Midnight Squad: The Ties That Bind

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Midnight Squad: The Ties That Bind Page 7

by J. L. M. Visada

  “Please?” Penny’s words were a desperate whisper. I looked down into her eyes. They were pleading with lust. “Please?” She was begging, and the thought of her in such urgent need left my little kitten flowing like a river. She needed me, and she wanted my help. The feel of such power and control found something inside me that I never knew existed, and roused it like a wild animal woken from hibernation. I wanted Penny. God, I wanted them both. I wanted to possess them, to control them. To control their pleasure…even their satisfaction with a whim. I realized then that Grim was waiting for my permission to satisfy this beautiful woman that was begging between my thighs.

  I looked up to Grim and gave a queenly nod. When this started he was my lord, and master. Now, at this moment they were both my servants, waiting for my permission to seek their release. Grim rose up from sitting on his ankles, and without hesitation sank himself deeply into his lover. Penny gasped with pleasure. From where I was seated I could see that Grim was only able to sink half of his shaft into her on the first thrust. He slid back out causing her to whimper with need as the head nearly came out. He looked at me, and waited for my permission to continue.

  I looked down at my lovely little Penny. Her eyes turned to blood red globes. She was lost to the lust. “Please! Oh God please don't make him stop! Ple-e-e-ea-se!” She was frantic, and her voice cracked and broke as she desperately begged for my permission. I know my face took on a dark glee. So much power…so much control. My eyes turned back up to Grim and with another gentle nod I gave him my consent.

  One brutal thrust allowed the man to surge forward in order to sheathe himself completely inside her. Penny gave the frantic howl of a cat in heat. Her howl was met with the deep grunt of satisfaction. Grim’s eyes were clenched shut as he savored her warm, tight, wetness. It was almost like a trance. He just savored the tension of her tight little opening squeezing around his member. Then, as if the spell had broken, he began a slow, plodding pump in and out.

  He was so thick, and so long that he couldn’t really pick up speed yet. Each thrust pushed Penny’s face into my very receptive slit. Her nose kept bumping my clitoris, sending shocks of pleasure with each tap. I raised the wand up to my swollen pulsing nub. A sweet wave of pleasure swam through my body, and then returned back to my clit. As the waves moved out through me, I felt the pressure begin to grow.

  To encourage Grim I started teasing my own nipples. I teased, pulled, and tweaked them. That delicious man began driving himself harder, faster, and somehow deeper into tiny little Penny’s sopping wetness. Each thrust left a distinct smack as his balls slapped against her clitoris. Penny began nibbling, nipping, licking, and even sucking against my pussy. I turned the wand on high, and felt another leap in pleasure as my need swelled like an overfilled balloon. I could tell it wouldn’t be long before it would pop.

  “Can I cum?” I looked down in shock. Penny’s eyes were filled with longing. She was almost completely lost in the feeling of Grim’s thrusts. A part of me almost refused her. Somewhere inside I loved the feeling of control, but I was getting closer myself. I reached down to spread myself wide to allow the wand to have complete access to my aching clit. I looked down and gave Penny a nod of approval.

  She sobbed, “Oh thank y…OH OH OH GAWD MLRPHM!” The orgasm tore into her. She buried her face into me to muffle her screams. Grim’s pace picked up. His breathing became ragged, and he was about to finish. I felt the first shudders of his orgasm shake Penny against the sopping mess of my opening. Grim drove himself as deep as he could into her, and I felt Penny give a squeal of pleasure as she had to stretch to accommodate his spurting release. Even then she kept teasing my clit. I was so close.

  “Oh thank you…mistress.” Penny’s words tripped me over the threshold, and one of the most violent, toe-curling orgasms exploded through me. I can be a little vocal in bed, but at this point I was a shrieking banshee. Thank God I had enough sense to turn on my side at the last second and bury my face into the pillow. If I hadn’t done that then I’m pretty sure they would have all kicked in my door and watched as my body jerked and shook. Then I realized that even with the pillow, Penny’s ears had to have heard my moans. She knew exactly what I was doing. Her ears heard my vibrator, and she had to have just heard my orgasm. That knowledge alone made me clench again into another earth-shattering orgasm. I came so hard that I actually started crying. I needed this so badly.Afterward, I felt like I’d been poured out into the bed. That’s when the embarrassment struck me. Penny absolutely had to know what I was up to. Thank God she wasn’t aware of my fantasy. I could only hope that I hadn’t moaned her name, but I just wasn’t sure. Either way it was too late now. I rose up off the bed to stumble into the shower. My thighs and legs were still trembling from the orgasm. I could barely walk. I turned the shower on, and began to get ready for the night. The dull throb of an orgasmic aftershock swept through me at the thought of just being around Grim and Penny again.

