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The Chronicles of the Myrkron: Book 01 - The Nine Keys of Magic

Page 25

by Timothy Woods

  "Lady Alissa, may I present Michael," Micah introduced with a hand on Michael’s shoulder.

  "He is very new to all this, so I hope you will overlook any seeming breaches in protocol."

  "Of course," Alissa smiled.

  "This must all seem very strange to you," she said to Michael.

  "That would be the understatement of the year, m'Lady," Michael replied smiling.

  "Not to be rude, but I think we should continue this back at Kantwell. Mortow’s troops could return at any time. I, for one, would rather not be here," Micah announced.

  "I agree," Ataum said turning to an elf standing nearby, yet maintaining a respectful distance from their conversation.

  "Kline, let’s get them rounded up and head back."

  "Yes, my Lord," Kline responded smiling, and then ran off into the darkness.

  "Do you wish to come with us, Lord Micah?" Ataum asked.

  "I believe I will let Michael take us. He needs the practice," Micah declined, turning to Michael.

  "Whenever you are ready, Michael."

  Michael closed his eyes and pictured the granite walls of Kantwell and spoke softly.

  "Transfero nos ut visum."

  He felt a wind blow through his mind, clearing it of the gruesome sights he just witnessed. It did not feel the same as the cool breeze of before. It felt stronger and more focused. Michael opened his eyes and beheld a huge, stone Castle on a hill, surrounded by high, crenulated walls. He and Micah were about a hundred feet from the gates of the outer wall. He looked over at Micah and grinned.

  "It seemed much easier that time and, for lack of a better description, felt stronger."

  "You are a wizard now. The strength of your magic is exponentially greater than it was." Micah turned to Michael with a serious expression on his face.

  "Michael, how many doors do you see?"

  Michael gave him a quizzical look then closed his eyes.

  "There are seven open, shining doors, and two black, closed doors; nine in total." Michael opened his eyes to see Micah studying him.

  "Michael, you have the potential to be one of the greatest wizards in the world; a nine key. Even Merric, the Headmaster here at Kantwell, is only an eight key. Granted, you have much to learn, but the ability is within you." Micah’s face suddenly took on a more serious façade.

  "Remember, tell no one that you can see the ninth door; not even Merric."

  Michael was suddenly frightened by implications that he could not begin to imagine.

  "I remember, but I thought you trusted Merric."

  "I do trust him, implicitly, but I trust no one else. It would be best if only you and I know, for now. I do not mean to put you on guard against Merric, for he has only your best interests at heart, but there are others here besides him and, while they may be trustworthy, I would much rather err on the side of caution."

  "I understand, I think," Michael said, suddenly feeling a massive weight come to rest on his shoulders.

  Micah reached out and grasped both of Michael’s shoulders. When Michael’s eyes met his own, he continued.

  "There will come a time when you will have to tell Merric, so don’t feel as if you are deceiving him. Merely think of it as privileged information that could cause problems if not handled carefully. And Michael, I would advise against trusting anyone other than Merric, no matter how pleasant or forthcoming they may be."

  "Some more of that ancient cynicism?" Michael asked with a slightly bemused smile.

  "Damn straight. It is caution and cynicism that keeps us alive. Now, let’s go introduce you to your new teachers and adoring fans." Micah spun Michael towards the gate and led him with a companionable arm around his shoulders.

  "What adoring fans? No one here even knows who I am," Michael replied incredulously.

  "Ah, they may not know you personally, but they will definitely know about you. Remember, no one has ever done what you have. I would not be surprised to find that most of the students here will regard you with a certain amount of awe. Beware though, where there is awe there can also be jealousy."

  "You mean some of them may be jealous of my power? I have no control over that."

  "No you do not, but you must consider that all of the magi here have had to study and train to get to where they are. You have done neither and already have surpassed most of them."

  Michael was quiet for a few seconds.

  "I see your point."

