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The Chronicles of the Myrkron: Book 01 - The Nine Keys of Magic

Page 35

by Timothy Woods

  The older man spoke.

  "Welcome to Kantwell, gentlemen. I am Headmaster Merric. You would have to be Reek and Branik of the Avari. Lord Micah told us to expect you. Would you care to join us for dinner? The cooks have prepared…"

  Branik, unable to withhold any longer, cut him off.

  "Wizard Merric, I haven’t time for pleasantries at the moment. A large group of ogres stalk the land of Branna as we speak, razing and murdering. We have come as quickly as we could so that you could inform King Brose. He must send out patrols to find and stop them. Lives are at stake while we delay. We came here knowing it would be the fastest way of getting word to the King."

  Merric could see the anger smoldering in Branik’s eyes. His own face softened in response to that anger. He knew these two would much rather be out there now, fighting those ogres, but they had come here instead so that the King could be warned.

  "Fear not, Master Branik, we shall take care of this straight away." Merric turned to the young man at his side.

  "Well Michael, are you prepared to meet your first king?"

  Before Michael could reply, Reek spoke up.

  "You are Michael? The one Lord Micah sent us here to train?"

  "Yes, that would be me," Michael answered him.

  "Introductions later, now to the King. Mathis, I leave you in charge in my absence." Merric spoke the words of transport and he, the two Avari, and Michael vanished.

  Mathis glanced around at the gathered students.

  "I suggest you finish your dinners. Merric may be gone for a while. If any of you have questions about today’s lessons, I will be in the research library on the fourth floor." After informing them of his intended whereabouts, Mathis teleported himself to the fourth floor library.

  He crossed to the west side of the room and pulled out a large, red, leather bound volume. He took the book to a desk in the middle of the room and seated himself facing the door. Mathis set the book on the desk in front of him and ran his hand over the cover, feeling the imprinted lettering. The words were gilded, and he read the title to himself, ‘The Duel Arcane.’ He opened the cover and flipped about halfway through the book to a black, ribbon marker. He began reading the text. Mathis was familiar with it, having read it before, but recent events being what they were, he decided to reread the volume to make sure he had not forgotten anything. True arcane fighting was much different than the fancy, stylized dueling laid out in the book, but it did provide a good deal of information on shielding techniques and force attacks. You never knew what small bit of knowledge could come in handy.

  Merric and the three men with him appeared suddenly in a great courtyard. Several men in armor, who happened to be passing by, jumped and reached for their weapons. Merric called out loudly.

  "Where is the King? I have pressing news of the war."

  Several of the men recognized Merric and none failed to recognize the dress and swords of the Avari. A man in a white surcoat and a shiny helm with a white crest on it exited the door of the castle and started across the courtyard towards them. Merric gestured for Michael and the Avari to follow him and started walking to meet the man in white.

  "Captain Galton, it is good to see you again. We bring dire news to the King and would meet with him if at all possible," Merric informed him.

  Galton bowed before the four.

  "Wizard Merric, it has been a while since we have seen you here in Brannin Castle. If you would follow me, I will see you to the King. I believe his Majesty is taking his supper with the Queen in the solar." Captain Galton led them into the castle through the iron bound, front doors. They descended three steps to a dark granite floor.

  Michael heard heavy footsteps behind them. Several guardsmen followed them in and were taking up positions around the hall. All appeared to be armed with swords as well as pikes of some sort. The two Avari did not pay any attention to them, so he figured either they were not worried about them or it was common in a royal hall. He looked around in curiosity. Despite the setting sun, the large hall was well lit. The torches placed around the walls reflected brightly off the white marble walls and the white washed beams overhead. He could see two chairs at the far end of the hall sitting on a raised dais. They were elaborately carved, but beyond that they were merely wooden chairs. They were not the pretentious gold and gem encrusted thrones he imagined as royal seats.

  Galton led them to the middle of the hall and turned to them.

  "Please wait here. I will inform his Majesty that you are here." Galton turned and headed out of the hall through a corridor on the right.

  Merric turned to the two Avari.

  "I believe we have a few minutes before Captain Galton returns with King Brose. How many ogres did you see and where were they?"

  Branik, a little more relaxed now that action had been taken and events were moving forward, answered him.

  "We observed approximately three hundred of the vermin destroying a small village about a day’s run southeast from Kantwell. They looked to be moving east from there."

  "One day’s run? That close to Kantwell? The elven patrols should have seen them," Merric said with concern.

  "Wizard Merric, one day’s run to an Avari is close to one hundred miles," Reek informed him.

  "By my reckoning, we traveled ninety miles this day," Branik confirmed.

  Both Merric and Michael looked at the two Avari in shock.

  "You ran ninety miles in one day?" Michael asked stunned.

  "Aye. We would have been at Kantwell sooner, but the elves delayed us briefly," Branik replied.

  "I can’t imagine running nine miles much less ninety. I would be in a coma," Michael stated.

  Branik looked at him.

  "You are not Avari."

  "So, you are Reek and Branik, which of you is which?" Michael asked.

  The smaller of the two took a step forward and bowed slightly.

