Exigency (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 2)

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Exigency (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 2) Page 19

by Cate, Marnie

  Removing my robe from me, she said, “Bring the dress.”

  A dozen Vetur entered the room and circled the platform. Following them, Christina and Laura entered with three more Vetur behind them.

  “My Marina, darling, you have gotten so skinny. I fear that we've not been feeding you enough here.” Snowystra said in a concerned voice.

  Christina and Laura stepped to each side of me revealing the dress the three women were carrying. The black ball gown was covered in large diamonds on the skirt of the satin dress. Holding it out before me, Christina took my hand and guided me to step into the dress. Slipping into my gown, I looked around hoping to be able to see what I looked like in it. The mirror before me was covered in a thick black mist and I could not see myself in it.

  Snowystra stood before me analyzing the dress. As she poked and pulled on the fabric, I could see it changing before me. She made adjustments as if I was a dress model and she was creating her latest fashion. She tightened the fabric around the waist, lowered the neckline, changed her mind raising it and even lengthened the dress. All of this was done with no tools, only her will.

  “Much better,” she said, as she circled me. “We really need to do something about this drastic weight loss, dear. Maybe if you weren't sleeping for such extended periods your body wouldn't be going into hibernation. You really must take better care of yourself to prepare your body to start having children.”

  “Children?” I said. “We did not have immediate plans for children. We had always said we would enjoy being married before we started a family.”

  “Things have changed, darling,” she said, as she fussed with my dress. “The Shah must have an heir. How can I be expected to fulfill my promise of giving you both eternal life if he won't keep his part of the deal? Your children are essential to the success of my return.”

  Not wanting to incite her anger again, I said, “You are right. Things have changed. We will honor the promises Cole made.”

  “You have made me so happy,” Snowystra said, kissing my cheek and stepping back from me. “Let's see what you think of your wedding dress? You do look quite beautiful almost like a china doll.”

  The mirror cleared as she waved her hand over the reflection. The realization that I was going to be married to Cole and that my family was not with me brought tears to my eyes.

  “Oh, you don't like it?” she said, taking my hand. “What's wrong? What can we fix? You must be happy on your wedding day.”

  “It is lovely,” I said as I soaked in the magic she was sending through me. “I am just so happy that today has come and everything is so perfect.”

  As much as I missed my family and I wanted to hate the dress, I did like it despite my best intentions. The black bodice was embroidered with silver thread. From a distance, you wouldn't notice the web design but up close, you could clearly see the spider web. The skirt was full and was layered with long pieces of fabric that were tastefully covered with diamonds. The gems sparkled as I moved. Christina had piled most of my hair into a beautiful up do that accentuated my curls.

  Snowystra made one final turn around me. “Very nice,” she said. “Everything will be perfect. I must leave you now. I am going to go check on everything to make sure the final touches are as I want them. Christina, make sure she drinks more tavi and get her something to eat. We can't have the bride fainting on our wedding day.

  As she walked away from us, she snapped at the Vetur standing around. “Get her out of the dress and Marina, just relax for the next few hours.”

  “Is there anything I need to do?” I asked, not wanting to know what she had planned.

  “Oh no, darling, everything is well underway. The guests are on schedule to arrive. Everything has been taken care of,” she said, as she left the room.

  After I removed the dress, I was led by two guards back to my room where I was told to wait until I was summoned. The next few hours would be painful if I could not control my thoughts.

  Chapter 43

  I began to pace as I tried to figure out what my next move should be. I was going to marry Cole but then I was going to take him away from here. No matter what I had to do, we would be leaving here and never returning.

  “You are going to miss the wedding if we don't feed you,” Christina said. “Come sit and eat something.”

  “I don't want anything,” I said, seriously not wanting any food.

  “Please, you have to eat something,” she said. “Just have a few bites of one of your favorites. There is some bread with your favorite jam with a cup of coffee the way you like it.”

  “How would you know what I like? You don't know anything about me,” I said unable to control my anger.

  Not responding to my outburst, she led me by my elbow to a small table that held a silver platter and a bottle of red liquid. Pushing away the platter, I poured myself a glass of the tavi veri and drank it quickly.

  Taking the cup from me, she set the platter in front of me again. “Now let's get some food inside you.”

  Grabbing the cup from her, I poured myself another glass of tavi. Stopping me, she took the glass and moved it out of my reach. Scolding me, she said, “You cannot just live on tavi alone. You need to eat something. Please try harder.”

  “I know if I open the lid, it will be one of Gram's recipes. All that is ever made for me is something she would have cooked. I cannot eat her food on this day. I cannot,” I said, throwing my silverware onto the floor. “Just pour me more tavi.”

  With a sad look, she nodded and reluctantly poured me a glass that I quickly drank. The ice inside me responded to the beverage. The magic in me was strong and I wondered what this new magic really could do. I closed my eyes and thought about forming a weapon much like the fire sword I had made for Blaze.

  When I opened my eyes, there was a metal dagger in my hand. The hilt of the weapon, covered in green jewels, pulsed with energy. Holding it out in front of me as if I was using it, a lime colored bolt of electricity flew off the tip. The current hit one of the dressers that began to smoke and flames grew. Immediately, two guards came storming into the room.

