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The Rape of the Nile

Page 34

by Brian Fagan

  Beni Hasan tombs

  Berenice Belzoni expedition to

  Cailliaud and

  description of

  Berlin Museum

  Bernard the Wise

  Berthollet, Claude-Louis

  Biblical link antiquities collectors/collections

  Egypt Exploration Fund

  Birch, Samuel

  Birket Qarun lake

  Blackie, John Stuart

  Boghos Bey

  Bonomi, Joseph

  Book of Hidden Pearls and Precious Mysteries, The

  Book of the Dead

  Borchardt, Ludwig

  Bourguignon, Jean-Baptiste d’Anville

  Bowring, Lord

  Breasted, James

  Brine, Charles

  British competitions with French

  as Egyptian “ruler,” 194

  intervention in Egypt (1881-1882)

  British Museum

  Amenhotep III statue,

  beginnings of

  Budge and

  Carter and

  collection scramble of 1800s

  Egyptian antiquities and

  Egyptian Room at

  Rosetta Stone

  Scientific and Artistic Commission, “the Young Memnon” statue

  Browne, Sir Thomas

  Browne, William George

  Bruce, James

  Brugsch, Heinrich

  Brugsch, Émile

  Brunton, Guy

  Bubastis excavations

  Bubonic plague

  Budge, Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis

  Amarna tablets and

  Antiquities Service and

  A Thousand Milesand

  British Museum and

  Coptic manuscripts and

  papyri and

  as unscrupulous collector

  Bulaq Museum

  Burckhardt, Johann Ludwig background

  Belzoni/antiquities and

  death of

  praise for Belzoni

  Burton, Harry

  Burton, James

  Burton, Sir Richard

  Byron, Lord

  Cailliaud, Frederic, Cairo

  bazaars of

  caravan trade and

  description of

  in early 1800s

  names/naming of

  Calil Bey

  Cambyses, King of Persia

  Canopus shrines

  Carnarvon, Lord

  Carter and

  death of

  excavations by

  Carnarvon family

  Carter, Howard

  after Tutankhamun work

  Antiquities Service and


  as chief inspector of antiquities

  criticism of

  death of

  demand for his work

  on early looting

  Egypt Exploration Fund and

  Great Temple of Aten site

  looters and

  Newberry and

  painting of

  personality of

  Petrie and

  press coverage and

  tourists and

  Tutankhamun’s tomb conservation by

  Tutankhamun’s tomb discovery by

  Valley of the Kings and


  Castlereagh, Lord

  Catherine the Great

  Catherwood, Frederick

  Cats in ancient Egypt

  Caviglia, Giovanni Battista

  Chambers’s Journal

  Champollion, Jacques-Joseph

  Champollion, Jean-François ancient Egyptian art and

  antiquities conservation and

  copying work in Egypt

  death of

  dictionary of hieroglyphs publication

  education/languages of

  hieroglyphics work by others

  hieroglyphics work/decipherment by



  Salt’s works on hieroglyphics

  trip to Egypt

  work on Description,

  Young and

  Charles X, King of France

  Chasseboeuf, Constantin-François

  Cholera epidemics

  Christianity/Christians arrival in Egypt

  Egypt’s intolerance of

  interpretation of Egyptian monuments

  Christian, King of Denmark

  Circus Maximus

  Clarke, Somers

  Cleopatra cartouches

  Cleopatra’s Needle

  Codet, Henri

  Colossi of Memnon

  Constantine the Great

  Cook, Thomas

  Cook’s tourists

  Coptic Christians

  Coptic language

  Coptic manuscripts

  Creation beliefs of ancient Egypt

  Creation date (biblical) date of Menes and

  Egyptian civilization age and

  Crocodiles of the Fayyum

  Cromer, Lord


  Cuneiform tablets

  “Curse of the Pharaohs,”

  Curtin, James Belzoni’s performance trips and

  Belzoni’s pumping machine and

  Palestine trip

  “the Young Memnon” and

  trip to Abu Simbel and


  Daud Kachif

  Daud Pasha

  D’Avennes, Emile Prisse

  David, Jacques-Louis

  Davis, Theodore

  Deir el-Bahri cleft

  De Lesseps, Ferdinand-Marie

  De Morgan, Jacques

  Demotic script

  Dendera temple

  Dendur temple

  Denon, Dominique-Vivant background

  Oeuvre Priapiqueof

  reception of work

  work on Scientific and Artistic Commission

  De Sacy, Sylvestre

  Desaix de Veygoux

  Description de I’Égypt Champollion and

  description of

  Hathor drawing from

  hieroglyphs in

  importance of

  Detroit Institute of Arts


  Dibdin, Charles Jr.

  Diodorus Siculus

  Disraeli, Benjamin

  Djoser, Pharaoh

  Djoser’s Step Pyramid

  D’Outremeuse, Jean

  Drovetti, Bernardino Michele Maria antiquities interest/collection


  Belzoni’s legal proceedings against

  Belzoni/“the Young Memnon” and

  Champollion and

  competition with Belzoni

  death of

  meeting Belzoni

  rivals’ national collections and

  Salt and

  selling of collections

  Duff-Gordon, Lucie

  Du Lode, C.

