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Warrior's Pain (Cadi Warriors Book 4)

Page 26

by Stephanie West

  “The warriors still aren’t having any luck getting Mave to admit who the traitor is,” Kagan growled.

  “Vintor couldn’t get Adeoda to talk either. The male took his own life when he was cornered,” Cyprian reported in frustration.

  “He told me.” Kagan shook his head in frustration.

  “I wasn’t able to decrypt who sent the last message to Mave. This traitor must be using a technology I’m not familiar with, yet.” Tytus took it personally that he couldn’t tease out the data.

  “I’m betting the traitor has a specially encrypted communicator that he got from the Jurou Biljana. That would explain how Mave learned about our mission,” Cyprian attempted to mollify his friend.

  “Anything you can imagine is up for auction at Distraho. A simple communicator wouldn’t be a problem,” Aculus added.

  Cyprian noted Tytus’ frustrated smirk. The male was doing his best to drag Cadi up to speed with its technology, but he had limited resources.

  “Only the council of regents knew your and Vintor’s identity. Based on how Mave attempted to bribe you, then learned your identity, the traitor must be a member of the council. Frustratingly, that’s all we have to go on,” Kagan snarled.

  “I will question Mave,” Cyprian said soberly.

  Both Kagan and Tytus’ eyes widened in surprise.

  “I know I sometimes suggest it, but I could never truly ask you to do that. I remember when we were young and you disobeyed your sire to join the Anzac Guard.”

  Cyprian recalled the day his sire stormed into the training camp roaring about honoring his legacy, and upholding his duty to Vidya Cadi. Cyprian could feel the hot breath in his face, as Yenor called him a coward and a disappointment. A male should never be forced to challenge his own sire, but Yenor left him little choice. Cyprian still remembered the eyes of the other young warriors, looking at him like he was a monster, as he held his blade to Yenor’s throat, while his sire lay defeated in the dirt. They heard everything he spat out at Yenor, as they fought. They knew the worst of what he’d done, and the real reason he refused to follow in his sire’s footsteps. It wasn’t just the calculated suffering and violence he inflicted on the enemy. It was the way he felt when he forced them to betray every secret they possessed. Cyprian felt himself and his honor slipping away piece by piece, as something vile took its place. People thought he was a cold bastard now. If they only watched him work by Yenor’s side, they’d never turn their backs on him.

  “This is different,” Cyprian replied, shaking loose of the memory.

  It would haunt him for the rest of his days if they didn’t discover who was behind this plot. Now, it wasn’t the intel from a single battle at risk, but the whole of Cadi. He couldn’t let that happen. However, his duty wasn’t the only thing that drove him to release the monster from its cage. The traitor was directly responsible for Riley’s misery. For her, he’d storm into perdition and challenge the demonic Vrag himself. Cyprian just hoped Riley would be able to accept him, darkness and all, because she was the only one capable of taming the beast.

  “Thank you, my friend. I am humbled by the offer, but we do have a plan,” Kagan said, his gaze filled with deep appreciation.

  “And you got back just in time to help us with it,” June said as she joined them.

  “How is Riley?” Cyprian asked, as he and the other males stood to greet her.

  “Jorg and Ion were about to start, when I left. I couldn’t watch them open Riley up,” June blanched. “But based on the scans, the implant in her neck doesn’t appear to be attached to anything.”

  Thank the goddess, Cyprian sighed.

  “What’s this plan,” Cyprian prodded. He wanted to be done with this mission.

  “I’m not sure I’m happy about this idea,” Tytus grumbled.

  “Don’t blame me,” June exclaimed with mock innocence, as she held up her hands. “It was Sundara’s idea.”

  Cyprian’s brow rose quizzically. He wondered what the sister of the dulcis plantation owner had to do with this. Granted many of the abducted Toufik had come from her land.

  “Oh, I’m sure you didn’t help at all,” Tytus mused.

  “So, June is as wily as Riley?” Aculus asked in amusement.

  “All human females are, and it’s rubbing off on the Cadi females,” Kagan chuckled.

  “Like Riley, June has a knack for blowing things up, as well as sabotage,” Cyprian informed Aculus.

