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The Chronicles of the Myrkron: Book 01 - The Nine Keys of Magic

Page 15

by Timothy Woods

  "Yes, please," Michael nodded.

  Micah tossed it to him, and he caught it. As Michael was taking a long drink, Micah leaned towards him conspiratorially.

  "See if you can get a glimpse of the covered painting. Joshua says it is a gift for me, but will not show it to me until it is finished."

  Michael nearly choked on his water. He coughed and started laughing.

  "Now I know you're human."

  Micah assumed a hurt look.

  "Now why would you go and insult me in such a way?"

  Still laughing, Michael replied.

  "Just can’t wait for your present. Have to know what it is as soon as you know it’s for you. Karin was always like that." A swift spasm of pain crossed his face, but it was gone just as quickly, taking the laughter with it. Micah regarded him intently.

  "The pain of loss is slow to pass, but it should be tolerable now."

  "Oddly enough, it doesn’t hurt as much anymore. I still miss her, but it doesn’t feel like my heart has been torn out anymore."

  Micah nodded.

  "While you slept, I did a few things for you."

  "What kind of things?" Michael regarded him with a bit of apprehension.

  "Magic things. You should find that you have a greater understanding of Latin, for one. I have shown you the general lay of the land where we are going and given you the pictures of a few places that will be helpful to you. I also, for lack of a better explanation, aged the pain of your loss."

  "I wish you hadn’t done that," Michael replied sighing.

  "Why not? The pain is less. It should be easier to cope now."

  "It shouldn’t be easy. I only lost her five days ago."

  "Michael, I know how you feel, believe me, but where we are going and what we will face will require all of our resources. You simply will not have time to mourn."

  "But I feel like I have betrayed her, like I am forgetting her."

  "Trust me, Michael, you will never forget her. Never. The pain is meant to lessen over time. I have simply accelerated that process."

  "But how can I be sure?" Michael said hanging his head.

  "Michael, look at me." Michael raised his head, and Micah could see the redness of his eyes.

  "How old am I?"

  "You said you were ten thousand years old," Michael replied sniffling.

  "That’s correct. And in all that time, I have never forgotten my wife. Though she lived nearly ten thousand years ago, I can still see her as clearly as I see you now." Micah’s eyes lost their focus.

  "The curve of her face, the way her hair laid down her back, the soft brown of her eyes, her smile when she would look at me. No, you could never forget. Karin will be with you always in heart and mind."

  Michael cocked his head to one side and looked at Micah with sympathy.

  "What was her name?"


  "How…how did she die?"

  Micah’s eyes snapped back from the past and locked on Michael.

  "She was taken from me as your wife was taken from you. Only, it wasn’t some thug with a gun. It was a warrior from another tribe with a sword. What you see before you now is the result of that action."

  "I’m sorry, Micah. I didn’t know," Michael said and looked away from Micah’s eyes.

  "Of course you didn’t know. How could you? I have never told anyone of her."

  "You never even told Joshua?"

  Micah shook his head.

  "Though I have withheld very little from Joshua, there are certain matters he does not know, issues that are private, and events or circumstances that would only upset or endanger him."

  "I understand."

  "No, Michael, you could never understand," Micah said softly.

  "The events I have witnessed and the acts I have committed in my lifetime, no one would understand. I have seen evil incarnate, and I have seen absolute goodness. No, Michael, you may be able to empathize, but you will never understand."

  They sat in silence for a while, Micah staring off into the past, and Michael staring between his knees at the floor. Michael jumped when he heard Joshua’s voice suddenly over the intercom.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, please observe that the Captain has turned on the fasten safety belts sign; and please make sure your tray tables and seat backs are in their upright and locked positions. We will be landing at the Estate de Uncle Micah in just a few minutes. The weather is overcast with a pleasant temperature of sixty-five degrees. The crew would like to extend our thanks for choosing to fly with us here on Air Joshua. We hope you have a pleasant stay."