  "Good. Just remember to be alert."

  Michael stopped walking and turned to Micah.

  "From the way you are talking, you give the impression that you are not staying."

  "That is correct. I have to make certain preparations in order to get ready, just as you do."

  "But how will I learn to use my sword if you’re not here to teach me?" Michael asked; his voice tinged with dismay.

  "Michael, anyone can teach you how to use a sword. Only I can perform the tasks that require my attention. Fear not, there will be two on their way. They will instruct you in the ways of the sword, as well as protect you."

  "Who are they? Are they Avari?"

  Micah threw his head back and laughed wholeheartedly.

  "Aye, my friend, they are Avari."

  "What’s so funny?" Michael asked with mild irritation.

  Micah controlled his laughter.

  "It is just that you have been in Thelona for less than an hour, and already you see the value of the Avari."

  "Of course I see their value. You trained them, did you not?"

  "Aye, there is not an Avari alive that I have not had a direct hand in training. They are my people. The least I can do is to make sure they have the tools they need to survive."

  "So, who are these two, so I’ll know you sent them?"

  "Their names are Branik and Reek. They are friends, and have been since they were very young. Branik is one of the best among the Avari. Though he is young, he has such natural talent that he has excelled beyond most of the training masters. He will make a good master himself one day, when he has had time to mellow a bit. Reek is not quite his equal, but he is more level headed and patient. They have both volunteered for the mission of protecting you. Listen to them Michael, and do what they tell you. Your life could depend on it," Micah informed him.

  "So you trust them both?"

  "They are Avari," Micah stated flatly.

  Michael nodded then resumed walking towards the gate.

  "If you trust them, then I will trust them as well."

  "Am I to imply that you trust me as well?" Micah asked, concealing a smile.

  "I have trusted you since the beginning, I think. I’m not the greatest judge of character, but for some reason, I do trust you."

  "Not exactly a compliment, but I understand your meaning. Your trust is not misplaced, my friend. I will do all I can to protect you. You have my word."

  "And I will do what I can to help out here."

  They passed through the open gates. Michael’s eyes were wide as he took in the details of his new surroundings. The gates took them through an opening in the massive outer wall. The wall itself was over twenty feet high and must have been close to that in thickness. When they stepped out into the courtyard, Michael saw the castle. It was a massive stone structure that seemed more fitting to a King and his troops than a school of magic. Micah nudged him with his elbow, and Michael turned to see him gesture forward with a slight raise of his chin. Michael looked ahead and saw a man in dark colored robes standing in the main entrance. It was too dark to discern any of the man’s features, especially with the light pouring from the room at his back.

  "Who is that?" Michael asked quietly.

  "That would be Headmaster Merric. He has been anxiously awaiting your arrival. Come, I will make the introductions."

  As they were walking up the steps leading to the castle's main door, Michael could see another figure slightly behind and off to Merric’s left. From the shape silhouetted against the light, he thought it must be a
woman. When they approached, the man at the door bowed gracefully and stepped backward into the lighted entrance. In the light, Michael could see the robes were not black, as he had feared at first, but rather a very deep blue. There was a silver sash at his waist with two blue stripes around one of the dangling ends. It was nothing at all like the dreaded red sash he had come to associate with Mortow and his kind.

  Michael was taken aback by the man’s height. His head nearly brushed the top of the doorframe. Merric’s face was welcoming and kindly despite the hawk-like nose. His sparkling gray eyes mirrored a long gray beard reaching almost down to his sash. His matching gray hair was as long as his beard. All in all, Merric appeared very much like the picture of what Michael always imagined a wizard should look like. He glanced over at the woman and realized she was also tall, as tall as himself. She had long dark hair and very dark eyes, almost black in color. Her robes were a match in color to Merric’s, but her silver sash only had one blue stripe on it. She was a very striking woman. She caught his gaze and smiled. Michael blushed and lowered his eyes, bowing slightly to both of them.

