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Midnight Squad: The Ties That Bind

Page 13

by J. L. M. Visada

  Katy punched him, or I guess I should say Grim let her punch him. He didn’t even try to move out of the way. He didn’t flinch, but Katy must have hurt her hand a little on his head because she shook it and held it gently. Niki moved to step in, but Danika held her back, “No sweetie. This is between them.”

  Grim’s face never showed any anger, it only showed the frustration he had with the situation. “Penny is a strong woman, and you are a strong woman. I get that you both are going to bang heads like two angry mountain goats. I’m the first to admit that a lot of Penny’s situation is her own doing. I think her pride won’t let her admit it, but she knows. Not this entire situation is her fault, though. A good sizable chunk of it is your fault, too. Hell, we all have plenty of blame to go around between the three of us.”

  “None of this is my fault. I really didn’t know what this was going to be like, and you both tricked me!” Katy hissed.

  “Nobody knows what a relationship is going to be like until they are in it, and as for tricking you…nobody tricked you.” Grim popped his neck trying to let some of the stress out.

  “No! Neither of you told me the kind of freaky things you both wanted. You are both perverts!” Katy screamed.

  “I don’t recall you complaining during, only afterward.” Grim snapped.

  “You fucking pig!” Katy was livid.

  “Oink-oink baby! That being said, you kept coming back. So why’s it my fault?” Grim’s face took on an irritated amusement.

  “You know why it is your fault. It’s you and Penny’s fault. You both knew the kind of things you were doing. You knew how inexperienced I was, and you both loved bending me to your perverted wills. Making me do those things…sometimes I hate you both, and other times I hate myself for still wanting to be around you two.” Katy was crying.

  Janine interrupted, “Katy, maybe now isn’t the best time for this.” The ghost glanced over at Jes.

  “Oh it’s way past time. The things this big bastard does! It’s a good thing that he can’t have kids, because if he did they’d be just as fucked up as he is!” Katy was practically vibrating with hate.

  “That…hurts.” Grim’s eyes dulled. He wasn’t even looking at her anymore, just right through her.

  “Oh, that hurts. Motherfucker! You don’t know what hurting is. Hurting is giving your heart to two people and then realizing you are just a fucking prop to them. Hurt is letting a woman do things to you that you find disgusting just because you want to be close to her. Hurt is letting you fuck me with that giant dong of yours. You think I don’t know that the pain I’m feeling from your cock turns you on. You and Penny are both a fucking pair of freaks. What? You think I don’t notice how much more turned on you get if I yelp in pain. Please, I’m not stupid.” Katy shoved Grim, but he really didn’t move.

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I hurt you, and I’m sorry if sometimes I get turned on because of your pain. I wasn’t always like that. The time I spent with the jinn being tortured, and then torturing others with her…I admit that there are some darker aspects because of it.” Grim was really upset, but trying to still keep himself in control.

  “Darker aspects! Darker aspects! You’re a fucking nut! You’re a pervert! You’re a sexual predator! You’d fuck anything that moves, if given half a chance. You don’t love me! You don’t love Penny! You just like that you can do whatever you want to her and she’s too fucked up in the head to know what you both are doing is wrong! That’s okay though because she doesn’t love you, either. You’re just the biggest source of blood in the room, jackass! She can pretend to love you, but she doesn’t love anybody. You’re perfect for each other. You’re a sadistic fuckup, and she’s an evil slut just pretending to like you.” Katy had just barely gotten the words out of her mouth when Grim’s eyes flared in rage and his hand raised up to backhand her.

  He caught himself at the last possible moment, and stopped his momentum. His hand was just millimeters from the side of Katy’s face. She braced and screamed, “Go on motherfucker! Do it! Show them all what a complete fucking asshole you are! Take a good look everybody. This is Grim…this is what he really is. He’s just a rabid dog that needed to be put down years ago.”

  Grimmy glared at her, and then made a fist with the hand he’d just nearly slapped her with. The knuckles cracked and popped like bubble wrap. “We’re done.” He lowered his hand and walked past her.

