Exigency (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 2)

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Exigency (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 2) Page 20

by Cate, Marnie

  “Get her something cold. She seems a bit weak,” she said, addressing Christina. “Bring her down soon though. I am going to check on the groom. He is such a mess when he is away from me too long.”

  Her comment angered me and before I could call my magic to throw at her, she vanished into a puff of black smoke. The women circled around staring at me with pity in their eyes. One of them that I recognized as Malise stepped forward, handing me a bouquet of red flowers.

  “Are you ready, min Vizier,” she said. “You look lovely.”

  “Thank you,” I said. “Did you enjoy your stay in the Sephorian Desert?”

  Stammering, she said with a look of fear, “Mistress? I was not sent there.”

  “Just an oversight. How lucky for you that you were missed. Anyone that dared to question my loyalty for the Goddess of Winter was and will be immediately sent there,” I said. My intention of warning her to not start any trouble with me worked.

  Trembling, she knelt before me, “No, min Vizier, I promise that I know your intentions are pure. Please forgive me if I gave you the feeling that I felt anything else.”

  “Get up. The Vizier does not have time to deal with you. Consider yourself warned and your previous accusation forgiven,” Christina said, looking at me for approval.

  Waving her off, I said, “It's time. Take me to the Shah.”

  “This way,” Christina said, leading me to a mirror much like the one in Snowystra's room.

  As I stared at the reflection waiting for the smoke to appear, I felt an energy in the air. This time instead of threads, the large bony hand of Mortorcus reached through the mirror and picked me up by my waist.

  He did not shake or throw me. Instead, he placed me inside a carriage through the roof. The windows were tinted and I could not see where he was leading me. I could feel the rocking movement making me think we were moving very fast. The carriage then slowed and the top of it broke off turning it into a silver sleigh. Vetur were lined up on both sides of the path, as if trying to see me.

  The sleigh stopped and I was greeted by Dunn dressed in a tuxedo.

  Holding his hand out to me, he said, “You have cleaned up nicely, mistress.”

  Shoving his hand away, I glared, “You will address me as min Vizier.”

  Taken aback, the smile faded from his face.

  Smirking for the smallest moment, I whispered, “Or my friends call me, Mara.”

  His smile returned when he realized that I had not yet succumbed to the darkness. Extending his hand to me again, I took it this time.

  “The guards are all saying that you were out of control and tried to burn down your wing,” Dunn said with a tight smile.

  “Not at all true,” I said. “I just had a magic mishap. All was fine in the end. They carried away the burnt dresser.”

  “I would have loved to be there for that, “he said.

  Music sounded indicating the start of the procession. A dozen guards in black and silver uniforms lined up two by two in front of me and another dozen closed in behind. Dunn took my arm as if he was walking me down the aisle. Fear filled me as I saw the crowd stand. There was no turning back. I was going to become Snowystra's dark queen.

  Taking a long, slow breath, I focused my energy on my family. Wishing that they were with me on this day would do me no good.

  Essie, I thought to myself hoping that I would be able to connect with her. Essie, if you can hear me, please tell my father that I love him and that above everything, I had wanted him to be the one to walk me down the aisle at my wedding. We lost years together but never the love I had for him. Take care of my little sister and brother until I can be with them again.

  Instead of Essie, the voice of Alaunius sounded. You are not alone child.

  Startled, I look around to see if anyone else had heard him. The soft voice of the benevolent god whispered to me, your family is with you Mara. They have never left your heart.

  The voice of my father whispered in my mind. Little caterpillar, it is time to stop hiding in the cocoon and become the powerful butterfly I always knew you would be. Sweetheart, come home to us soon.

  I will, Daddy. I promised myself. I will make you proud.

  Chapter 44

  As I fought to hide the tears that had begun to well in my eyes, Dunn stopped and called out, “Attention.”

  The guards stopped, took two uniform steps to the outside of the path, pivoted to face their partner and pulled out their swords.

  Dunn commanded, “Present.”

  Raising their weapons towards the sky, they touched the tips of their partner's sword. The blades sparked and began to shower us with silver embers as we walked through the passage they had created.

  When we reached the end of the guards, Dunn cried out, “Stand down.”

  The guards sheathed their weapons and I could now see the reason for me being in this cold world. Cole Sands, my blue-eyed love, watched me. He was beaming with pride. In that moment, I knew that the choice I was making was correct and I was going to save us from the darkness or die trying.

