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Midnight Squad: The Ties That Bind

Page 9

by J. L. M. Visada

“Maybe what you really need is a sympathetic third party to hear the situation. Maybe you three are all too close to the situation, and having someone that cares that isn’t directly involved listening might help you find the solution.” I really wasn’t sure I wanted to get involved in this, but they are my friends, and this is the kind of stuff you do for the people you love.

  Grim gave me a brittle smile and nodded, “Okay, but not tonight. We all need to calm down so it doesn’t become a shouting match again.” Penny and Katy both gave guilty looks. Grim gave them both big hugs and continued, “We all need some time to get ready, and tonight they need our support. Penny. Katy. Why don’t you both go get ready? DD, thank you for any help you can give us.”

  “It’s no problem. You know I’d do anything for you guys.” I meant every word, and he appreciated it. He appreciated it so much that he wrapped those big muscular arms around me and pulled me into the biggest, manliest hug ever. My face pressed up against his chest, and I’d like to say I played it cool, but I actually made a very satisfied sigh. It just felt so good. I felt the muscles flex as he gave me another firm squeeze.

  Before I had a chance to catch myself I said, “You smell so good…what cologne is that?”

  “I don’t wear cologne.” He answered. With my ear pressed in to his chest I could hear the deep rumble of his words. They reached down and sensually teased something deep inside me. He really just smells like that? Oh B.O.B., you are going to have your work cut out for you tonight.

  Chapter 6

  We were going to head out for dinner, but it took everyone so long that we decided to just go down to the hotel’s restaurant. It wasn’t a bad place. Kind of romantic actually, but I guess that should be suspected for a theme hotel. Romantic couples probably made up most of their dinner guests. Tealight candles heated scented oils, making the whole room smell wonderful.

  Grim plopped down with a big smile on his face. He really was trying his best to be supportive to his sister and Danika, but you could see the strain in his eyes…poor guy. Well the man was putting on a brave face, the least any of us could do was go along. “So Danika, how did it go with your Dad?”

  “He was really happy for me. Daddy did say I’d have to go to a doctor to verify it, but if it was true I’d be able to come and go as I pleased. He really didn’t see any issues at all.” Danika was beaming with joy.

  “I’m still a bit confused though.” Niki said. “I mean when were you planning on telling us Grim?”

  “Honestly, I didn’t know how. I was kind of worried that it would really cause problems with Danika’s inner wolf when she found out.” Grim’s words were tense, but loving. He wanted to make his sister happy, but it was really obvious the discussion was painful for him.

  “It really does explain why you and I have just been cuddling the last few months. My inner wolf just wanted a mate. Since I can’t have any pups she must have just wanted someone to feel secure with. Grim…I really am sorry about everything, and please forgive me for being so excited. I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but I always felt like every day that I was here was just one day closer until they called me back. Now I know that I can live whatever life I want. Staying was never really an option before this, but now that things have changed…Niki.”

  Niki turned around to face her lover. Danika rose, a nervous smile grew from ear to ear before she went to one knee, “Niki, would you marry me?” Niki’s eyes grew to the size of two saucers. She couldn’t even speak. Tears started pouring out, and she began nodding yes frantically. Danika leapt up and gave Niki a kiss. “Really?”

  “Yes.” Niki squeaked through her tears of joy. Even most of the strangers in the room clapped for the two women. Of course I did catch a few eyes narrow in disapproval, but hey…nothing makes everyone happy.

  Grim led the cheers, as the two women kissed.

  “Oh…I’ve got to find a dress. Also we’ll need a preacher, and rings…we have to get rings! I have to call Daddy and tell him, and you have to call your father, and we have to…” Niki was manic in her rambling. It was adorable, and kind of intimidating. It was funny to watch Danika’s expression go from absolute joy, to nervousness as Niki kept adding to the list of things “they had to do”.

  Finally Grim leaned over to his sister and gave her a big brotherly hug and kiss, “Sis… you’re starting to freak out your future wife. How about we eat now, and then you two can start really planning after dinner.”

  “Oh but there’s so much to do!” Niki said gleefully.

