obsessing over the phone. Baby, I’m fine by myself. “

  Reece scowled. “I don’t like it, but I’m not there so I can’t pick you up and carry you inside.”

  “Reece, I’m fine. There’s no crazies out here. I swear.”


  Faith pictured her wife’s steely jawed look. “I love you.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  Faith smiled at the phone after her overprotective lover hung up. “She’s just being herself, Smudge. Anyway, we better start home anyway, someone may have called.”

  As she turned to walk away, she realized there were three young women following her. She sighed at their loud whispers arguing whether or not she was herself. She wondered if she should turn around and announce herself but decided to keep walking. Soon enough, there they were.

  “Faith Ashford! Oh my god! I knew it was you! Can you sign this for me?”

  “Where’s your hunky wife?

  “You’re shorter in person.”

  “Man you’re hot!”

  Faith closed her eyes and sighed again, then turned around. “I don’t have a pen, ladies, I’m sorry.”

  “Oh, I have one! Can you sign my bra?”

  Faith’s eyes widened. “Uh, my wife would kill me if I signed your bra. How about a piece of paper?”

  The young lady rooted through her backpack until she came up with paper.

  After Faith signed all the papers, and one shoe, she hurried home. It’s not that she didn’t feel grateful for admirers, it’s just that some were overzealous, like the crazy Reece was talking about who grabbed her and kissed her on the mouth. Reece flipped out and nearly killed the young dyke, and to tell the truth, Faith was pretty shook up too.

  Closing the door behind her, she relaxed into her safe house.

  Reece took her usual seat at the bar and surveyed her club. It was crowded, it was always crowded. She watched the bargirls serve, smiling, winking and flirting. Their tip jars were always full. Nodding to herself in satisfaction she looked towards the main stage while Cori did her “jungle girl” routine. Men
of all ages and sizes offered money to the dancer, hoping she’d come to them with her attention. Cori had been dancing at the club for a long time now, and had made a pretty big name for herself. Rival clubs routinely sent spies in to watch Reece’s girls, studying them, wanting to be them. As a rule, women weren’t allowed into Gentleman’s clubs, but Reece had a women’s night, laughing in the face of the law, and it was her best night of the week. Now and again she’d have some women’s rights protesters form a little huddle on the sidewalk, but after a few weeks, the media attention died down. Thanks to that media attention though, her club was famous, and on weekends, it wasn’t unusual to find a line waiting to get in. The titty club owned by a lesbian, married to an actress who used to work there. It was pretty scandalous.

  Reece watched Cori maneuver around the stage expertly in her stiletto’s despite the flashing lights and nodded again to herself. Cori was important to Reece, not only as a star dancer, but as a friend. The club owner smiled at the dancer. Cori knew how much Reece depended on her, Reece didn’t have to voice it. Which was good, because Reece didn’t voice much. Cori caught Reece’s eye and winked, then bent over and flashed her ass. Reece chuckled and swiveled her stool to look towards the door. Sarge, the bouncer was studying somebody’s ID intently. Reece pursed her lips in thought, wondering how she ever got so lucky to have so many loyal employees They didn’t have to stay when she inherited the club. They loved Frankie so much Reece was surprised they didn’t hate her for taking his place. Sarge eventually turned the man away and Reece was comfortable that Sarge had her reasons. She trusted Sarge. She trusted Cori. It wasn’t their club, but they protected it like it was. It left Reece a little room to breathe when she came to work at night. She was grateful. Maybe she’d have to let them know one day.

  There was an uproar of noise and Reece didn’t have to look to know Cori just became naked. She didn’t watch Cori when she was nude. It just didn’t feel right to Reece. She wasn’t sure why, but it didn’t feel right so she didn’t do it. The only time she came close was when Faith and Cori danced that night together. Reece’s lips formed an evil grin as she recalled that night, and what happened afterwards. Thinking of Faith naked, suddenly brought thoughts of the movie. Unpleasant thoughts. Shaking them loose, Reece stood and disappeared to her office.

  Cori just happened to be looking at Reece as she left and saw her expression change. She looked away and continued to dance, Reece in the back of her mind.

  Faith peeled off her clothes and headed for the bathroom. She had already filled the tub, lit candles, put on music, and poured herself a glass of wine. She slid into the hot water with a loud sigh of pleasure. A while back, Reece came home with one of those inflatable neck pillows that stick to the tub. At first Faith wasn’t sure she’d ever use such a thing, but tonight she’d try it out. Leaning back, the pillow fit right under her neck and she wondered how she ever took a bath without one.

  Just as she was drifting off, she heard Reece come home. Confused, she sat up. “Baby?” she called out.


  “What are you doing home?” Faith was worried.

  Reece entered the bathroom and smiled at her wife. “I was in my office, and well…” she sat at the edge of the tub, “I got to thinking.”

  “That could be dangerous.” Faith teased.

  Reece made a face. “No, really, I was thinking about the movie. I was thinking about how you trust me at my job, with naked girls and my reputation. I don’t know, all that thinking was making me crazy and I realized I have to be okay with whatever you want to do. I trust you. I guess what I’m saying is you do that movie and I’ll be fine. I have to be.”

  Faith grinned from ear to ear. “I love you, Reece. Thank you.” She held out her hand and Reece took it, grasping it firmly.

  “I know you love me, and it makes all the difference in the world. I don’t remember a time when I didn’t love you, I need to stop behaving like you’re my possession.”

  Faith smiled. “You were talking to Cori weren’t you.”

  Reece looked down. “A little.”

