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Page 2

by Jaide Fox

  “Since you will not pleasure me, I will pleasure you. Lay down on the bed. Spread your arms and your legs.”

  Maura swallowed the painful lump in her throat. Moving slowly and rigidly, she lay down in the bed, her head on the pillows, still covered by the thin sheet. It provided her with some measure of comfort if not protection.

  “Give me your hand.” When she did not obey him immediately, he frowned. “I will not harm you,” he said.

  Reluctantly, she gave him her hand and watched as he tied a loop around her wrists and tied the rope to one post of the bed. He gave it a tug, allowing her to rest her elbow on the pillow. Seeming satisfied, he moved to her foot and tied her ankle to another post. He moved around the foot of the bed and secured her other ankle and finally came around to the other side of the bed. He held his hand out expectantly.

  She did not like the way the situation progressed, but slowly gave him her hand and watched as he finished securing her to the bed. When he was done, he moved back to the nightstand and withdrew a black silk scarf. The bed dipped as he got on top and knelt beside her. She watched as he drew the fabric over her eyes and blotted out the room.

  Almost immediately, a sense of panic engulfed her. Why did she have to be blindfolded? “What are you doing?” she asked, hearing the edge of fright in her voice and striving to control it. It wouldn’t do for him to know how vulnerable she felt.

  “I find these games to be more enjoyable if you cannot see what I am about,” he said.

  She felt the bed lift as he got off it, and she craned her head, trying to discern his movements. After a moment, she heard the sound of water running and then the spray of a shower. It was obvious that he was cleansing himself in preparation for something. She was glad for that, for he still had the smell of fighting and battle on him.

  The scent of a fragrant, masculine soap drifted into the room. She sniffed the air, listening to the sounds of him bathing and then the water turn off. The wet pads of his feet moved through the room, and she heard the soft scrubbing of fabric—probably him drying himself off.

  When the bed suddenly dipped again, she jerked in reaction. She began to struggle, trying to break free.

  “If you don’t settle down, I’ll have to punish you,” he said softly by her ear. She felt something at her mouth, something hard and rubbery.

  Panic flooded her and she continued to fight, pulling at her arms and legs to get away, but she was helpless. He forced her mouth open to accept a small ball, then secured it around her face, effectively gagging her.

  The sudden jerking of the sheet off her body made her jump in response. Her mumbled shriek sounded pathetically soft to her own ears.

  “I told you to stop fighting me,” he said, and pinched her nipples.

  “Mmmmph!” She twisted in the bed, trying to get away from him, not knowing what to expect since she was blind and mute and bound. This was exactly the sort of tales she’d been told, what she’d dreaded experiencing. It didn’t matter that he hadn’t hurt her or that he’d promised not to harm her. She didn’t believe it.

  He was a stranger and a strange race, after all.

  “I’ll have to punish you now. If you’d only behave, this wouldn’t happen,” he murmured, giving her nipples a twist and making them harden.

  The simple promise made her heart pound. She tried to scream, but realized it was useless to expect help. She felt the ropes on her legs loosen and she kicked, connecting with the air as he wrapped her legs over the top of each other and then half-twisted her body. He chuckled, the bastard. Chuckled at her!

  The warmth of his bare thighs closed over her as he pinned her to the bed and released her hands, only to finish rolling her onto her stomach and re-secure her ropes to the bed. She twisted her head to the side, taking in air frantically through her flared nostrils.

  When he moved between her legs, she thought this was it, he was going to fuck her on the bed. Instead, she felt the smack of his hand on the bottom of her ass. It stung slightly, but that was all. He soon began a rhythmic slapping of one ass cheek. Slowly, the blood rushed to the area, making it tingle with sensation. Just when it began to reach the edge of pain, he moved to the other side and began the process all over again.

  She jerked in reaction, but otherwise lay stiffly beneath the strangely soft, punishing slaps.