  Aculus appeared impressed as he considered June.

  “I’m sitting right here,” June declared, giving the general the evil eye.

  “How about you explain what you and Sundara have conspired,” Tytus encouraged with a lopsided smile at his mate.

  “This ought to be good,” Cyprian commented.

  “Okay, so Sundara wants to formerly mate Metcor,” June began.

  “That’s the large Toufik male, right?” Cyprian asked.

  “Yes. Because of past tragedies, Sundara’s worried something awful will happen to Metcor. So, it would be best if the ceremony is witnessed by important people all over Cadi. We think that’s the only way to keep prejudice people from acting out.”

  Cyprian was surprised. It was the first time he’d heard of a Toufik mating a Cadi. No wonder the couple wanted as many regents there as possible. The mating might not be recognized otherwise.

  “Till recently the Toufik were slaves on our planet. Some still refuse to accept my edict that they are free citizens,” Kagan explained to Aculus.

  “Sundara suggested a dual mating, since that’s apparently good luck on Cadi.”

  “Who else is getting mated?” Cyprian asked innocently, even though he already knew the answer.

  “Tytus and I, smart alec.” June rolled her eyes at Cyprian. “Anyway, the dual ceremony is a good excuse to invite all the regents to one location. We’ll have the ceremony at the plantation, since it’s big enough for the whole gathering and has beautiful gardens.”

  “With Giselle and I there, no one will refuse to attend,” Kagan interjected.

  “I see,” Cyprian nodded.

  The ceremony was a great way to gather all the regents without the traitor becoming suspicious. No one would dare decline the invitation, with the Daimio’s family attending. And Kagan’s mere presence meant he sanctioned the unusual mating between Sundara and Metcor. That would hopefully prevent any bigoted reprisal against the couple.

  “I just need to figure out a reasonable way to get ahold of everyone’s handheld,” Tytus said. “Although, I must say, this isn’t quite how I imagined our mating ceremony,” he added, as he held June close.

  “With any luck, we’ll take the traitor into custody before the meal concludes,” Kagan promised Tytus and June.

  “I don’t mean to invite myself, but perhaps I can help,” Aculus spoke up. “The Jurou Biljana have wormed their way into too many worlds, manipulating their governments to make a profit. If there is any way I can put a stop to that happening on Cadi, I will. I have equipment that is able to pick-up numerous communication frequencies.”

  Kagan looked from Aculus to Cyprian. Cyprian nodded in agreement.

  “Your assistance is appreciated,” Kagan said.

  “You’re invited.” June bounced excitedly in her seat. “It will be a good way to see Cadi and a mix of its people.”

  “Thank you. It will be an honor to witness your custom.” Aculus tipped his head in appreciation.

  “Oh, I almost forgot, I have a question.” June turned to Cyprian. “Why is your name tattooed on Riley’s chest?”

  “I would like to know the answer to that as well,” Kagan asked in surprise.

  Cyprian cringed at the turn the conversation had taken.

  “The Overseer opted to not auction Riley. He held a competition instead, auctioning off positions to compete for her. Your general and I competed, and he won,” Aculus explained, seeing Cyprian’s discomfort.

  Cyprian was grateful Aculus didn’t explain exactly how he won Ri
ley, with June present. He wanted to tell Kagan all that occurred in private.

  “The auction house branded her when it was done,” Cyprian added.

  “Oh, I’m sure Riley was thrilled with that,” June smirked.

  “She wasn’t amused.” Cyprian hoped Riley didn’t mind so much anymore.

  “At least it’s a pretty design,” June smirked. “Uh, one more question.” Her eyes drifted to the floor. “Why is that box wiggling?”

  Cyprian nearly forgot the crate he’d been toting around. He grabbed the box and cracked the lid open.

  “Riley managed to make a friend. I found the stowaway in my bag.”

  Cyprian showed off the red furball to everyone. The little tangle didn’t look pleased about being separated from Riley. The cor was rolling around the box frantically.

  “It snuggled on her lap all the way here,” Cyprian said as June peered into the box.

  “It’s a tribble,” June exclaimed with a delighted giggle. “You poor thing. Do you miss Riley?” she asked as she stroked the disgruntled ball of fur.