  The music changed to a dark march and Dunn slowly led me down the path between the seated guests. Vetur in fine clothing filled the back twenty or so rows. Searching the crowd for any familiar faces as we continued, I saw no one until we reached the front rows that held humans dressed in heavy winter clothes. Covered in fur hats, jackets and boots, they appeared uncomfortable in the chilly weather.

  My eyes locked on the emotionless silver eyes of Blanche Drygen seated in the front row. My blood ran cold as we stared at each other. I could feel the hatred she had for me and I hoped that she knew the feeling was mutual. Next to her, Cedric sat hunched over staring off into the distance. He looked nothing like the dangerous man that I had seen before. Instead, a pitiful shell of a man sat in his place. My mother's death had affected him and he was visibly heartbroken. Cedric suddenly noticed me and watched me with a look of surprise.

  Standing up, he called out to me, “Eliza?” his voice full of pain. “You can't marry him. You love me.”

  “Sit down,” Blanche hissed, tugging on his arm. “You are embarrassing yourself. It is not Eliza.”

  Shrugging her off, he ran to me and knelt down before me. “Eliza, you can decide. We will run away where she won't find us. Come with me now and we will have the life we planned,” he pleaded. “Don't make this choice.”

  Two guards swooped in and picked him up. As they dragged him away, he screamed, “Eliza! Don't do this.”

  “Take him away,” Cole said, stepping forward, extending his hand to me. Dunn lightly squeezed my arm in support and bowed to Cole. Accepting Cole's hand, he whispered to me. “Do not let him ruin our day. He has lost his mind. Mar, you are even more beautiful than imagined.”

  “So, I am guessing I was worth the wait?” I said, with a sly smile. The Drygens would not ruin my wedding day even if it was a dark wedding with no family here. “You look quite handsome yourself.”

  A light glowed behind us and a woman's voice said, “We are brought here today to celebrate the union of Cole Oliver Sands and Marina Addisyn Stone. Not only have they chosen to take this day to show their love of each other. But, they would like to share their decision to renounce their promise to Danu, Goddess of Light and pledge an oath of loyalty to Snowystra, Goddess of Darkness, Mother of Winter and the giver of life to the Vetur. The crowd cheered.

  Turning to see who was speaking, I saw our neighbor, Mrs. Ward. Cole said to her in a soft voice, “I am so glad you came to be here with us today. It really means a lot to me and Marina.”

  “Your grandmother was a dear friend to me and I am glad I could be here for you,” she whispered before forcing a smile and saying loudly, “The Goddess has been kind in forgiving me for my lack of appreciation to her.

  Looking at her, I could see that she was afraid and her words were forced.

  In her hands, she held three ribbons. “Please offer your hands as an act of solidarity,” she said.

bsp; Following her directions, we held out our hands. They were still clasped together.

  Chuckling, she said, “Well, you will have to stop holding hands first for this to work.”

  The crowd tittered and we slowly released our handhold. With our individual hands held out to her, she twisted a lavender ribbon around my forearm stopping at my wrist.

  “Marina, do you take this oath with freewill and full desire. Do you promise to be wife, mother of the Shah's future children and his devout subject?”

  Startled by her words, I looked into Cole's eyes. The love I could see within him stopped me from disagreeing but I would be his partner in life not his follower. “I do make this promise free and willingly,” I said.

  Now taking a silver ribbon, she wrapped it around Cole's arm. “Cole, do you pledge your undying love to Marina. Promising to be her protector, the father of her children and her leader. Will you guide her through the winter? Will you guide her through the darkness? Will you lead her to her full destiny?”

  Looking deep into my eyes, I could see his eyes flicker and the frost faded. “I, Cole Oliver Sands, Shah of the Vetur, pledge my life, love and everything that is mine to Marina Addisyn Stone.”

  “Now take hands,” Mrs. Ward said. As he entangled his fingers in mine, she slowly twisted a black ribbon around our arms binding us together. “These ties represent the love of Marina, the love of Cole and the blessing of the Goddess. These binds signify your forever commitment that no one can break. Marina and Cole, I now pronounce you as man and wife. Cole, you may kiss your bride.”

  Kissing me gently, he then picked me up twirling me around and shouted, “My queen!”

  Snowystra stepped forward moving Mrs. Ward out of the way. As she was led away by guards, I could see her worry.

  “My children,” Snowystra called out. “Before you this union of their love was made. Now they will make their pact to us. If anyone has reason to believe that either before us are not loyal to the Winter, speak now and expose the falsehood.”