  Merric noted his heightened coloring and quirked a small smile.

  "So it seems you are still as good as your word, Micah. I presume this is our new sorcerer?"

  Micah bowed and replied.

  "Headmaster Merric, Wizard Mieka, allow me to introduce Michael, wizard of the seventh key." Merric and Mieka’s eyes flew wide with the pronouncement.

  "Michael, this is Headmaster Merric, and one of his former students, Wizard Mieka."

  "Wizard?! My dear boy, have you managed to open the seventh door?" Merric asked with open excitement.

  Michael glanced at Micah and received a nod and a smile.

  "Yes Sir, I have. It happened just before we came across from my world."

  "This is great news, very unexpected, but great. You hear that everyone? Michael has opened the seventh door," Merric said, turning and raising his voice. Turning back to face Michael, Merric went on excitedly.

  "Oh, forgive me, please. Where are my manners? Welcome to Kantwell, Michael."

  It was then that Michael noticed the other people standing around in the middle of the room. Unlike Merric and Mieka, all of them were dressed in grey robes with either red or yellow sashes. Michael felt embarrassed to be the focal point of everyone’s attention. He heard murmurs of congratulations from the small crowd, and noticed that all seemed to be smiling and genuinely happy for him. Michael cleared his throat and muttered a quick thank you.

  Merric, seeing that he was further embarrassing Michael, came forward, and placed an arm around his shoulders. He whispered to him.

  "No need to be so uncomfortable, my boy. All these fine young men and women are students here. They all came here to learn, as I hope you have."

  Micah had stepped back as Merric came forward, and now he scanned the people assembled with a practiced and critical eye. He promised that he would protect Michael, and he meant to keep that promise. He knew none of the students and barely knew Mieka. Micah decided at once that he would stay a little longer than he originally planned.

  "I have come, at Micah’s recommendation, to learn about magic. It seems we have a common enemy," Michael began to explain, and Merric could see his eyes grow cold as he spoke.

  "Aye, and for that I am truly sorry. I know what this has cost you."

  Michael looked up at Merric in shock.

  "You know what happened, then? All of it?"

  "Well, not all, to be sure, but the sad facts are known to me and a few others here. Come. Let me introduce you to some of the other students. Many have been anxiously awaiting your arrival. It is a rarity in these times to have new students," Merric assured him.

  Merric lead Michael towards the gathered students, Mieka falling in on Michael’s other side, and Micah shadowing them. Merric stepped away from Michael and gestured to the students.

  "This is Melora, Mia, Mara, Marie, and Misha. These fellows here are Mark, Morgan, Murry, Matthew, Miles, and Martin." As he called out there names they bowed in turn to Michael.

  "Everyone, this is Michael."

  Michael inclined his head to them as well then looked again at Merric.

  "Ok, wow, call me crazy, but that is a hell of a lot of M’s." There was scattered laughing amidst the group. Merric smiled and chuckled.

  "So it is. There is a very good reason for that, Michael. It is a reason we have long since learned to take for granted, since we live in a world of magic." Merric looked up at the ceiling and clasped his hands behind his back. He started pacing in a slow tight line. It was a stance that Mieka was very familiar with from her days as a student.

  "You see, Michael, on this world, magic is revered as a gift from the Great One. In order to show respect for that gift, we are given names that start with the letter M."

  Michael looked at him quizzically.

  "So everybody’s name starts with the letter M here? How can that be? I have already met several elves that didn’t have M names."

  All the students giggled at his comment.

  Merric eyed them sternly until the laughter ceased.

  "No. Not everyone, but all magi are given M names at birth."

  "How can you know from birth if someone is going to have magical ability?" Michael asked.

  "Well, when a child is ready to be born, the family watches the night sky until the birth, and if there is a shooting star on the night before or the night of the child’s birth, then the parents know that the Great One has gifted their child with magic. The parents then give the child a name starting with the letter M in honor of that gift. Such children always have magic, though to varying degrees."