  “It can wait until after dinner. I’m pretty sure Danika will still love you after dessert.” Grim’s words were punctuated by a big smacking kiss on Niki’s cheek by her future life partner. Of course that just made Niki squeal with joy, and the squeal made almost everyone in the room look at us in annoyance. There were a few that still smiled at us and were happy for Niki and Danika. Then again, the people that had looked disapprovingly at them before now had a very distinct dislike for us.

  Our waitress came over and started taking our order. Penny ordered some soup. She was too starved to use any power to digest, so she could order a soup and at least look like she was eating by sipping at the broth. Janine ordered some type of pasta dish. Of course she really couldn’t eat it either, but she liked playing with the textures. Grim ordered a big juicy steak, and a potato. It sounded so good that I ordered the same. He also ordered champagne to celebrate. This was on top of the regular drinks everyone ordered. Niki got herself a chicken dish, and Danika ordered lasagna.

  The waitress, a too scrawny to be skinny thing about twenty, turned to Katy and froze, “Coconut? Is that you?” Katy slumped down into her seat. She tried to hide her face, but the waitress just leaned over and squealed, “It is you. Where have you been?” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a phone. Katy looked up at her desperately and suddenly they were both speaking Spanish. The conversation went back and forth. I didn’t really understand it, but I caught a few words. Something about mother and father, and phone, but the conversation was long. It took several minutes. I assume it was about calling Katy’s mom and dad, but there was more going on.

  Finally the waitress slipped the phone into her back pocket and said, “Ok coconut. I won’t call, but you better do what you promised, or else.” Grim’s eyebrows knit together in irritation, and he looked as though he was about to say something, but Penny patted him on the arm and gave him a gentle shake of her head. The big man looked irritated, but he kept quiet.

  The waitress took Katy’s order down, and then turned to me. “So why did you call her coconut?” I asked.

  The waitress laughed, “Because the girl is like a coconut. She looks brown on the outside, but inside she’s whiter than you.” I caught Katy’s eyes narrow in irritation. Whoever this waitress was, she must have been family because only family can get away with that kind of an insult.

  “I don’t mean to pry, but are you family?” I asked.

  “No, I live next door to her parents. Her father and my father are both deacons at the church. Our mothers are best friends, so we aren’t family, but we’re about as close as you can get without being blood…I’m Emilia.” She was being nice, but her eyes said she disapproved of us, or maybe she just blamed us for the time Katy has spent away. I honestly wasn’t sure, but I got the distinct impression that she really didn’t care for us.

  Still, I’m not rude, “Well nice to meet you Emilia.” I started to ask her more, but Penny shot me a look that zipped my lips. The concern on Penny’s face coupled with the stern, but subtle, shake of her head kept me from making any idle chit-chat. Emilia took our order and left promptly.

  “Well, she seemed nice.” I said, trying to get Katy to talk.

  “Don’t count on it. She’s been a grade-A bitch since we were kids.” Katy sneered.

  “So you’re from around here? Why didn’t you say anything?” Grim questioned.

  “I ran away. I wouldn’t have come back here if we had a choice. I just
want to go to the demonstration, and then when we’ve made the sale, I want to get out of here and never look back.” There was something in the way Katy spoke that kept us all from asking any more questions. It was like she was just sitting on the edge, and anything we said might push her over.

  Dinner came and Emilia tried to talk with Katy, but business was pretty busy, and Katy was doing her best to avoid any conversation. Meanwhile Niki and Danika were smooching on each other, and it was starting to draw a little undue attention. It’s not like they were playing tonsil hockey with their tongues. It was just that every now and then one of them would lean over and give a quick peck on the cheek. It was cute. Just two women loving one another, but they were drawing attention.

  It may be because they are so striking. Niki does look like she should have a pair of pom-poms and be screaming, “GO-TEAM!” while falling into the splits, and Danika looks like some kind of fitness trainer. Niki is very white, and Danika is…very much not white. Danika has dark chocolate skin that covers lots of lean muscle, and Niki is softer…more curvaceous. They were just a study in contrasts. She’s not the most beautiful woman at the table. In fact of all the other women at the table, she’s probably the least pretty…outside of me. Of course that’s probably a personal taste thing. I might think she’s the least attractive of the other girls, but in Niki’s eyes…Danika probably looked like some dark goddess.

