Book Read Free

Midnight Squad: The Ties That Bind

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by J. L. M. Visada

  Midnight Squad

  The Ties That Bind


  J.L.M. Visada

  © Copyright 2013 J.L.M. Visada

  Okay so here we are. You went out and either got my book from, or you downloaded it from one of those other websites that shall not be named here. If you got my book from Amazon, then you are awesome. I love you, and if we ever meet I owe you one of the following: a hearty handshake, a naughty spanking, a heartfelt thank you, or a sensual massage. It’s your choice, but for the record I do not offer a happy ending with the sensual massage. Whichever you choose is fine by me, because I’m just that excited that you bought this in the first place. To me, you are infinitely awesome for grabbing this. You didn’t have to, and you could have grabbed something else. So I really appreciate it. I mean there are a lot of really great books out there that I had nothing to do with. So the fact you grabbed mine out of the million other books out there really is pretty great.

  If you didn’t get my book from, or borrow it from someone that did get it from Amazon then it is stolen. I know you didn’t mean to. You had no idea that the book you grabbed from one of those other sites was copyrighted and had been downloaded illegally. Don’t sweat it, I don’t hold a grudge. I do however ask that you kindly put your stolen copy down, delete it, and go to so that you can buy the book legally. Now I realize that none of us are made of money. If you just can’t afford the $2.99 then come find me at my Facebook page and tell me you just need it free because your dog has medical bills, your cat gambled away all your money, your grandma owes money to the mob, your young Asian male prostitute had to raise his prices because of his horrible donut addiction, or something else truly awful, and you just can’t afford the $2.99. If it really is a sad story then I might even go that extra mile and e-mail a copy to your kindle myself.

  Now some of you are saying right now some version of, “But I already downloaded this stolen book, and it seems a waste to just delete it.” Well never let it be said that I wasn’t willing to accommodate people. So we’ll make a trade. You get to read the stolen book, but in return I get to choose to keep something of equal or lesser value of yours. I’ve already decided what I want. I would like one of your hands. Now I don’t want just to get a random hand. I want your dominant hand. The one you do practically everything with. From what I have heard the human body’s total value is roughly $4.50. Considering I only want your hand, I have to say it seems like you are getting a discount. Now as to why I want your dominant hand. Well I want you to think about me everytime you reach out for that glass of milk, and realize that hand just isn’t there anymore. I want you to remember what a great trade you made when you’re on the toilet and trying to learn to wipe your butt with the other hand. I want you to smile and remember how you saved $2.99 when you are clumsily trying to satisfy yourself with your now very lonely hand.

  Now I’m not trying to make your decision for you, but as I see it these are the acceptable options. Either go through amazon, or give me your hand. On the plus side, if you decide to go through with giving me your hand, pirates are very popular these days. Maybe you can trade an eyeball for a parrot, and a leg for lessons on how to speak pirate. Then the girls just won’t be able to get enough of you. You could spend your days bedding down the women that are trying to live out their Captain Jack Sparrow fantasies. Of course if you are a woman, and not a lesbian, then the pirate thing might not go quite as well for you, but on the bright side you are just a chainsaw away from going to every Halloween party and every comic convention as the best female version of Ash Williams ever. So maybe you can use that new Evil Dead chainsaw hand sexiness to rope you in a fanboy, and you two could live happily ever after.


  All characters appearing or related to this work are fictitious...including me! I was never here, and you never read this. If you somehow are reading this then something has gone horribly, horribly wrong, and hopefully you brought some delicious chocolate cake for your newfound imaginary friend that wrote may or may not have written this. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is really awesome!

  © Copyright 2013 J.L.M. Visada

  Special thanks

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Special Thanks

  As always, I want to thank my wife. From her adorably intelligent head, to her cute little toes. I would like to specifically thank all the curves and detours in between. You are the most beautiful, smart, funny, and challenging woman I’ve ever met, and I wouldn’t have you any other way.

  I’d like to thank our four legged children. Nala, your ninja skills are only overshadowed by your Jedi mind tricks. It’s sad how often I’m outsmarted by a cat. Munch, don’t worry big guy I promise all your hair will grow back. Speedbump, you’re still my best guy. You’ve been with me for years, and I love you so much that I’m willing to overlook your weird foot licking fetish, and horrible dog breath.

  Jesus, I can’t help but thank you again for not smiting me for the first book. Thank you for loving me enough to give me a chance to remove my head from my anus long enough to realize who you are, and what you are. Thank God I’m loved enough to be forgiven, because I’m not nearly good enough to keep from screwing up, and I’m certainly not smart enough to get to heaven on my own. I couldn’t find it with a map and a flashlight. Luckily for me you’ve gone to great lengths to guide us all to you. Considering my general oddness, perhaps heaven might want to invest in G.P.S.? Thank you again for dying for my sins, now if you could only stub your toe for my stupidity.