  Chapter 5

  A nice long, hot shower left me feeling ready to hit the town. I could only hope that Grim and Penny were in better frames of mind. I slipped on my most comfortable purple bra, and some clean orange panties. It was a safe bet that B.O.B. wasn’t going to be disappointed if my bra and panties don’t match. He’s just so understanding, it’s no wonder he’s been my longest and most satisfying relationship. I put on a cute little forest green blouse, and a decent pair of distressed blue jeans. I slipped into the bathroom to finish doing my hair and makeup. I’m pretty low maintenance, and so ten minutes later I slipped on my sandals and walked out the door.

  I went to Niki and Danika’s room first. I knocked, but no one answered. They gave us universal keycards since we rented the whole floor. I opened the door gently, and slowly entered. I’ve made the mistake of surprising the two girls before, and saw Niki and Danika in the full throes of Sapphic love. Considering what I saw dangling from between Niki’s legs, I’m pretty sure that the love that dare not speak its name was sponsored by Black and Decker. They were like a piece of art. Danika’s lean, rippling muscles, and Niki’s gentle curves. The sight of the werewolf’s dark ebony skin brushing across the most intimate parts of Niki’s milky white body has stuck with me ever since. They belonged together. Anyone that says what those two do is unnatural just doesn’t see the love they have for one another.

  They were passionate, supportive, and madly in love with one another. The memory of their lovemaking has sparked quite a few nights with B.O.B., and so I was very careful to avoid walking in on their lovemaking again. I made a lot of noise, stomped my feet, and tried to take my time going deeper into the room.

  “Danika? Niki? Are you decent?” My voice was loud enough to fill the whole room.

  “DD! Come on back! You’ve got to see this.” Niki’s voice belted back from the bedroom. Nervously I pressed forward. I really didn’t want to see them naked and writhing, but they called me and I couldn’t very well pretend that I didn’t hear them. My feet kept plodding forward. Suddenly, I heard the distinct sound of a bed squeaking, and the giggles of two women made me hesitate. This was the absolute last thing I needed today.

  “Slow down! You’re going too fast!” Niki laughed.

  “Don’t be a spoilsport. You know you like it!” Danika chuckled.

  “I didn’t say that I didn’t like it…I just wish my little Pudding Pop would go slower.”

  Danika laughed, “You’ve never complained about how I pace myself before.”

  “DD help!” Niki squealed.

  “Mwuahahahaha! No one can save you now!” The werewolf said with an evil laugh.

  I stepped into the bedroom with my eyes clenched shut. The sound of the bed squeaking back and forth rhythmically gave me fair warning that perhaps I should have just called their room instead. The room was basically a greenhouse, and the scent of flowers filled my nose. “Please tell me you two aren’t doing what I think you’re doing?”

  “What do you think we’re…of course we aren’t doing
that. We just got here. We aren’t that kind of perverts.” Danika snorted.

  “Yeah…we’re a completely different kind of perverts!” Niki giggled. The sound of the bed squeaking faster was followed by a squeal of laughter, “Oh DD, you just have to try this. It’s so much fun.”

  At Niki’s words I opened my eyes. Niki sat in the center of the bed, and Danika was pushing her round and around. The bed was supported from a hook mounted on the crossbeam from the ceiling. Danika pushed the bed around like a swing, and Niki kept spinning as the bed swung wildly around in circles. Danika gripped the bed and brought it to a sudden stop.

  “Whoa!” Niki yelped as the sudden stop of momentum caused her to nearly roll out of bed. She gave me a wide eyed look and laughed, “DD! Hop on!”