  I know whenever we’ve been out in public Danika gets her share of attention from the men, and it’s kind of funny watching Niki get all possessive and jealous. Meanwhile Danika is doing the very same thing because the men are looking at Niki just as much. That is, of course, once they’ve all ogled Penny for a while. She is curvy, and gorgeous. Beauty might be a personal taste thing, but to be honest Penny probably sat at the top of anyone’s ranking. The hair, the curves, and the breasts that seemed just a little too big for the tiny girl, but yet they still stayed just this side of comical. When Penny walks into a room you can actually watch the men’s collective IQ drop.

  I never had that problem though. I was just an afterthought when they were around. I can’t tell you how many times we’d be giving an interview, and the host just seemed to forget I was there. Of course there were some perks. Sometimes the female hostess would get all catty because of how beautiful my friends are. So they’d try to ask questions, or make remarks to get under my friends’ skins. I was spared all of that, too. So maybe it wasn’t all bad. Still, I wouldn’t mind it if at least once in a while someone started undressing me with their eyes. A girl wants to be wanted, and I’m really starting to think that won’t ever happen as long as we’re all together.

  Well, I guess it isn’t completely true. Grim sometimes gives me a look that makes me just melt inside, and Penny likes to rub up against Grimmy when I’m nearby. She gives me this look that makes me think that I could join in if I just reached out for it, but that’s crazy. Grim wouldn’t ever want me, and Penny is just doing what Penny likes to do. If she knows something makes you uncomfortable then she jumps all over the opportunity to make it worse. A person being put into an awkward or uncomfortable situation is like candy to a vampire. So I’m pretty sure she knows how attracted I am to them both, and so she’s just teasing Grim in front of me to keep me off balance. It’s a vampire thing.

  Danika gave another quick peck on Niki’s cheek when a man at the table next to us cleared his throat and coughed, “disgusting.”

  “Excuse me?” Niki whipped around. Her eyes filled with rage. I honestly thought she was going to just leap at the guy like a deranged muppet. She was almost as scary as her brother…it must be genetic.

  “Just because you want to flaunt your disgusting behavior doesn’t mean we have to have your sexuality forced upon us. What you are doing is an abomination.” The man wiped his mouth and then stood up. “We’re leaving! There’s no reason my family should have to see such disgusting behavior.” He rose along with his wife, and their teenage daughter.

  Niki started to rise. The hatred filled her eyes, “You sorry son of-!”

  “He’s absolutely right. What you’re doing is an abomination.” Grim interrupted. Niki and Danika both turned back to Grim with a look of shock on their faces. Grim stood up, and towered over the man. “What you and Danika are doing is an abomination. You should both be ashamed!” Grim’s face was so stern that we all just stared back with our mouths open in shock.

  “Sir, I really am sorry for your inconvenience. I sympathize with how hard it must be raising your daughter around stuff like this.” Grim’s voice was apologetic.

  “What she’s doing is wrong, and you should be ashamed to be seen with that.” The man spat.

  “Yeah, you’re absolutely right. I’m embarrassed to be seen with her. What she’s doing is an abomination. You have my sincerest apologies. My name is Joseph Reaper, and you are?”

  “Samuel Davis, and at least there’s one of you that knows to have some fear of God.”

  “Oh I fear him alright. We really do have to avoid these abominations. If you even let one slide, then before you know it they’ll start spreading. Don’t you agree?” I didn’t know where Grim was going with this, but the gleam in his eye told me that we might just need new hotel rooms soon. When he gets that look, then you just know things are about to go downhill fast.

  “Yes, if you let sin in then it can consume you.” Samuel said arrogantly. His wife, a woman in her early forties stared at them both nervously. I think she knew the situation wasn’t what it seemed at first. The daughter just looked embarrassed, but not surprised. That told me all I needed to know about her father. The guy was one of those people that believe their opinion is all that matters. I just can’t stand people like that.