  Dunham, Dows

  Ebers, Georg Moritz

  Edfu temple

  Edwards, Amelia B. collection of

  conservation/influence of

  death/endowment of

  Egypt Exploration Fund and

  Egyptian travels

  Newberry and

  photo of

  writings of

  Egypt (500 years ago) invasion by Turks

  outside world’s knowledge of

  traveling to Egypt

  Egypt (eighteenth century) French interest in

  outside world’s knowledge of

  political importance of

  rule of

  See alsoNapoléon Bonaparte

  Egypt (following time of pharaohs) conquerors of

  end of greatness

  Greek travelers to

  Egypt (in Roman Empire) Coptic Christians and

  description of

  graffiti/inscriptions on antiquities

  pleasure resorts at Alexandria

  tourists to

  waning of Roman power,

  Egypt (modern) antiquities’ polic
y and

  continuing discoveries

  control of antiquities

  Egyptian archaeologists and

  independence of

  looting in

  underwater archaeology

  Egypt (time of early collectors) France and

  Grand Tour of


  tourist circuit

  transportation and

  Egypt (time of pharaohs) civilization subdivisions/developments

  description of

  early creation beliefs

  Lower Egypt (Ta-mehu), description of

  order over chaos in

  tomb robbers trial

  tomb robbing during

  Two Lands of

  unification of Upper/Lower Egypts

  Upper Egypt (Ta-shema), description of

  Egypt Exploration Fund biblical link and

  Carter and

  creation of

  Edwards and

  Maspero and

  Naville and

  objectives of

  Petrie and

  Egyptian Gazette

  Egyptian Grammar(Gardiner)

  Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, London

  Egyptian national museum beginnings of

  corruption with

  establishment of

  Mariette and

  Maspero and

  Egyptian Princess, An(Ebers)

  Egyptology’s Golden Age

  Elephantine Island

  Elgin Marbles controversy

  “Emotional archaeology,” 220 Empereur, Jean-Yves

  Encyclopedia Britannica

  Erman, Adolf

  Etheria, Lady

  Eugénie, Empress

  Europe’s Egyptian craze

  Evans, Sir Arthur

  Fabri, Brother Felix

  Fatimid dynasty

  Feddon, Robin

  Fedmin el-Hanaises

  Finati, Giovanni

  Fitzclarence, George

  Five Years’ Explorations at Thebes (Carnarvon/Carter)

  Flaubert, Gustave

  Flood Tablets from Nineveh

  Fonteine, Guy de la


  Francis I, King of France

  French Revolution

  Gardiner, Sir Alan

  Gardner, Ernest

  Gebel Zabara camp at

  discovery of emeralds at

  Gell, Sir William


  George III, King

  Geramb, Father

  Gibraltar, Ishmail

  Gliddon, George Robin

  Goddio, Frank

  Gonheim, Muhammad Zakaria

  Government Commission for the Research of Artistic and Scientific Objects in Conquered Countries (France)


  Great Harris Papyrus

  Great Pyramid

  Great Pyramid at Giza

  Great Pyramid of Khufu Belzoni’s trip to

  Caviglia and

  Grebaut, Eugene

  Griffith, Francis


  Hadrian, Emperor

  Hague, Louis

  Hamet Bey

  Hamid Aga

  Hamilton, Gavin

  Hamilton, William

  Handbook for Travellers in Egypt (Wilkinson)

  Harris, Anthony Charles

  Harris, Selima

  Hassan (“the Blue Devil”)

  Hassan Kachif

  Hathor (cow goddess)

  Hathor (temple of) Denon’s drawing of

  Mariette and

  village on

  Hatshepsut, Queen

  Hawara pyramid

  Hawass, Zahi

  Hay, Robert

  Hearst, Phoebe

  Hearst Egyptian Expedition

  Helferich, Johann

  Herodotus burial customs, descriptions of

  criticism of

  praise for

  visit to Egypt

  writings of

  Hetepheres, Queen


  Hieroglyphs of Abu Simbel temple

  cartouches and

  Champollion and

  Chinese script and

  Coptic language and

  copying of/Seti I tomb

  demotic language and

  in Description de l’Egypt,

  dictionary of

  early decipherment attempts

  first book on

  Mariette and

  Rosetta stone and

  Salt’s interest in

  speculations on

  at tomb of Seti I

  Young and


  History and Description ofAfrica (Africanus)

  History of Egypt(Manetho)

  History of Egypt, A(Breasted)

  Hitler, Adolf

  Honororius, Julius

  Hor, Pharaoh

  Horakhty (hawk-headed god)


  Horus (god)