  I probably shouldn’t have encouraged it, but their fun was infectious. I hopped onto the bed and Danika started spinning and pushing us. Before I knew it the bed was twisting and turning like some roller coaster ride. Niki and I held tightly onto one another as the world around us became a blur. Our werewolf powered amusement park ride picked up speed until we were cackling wildly. Finally, after a few minutes Danika brought us to a sudden stop. It was hard to stay still when we went from swirling through the air to a quick stop. Niki and I rolled into a pile at the corner of the bed. The only reason we hadn’t fallen off was that some of the ropes attaching the ceiling to the bed caught us.

  Niki lay sprawled out on top of me, and I suddenly became very aware of the curves of her body. Grim is built like a cement wall, all thick muscles and sinew, but Niki was soft like a pillow. Everything about her was feminine. Her blonde hair swept across my face, and her brown eyes were just playfully full of life. She was like her brother in a lot of ways. The most obvious being her libido, and her twisted sense of humor was a close second. The only difference in their humor was that Niki tended to be kind and loving, and Grim found humor in almost anything. A lot of the time Grim acted like the whole world was a joke, and only he knew the punch line. He didn’t judge, but the more serious something became, the more funny he seemed to view it. Niki took a much more loving approach to the world.

  “I win.” Niki laughed playfully, and I suddenly realized that she had me pinned. I tried to twist and turn to get out from under her, but it became apparent that she wasn’t going to let me move. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised since she’d probably grown up wrestling with Grim. Surrender was the only option.

  “Okay you win.” I laughed.

  “Victory is mine…and now to claim the spoils of war.” Niki suddenly kissed me right on the forehead, and I felt myself go still and quiet.

  “Hey now…you’re going to make me jealous.” Danika growled playfully.

  “Oh Pudding Pop…you don’t have to be jealous. You know that I’ll share the winnings. I’ve conquered this great land that is known as DD, and as benevolent dictator, I’m willing to share the booty with all of my minions.” Niki laughed.

  My head snapped up, “No one is sharing my booty with any…mlrmph!” Niki hooked her legs around my waist, and with a quick twist of her body I was turned face down onto the bed. Niki released me, and before I could register what was happening she was straddling me across my back. I felt the bed shift as Danika flopped into the bed with us. Before I knew what was going on they were taking turns spanking me.

  “Ouch! Stop it you two!” I laughed, and tried not to drool into a pillow.

  *SMACK* Danika’s hand stung across my butt cheeks. Meanwhile Niki started tickling me. *SMACK* She delivered another hard pop, and I’d have protested but I was laughing too hard. *SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK* Danika’s hand rained holy terror on my backside. I bit down on the pillow to keep from crying out. I wasn’t sure if the cry would be in pleasure or pain. Either way I wanted to try and keep my dignity.

  “Do you surrender?” Niki said with evil glee.

  “Never!” I cackled.

  *SMACK* Danika gave another sharp crack against my bottom. Both women were laughing at my circumstances. I buried my face into the pillow to try not to show how much I was enjoying myself.

  “Remember…you brought this on yourself!” Niki laughed menacingly.

  Before I knew it they both started singing and spanking me to the beat.

  Patty cake, patty cake, on Double D’s can.

  Let’s spank DD as fast as we can.

  Smack it, slap it and tan her booty.

  Spanking her ass is as fun as can be.

  Patty cake, patty cake, on Double D’s can.

  We’re spanking DD as fast as we can.

  Swat her butt, Swat her butt;

  And tan her little ass!

  Patty cake, patty cake, we don’t take no sass.

  Patty cake, patty cake, on Double D’s can.

  Let’s spank DD as fast as we can;

  Smack it, slap it;

  Make her scream;

  And then she’ll fear this sexy double team!

  “Evil…evil…EV-HAHAHA-IL!” I screamed out through the pillow. They had me pinned down, and took turns playing my bum like a set of bongos. Finally, after what felt like the drum solo to the song Wipeout, they let me up. My booty was so sore, but my pride kept me from rubbing it in front of them. We all slid out of bed, and I was careful to keep my tuchas pointed far away from these two.

  “What’s wrong DD? You look all nervous.” Niki’s face kept a Cheshire grin.

  “Yeah girl…you look all jittery.” Danika smiled before licking her lips.

  I snorted, “I feel like I just got molested by the pep squad.”