  Grim reached out and was just about to pat him on the shoulder when he recoiled in mock horror. “Oh no Samuel…it’s already starting. Look at your clothes.”

  “What?” Samuel looked so confused.

  “Your clothes man! They are made of more than one fabric. Abomination!” Grim pointed at the man, and acted shocked. Samuel’s wife and daughter couldn’t help but grin. They’d probably been embarrassed like this many times before and for once, someone was finally calling the self-righteous hypocrite out to the woodshed for the spanking he deserved. The daughter’s face was fighting hard not to crack a smile.

  Samuel sputtered, “Now see here!”

  He was quickly interrupted by Grim’s mock terror, “Oh no! You ate lobster…Abomination!” Grim pointed at the melted butter like it personally contained the antichrist.

  “That isn’t the same thing.” Samuel tried to interrupt. His wife actually snorted, but was able to pretend it was a sneeze. His daughter was almost ready to roll on the floor laughing.

  Grim then pointed at Samuel’s wife and daughter, “They are wearing pants. Pants are men’s clothing…ABOMINATION! Dear God it’s spreading! IT’S SPREADING!”

  Samuel was turning red in anger. “They are not the same thing!”

  Grim started trembling, “No…it’s too much. Samuel, save yourself while you can! The abominations are spreading! I can feel it…and it feels…it feels…” Grim grabbed Samuel by the hips, whipped him around, and pulled him into a full on movie kiss that would have made Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh proud. “It feels so damn sexy!”

  The whole room burst into laughter. Samuel was in shock, but eventually was able to storm towards the exit. His wife started to walk past. She was trying so hard not to laugh. I had to give the woman credit. She was married to a real turd, but at least she was trying to be supportive to her husband, no matter how much of an asshat he was being. She started to move past Grim, and he gave her a sharp pop on the backside before laughing, “Abominations!”

  Samuel’s daughter started to walk past before stopping to come back to Niki and Danika, “You two really are a beautiful couple. I hope that someday I find a woman that is half as pretty as either of you.” All the joking stopped.

  Niki smiled nervously, “So

  The girl giggled, “Yep, all day long.”

  Danika whispered, “So your Dad doesn’t know?”

  “Of course he knows, he just won’t accept it. He keeps trying to convince me that someday I’ll wake up and be straight. Like you can just flip a switch.” She said. Her eyes were a little sad as she said it.

  Grim quit laughing and said, “That’s got to be hard having parents that won’t accept you.”

  The girl shook her head, “’s the one that doesn’t accept me for who I am.”

  “So your mom knows?” I asked.

  “She knows, and she loves me no matter what.” The girl grinned from ear to ear, and then bounded off behind her mother. They rounded the corner, and just before they disappeared the mom looked back and mouthed, “Thank you.” Then they disappeared.

  “Grim, you’re insane. We could get thrown out.” Janine laughed.

  “Not before I get the waitress to add a lobster. That butter sauce is delicious.” Grimmy gave a big hearty chuckle.

  “Her name is Emilia.” Janine tried to give a gentle reminder.

  “I don’t care if her name is Booby McTata…I want me some butter sauce, and I’m willing to do things to get it. Bad things, weird things…the kind of stuff they won’t even let you do in Vegas. Now someone tell Bill Barretta to shove his hand up the chef’s ass and make Daddy some lobster.”

  “Who?” I asked.

  “Bill Barretta…the man that works the Swedish Chef Muppet.” Grim said it as though it was completely obvious. Most of us just stared at him like he had lost his mind, but Niki started cackling.

  “Bork! Bork! Bork” Grim mimicked the Muppet Chef. In fact maybe he did it a little too well because Penny looked at him as though he’d just stepped in something. The big man kept mimicking the Swedish chef, and Niki kept laughing even harder. Finally Emilia came back to the table. Grimmy took one look at her and said, “Cun I hefe-a sume-a lubster, und sume-a ooff thet deleeciuoos bootter sooce-a. Bork! Bork! Bork!” Emilia just glared at the man. “Vhet? I joost vunt sume-a bootter sooce-a und lubster edded tu my steek. Is zeere-a a prublem? Bork! Bork! Bork!”


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