  “Sure, just walk away. Chickenshit!” Katy spat her venom. Grim never turned. He stepped through the door, and I assume he went off to find Penny. I nearly started crying. Seeing them all fight like that was like being torn apart. They are all my friends. They have become like family, and this was like watching a really brutal divorce.

  Niki finally pushed her way past Danika. I’m sure the werewolf could have kept her away, but Niki was pushing so hard that if Danika didn’t relent, then Niki might have hurt herself. “Fucking bitch! You think you can talk to my brother like that and no one is going to call you out for it?”

  Katy turned towards Grim’s little sister, and started crying. “Don’t you get it? The things they do to me…they’re unnatural. He…hurts…me. That bastard is almost as thick around as your forearm, and he enjoys hurting me with it. He does it on purpose!”

  “My brother would never…ever!” Niki screamed.

  “Well, then you don’t know him that well, do you. Sure, he acts all nice and friendly in front of you, but it’s an act. None of you see what he’s like in bed. You don’t know him like you think you do.” Katy glared at us in righteous indignation. “None of you know what it’s been like for me. I thought they were both going to love me, but she likes to abuse me mentally, and he enjoys hurting me physically.”

  “That’s not…it’s not true.” Danika said, but it was obvious that she wasn’t completely sure herself.

  “No…Janine, you’ve been inside Grim’s head. Tell them! Tell them how much pain turns him on. Am I lying?” Katy’s voice was pure cold steel.

  Janine sighed, “The time he spent with Alhambra changed him. All the torture and all the things that the jinn made him do. Yes, there is something a little twisted in him. He does find a certain appeal in the darker, more violent aspects of sex, but he’s always been careful not to push me into something I didn’t want. You always seemed to be enjoying the times that we’ve all played together, but I do admit they both tend to enjoy the rougher side of sex.”

  “Don’t you think that maybe I just didn’t want to rock the boat? You all have been like a second family to me, and the last thing I wanted to do was cause problems, but this is all too much. I can’t take it anymore. I want my own life. I don’t want to just be their little sex toy that they get to use and abuse whenever it’s convenient.” Tears ran down Katy’s face.

  “Maybe? I have only been with you three a few times, and it wasn’t early in your relationship.” Janine conceded.

  “Janine…no!” Niki pleaded.

  “I’m sorry, but I honestly can’t say that she’s wrong. I know how Grim’s mind works. He’d never intentionally hurt any of you, but if Katy wasn’t complaining about the treatment then he’d probably see it as permission to keep going.” Janine then turned towards Katy, “If he hurt you…I promise that he didn’t do it intentionally. I mean yes, he may have known it was hurting, and it probably did arouse him, but if he thought you were okay with it…yes. I can see how miscommunication might have ended up with you getting hurt.”

  “He hurt me, and Penny was right there the whole time licking up my pain like candy. I’m the victim here.” Katy hissed.

  “No. That I don’t accept. Grim may have hurt you, but he never victimized you. Victimization requires abuse, and abuse implies that he did something you didn’t consent to. You may have not enjoyed yourself, but if you would have told Grim, then it would have stopped immediately. Penny, for all her…peculiarities…would never, EVER, have hurt you on purpose. If you would have told them, then it would have stopped. If you would
have told me when we were all together, then I would have stopped. If they abused you, then I’m just as guilty because I took part in it, but I don’t feel that I abused you. I was unaware that there was a problem, and I’m certain they thought the same thing. Maybe if you all discussed things, then it could be worked out.” Janine was trying her best to smooth over the situation.

  “Discuss, what do you think we’ve been trying to do, and it’s worked out so-o-o-o-o-o very well now hasn’t it. Shit, I just want to have a normal life. I love you guys, and I even love those two, but they’re both scary to be around.” Katy found a chair and flopped down into it.

  “I don’t want to make things worse, but couldn’t it just be that you all had different expectations about your relationship? I mean, it’s a shame that you three can’t make it work, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still be great friends.” I was babbling a little. I’ve never handled conflict well, and the closer the people are to me, the more I just wanted to bury my head in the sand and pretend nothing was happening. Chickenhearted to the end.