  “Go Team!” Both women gave their best fake cheer, and I tried not to laugh. I really did, but they were like cheerleaders gone horribly wrong. Both of them were so peppy, and perky, and God help me but laughter just kept snorting out.

  “So how long have you been working on that song anyway?” I asked as I tried to make my way back out the door, and into what I hoped would be a no spanking zone. If they kept it up I’d be a drooling mess, and a girl just can’t live that kind of stuff down.

  “Planning? We got improvisational skills!” Danika laughed.

  “We are like two sexy oompa-loompas!” Niki said before doing a seductive little happy dance right in front of us both.

  There was booty jiggling, boobies bouncing, and I may have ogled a little more than I should because Danika wrapped her arm around my shoulder and pulled me into a slightly painful, but still playful, one armed hug in order to remind me that Niki was taken. It was subtle, but I got the message. Danika was marking her territory.

  I cleared my throat and told them we needed to go grab dinner. Both women bounced off to the bathroom to get ready, and so with that I moved on to Grim’s room. I knocked, and when he opened the door all my thoughts just magically went away. Grim was standing in front of me in nothing but sweatpants. By the looks of things he’d just come from out of the shower, and tossed on the sweatpants to answer the door. Water still ran down his broad chest, past his chiseled abs, and then absorbed into his sweatpants. Since he was still pretty wet from the shower the sweats clung to him a bit, and I got a pretty good idea of what was hiding under them. I felt my throat close up nervously, and I may be wrong, but I think my little hoo-hoo might have just squealed, “Yowza!”

  Grim is a very attractive man, but not in a metrosexual, stands in front of the mirror for hours to primp kind of way. He isn’t a pretty boy by any stretch of the imagination. His aren’t the delicate or strangely feminine features of most male models. They’re the heavy, chiseled features of an old movie cowboy. He was built more like a professional wrestler than a model, but you just felt something primal when you looked at him. His eyes are that color of cool blue the sky takes right before a storm is about to roll in. In a way those eyes tell you more about the man than you’d originally expect.

  He just seems so calm and easy going. Grim never really seems to take anything personal, and doesn’t get insulted. Really the only times I’ve ever known him to
get rattled is when a soldier stabbed Penny, and when he first realized that he was working with Alhambra. Both were pretty good reasons, if you ask me. Back when Elizabeth and her lover Eisen tried to take over America, they were transporting the other girls to be “studied”. That meant eventual vivisection, although I really try not to think about it too much since at the time I worked for Elizabeth. So I was reluctantly one of the baddies.

  Anyway, Eisen and Elizabeth thought they had Grim caught up in a good old fashioned death trap, but he escaped. For a big guy he is a pretty darn slippery one to catch. Well he escaped, and rescued the other girls from some of Eisen’s soldiers. I wasn’t there at the time, but Janine’s a bit of a gossip sometimes, and she told me that after Grim rescued them they commandeered a transport vehicle, one of the soldiers stabbed Penny. Of course Penny’s a vampire, so stabbing her is about as serious as a mosquito bite, but Grim snapped for a moment and really unleashed some severe horribleness upon that particular soldier. Janine won’t tell me much more than that, and I’m not sure my stomach really wants to know either.

  I saw him lose it once myself. It was when we were first together, and we were just introducing him to all the girls. He was actually handling it all very well considering most people that first meet a vampire, a werewolf, a witch, and a ghost run away screaming. It was when Alhambra was introduced to Grim that all H-E-double hockey sticks broke loose.

  We’d read Grim’s file before his arrival. I knew that Alhambra had captured him previously. I knew that she tortured him, and even killed his men. So we were all expecting a pretty rocky meeting between them. We didn’t expect him to leap over us and try to beat the jinn to death. Of course Alhambra is pretty much indestructible except under some very specific circumstances. So basically Joseph got his backside handed to him in spades.

  I genuinely like Grim. He’s this big, muscular dork. He’s not a genius, but he’s sneaky smart. In other words if you gave us both an I.Q. test, I’d blow him out of the water, but then again he might just decide that he needs to figure out a way to switch the names on the test so that he gets the higher score. If you don’t try and push him then he’s a pretty nice guy. He’s easygoing, and really never judges people. Which is a pretty good thing since the man is one of the horsemen of the apocalypse.


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