  Both he and Micah laughed, and the tension between them was broken.

  "That boy," Micah shook his head smiling.

  "Life would be so much less bearable without him. I don’t know where he gets his sense of humor. It certainly wasn’t from me."

  "Oh, I don’t know. It sounds as if he thoroughly enjoys his life," Michael said wistfully.

  "So it would seem."

  "And you raised him. Therefore, his sense of humor came from the life you have given him. What more could you ask for than to know that the one you raised is happy and enjoys his life?"

  Micah looked at Michael, seemingly shocked by a revelation that never occurred to him. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

  They heard the engines’ pitch change, and felt the jet slowing down. They had begun their descent. Michael’s head suddenly snapped up to look at Micah.

  "What did you say about me understanding Latin better?"

  "Oh, I used a little magic to help you learn Latin faster. I would ask you not to mention this to anyone, especially Merric or Mieka. I would also advise you not to mention that you can see nine doors. If asked, tell them you only see seven or eight."

  "Why? Is there some danger in being able to see nine?"

  "Not from the magic, but if Mortow finds out you are a potential ninth key, he may decide it is safer to simply eliminate you." Micah’s expression hardened.

  "Trust no one where we are going except Merric and myself. I mean no one. Take nothing at face value, verify everything. If you are unsure, ask Merric or me."

  They felt the jet touch down and rapidly decelerate. Michael looked around, but there were no windows to peer out.

  "If you wish to see outside, you’ll have to move to the forward cabin. We will not leave the jet until we are in the hangar. From there, Joshua will drive you to the house."

  "Wow, your estate is large enough to have its own air field?" Michael asked surprised.

  "Among other things, yes. I have lived a long time, Michael. One does not live as long as I have without acquiring a certain amount of wealth," Micah said smiling.

  "No, I suppose not."

  "Relax. Joshua will let us know when we can disembark."

  Michael felt the jet come to a stop and waited. It seemed like several minutes passed before there was a knock at the door. Micah called out.

  "Come on in, Joshua." The door opened, and Joshua stepped inside.

  "We’re here."

  "Joshua, would you take Michael up to the house and find him some suitable apparel for our trip? Check my wardrobe. There should be a pack in the bottom. Make sure to pack him some clothing for cooler weather, and see if I have a good pair of boots that will fit him. Lock all of his personal belongings in the safe."

  "Sure, Uncle. I’ll get him set up."

  "Pack some food that will travel as well."

  "Got it."

  "I have to speak with Colonel Bastise for a bit. If you would be so kind as to ask him to come in here."

  "He is in the hangar now. I’ll send him in."

  "Thank you. And Joshua, show Michael around a bit. He has expressed an interest in seeing some of your paintings." Micah winked at Michael.

  Joshua smiled and clasped Michael on the shoulder.

  "Come on. I’ll drive you up to the house. We have a lot to get ready." Joshua turned to Micah.

  "Will you be staying the night, Uncle?"

  "Unfortunately, no. We will be leaving tonight."

  Joshua sighed in disappointment.

  "I’ll have him ready."

  "I know you will, Joshua. We’ll talk a bit before I leave."

  Joshua smiled again.

  "Good. We’ll be up at the house then." Joshua turned around and left the cabin.

  Michael stood and winked back at Micah.

  "I’ll see what I can find out about that painting," he whispered.

  Micah smiled back at him.

  "You do that."

  Michael turned and left the cabin. As he was walking towards the exit, a huge black man in military fatigues and a black beret boarded the jet. The man looked like he could chew nails and spit out staples. He thought to himself, this must be Colonel Bastise. Damn, that’s one big dude. Michael stepped aside to let him pass, but the Colonel just smiled and moved away from the door to allow him to exit. Michael smiled back and excused himself as he stepped through the door and climbed down the stairs.