  Cyprian was glad he hadn’t put Riley’s panties in the box, with the way everyone was examining the creature. The scrap of clothing would probably calm the furball, but the last thing Cyprian wanted to explain, was what he was doing with Riley’s underwear.

  Cyprian’s eyes flew to the door when Jorg entered the sitting area.

  “The implant came out easy. I almost didn’t get Riley closed up before she was struggling to come out from under the anesthesia.”

  Cyprian was on his feet in an instant, heading for the medical suite.

  “Her hormones started to return to normal levels the instant the implant was removed from the base of her skull,” Jorg reported as they all walked down the corridor. “Here it is,” Jorg said as he handed a vial to Tytus.

  “That’s the same type of implant we found in the gallinacus,” Tytus growled. “I knew something wasn’t right about that incident.”

  “We were attacked at the beginning of this mission by a horde of giant raptors. It was bizarre, since there are rarely that many large adults in one place. June nearly died that day,” Cyprian explained to Aculus.

  “The auction house uses this implant to moderate the moods of the slaves up for sale,” Aculus explained.

  “Instead of subdued, it made Riley aggressive, like it did the raptors,” Cyprian informed Tytus, since he would be examining the implant.

  “I don’t know. Riley was pretty ornery before all this,” June piped up.

  “I imagine no truer statement has ever been made.” Cyprian shook his head.

  “Aw, did my friend cause the big bad general trouble?” June snickered.

  Cyprian’s brow quirked at the female. Aculus and the rest of the males chuckled at his expense.

  The general stopped when they entered the medical bay. Riley lay sleeping with a bandage around her neck, but she looked far from peaceful. Her face kept contorting in a variety of distressed and agitated expressions. He stepped to her bedside and took her hand.

  “Hey, Little Manx, you in there?” he asked.

  “Come on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, wake up,” June said from Riley’s other side.

  Riley’s eyes fluttered but didn’t open, as she mumbled something incoherent. Cyprian smiled in relief. Her response wasn’t much, but it was an improvement over the catatonic state before.

  Aculus retrieved a couple chairs for Ion and June, while Cyprian was content to stand. He wanted to be there when Riley opened her eyes again. He missed seeing the spark in those smoldering depths.


  Riley’s eyes flew open. She struggled to sit up, but her head hurt like a son of a bitch.

  “Whoa,” June exclaimed as she put a hand on Riley’s shoulder.

  Riley looked at June, and tears filled her eyes.

  “I’m back, and you’re here,” Riley husked, her throat feeling dry. “I was in a bizarre movie theater and couldn’t get out.”

  Riley reached for June. She didn’t know how she was here with her friend. Her brain was too foggy to make sense of it.

  “We took out that nasty implant that was messing with your mind.”

  Riley tried to nod, then winced in discomfort. Ion walked into the room and Riley couldn’t hold the tears back.

  “I’m so sorry Ion. Exo is gone. They killed him when he tried to protect me. I tried to revive him. I really did,” Riley sobbed.

  “Don’t apologize,” Ion said, as she took hold of Riley’s hand.

  “No. It was my fault. I lost my temper and angered one of the guards. He wouldn’t have died if I just controlled myself,” Riley ranted as tears streamed down her face.

  “No. Do not blame yourself,” Ion insisted.

  “Please relax. I don’t want you to overtax yourself,” a Cadi man said as he pressed something to Riley’s arm, and injected her.

  “No,” Riley murmured as a languid sensation overwhelmed her.

  She didn’t want to go back to sleep. She’d slept enough. As her eyelids grew heavy a familiar figure approached.

  “Did she wake up?” the deep recognizable voice asked, as he handed June a cup.

  “Cyprian!” Impossible. I’m imagining this. “You died,” she slurred.

  “No, no, Little Manx. The look on your face was enough to warn me. Vintor and I got out just in time,” Cyprian reassured her.

  Riley wasn’t sure she could trust herself. The line between real and not real had been blurred lately.

  Cyprian placed his large hand over hers, and Riley soaked up the comforting heat.

  Please be real, Riley begged as she slipped into oblivion again.