  “Friends. Penny doesn’t do friends. You all think she’s a little neurotic. Did you know that she listens to every single conversation you are all having? Niki, when you and Danika are making love, and she whispers some little sweet nothing in your ear…Penny is listening, and she’s just waiting for some little nugget to use against you. Janine, how many times have you seen Penny lurking just outside DD’s door?” Katy’s question knocked me for a loop.

  “Lurking might be a strong word.” Janine was trying to choose her words carefully, but even still the effect it had on the room was chilling.

  Danika broke the silence, “What are you trying to say?”

  “I’m saying that Penny isn’t what she has tried to pretend to be all this time. Remember how things were before Grim joined us. Penny was a lot nicer, and more normal. It’s like she was just trying to fit in. Then Grim showed up, and she quit trying to blend in and started just being a vampire. She doesn’t even breathe anymore. She just sits there like a mannequin. Sometimes she doesn’t even blink for hours. It’s just creepy. I’m saying that there are times when she’s not trying to be our friend. There are times that she’s actively hunting us. It still amazes me that she hasn’t attacked DD yet.” Katy was making a convincing, but very disturbing argument.

  “What? Why me?” I squeaked.

  “She’s been stalking you for a long time. She stands outside your door some nights. Sometimes, when you go out, she secretly follows you. It’s like she’s hunting you. I don’t know why, but you should really be careful around her. I didn’t want to say anything, but she’s getting a lot more…unpredictable.” Katy’s voice was filled with concern for me, and if half of what she was saying was true then I had a pretty good reason to be afraid.

  “Um, should I just let myself out now?” Jes said carefully. I think we all felt pretty guilty for hashing out our problems right in front of her.

  “Yeah, I’m really sorry you had to see this. I guess it was kind of a buzz kill seeing us all arguing like children huh?” I said sadly.

  “Oh no! Not at all! It’s going to sound bad, but really it was kind of awesome seeing you all argue and fight. It makes you all seem more real. All I ever see on television is this really well manicured version of each of you. Those commercials make you out to be perfect. It’s kind of nice knowing that even celebrities have problems. I hope that doesn’t make you all dislike me. It’s just…well just imagine if Tim Tebow just walked out right here and lifted one leg up and broke wind. I mean it would shock you, and you might be a little uncomfortable, but it would be kind of nice to know that he’s still just a normal guy under all that polish. It’s the same with you people. I’m still a big fan, maybe even bigger now that I know you guys aren’t perfect. Are you all still going to the furry convention?” Jes asked hopefully.

  “Yes, save us some seats for the opening.” I asked.

  “Will do.” She smiled a little nervously, and then walked out.

  We argued most of the night. Grim and Penny didn’t return until well after midnight. I was just getting ready to sleep when there was a thump against the wall. A few seconds later I heard a gasp, and then another thump. What the hell? I suddenly realized they’d slipped into the room next to mine, and if the sounds were any indication. Grim was driving himself into Penny on the other side of the wall. I tried to tune it out, but Penny gets pretty vocal.

  “Harder! Oh God you feel so good.” Penny’s voice already sounded desperate. Meanwhile the only sound I heard from Grim was a rhythmic grunt as he pushed himself into her. He was keeping a pretty swift pace. I expected it to end quickly, but after a few minutes she gasped, “Oh shit! I’m so close.” The thump-thump-thumping got faster, and I heard Penny squeal as she toppled over into orgasm.

  “Turn around.” Grim’s voice was deep, and demanding. Heck I nearly did what he said, and I wasn’t even the one he was talking to. Even still, the effect his voice had on me was stunning. I felt myself grow wet with need almost immediately. Thank God for B.O.B., because I’m not made of steel. I slipped out of my nightshirt and panties, and picked B.O.B. up for round two today.

  “Oh God yes, don’t stop, keep licking. I’m almost there again.” Penny’s voice was ragged from her first orgasm. I closed my eyes and pressed B.O.B. against my clit. No time for foreplay right now. Who knew how long these two would go at it, and with all the sounds they were providing it was no wonder that I was ready now. I was already sopping wet, and gave a satisfied moan of pleasure as I flicked B.O.B. to mind melting, toe curling levels. Penny moaned, “Oh fuck that’s so hot.” Thank you George Taylor for inventing the vibrator and putting a smile on millions of women’s faces everywhere. I’m not sure if Grim was still licking her or what, but her voice sounded much more desperate.