  I also wanted to thank you for buying this, and for those of you that bought the first book. I seriously didn’t expect anyone would want to read this, but I just had to give it a try. Thank you for surprising me beyond my wildest expectations. In the event you should need a kidney…I will be happy to hold the hobo down while we do some “back alley” surgery. God bless you all…yeah, even you creepy guy that’s already started jerking it while reading this.

  Now I have to toss out some thanks for some specific people that enjoyed my first book. They dropped in to my Facebook and said hello. You can drop in as well at Feel free to say hello, how are you, or even spank me I’ve been ever so naughty.

  I want to thank Jessica Renz-Hamilton. For the record Jes in the book was created as a thank you for her suggestion to please add women that are more full-figured into the story. (I got to give the credit where it is due.) I didn’t make her look like her, because she’s a really amazing woman, and I didn’t think I’d be able to really describe her beauty in any way that would do her justice. Personally, I like a sexy woman with curves, and that is a good thing since I married one.

like to thank Kat for kindly letting me hear your music. In fact one of her songs is actually a part of this book. I realize you can’t hear them now because this is the written word and that really doesn’t encourage toe tapping, but you can click on Kat-in-Concert or for the people that speak German (I’m not one of them. I’m a Texan so I barely speak English.) and hear the songs. I really recommend it.

  To Lisa Kaye, there will be a pirate book…eventually. I’m already putting the pieces together. It probably won’t be until after the next book at the earliest, but I am building it in my head. You will get your sexy pirates someday.

  To Mr. Christopher Moerlien, any guy who isn’t afraid to give me a little crap when my autocorrect screws up and I end up writing that I called in dick to work today because I wasn’t feeling well is worthy of mention as far as I’m concerned.

  Eidilia Thomas didn’t kill me after seeing the horrible task I burdened her with when she helped on this book. I thank you for not killing me and disposing of my lifeless corpse for my bad editing skills.

  Terence Burnett, it’s been a pleasure knowing you, and I do fear your Halo skills.

  Megan Pucket Perry rides a motorcycle, how badass is that! I’ll talk more about her later.

  Heather Adams, yes someday redheads will rule the world, but only at night because they burn easily.

  Angie Coder has a blog about books. If you are trying to find a book to read you should go check her out. Her recommendations are awesome. She even has reviewed me, but that shouldn’t be held against her. You can find her blog at .

  Finally I want to give a special thanks to the three amazing women that edited this. I’m a terrible editor. I accept that. If you read my first book you already know that. Thank God most people were willing to overlook my editorial deficiencies and enjoy the story. These three worked very hard to make this book far better than I could have on my own. To Megan Pucket Perry, Eidilia Thomas, and my beautiful wife, thank you very much. I thanked them all earlier, but for all their hard work they deserved an extra amount of thanks. Just for the record, anything that was really great probably came from their editing, and anything that sucked horribly is all due to me. Thank you all and let’s get rolling.

  Chapter 1

  This road just never ends. Four hundred and fifty miles of driving has made us all pretty grumpy. At least our new van is roomy enough that we aren’t packed in like sardines, but no number of cup holders can make up for nine hours of driving. The massaging back rest has made it a lot more tolerable, but we still have two more hours to drive. My booty is already asleep, and that’s a lot of booty. I can only hope that we stop at a rest stop in a few minutes before my tushy is in a persistent vegetative state.

  I’m not the only one that looks out of sorts. Grimmy keeps shifting around in the front passenger seat like he’s ready to dive out of the van. We paid extra for heated massage seats, but they just weren’t made for his big, luscious body. I wouldn’t mind having a few minutes alone with him to work the kinks out, or maybe work a few new kinks in…yum. Of course that’s about as likely as Grimmy developing cold fusion. It’s not that Grim is stupid, he’s actually pretty sharp. It’s just not the kind of intelligence that you would find in a classroom. It’s intelligence that comes when a mind is forged on the battlefield. He’s sneaky smart, but not really book smart. There are just some things I have to accept will never happen, and a naked Grim between my thighs is one of them.

  Besides, why would Grim want me, when he’s already bedded down all the other girls? He’s even been with Danika, and how exactly am I supposed to compete with a lesbian werewolf’s libido on a full moon? When did lesbian werewolf libidos become a part of my day? Just look at him, broad muscled shoulders, a chest that just begs to be snuggled into, and a booty so good you just want to bite it. Seriously, if cheesecake and chocolate had a baby, I’d still rather have a heaping helping of Joseph “Grimmy” Reaper. Whoa girl, I’ve got to get those thoughts out of my head before Danika starts smelling how aroused I’m getting. Darn werewolf nose. You can’t even let slip a tiny toot without McGruff the were-lesbian catching wind of it. The last thing I need is for her to catch a whiff of my moistening panties. I’d die of embarrassment. Actually, on second thought, Penny would kill me way before then. She’s so possessive of him.