  "I guess that makes as much sense as everything else I’ve heard about this world so far," Michael said looking a bit pale. He did not tell Merric that he suddenly remembered his father’s voice confiding to him, long ago, sitting on a bench in a park. The same park he had taken Karen to during the years they were together.

  You know Michael, on the night you were born, I was given two gifts. As I stood in the hospital looking out the window of the waiting room, I saw the most spectacular meteor shower I had ever seen. I watched it for well over an hour, knowing as I looked upon this wondrous sight, that your mother was in labor with you. I felt especially guilty that I was enjoying myself as she was in pain. A few minutes after the meteor show was over, the doctor came to me and told me I had a son. Since God had given me a son and such a heavenly display, I named you Michael after the Arch-angel. That fiery display seemed to hint at his fiery sword, and that was how you got your name.

  Merric cocked his head at Michael, seeing him lost in thought.

  "I know it may seem strange, but I assure you, this is how it has always been done, and it has never been wrong."

  "It is just that on my world, we know that shooting stars are pieces of debris that have entered the atmosphere of our planet and, due to velocity and friction against that atmosphere, they begin to burn, leaving a streaking trail behind them," Michael explained.

  Merric gave him a half grin.

  "And what is to say that piece of debris, as you call it, is not the vessel that carries magic to the world, and that it was not the Great One who set it on its course? The heavens are vast; and for something to find its way to us in all that vastness is truly magical."

  Michael chuckled good naturedly.

  "Indoctrination has a tendency to bend reason, but I am the newcomer here and, doubtless, much will strike me as odd. I mean no disrespect to you or your beliefs. It is just that I have been taught differently."

  "Yes, no doubt there are many things we could learn from each other. For now, please take it on faith that this is the way of things here. In time, I feel you will understand and, hopefully, even believe. For, in fact, you have magic and your name begins with an M," Merric said with a droll grin.

  "Aye, that fact was not lost on me. In my case, it must be coincidence, for my parents knew nothing of your w

  "Often fate is concealed in coincidence. I leave that for you to ponder. It would be interesting indeed to know if there was a shooting star at your birth," Merric said casually just to plant the question in Michael’s head, not knowing that he already knew it to be true.

  "Alright, everyone, return to what you were doing. Michael has had a long journey, and it is late." Merric heard murmurs of disappointment from the students.

  "You all can contrive to talk to Michael tomorrow. For now, he needs rest, not incessant badgering from overly curious minds. Off with you now." As Merric made a shooing gesture in their general direction, the students began to file out through a door in the rear of the room, most of them nodding at Michael and wishing him a good night as they went.

  "Now Michael, lets get you settled into your room. I am sure you could use some time alone to clear your head and digest all of the new information you have been given in the last few days." Merric held out his arm, indicating that Michael should follow him.

  "Yes, a good night’s sleep would be welcome. I’ve seen more of war and death in the last couple hours than I have in all my life," Michael acknowledged with a sigh.

  Micah came up beside Michael and laid a hand protectively on his shoulder.

  "If you do not mind terribly, Merric, I could use some rest myself."

  "Of course, Micah. There are plenty of vacant rooms. You may use any one you wish."

  "Branik and Reek should be on their way here. I have given them instructions to head for Kantwell once the King’s men are in place in The Slot. I also intend for them to train Michael in the way of the Avari. I would appreciate if you set aside time for that training."

  Merric raised his eyebrows in surprise.

  "So our young wizard is to be shown the ways of the Avari as well? I don’t believe such a privilege has ever before been granted to an outsider."

  "What do you mean?" Michael asked confused.

  "No one outside the Isle of the Avari has ever been trained in their ways Michael, and they have no magi among them. It seems you are to be the first in many things," Merric informed him.

  Michael turned to look at Micah.

  "Is that true? No one has ever been trained in your ways, outside of the Avari?"


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