  He saw Joshua waiting for him at the bottom. Michael took a moment to glance around the hangar. It was huge. The jet hardly filled a quarter of its space. There was a small, single prop plane nearby, as well as several cars and trucks. Another jet, similar to the one he just left, was parked at the far end of the hangar. Whereas this one was white, the one at the far end was black. Certain amount of wealth, my ass! He has two private jets and a plane. Michael shook his head and joined Joshua.

  "I knew your Uncle was wealthy, but two private jets? Is it a spare?" Michael asked chuckling.

  Joshua laughed heartily.

  "No, the black one belongs to Colonel Bastise. He flew in the day we left. Uncle Micah is extremely wealthy, but he is not frivolous."

  Michael was now staring intently at a white Ferrari.

  "Not frivolous, huh? What do you call that?" Michael asked pointing at the sports car. Joshua cleared his throat.

  "I call that my baby. I said Uncle Micah was not frivolous. I didn’t say anything about myself."

  Michael looked at Joshua and chuckled.

  "Good for you. What’s it like?"

  "Come have a look." A huge grin split Joshua’s face.

  "I can’t resist showing her off." They walked over to the car and Michael looked it over.

  "You know, I always wanted one of these, but I have never even seen one up close, and they are way out of my tax bracket."

  Joshua glanced up at the jet and smiled mischievously.

  "Hop in and we’ll take her for a spin, up to the house via a couple of laps around the runway."

  "Hell yea!" Michael replied opening the passenger's door. They both got in and closed the doors.

  "What model is this?"

  "It’s a 458 Italia. I’ve only had her a few weeks, but I figured what the hell. If you’re going to have a mid-life crisis, might as well do it right," Joshua laughed.

  "I would say you nailed it then. Must be like flying the jet. This looks like a cockpit," Michael observed as he looked at the interior

  "Oh it’s nothing like flying the jet. Don’t get me wrong, I love to fly, and it is exhilarating, but I would imagine this is more like flying a fighter jet, more adrenaline."

  Joshua started the car by pushing a button on the steering wheel and revved the engine a little. He hit the opener down on the console, and Michael saw a garage-sized door between the two big hangar doors open. He looked around and saw a few of the soldiers standing nearby, smiling as well.

  Michael gestured politely to the soldiers.

  "It must be universal. They are smiling just as much as we are."

  "Nothing like a finely tuned machine to bring out the kid in you," Joshua replied as he started slowly forward.

  Once outside the hangar, Joshua turned the car to the left and nailed the throttle. The rear end broke loose, and they were rocketing sideways down the runway. The car straightened up, and Joshua was rapidly shifting through the gears. Michael felt pinned to his seat and couldn’t help the silly grin on his face. Joshua braked hard as they were nearing the end of the runway. Without stopping, he downshifted, turned the wheel hard to the left, and nailed the throttle again. The car spun around, and Michael was looking out his side window down the runway. He was holding onto the armrest and the console for dear life. Joshua got it straightened out and went flying through the gears again.

  The roar of the engine was like music, and the heady feel of the adrenaline-inducing ride was like nothing Michael had ever felt before. All too soon, they were at the other end of the runway, and Joshua was braking again. This time he slowed down and gently turned the car to face the opposite end of the runway once more. Joshua stopped the car and looked over at Michael.

  "Well, what do you think of her? As if that smile on your face didn’t already tell me," Joshua laughed.

  "That was amazing. I…I have no words to describe what I feel right now," Michael replied grinning.

  "I think that sums it up nicely. It’s the same way I feel every time I drive her. You want to give her a spin?"

  "As much as I want to say yes, I’m afraid I would break something, and there is no way I could pay to fix it."

  "Nonsense! You saw for yourself that I don’t treat her gently. And look around; there is nothing you can hit. The hangar is beside us, and you will be driving away from it. There is nothing except concrete and grass ahead. Where you will be going, there are no cars. There is no technology to speak of, and Uncle Micah told me about the dangers involved. What better send off than getting to put a Ferrari through its paces, eh?"

  Michael looked over to see that the soldiers had come out of the hanger to watch. They were standing together talking, laughing, and pointing at the car.