  Of course if I had a man half as sexy as Grim I’d probably be pretty possessive too. Who am I kidding, it’s been so long since I had a man that if I ever do make whoopee again I’ll probably chain the poor guy to my bedpost and no one will ever see him again. Oh God, now I’m thinking of Grimmy chained to my bed like some kind of gladiator. A sexy, sweaty gladiator that’s all oiled up and…oh fudge monkeys! Why can’t I get that man out of my head? Think unsexy thoughts. Think unsexy thoughts.

  “Are we there yet?” Grimmy’s sister Niki groans. She’s been quietly snuggled up with Danika so long I almost forgot she was there.

  “No. We’ll get there when we get there.” Grim’s deep voice rumbles and I feel a definite dampness forming. Think unsexy thoughts…please.

  “Well, we’d already be there if some people didn’t get us all put on the no-fly list…hmm big brother?”

  “Well, little sister, some of us have needs, and we can’t all put our dongs in the overhead compartment when they get inconvenient.”

  “I still don’t know how you got in there.” Niki griped.

  “Well, there’s this thing called foreplay…”

  “No doofus, I mean how did you and Penny even fit in that bathroom together? I was in it not ten minutes before you, and I could barely turn around. I can’t imagine you and Penny having sex in there.” Niki’s words sink in, and now that’s all I can imagine. Penny’s crimson hair twisted into one of Grim’s hands like a reign. Her body straining ever so slightly at each thrust before surrendering to his thick…oh God, Danika’s looking at me.

  “You all right over there DD?” She says with a teasing grin meaning that she’s already onto me, and my highly imaginative fantasy life…well poop.

  “Yeah, just getting a little stiff over here. Maybe we can get out and stretch our legs.” I try not to let on that she’s got me rattled. The last thing you want to do is let a werewolf know that they just found a chink in your armor. There’s something ingrained into them that when they find something that gets to you, they just have to keep picking at it. I think it may have something to do with the wolf’s instinct to pursue, or maybe it’s some dominance thing they get from living in a pack. Danika isn’t trying to be mean, but it doesn’t mean her observations are any less embarrassing.

  “Yes, it would be nice to stretch my legs.” Penny chimed in, and thankfully that is all that’s needed to stop Danika from picking at me before it really gets started. It’s kind of strange the effect Penny has on us all. It’s like someone crossbred a big sister with the shark from the movie Jaws. She loves us like family, but it’s very clear that to her, we’re the “slow” cousins she has to take care of. Penny used to be so much more…personable, but since she and Joseph became an item, there’s been a distinct change in how she associates with us. Before they got together she just seemed to be trying to fit in, but now she’s full-on vamp twenty four-seven. The only one of us that gets treated like her equal is Grim. If anything, she actually dotes on him. Penny went from standoffish girl trying to just fit in and get by, to super possessive girlfriend that loves us all, but would stomp us into red goo if she ever considered any of us a threat to her relationship with Grim.

  That’s what made their relationship with Katy so weird. It was like they were all one big happy ménage-a-trios’, and then they weren’t. I guess that it just wasn’t meant to be. Katy and Grim are still friends, but Penny and Katy haven’t been the same around one another. The really creepy thing is that none of them will say what happened, but maybe it’s for the best that I don’t know. There’s enough weirdne
ss from day to day around here that I really don’t need to add any more to it.

  Other than the strained relationship Penny and Katy have, things have started to fall into place. I finally have access to all the money that comes in from the patents I developed under Elizabeth. Our old boss was taking ninety percent of the money, and funneling it into her own personal accounts. The ten percent I had went almost entirely to Mom’s medical bills. Now with Elizabeth gone, I’m getting all the money. I just wish Mom was alive. I know the extra money wouldn’t have saved her, but it might have been able to get her a better hospital room and maybe a few more creature comforts before she passed. At least I can make sure all my family is taken care of now. I’ve already got scholarships, and trust funds set up for all of them. Aunt Sally is taking care of everybody, and doing an amazing job. She always wanted children, and now she’s living her dream. I’m happy for her and thankful, because as much as I love my family, I never wanted to raise them. I’ve had to care for mom, and provide for them for so long that somewhere along the way I fulfilled any desire I might have had for children. I love…loved my mother, but taking care of her was hard. I just don’t want that kind of responsibility ever again. A small consolation is that I’ve lost fifty pounds over the last few months. I tend to be a bit of a stress eater, and now that I’m not screwing over my friends or worrying about my mom, the weight is just falling off.

  The van slows to a stop at another truck stop and thank God it has a bathroom. The van doors pop open, and we all stumble out, except for Janine. At least I’m assuming she’s still in the van, but since she’s normally invisible and intangible, she really could be anywhere. My fanny was numb, and I waddled off to the bathroom to tinkle. Katy, Danika, and Niki all beat me there, and I was left standing in the bathroom waiting for one of them to…meet the call of nature.

  “I still can’t believe we have to drive this whole way.” Niki grumbled.


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