  "I am Reek, and this," he gestured to his companion, "is Branik. Lord Micah sent us to train you in the ways of the Avari. We are also to be your guards."

  "Micah told me last night that he sent you two to train me. He feels that I will need more than magic in the days ahead." Michael extended his hand to Reek who clasped it. The grip was firm, almost painful. He hesitated before offering it to Branik. The man looked like a walking wall, and he was afraid Branik would crush his hand. Branik regarded him for a few seconds before clasping hands with him. His hand was swallowed by Branik’s massive hand. He felt like his hand would be bruised for a week.

  "It is nice to meet you both. Micah told me he was sending the best. I only hope I don’t disappoint you too badly. I’m afraid where I come from, there is not as much need for all this martial stuff, and working behind a desk is not very conducive to physical fitness."

  "We have been instructed to shape you up, as Lord Micah phrased it, as well as to instruct you in the ways of both the sword and unarmed combat," Reek informed him.

  "I still find it a bit strange that Micah would have you trained in the style of the Avari," Merric commented.

  "He has so ordered, Wizard Merric. It goes against all we have ever been taught, but he is our Lord, and if he says it is necessary, then we can do naught else than what he commands," Branik stated.

  Although neither of the Avari was taller than himself, Michael felt small in their presence. Reek was not especially big, but there was not an ounce of fat on the man, and Branik looked like Conan reincarnated. Michael had never before seen a man of his stature in person, and the thought of having to train with him was frightening. Michael’s train of thought was broken by the sound of boots coming from the hall through which Captain Galton had gone a few minutes ago. He looked and saw three men approaching. Captain Galton was among them.

  A blonde haired man with a beard, wearing brown, leather breeches and a long sleeved, white shirt called out.

  "Hail Merric, you are a long way from Kantwell. Welcome back to BranninCastle."

  Merric turned to Michael and

  "That is King Brose. The fellow with him is Jord, his chancellor. Just bow when he stops before us."

  "Your Majesty," Merric said with a bow.

  "Unfortunately, once again, I am here with dire news. If you would permit me…?"

  King Brose turned his eyes on Michael.

  "Of course."

  "Your Majesty, this is Wizard Apprentice of the Seventh Key, Michael." Michael bowed awkwardly.

  "And these two gentlemen are Masters Reek and Branik of the Avari. Gentlemen, this is King Brose Daris of Branna." Reek and Branik both bowed as well.

  "Gentlemen. What brings you to BranninCastle in such haste?"

  Branik stepped forward.

  "King Brose, my friend and I witnessed the razing of one of your villages last night. It was called Kell. A large party of ogres, numbering around three hundred, sacked and burned it after killing most, if not all, of its inhabitants. We arrived too late to be of any aid. The ogres headed east from there. We ran to Kantwell to inform Merric so he could get word to you. They must be stopped. The people of your land do not stand a chance against a force of their size."

  "The village of Kell, you say?" King Brose said with an angry look.


  "Captain Galton, gather two squadrons of knights and have them track and slay these murderers. I want their heads brought back as proof. Send scouts to the outlying villages to warn them and to gather what information they can. Go."

  "Yes, your Majesty," Galton replied.

  "I thank you, Master Branik, and you, Master Reek, for bringing this news to me with such haste. I do not know how they got into Branna undetected, but I know how they are going to leave. Rest assured, they shall be dealt with. I also wish to thank you, Merric, for your message concerning the dwarves. I have sent a full battalion to hold The Slot. They should have arrived at their destination yesterday evening," King Brose said.

  "They arrived last night, your Majesty. We met with scout Rand before leaving The Slot last night," Branik informed him.

  "If you were in The Slot last night, how did you witness the sacking of Kell? It is over a week's travel from The Slot."

  "Our Lord, Micah, came and took us away after having seen to it that your men were in position. Branik and I had been guarding The Slot, on the Glimmen Marsh side, for about a week. I can tell you for a fact that the ogres did not come through there during that time. All we encountered were about a hundred or so Weres, none of which will be any further problem. Lord Micah transported us a couple of miles from Kell. About an hour later, sounds of the battle reached us, and we ran to see what was going on. When we reached the top of the hill looking down on Kell, we saw the ogres leaving the village, which was already engulfed in flames. I am sorry, but there was nothing we could do for those people. We were too late," Reek bowed his head.

  "There is nothing to be sorry for, Master Reek. The Avari are great warriors, but against so many, there was nothing you could have done, even had you gotten there in time. You would have been throwing your lives away and more would have died because we would not then have the information you have brought to us. Again, I thank you both. Now gentlemen, if you will excuse me, I must see to the men."

  The four bowed to the King, and he stalked from the hall and out into the courtyard, followed by Jord and several of the guards.

  Captain Galton bowed to Merric.

  "Do you require anything further, Wizard Merric?"

  "Nay, Captain," Merric replied.

  "Then I bid you safe journey, gentlemen." Captain Galton nodded to them and followed the King out.

  "Are you satisfied now, Master Branik?" Merric asked.

  "As satisfied as the situation allows," Branik stated flatly.