  Maura wondered what he was doing. When he seemed satisfied that it had begun to hurt enough, he moved down her legs, smacking the backs of her thighs and bringing blood surging to those areas, then her calves, and finally her feet. He traveled back up the opposite side, performing the same motions, until if felt as if her entire bottom half throbbed with the rush of blood.

  She was almost ashamed to admit it, but she’d begun enjoying the strange sensation when he finally stopped and got off the bed. Her sensitized skin felt hot in the cool air of the room. She turned her head, following the sound of his footsteps through the room.

  She could hear the clinking of glass from a distance away, possibly in his dining area. He returned moments later and settled beside her on the bed.

  Something frigid and wet slithered across her buttocks. She shivered, trying to move away from it but couldn’t manage to avoid it.

  “Are you going to behave?” he asked.

  If this was his idea of punishment, then he couldn’t be all bad, she realized. Maybe he didn’t really intend to do her any harm. She nodded.

  “Good,” he said finally. She felt him shift on the bed and then a sudden release of tension on her arms as he untied them from the bed posts. He brought her arms together above her head and then did the same to her feet.

  He left her on the bed, face down. She wondered briefly if she could free her hands or if it was pointless to even try. After a few minutes, he returned to the bed and scooped her into his arms. His muscles bulged beneath her weight. She could feel the tickle of his long black hair against her chest and the coarseness of his chest hair rubbing against her side. The friction of it and the strength he possessed made her shiver.

  Moving through the room, he suddenly stood her on the floor and lifted her arms above her head. She thought at first he was going to free her and then realized he’d connected the rope binding her wrists with something hanging above her on the ceiling.

  Perhaps a hook?

  She struggled then, feeling certain he’d belied the promise not to hurt her and the real torture was about to begin. She couldn’t lower them at all, however. He untied her ankles and slipped something cool around her legs and up her thighs, fitting it to her skin. It felt like a leather loop settling over her thighs. Before she knew what was happening, she heard a creak and felt pressure build in her arms, lifting her until her feet left the floor and higher. Her legs spread as the pulley continued to pull her higher until she was entirely supported by her thighs in a sling and the hook holding her arms above her.

  He’d obviously been prepared to win a woman, or he wouldn’t have so many toys at his disposal. His confidence in his fighting abilities was evidently high given his preparation before knowing that he would be victorious. He must be one of the best gladiators on the field.

  The fact that she was wide open and naked for him to do anything he wanted to her was not lost on Maura. With her knees so high, she could feel air tickling the exposed petals of her sex. She was wholly unguarded and exposed, vulnerable to his penetration.

  She jerked when she felt a silken rope wrap around her stomach. He wove it around her middle, across her chest and back around again. Dimly, she realized he was tying up her breasts, her waist, even looping it around her buttocks. The sensation was not unpleasant until he continued in that manner, making it tighten until she had to breathe shallowly and she felt blood rush to her breasts, ass, and legs.

  When he finally stopped binding her, she was left wondering what he was doing. He was quiet, and she could sense nothing of his objective. Shamefully, picturing in her mind what she must look like, she be
gan to feel her body flush with a strange sort of anticipation. She wondered why she would feel that way, and wondered what sort of dementia had overtaken her mind that she would enjoy being bound in such a way. Was it the helplessness, the vulnerability to defend herself against him and his lurid desires?

  Was she secretly some kind of pervert, becoming excited at being taken advantage of?

  When his sudden rough touch engulfed her breasts, she jerked within the swing, trying to escape him. She tried to ignore the feel of his hands on her breasts. Every nerve on her body seemed heightened by her blindness, reaching out for stimulation. She could feel even the faintest of movements, including the hotness of his breath.

  He engulfed one breast and then the other, squeezing tightly before pinching her nipples. He twisted and plucked them, then moved his hands down her bound stomach, heading for her sex. Her belly quivered at his touch.