  Horus-Aha, Pharaoh

  Horuta family vault

  Houssay, du, Ambassador

  Hurley, Frank

  Hussein Kachif

  Hutchinson, General

  Ibn Khaldun

  Ibn Tulun

  Ibrahim, Sheik. SeeBurckhardt, Johann Ludwig

  Ibrahim Bey

  Illustrated London News

  Illustrations of Cairo(Hay)

  Innocents Abroad(Twain)


  Institut de l’Egypte

  Irby, Charles

  Isis temples

  Islam and antiquities

  Joanne, Adolphe

  Jomard, Edmé

  Josephine, Empress

  Jupiter Ammon temple

  Justinian I, Emperor

  Kahun excavations

  Kamal, Ahmad

  Kamal Abu el-Saadat

  Kamal el-Mallakh

  Kamose, Pharaoh

  Karnak, temples

  Khaemwese and tomb robbers

  Khafre’s mortuary temple Belzoni’s discovery of

  exhibit of

  Khalil Bey

  Khnemet, Queen

  Khnum (creator god)

  Khufu pyramid

  King lists

  Kircher, Athanasius

  Kitchener, Horatio Herbert



  Labyrinth Belzoni’s search for

  description of

  discovery of

  Petrie and

  Wilkinson and

  Lacau, Pierre

  Lancret, Michel-Ange

  Lane, Edward William

  Latif, Abdel

  Layard, Austen Henry

  Lebolo, Antonia

  L’Egypt sous les pharaons (Champollion)

  Lelorrain, Jean-Baptiste

  Lemoyne, Arnaud

  Lepsius, Karl Richard


  L’Hote, Nestor

  Life in Ancient Egypt(Erman)

  Linant, Louis

  London theater (early 1800s)

  Loret, Victor

  Louis, King of France

  Louis, King of France


  Lower Egypt (Ta-mehu),description of

  Lower/Upper Egypts, unification of

  Lucas, Alfred

  Lucas, Paul

  Luxor dealers

  Mace, A.C.

  Magic Flute, The(Mozart)



  Mangles, James

  Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians(Lane)

  Map of Egypt

  Mariette, Auguste antiquities for Egyptians

  Antiquities Service and


  Bulaq Museum and

  conservation and

  Coptic manuscripts and

  criticism of Herodotus by

  death of

  diplomatic role of

  Egyptian national museum and

s by

  family of

  illustration of

  Serapeum at Memphis and

  supervision of sites by

  tourists and

  workmen/labor and

  Mark, Saint


  Maspero, Gaston Antiquities Service and

  attitudes towards Egyptians


  Budge and

  Carter and

  conservation and

  Egypt Exploration Fund and

  Egyptian national museum and

  European museum collectors and

  Rasul family looting and

  supervision by

  The Book of Hidden Pearlsand

  tourists and

  Maundeville, Sir John

  Medinet el-Fayyum

  Memnon, King of Ethiopia

  Memnonium (Ramesseum)

  Memphis mummy pits of

  as pharaohs’ capital

  See alsoSerapeum at Memphis Menes, Pharaoh

  Menkaure, Pharaoh

  Menou, Abdallas Jacques-François

  Mentuhotep, Queen

  Mentuhotep I

  Merneptah, Pharaoh

  Methods and Aims in Archaeology (Petrie)

  Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

  Midsummer Ramble in the Dolomites (Edwards)

  Mimaut, Jean-François

  Missett, Ernest

  Mohammad Ali, Pasha

  Molyneux, George. SeeCarnarvon, Lord

  Mona Lisa

  Monge, Gaspard

  Montu (falcon god)

  Montuherkhepeshef, Prince

  Montulé, Edouard de

  Moore, Edward


  Moses story

  Mountnorris, Lord


  Mubarak, Cli

  Muhammad, Sheikh

  Mummification techniques

  Mummy cases of

  description of

  as medicine

  trade in

  Murray, John (publisher)

  Museums beginnings of

  lack of Egyptian national museum

  for Queen Ahhotep’s artifacts

  See also specific museums

  Mut temple

  Mycenaean and Egyptian civilizations

  Myos Hormos

  Napoléon, Prince

  Napoléon Bonaparte Battle of the Pyramids

  blueprint for his expedition

  British victory over

  Chasseboeuf’s book and

  conquest of Italy

  expedition to Egypt

  flight from Egypt

  Institut de l’Égypte and

  overhaul of Egypt’s administration

  Scientific and Artistic Commission of

  soldiers salute to antiquities

  Napoleon III


  Nasser, Colonel/President

  Nationalism and 1900s archaeology

  Naukratis excavations

  Naville, Edouard-Henri


  Nefertiti, Queen mural of Akhenaten

  portrait of

  Neith (goddess)

  Nesos Sokonopaiou

  Newberry, Percy

  New Kingdom temple

  Niger River sources

  Nile River beliefs on source

  flooding/droughts with

  importance of

  Norden, Frederick Lewis

  Nubia (Ta-Seti),

  Nubian kings

  Nubian sites

  Obelisk looting

  Oeuvre Priapique(Denon)

  Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago

  Osiris (god)

  Osman Efendi


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