  "Well, if you are sure you don’t mind, I would love to drive her."

  Joshua smiled and clasped him on the shoulder.

  "Now that’s more like it. Switch me places."

  They both got out and moved to the opposite sides of the vehicle. Michael climbed into the driver’s seat and closed the door. He looked at all the buttons on the steering wheel. Joshua climbed in the passenger’s seat and closed his door. He pointed to two buttons on the steering wheel.

  "The one on the right is to shift up and the left one is to downshift."

  "Ok, got it, but where is the clutch?" Michael asked.

  "It’s in the gearbox. It’s an automatic. All you have to do is shift; the car does the rest."

  "Ok, here goes."

  Michael eased into the accelerator and shifted. He drove nice and easy down the runway. When he reached the end, he turned around and drove back a little faster this time.

  "Now that you have the feel of it, why not push her a little?" Joshua asked.

  Michael grinned and turned the car around again. He stopped and then punched the throttle. The car tracked a little bit sideways, but straightened out quickly. He was watching the tachometer and shifting well before the red line. Again, all too soon, he found himself nearing the end of the runway and slowed the car. He found himself grinning again.

  "We need to get your supplies packed. Why don’t you turn her around and drive us up to the house," Joshua suggested.

  Michael sighed.

  "All good things must come to an end."

  Joshua chuckled.

  "Unfortunately, that they do. But I promise you, when you make it back, I’ll let you drive her again."

  "Thank you, Joshua. This has been really fun, and I needed some fun in my life right about now."

  "I know. Uncle Micah told me what happened. We got to talk for a couple of hours while you slept on the flight over. I am truly sorry for your loss, Michael. I can’t even begin to know how it feels," Joshua said sincerely.

  "You ever been married?"

  "Never. Never will be either. I’m too old and set in my ways now. Oh, I’ve had a few relationships in my life that probably could have gone that far, but with my situation, you know, alternate worlds, wizards, and Uncle Micah... it w
ould have made for a very complicated matter, and I hate complicated. I’m an artist. I prefer free flowing and simple. I don’t think I could ever settle down. Uncle Micah has promised to take me with him to Thelona someday, and I want to be free to roam and explore when that day comes."

  "I guess I view marriage differently. I can’t imagine what my life would have been like without Karin in it. We wanted to roam and explore this world together. With her by my side, I got to see everything twice, once through my own eyes and again through hers. It added dimension to everything, being able to share it all with someone like her."

  They continued the drive to the house in silence. When they pulled up to the front, they both got out, and Michael followed Joshua up the stairs and into the foyer.

  Michael looked around and whistled.

  "Wow, nice house."

  Joshua gestured for Michael to follow him, and they headed up the stairs.

  "Uncle Micah had it build a long time ago. We have done some upgrading, naturally, but the main design is still the same. There are secret doors and rooms hidden all over the place and, even though the countryside around us has grown up quite a bit, we are still pretty sheltered and isolated here. Uncle Micah enjoys his privacy, and so do I."

  The staircase was enormous, with hand carved rails and spindles. It arced up from the left, followed the back wall of the foyer, and curved around to the right wall. Once on the next floor, Michael stood looking at a full glass wall. Through it, he could see the grounds all the way to the tree line. To his right, he saw another stair ascending to the next floor. It was a perfect match to the one he just climbed. Michael turned to his right and looked over the railing at the floor of the foyer. He could see the fountain below. He looked up and could see an arched, exposed beam ceiling up in the distance.

  "This place is huge."

  "Yes, it’s sizable. Uncle Micah had it built to accommodate many guests. Apparently, before I came along, he used to entertain here. Now, it’s just me. We have a groundskeeper and a maid that live in a guesthouse out back. Uncle Micah sent them on an extended vacation when he returned, for their safety. This floor is mine. I have my room, my study, and my studio on this floor. The third floor, where we are headed, is Uncle Micah’s. His private library, his room, and his wardrobe are up there."


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