  I wanted to grind B.O.B. against my entrance a little, but I knew I needed to get down to business. Who knew when they’d finish up? The vibrations just surged through me like a wave, and then came back and started almost immediately tying itself into a knot. Penny screamed as another orgasm must have rolled through her. I felt myself getting closer. I just hoped they’d hold out long enough for me to finish.

  “Please! I can’t take anymore. Fuck me!” Penny’s words were somehow demanding and begging at the same time. It was so sexy. I felt my thighs start trembling as I got closer. Cold beads of sweat were forming on me. It was like a cool rain had settled across me. The knot inside me was getting tighter. Grim gave a hungry growl of pleasure, and I knew right then by the change in Penny’s moans that he’d entered her, and was now driving into her as fast and as hard as he could. There was no way he’d last very long like that, and that was just fine because I could feel myself coming into the home stretch. My hips actually were pumping themselves into the air a little.

  They were just on the other side of the wall. If the wall wasn’t there we’d be close enough to kiss, and do so much more. I felt my sweat splashing against my breasts, and down my tummy. It was cold. Wait a minute? Sweat doesn’t splash, and it shouldn’t be that cold. I was trying to piece it together, but my impending orgasm wasn’t leaving me much room to think. I was so close.

  Penny’s moaning turned to desperate screams. Oh my God she was about to have a third! I could hear Grim’s grunts becoming more primal. He was about to finish as well. The cold splashing kept happening, but it was just a vague distraction now as I was about to trip over into my own orgasm.

  Penny actually slapped at the wall, and then I heard her nails clawing down it just as she howled, “Oh Yes! Yes! Oh DD-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” DD? DD! Holy Shit! Suddenly, I felt like someone had just attached an electric cable to my clit. The orgasm struck, and all coherent thought left me. I felt myself jerking, and twitching in the bed. My whole body locked in place as the most vicious orgasm I’ve felt in months ripped through me. I screamed. Penny sounded like a tea kettle screeching that it was ready, and I was just making incoherent babbling so
unds as the spasms kept shotgun blasting through me. B.O.B.’s given me lots of orgasms. Some like a gentle ripple of water going through my body, some are like quick electric shocks, but this…this was like an atomic bomb went off. I was actually crying a little near the end.Afterward I could hear Penny panting on the other side of the wall. She sounded just as spent. I think Grim laughed, and said something, but I couldn’t really make it out over the sound of my own gasping. The orgasm had wrecked me, and now there was nothing left but the afterglow. Then something cold splashed against my face, and I remembered the sweat, the cold, and how something was wrong.

  I opened my eyes, and screamed in terror. Standing around my bed were six ghosts. They were all still stroking themselves. They all were grinning from ear to ear. They’d been wanking their doodles on me. Oh, that’s so gross! I started screaming for them to get out when my door was suddenly open. Penny came in naked and angry. She had murder in her eyes. The ghosts just laughed. I was mortified. Then almost all of my friends came in to “rescue” me. It was so embarrassing.

  There I am, naked, sweaty. I still have that “I just came so hard I can’t really think straight look on my face. I’m surrounded by naked male ghosts that clearly had been beating off onto me, and I’m holding B.O.B. out like a light saber trying to fend them off. The only consolation is that most of my friends were just as naked as I was. Niki had run in here so quickly that she hadn’t even removed the strap-on that she’d been using on Danika. Katy was fully clothed, and looked very irritated. The only person absent was Janine. Where was she?

  Penny was the first to come to me, “Are you alright?” She slid into the bed and held me. I was crying a bit. I was angry. How could they just do…that? I wrapped my arms around the vampire, and started crying.

  Grim flopped down on the other side. I felt him rest his hand on me, “Are you okay?” I nodded, maybe a little too hard, and held onto Penny like a scared child holding onto her mother. Penny just whispered that everything would be okay, and something deep inside me believed her.


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