  "Then I suggest we return to Kantwell. I am sure the two of you could use a hot meal and some rest." Merric spoke the words of transport, and they vanished from the hall.

  They reappeared in the dining hall, right where they had originally been standing. The hall was now empty.

  "Come, Michael, I have one more lesson for you tonight." Merric turned to Reek and Branik.

  "Just walk over to the opening in the wall there," Merric pointed to the back wall, "and Tess will fix you up with something to eat. I won’t keep Michael long since I know you want to get started on his training." Merric took Michael by the arm and led him from the dining hall. They walked slowly down the corridor to the west wing and entered the library there.

  "What other lesson did you have for me then?" Michael asked.

  "The lesson of observation. I knew that if I did not take you away, those two would have insisted on starting your training right then and there. I wanted them to think I still had plans for you so they would stop and eat. We can talk for a few minutes to give them time to rest a bit."

  Michael smiled.

  "Crafty, very crafty."

  "Why thank you, my boy. That is the exact word I would use, too. Mathis insists the correct term is sneaky. Now I can tell him it is crafty by a vote of two to one. So, what was your impression of King Brose?"

  "He was not at all what I imagined. I suppose I was expecting a more imposing figure. I don’t know why, but I thought he would look more like Branik. You know; a big warrior type."

  Merric chuckled.

  "Even in this world, Branik is considered big by anyone’s standard. Not many around are his match, except maybe Mortow, although Mortow is a good head taller. It is strange, his size. Most Avari are built along the lines of his friend Reek. They tend to be strong and very fit, but of average size."

  "Mortow is built like Branik?" Michael asked in surprise.

  "Aye, bigger actually. I told you the man was physically imposing. He stands about an inch taller than me with very broad shoulders and hands the size of shovels. I used to tease him when he was young; telling him his dad must have been part ogre."

  "Is that possible? To be part ogre?" Michael asked.

  Merric laughed.

  "No, it was merely a jest at his size. It is not possible for the races to intermingle in such a way. Not even with the elves can the bloodlines be mixed. There is an incompatibility between us; not to mention how rare such couplings are."

  "What are the ogres like?"

  "The ogres are the largest race on Thelona, standing between ten and twelve feet tall. They are generally a nomadic bunch, living in the land of Kelgrin south of the Steppes of Sorrow."

  "I remember seeing that on the map. It is on the opposite side of the continent, is it not?"

  "Aye, out beyond the Glimmen Marsh. The Steppes separate the land of Kelgrin and the land of Cron, the troll lands. The Steppes were a battleground between the races for centuries. The soil of the Steppes is red. Troll and ogre legends state that it is stained red from all the blood that was spilled there, but back to your question. The ogres are generally an independent lot living in smaller tribes throughout Kelgrin. The tribes usually consist of around one hundred and fifty to two hundred individuals, led by a chieftain and sometimes containing a shaman. Most have a yellowish or gray complexion, heavy jaws, and dark brown or black hair that is very coarse. Their faces are somewhat rounded with thick features. This often gives the impression of low intelligence, but it is a mistake to judge them so. For the most part, they are as intelligent as we humans."

  "You said they sometimes have shaman among them. What magic can they do?"

  "They have rudimentary magical skills, mostly centered around illusion, but quite basic. There have been cases of shaman being able to manipulate the elements, but those cases are exceedingly rare."

  "Second and third key abilities, right?"

  "Very good, yes, that is correct. If the group Branik told us about is really the size he reported, and I have no doubts about his facts, that means more than one tribe is working together out there. That would also mean that not only has Mortow recruited them to his side, but he has also managed to bring them together under a common chieftain. That will mean they will b
e more organized than ever before, and that does not bode well for us. They are extremely fierce fighters, and their habit of trophy taking tends to induce fear."

  "Trophy taking? What do they take?"

  "They take the heads and hearts of their victims. The hearts, brains, and skulls they eat in ritual fashion after the battle. They shrink the skin from the heads, and work it into their weapons and attire. It is not uncommon to see an ogre with a belt made entirely of heads or carrying a spear or staff decorated with them."

  "They actually eat their victim’s hearts and heads?" Michael asked making a face and feeling a little queasy.

  "Aye. They believe that courage resides in the heart and knowledge of the enemy within the skull. They eat them to show their disdain for their enemy’s courage and to gain his knowledge. It is all calculated to reduce an enemy’s morale."

  "I can see that it would work, too."

  "Come, lets return to the dining hall. They should have had enough time to eat by now, and they will doubtless want to begin your training." Merric turned towards the door and saw Reek and Branik standing just inside, facing him. He had not heard them come in.

  "You gentlemen were quicker at eating than I had thought. You may have Michael now. I am finished with his lessons for the day. Tomorrow, I will see to it that he is finished earlier so you will have more time with him. I assume you will want some measure of privacy, so you can use the rock garden out back. Just go up to the cross corridor and turn left. That will take you directly to it. Good night, Michael. I will see you tomorrow. Report to the classroom down the hall with the rest of the students in the morning. Martin will show you where it is."

  "Good night, Headmaster, and thank you for all you’ve shown me today." Michael lowered his voice to a whisper.


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