  “Well, good. You should listen to her more. Now come here.” Faith yanked Reece hard and the tall woman fell into the tub with a big splash.

  “Faith! I can’t believe you did that!” Reece righted herself as best she could and wiped the hair out of her face.

  “You won’t shrink. Just kiss me and stop complaining.”

  PART 12

  CORI PUSHED VIOLET down onto the bed and crawled between her open legs. “Spread ‘em for me woman, I’m hungry.”

  Violet threw her legs over her lover’s shoulders and begged. “Please baby, I’m so ready.”

  Just as Cori licked her lips, the phone began to ring. “You have got to be kidding me!”

  Violet grabbed her girlfriend’s bright pink hair and pulled her head down “You better ignore it.” She warned.

  Cori stuck her tongue out and took a long lick. “Mmmm…”

  Just then Faith’s voice screamed through the room. “I did it! I did it! They’re using my changes!”

  Cori sat up, excited about the news.

  “Get back down there Cori.” Violet begged.

  “Stop having sex and pick up the phone or I’m going to start singing.”

  Violet ran for the phone. “Hello! Please, don’t start singing.”

  Faith laughed. “What took you so long?”

  “We really were having sex you know.”

  “I feel for you.” Faith snickered.

  Cori grabbed the phone away, “So they really are gonna use your changes? How fucking cool is that?”

  “I know!” Faith gushed. “I feel so relieved, and proud!”

  Violet leaned towards the phone. “What did Reece say?”

  “She doesn’t know, she’s at the gym, I can’t wait to tell her! She’ll be so happy.”

  Cori frowned. “I dunno Faith. You’re still tits to the wind, I can’t see her doing a happy dance.”

  “Look, she has to accept it. She may not like it at all, but at least she’s going to try. Thanks for talking to her last night by the way. You really helped.”

  Cori nodded in acknowledgement. “Yeah, well, it’s the least I can do. She still has issues, no matter what she says to you.”

  “I know, but she’s going to deal with it her own way. Soon enough she’ll be better with it. We had a talk this morning and she said as long as I don’t tell her what’s going on she’ll deal better.”

  Cori snorted. “Oh, and it’ll be better for it to slap her in the face during the premiere? I don’t think so.”

  Faith paused. “Shit.”

  “Yeah, a big stinking shit.”

  Reece headed for the showers and was stopped in her tracks by the gym owner. Rolling her eyes, she put a hand on her hip and waited.

  “Hi, we talked a while back, remember?”

  Reece nodded and looked bored.

  “You know, the offer still stands to work here. I’ve been watching you, as have a lot of other people and I’m sure you’d never want for clients.”

  Reece glanced around at the gym. Yes, there were numerous admirers, most women. Her eyes narrowed and she didn’t know why. “Okay, talk to me.” She said, folding her arms over her chest. “What kind of deal can we make?”

  Faith, the dog in her lap, clad in Reece’s tank top from the night before, leaned back in the kitchen chair with her coffee. Smiling, she absently pet Smudge. She was feeling rather smug about getting her way. Nothing could change her mood.

  Except what was waiting on the doorstep outside.

  The actress frowned at the sound of the doorbell, and yelled her way towards the door. “Baby, you have to stop forgetting your keys!” Opening the door, she stepped back in horror.


  Reece shook hands with the gym owner and with a smug smile gathered her things and left, forgoing the shower.

  Not bad, she thought as she walked out. I pick up my own cl
ients, it’s my money. He gets me a client he gets a cut. A small cut, and I get free use of the gym. Gotta wear the stupid shirt, but there could be worse things.

  The club owner felt a little pang of discomfort with what she just did, but blew it off. Faith’s gonna be busy with the movie, and I’m not just gonna sit there and do nothing. I need a hobby too. I can’t tell the clients what to wear, I mean they have to wear little so I can see the muscles at work. It’s not like they’re naked. She rationalized her actions. Barely.

  Faith watched as her mother dragged in bags. She eyed the luggage with disdain. ”Mom, how long are you here for?”

  Mrs. Ashford, Marsha, made a face. “No, hello? No hug?” She held out her arms and waited.

  Faith walked into them and sighed. There was really nothing she could do. “Sorry. I’m happy you’re here.” Yeah, right.

  “Now that’s better.” Marsha walked into the living room on her way to the guest room and stopped at the coffee table. Reaching for the script she lit up excitedly. “Oooo, what’s this?”

  Faith grabbed the script back. “Nothing, mom, nothing. Go get settled.”

  Mrs. Ashford gave her daughter a sideways glance. “Alright.” She said, looking over her shoulder at the script as she dragged her bag into the guest room.

  Faith threw herself into the couch and mimed a fit.

  When Reece walked in, she saw her wife lying on the couch, kicking and screaming silently, hugging the script. “And you’re doing that because…”

  Faith jumped up and settled herself. “Reece, we have to talk.”

  “Yeah, but me first,” Reece said, standing in front of the couch.

  “No, Reece…”

  Reece silenced Faith with a finger. “I took that job at the gym.” She declared.

  Faith looked incredulous. “You what?”

  “I took the trainer’s job. I start tomorrow.”

  Faith gritted her teeth. “You spiteful little…ARGH! Reece, we can’t talk about this now, but we will. Oh, we will.”

  “What’s wrong with a hobby?”

  “Hobby?” Faith’s eyes almost turned red. In a hushed voice she spoke through her teeth. “What were you thinking? We have a visitor right now, so you are really lucky. I could kill you.”


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