  Chapter 15. For God and Country

  Cyprian de Praefectus

  Cyprian awoke early, and was glad to see the sun had barely peaked over the horizon. It was good being on Cadi. He was relieved Aculus agreed to land on the southern continent, after meeting everyone. Cyprian looked down at Riley nestled in his arms, and sighed. She’d slept soundly since yesterday, when the implant was removed.

  My Little Manx is exhausted. He couldn’t blame her, she’d been through so much.

  Cyprian wanted nothing more than to linger all day in bed with Riley. But since he had to sneak into her room late last night, he had to get going before anyone awoke. Evading suspicion, while Riley recovered was becoming taxing.

  Riley stirred but didn’t wake, as he shifted from beneath her, then rose from the bed. Cyprian smiled as he looked down at her. Her black and purple hair was in disarray. Riley’s colorful arms and legs were splayed across the bed. His grin widened as he thought about how she slept. For such a little female, she did a good job monopolizing the bed.

  The general shook his head as he noticed the furball nestled near Riley’s pillow. The tangle slept peacefully, now that it was reunited with Riley.

  Spoiled beast.

  Cyprian headed for the door and quietly entered the hall. It was kind of Sundara and Metcor to let everyone stay in their plantation villa. Cyprian stopped when he saw Daimio Kagan leaning against the wall.

  “You mind telling me what you left out yesterday,” Kagan insisted.

  Cyprian nodded. He hadn’t intended to put off speaking to Kagan for so long, but with everything going on, a good opportunity hadn’t presented itself.

  “Someplace private,” Cyprian suggested.

  “Not in my room. Giselle, Graca and Sabin are still sleeping. And you do not want to wake that little girl. She has strong lungs.”

  Cyprian smiled at Kagan’s comment as they walked to a sitting area at the end of the long hall. Cyprian waited for Kagan to sit before he began.

  “As Aculus said, there was a competition to win Riley. However, he didn’t mention that for the competitor to win, they had to either mount Riley, or kill her as a trophy.”

  Kagan growled hearing about the barbaric game.

  “I was the second male to reach her. The first male was a nasty parasitic worm. It killed me
to think what the creature was doing to her, but the access door was timed to only let one of us in at a time.” Cyprian started to chuckle as he thought about how he found Riley in the maze of tunnels.

  “What is amusing?”

  “It’s not really funny,” Cyprian sobered. “When I found Riley, she was taunting the slug. She managed to slice off the creature’s tongue, and had it cowering on the ceiling.”

  “Good. I’m guessing you put it out of its misery.”

  “I did.”

  “And you mounted her,” Kagan added.

  “Yes. But that’s not all.” Cyprian took a deep breath before continuing. “Riley didn’t fight me, but her body wouldn’t relax. It resisted me. I didn’t have time to ease her into accepting me.” Cyprian hung his head as he admitted his greatest shame. “I didn’t want her to hurt, so I gave her the conjugo mark.”

  “And she responded.”

  Cyprian nodded. It was a strange conundrum he’d been forced into. If Riley hadn’t been compatible with him on a deep level, she wouldn’t have responded to the serum in his bite. Because she did, it eased her, but it also meant they were bonded.

  “This puts you in quite a position.”

  “It does,” Cyprian replied seriously.

  “I think under the circumstances you did what had to be done. However, half of your problem can’t be solved by my forgiveness.”

  Cyprian appreciated the pardon for breaking the law by bonding Riley without her permission, but that wasn’t all his sins. And Kagan was right. Only Riley could absolve him of that transgression.

  “I had to make her believe I was her master,” Cyprian admitted. “In the beginning, I didn’t understand how incredibly strong Riley was.”

  “Damn humbling, isn’t it?” Kagan sympathized.

  It was humbling. Cyprian had learned the true depth of Riley’s strength. If he was in her position, Cyprian wasn’t sure he would’ve fared as well.

  “Aye. I couldn’t risk the mission. I thought the strain of keeping my secret would add to the burden she already suffered. And I worried that if Mave learned the truth, he’d take it out on her. I assumed that if I treated her well and protected her, Riley would be okay thinking she was my slave for a few days. Except that female tested my patience. She could’ve cared less that she was supposedly my slave. She was so defiant.”


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