  For a brief, fearful moment, she thought he would touch her there, but instead touched her thighs and wrapped around to her buttocks, stroking the crease that marked the bottom. Her sex reacted with a frantic clench when he returned to her nipples and plucked at them once more until they tightened almost painfully. Blood throbbed in her breasts, heightening sensation.

  His hot breath suddenly joined the teasing roughness of his fingers. She realized his mouth was inches from tasting her. He closed his mouth around one peak and an instant wash of pleasure flooded her, washing away the pervasive fear that had engulfed her as slowly and insidiously as his mouth worked upon her. He sucked the tight nub, rubbing it with his tongue.

  Her confusion of what she should be feeling began to be replaced rapidly by desire. Her body responded to his touch, and as much as she fought to ignore it, she could not.

  Her breathing accelerated, but the ropes binding her chest and waist and the gag in her mouth kept her from breathing too deeply. She moaned around the gag, arching her head back. She began to feel lightheaded. Her belly quivered, moisture dampening her cunt as he broke suction and moved to her other nipple to torture it as he had the first.

  When he finally released that one, she did not feel relief as she should have. She felt frustrated and achy.

  His fingers tangled in her hair and tugged her head back, making her scalp sting as he sucked at her throat the same way he had her breasts. He massaged her breasts with one hand, gliding down to tease the outer edges of her sex.

  “Do you want to fuck me?” he asked, nibbling against her jaw. “Tell me honestly.”

  As much as he’d aroused her, in truth, she wasn’t sure anymore. Her body felt tight, hot, and achy, and she wanted relief, but she wasn’t ready to beg him. Until now, this little game he played with her felt like an attempt to bend her to his will, and that wasn’t something she gave up easily.

  She shook her head, no.

  He grunted and splayed her nether lips, lightly stroking her clit. Her treacherous body jerked in response, and she felt moisture gather there. She twisted in the swing, trying to get away from him and succeeding in nothing.

  She swung freely in the air and felt him move between her legs. He gripped her thighs, spreading her legs further apart.

  And then his mouth settled on her clit.

  If she could have fought him off, she would have.

  He sucked her little nub, building pleasure inside her. She breathed deeply, wanting to resist him and feeling her desire grow as he licked and sucked her clit. She moaned into the gag, her cunt clenching on a spasm of desire.

  The heat of his mouth and flicking of his tongue built a growing tension within her. She felt herself nearing climax.

  As abruptly as he’d begun, he stopped.

  She wanted to scream at him to stop torturing her.

  The glass clinked and she knew he’d reached for the ice. The sudden frigid wetness slipped along her thighs and rubbed up her slit. Her whole body clenched in response to the sudden temperature change. She screamed around the gag, angry and frustrated.

  It seemed the response he’d been angling for. He placed his mouth on her again, alternating between hot and cold, teasing and torture. Unmoved by her distress, he placed a fresh piece of ice on her and continued. He moved the ice to her nipples. They tightened into painful peaks. When he closed his mouth over one, she felt so relieved to have warmth there she thought she would faint.

  “Do you want me?” he asked again, toying with her nipple, keeping it pert and cold.

  She thought about it for a moment, wondering how long he would continue if she denied him. She was pissed off being forced into the situation, but her body was so tight and ready for relief, she was almost willing to give in just to have her torment end. She was so exhausted and tense that she wanted to scream.

  Taking her hesitation as some kind of answer, she felt him move low again, felt the hotness of his breath on her clitoris. He spread her, his fingers feeling cold from holding the ice. Spreading her lips, his stroked his finger up her slit, gathering moisture and pushing one rough digit inside her slick channel.

  She jerked in response, breathing heavily through her nostrils when he latched onto her swollen and neglected clit once more.

  Blood traveled to that region like fire, burning her veins like acid. Her cunt clenched and unclenched with desperate need, her pleasure climbing higher with every flicking stroke of his tongue. As if sensing her nearing climax, he pulled away, only to torture her yet again with the ice.

  She screamed around the gag, jerking and kicking.