  “Are you under attack? What's going on in here?” one of the guards cried, as the other began to search the room.

  “Just put the fire out and go away,” I snapped.

  Christina went to the guard that was patting out the fire with his hands. Softly, she said to him, “There's nothing wrong. It was just an accident.” Giving her a knowing look, he motioned to the other man and they picked up the dresser and carried it out of the room.

  Whispering back, he said, “She looks a lot like her mother. Please keep her magic under control.”

  “Would you like the same dresser or a different kind, min Vizier?” the other guard said to me.

  “Surprise me,” I said. As the door shut, I dropped the dagger and watched as it sizzled and dissolved into the floor leaving a black mark.

  “It will take time for you to learn your new magic,” Christina said.

  “I need to know how to use it now,” I said. “What did he mean about my mother?”

  “Your mother struggled to learn her magic, too,” she smiled. “You are not the first to start a fire in this castle.”

  Thinking about Eliza was never a good thing to do. In the palm of my hand, I held a black fireball. The small marble flickered, emitting silver and white sparks. As it grew, it became the green ball of magic that I had seen my mother call. The same magic that had killed my grandmother. As I tossed it back and forth from hand to hand, I realized that it was a combination of my fire magic and the dark magic. Squeezing my hands together, I extinguished the flames.

  If I could still call Fire, what other elements inside me could I safely use? Thinking of Air, I focused on sending a stream of air towards Christina. Instead a black cloud formed. Wondering how much more of the mist like cloud I could call, I willed a gentle wind to encircle me. Slowly, the blackness crept in until I could not see anything around me.

bsp; As the door burst open, I released my hold on the magic. The thickness of the black smoke in the air began to dissipate. The guards stormed in coughing as they walked towards me.

  “Mistress,” the head guard said, “We beg of you, please stop calling your magic today. The guards are all on high alert and we cannot do our job if you keep summoning us.”

  Glaring at him, I said, “I will not stop anything. You can go away and leave me alone. You were never summoned. If I need help, I will cry, 'help'. Until then leave and don't come back.”

  With those words, I called black smoke and forced it towards the guards. As I pushed more at them, they stood strong as they fought against my magic shoving them out of the room.

  “I beg you to not try your other two elements,” Christina said with fear.

  “So you think I can use them too?” I said. “You have seen my water magic.”

  “I did but I fear that you can do more than just create spiders with it,” she said.

  “What do you think will happen if I do call them?” I said.

  “I think if you call your dark version of Water, you will fill the room with an acidic liquid that will burn everything around it. I'm not sure but I think if you do call Earth, you will generate enough strength to crumble the castle.”

  “Interesting,” I said, considering her words. “Fine. I will not play with my magic anymore. Bring me the platter again.”

  When she removed the lid, it held a cup of coffee. The steaming liquid smelled of cinnamon and vanilla. The way Gram liked it.

  I could tell from the look on Christina's face that she was pleased with my decision to eat. Slowly, I took a small sip of the coffee only to spit it out. The liquid burned my tongue.

  “I can't drink that, it's too hot,” I said, handing her the cup.

  This time she brought me a plate that held raspberry lemonade and a dish of licorice ice cream. Both were Gram's recipes but colder versions. Tears filled my eyes as I noticed that the licorice was covered with red sprinkles. Meg's favorite. Taking a small bite, I forced back my tears. Today I would not cry. There would be no tears on my wedding day. The food would be a reminder to not get lost in the darkness. As I thought those words to myself, I felt a small stabbing pain in my heart.

  “You have pleased Alaunius,” Christina said. “Would you like anything else?”

  “This is enough,” I said.

  “We will need to fix your hair up again and touch up your makeup. Do you want to try to rest?”

  “No,” I said, thinking I had slept enough. “I want to explore this room.”

  I took my last bite of ice cream and brought the lemonade with me as I began going through the dressers. Pulling out clothes and jewelry, I became frustrated.

  “Why is there nothing but clothing here. There is no paper or pens,” I said, feeling frustrated. “Why is there nothing artistic if Cole has been staying here?”

  “He hasn't been here much,” Christina said. “He keeps to himself in the study downstairs.”

  “Can you take me there?” I asked.

  “I'm afraid that we wouldn't be able to do that today,” she said. “You don't want to run into him yet. It's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding. After you marry him, I am sure that he will take you there himself.”

  “Could there be any worse luck than wearing a black dress and getting married in Snowystra's home?” I said, pondering the irony of my situation.

  “Yes, dear Mara, there are worse things,” she said, not elaborating. “So, what do you want that I can get you?”

  As I thought about how I would like to distract myself for a few hours, I came up with something that I hadn't done in a while. “I would like to read a book.”

  “What kind of book?” she said, directing me to a bookcase that had not been in the room moments ago.