  And then he began the rounds again, toying with her breasts, making her nipples tighten to hard peaks. He pinched and twisted them and then sucked her pussy with his mouth until she was almost to the edge of climax, and then he would stop.

  Maura lost all sense of herself and the passage of time. She had no idea how long or how many times he’d brought her close to climax. Her endurance had given out. Every muscle ached with tension. She was so ready to come she thought she would die if he did not give her relief. She couldn’t take it anymore or she’d go mad. Insanity teased the edges of her mind, making her desperate.

  She hated him and wanted him with every fiber of her being.

  Maura never thought she could be tortured endlessly with pleasure, yet never fulfilled. She’d expected a beating, being taken by force or hurt. That he was gently dominating her filled her mind with confusion. She didn’t know what to do to make him stop.

  She struggled against the swing, nodding and shaking her head, anything to get his attention.

  “What is it, my pretty?” he asked, then nibbled at her clit.

  “Mmmmph. Mmmph,” she moaned against the gag, frantically trying to communicate with him.

  Her body swayed as he stood. He removed the gag from around her mouth. She took in a deep breath. “Please, don’t do this anymore,” she begged. “Just fuck me and get it over with. I can’t take anymore!”

  He chuckled. “But I thought we were having such a good time playing?”

  “I want you,” she gasped. “Please. Please fuck me.”

  “Master,” he corrected, pinching her nipple.

  “Please fuck me, master,” she said.

  “That’s better,” he said. “Do you want my cock inside you?”

  “Yes. Yes! Please, master. Put your cock inside me,” she said. She’d caught on to the game by now. If he’d wanted her submission, he had it. She couldn’t take the torture anymore.

  She felt something huge and hard slip against her exposed slit.

  Her heart nearly stopped beating when she realized it was his massive cock. Suddenly, the certainty that she wanted him faltered, but she didn’t resist him. She was so ready to have her misery end and find release….

  His cock nudged her opening, feeling smaller than she’d first thought upon seeing it. Had she just imagined its size with her feminine fears?

  He gripped her ass with his rough hands, lifting her up in the swing and relieving the pressure in her s
houlders. She almost wanted to cry at the relief of just that, and when his cock pushed past the edges of her slowly relaxing vagina, she bit her lip in anticipation.

  The thick head stretched her to overflowing, seeming to grow thicker as he worked inside her.

  “Maura,” he groaned her name, kissing her neck and massaging her ass cheeks, holding her wide open for his forceful invasion.

  Her pussy clamped on him, quaking when he forced his way in to the hilt. Every nerve ending screamed with burning, shocking pleasure.

  She cried out, panting for breath. Desperation made her channel clench, and the long standing ache in her womb spasmed and gripped him as he thrust inside.

  His cock jerked and ejaculated something inside her, easing his passing through the tender tissue. He gripped her hips, pulling her down hard on his groin. She didn’t care anymore what he did to her, if only he would let her come. Her mouth opened on a moan and she felt his lips touch hers, his tongue invade her mouth as he pumped his cock into her core.

  She sucked his tongue, communicating every ounce of desperation she had within her, mutely begging for release. Her submission to his lust made him growl savage and hungry. He plundered her mouth and body, and she tightened on him, feeling her pussy build once more to that achy place.

  His cock slid through her silky, wet channel, pulling out. Frantically, she feared he would withdraw and tried to tighten her thighs on his hips to trap him against her. The reaction heightened his arousal. Incredibly, she felt him grow inside her, filling every inch and expanding until she thought she would explode. She didn’t wonder on how he could change the breadth and length of his cock, only that she needed him to move and satisfy her or she would kill him when he finally let her loose of her bonds.

  Her cunt tightened harder on the intrusion. She felt his control snap. He gripped her hips with near bruising force and plundered her depths again. He began a deep driving motion that lifted her in the air. She cried out into his mouth and he swallowed her cries, devouring her mouth as he pummeled her trembling vagina.


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