  Scanning the titles of books, I was delighted to see so many of my grandparents' favorites; books that were read to me when I was young. Skimming the titles, I found it difficult to decide. Which should I read again? A classic like Little Women or one of the new titles that I had never read before. Picking up, Kind of Like Life by Christina McMullen, I opened it and read the first few pages. Interested in my selection, I settled on one of the overstuffed chairs where I fell into the world that this author had created.

  “My life is becoming closer to a novel than real life, Christina,” I said, as I finished the book. “Maybe like Dorothy, I did wake up in a strange place.”

  “Yes, Mara,” she smirked. “But, you are not in Oz.”

  Interrupting our conversation, the door opened and the guard entered. “The Goddess would like you to finish dressing the Vizier for the wedding,” he said to Christina. “The time has come.”

  Christina said, “Send in the girls to assist with dressing her. She will be ready on time for the ceremony.”

  “As you wish,” he said. Before he left, he looked around the room as if expecting to see more destruction. He seemed pleased that I had not burnt any more furniture.

  By the time the dress arrived and I was in it, I began to feel better. In an hour, I would marry Cole and I would find a way to bring him back to me. Christina touched up my hair and makeup and then placed a small-jeweled crown on the top of my head.

  Clasping my hand, she said, “You are such a beautiful bride.”

  Hugging her, I said, “Thank you for everything. I will remember everything you told me.”

  Christina put the final touches on my makeup. The makeup was much darker than what I would normally wear. Gone were my days of eyeliner and cherry lip-gloss. I looked like a dark bride. Gram would have been displeased by the darkness of my appearances especially the deep burgundy lipstick. But, she would understand that if I wanted to play the evil queen, I had to wear the costume. A knock on the door, announced the arrival of the guards.

  “Is she ready?” the head guard asked Christina.

  “Yes, she is,” I stepped forward glaring at him.

  Bowing, he said, “We are to take you to the Goddess.”

  The guards led me back through Snowystra's bedroom. When we entered the room with the platform, two more guards joined them following me up the steps. Seeing my reflection in the mirror, I realized that this was the only opportunity I would have to turn back. Looking at the guards, I knew that changing my mind would mean I would have to call all the magic I had inside me. Before I could question my decision any further, the mirror began to smoke. Long threads of smoke came from it and wrapped tightly around me.

  Looking to Christina for help, she whispered, “Bright Blessings, Mara. I will be there for you.”

  The magic lifted me off the ground and I was pulled into the reflection. Floating in the darkness, I felt a sense of peace. Drifting through the black emptiness, I was surrounded by a pulsing, green electricity. With a sharp bang, the calm feeling ended and I began falling downward. Blurs of light passed me as I fell deeper into the void before I landed hard on a black throne.

  The small room where my fall ended slowly began to fill with light. Two Vetur were pulling large curtains open letting the morning sunshine onto me. Going to the large curved windows that overlooked a winter garden, I could see hundreds of Vetur formally dressed in silver and black. They milled around as if anxiously awaiting the event. Thousands of chairs lined the snow-covered ground facing a circular platform that held three chairs.

  Standing by one of the chairs, I could see Cole talking to someone but I could not see their face. Coles stood tall looking handsome in his black and white fitted tuxedo. Whatever the person said made him laugh and he took a seat. Wearing a big grin, he was given a drink that he sipped.

  The room filled with a blinding snowstorm and as the flakes settled to the ground, Snowystra entered the room. “Marina, my darling, you look so beautiful. I would say almost perfection except just one thing is needed.”

  Standing behind me, she held out a necklace in front of me. The silver chain held a large spider made of
diamonds. The eight legs sparkled with light green gems. I shivered as she put the necklace on me. Slowly, she began to shorten the length of it.

  Leaning in so close to me that her icy breath began to freeze my ears, she said, “Your loyalty to me is appreciated.”

  She pulled the chain tighter bringing the spider to the base of my neck. As it became uncomfortable, I put my hand on the spider charm trying to stop it from shortening anymore.

  Removing my hand gently from the necklace, she whispered in my ear, “Cole has been such a dear to me. I truly want him to be happy. He believes that once you begin your lives together here that you will forget the silly promises you made to my sister. Those that are loyal to me are always rewarded richly.”

  She continued to tighten the necklace. Soon, I found it difficult to take a breath. The women near us moved away, busying themselves. Christina appeared not cowering in fear of the Goddess but instead watching intently. “Those that betray me quickly learn how vindictive and cruel I can really be,” she said in a low hiss.

  Releasing the necklace, she let it drop to my collarbone. As I gasped for air, she grabbed my hands. When I tried to move away from her, she pulled me into a hug.

  Returning her voice to a louder more maternal voice, she said, “I am so glad that you love your dress. You are right. It will be wonderful.” Her grey blue eyes narrowed as if she was sending a silent warning to me.

  Releasing me from her embrace, I felt able to talk again. With a tight smile, I said, “Thank you. You have been a gift from the Gods to my family. We will never be able to repay you for everything you have given us.”

  Kissing me on the cheek, she whispered, “Careful, Marina, I might almost believe you are here for me.” Sending a burst of her magic through me, I closed my eyes hating myself for longing for even more of her winter chill.


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