  Waiting as minutes of silence passed, the entire time I was sure that Blanche Drygen, Laura or even one of the Vetur would step forward calling me a fraud. When no one responded, Dunn stepped forward to Snowystra with a container in his hands.

  “Since no one has any objections,” Snowystra said, “We shall proceed.”

  A metal bowl was handed to her. When she took it in her hands, it became clear showing two balls bouncing back and forth inside it. One was filled with dark smoke and the second with snow. As she let go of the container, it hovered in the center of us.

  Snowystra untied the ribbon connecting me to Cole. “Offer your hand to me,” Snowystra said. “Cole, do you promise your eternal connection to the Vetur, your loyalty commitment to me and your renouncement of Danu and those that protect her?”

  “I do,” he said.

  With the small dagger that appeared in her hand, she sliced his palm. The smoke and snow from the bowl slowly began to slither onto his skin and into the open cut.

  Turning to me, she said, “Marina, do you promise your eternal loyalty to me and my children and reject Danu and her gift.”

  Offering my hand out to her, I said, “I renounce all but you Mother of Darkness.”

  She sliced my hand and I soon felt the cold crawling into me. Finally, she took the dagger and sliced her own hand allowing the silver blood oozing from her cut to drop into the bowl. Her blood combined with the remaining black and white threads and trailed into our bodies.

  When the bowl was empty, she took our hands and presented us to the crowd, “Your Shah and Vizier. Your leaders. Your protectors. My children, welcome them as they will restore the power I once had.”

  My eyes connected with Blanche Drygens. She watched me with an expression that looked like sadness. I wondered if she wished it was her in my spot right now or if she was pitying me.

  “And now the celebration will begin,” Snowystra said, waving her hand calling a black cloud.

  Black particles of sand surrounded us. Cole grabbed me tightly as if protecting me from it. The darkness licked at my skin as it continued to wrap itself around us. A bright flash of light appeared. The light softened and I found myself once again in the calming silence of Alaunius' sanctuary.

  “Mar, where are we?” Cole said. “Why are you dressed like that?”

  Chapter 45

  Narrowing my eyes at him, I said, “We were just married, Cole, by our Goddess Snowystra and we have taken an oath to follow her. We accepted the path to our destiny.”

  Looking around, he said, “We got married here? What are you talking about? We are all alone.”

  Unsure if he was testing me, I decided to not take the chance. I kept my hard persona and glared at him. Even when I watched his expression change to shock, I still kept up my act.

  “I am so confused. You look so different,” he said, sitting on the ground. “Everything is so fuzzy.”

  “Are you telling me you don't remember anything?” I snapped at him.

  “Nothing,” he said, softly. “The last thing I remember is dancing with you. Then, I went to order us something to eat at the bar and…”

  His expression changed to a look of fear. He started to well up and I realized that his eyes were clear and bright blue. He was not pretending. The spell she had on him was lifted for the moment but I needed to be careful.

  “Cole, she took you. She brought you to her world and I came to get you. We were just married and we promised to follow her.”

  Remembering what Christina had told me to do, I broke one of the petals off the small crown on my head. It turned to a liquid that slithered into the open cut on my hand. The burning hot liquid traveled through my body. Breaking off another piece of the crown, I put it onto Cole's hand.

  “What is that?” he gasped. After several seconds, he said softly. “I didn't want to follow her, Mar. But, I can't just leave now. We need to save the Vetur.”

  “What do you know about the Vetur?” I said. “You said you have no memory. We probably do not have much time. We need to figure out why we have been brought here. Tell me what you meant.”

  “I remember it all, Mar.” Shaking his head, he said, “She is horrible. She delights in the pain she causes. Most of them are kept in the tunnels where they suffer. The few that have pleased her are allowed to stay behind the palace walls but anything will set her off and she will send them away. I am sorry. I was not strong enough to fight her magic.”

  I wrapped my arms tightly around him. “You have nothing to be sorry about,” I whispered. “It is all her.”

  A white fog filled the room and Alaunius walked through it with open arms. Cole and I stood up, quickly facing the bearded man.

  “Mara, my child, what a dark wedding dress you have on but none the less you still look beautiful,” he said. The sweet scent that emitted from him was like none I had ever smelled before. I let my anger, fear and distrust fade away.

  “Son of Sarah, you have been a pawn in my daughter's game,” Alaunius said, taking Cole by his hand. “Any shame you feel should be released. You had no power against my dark child.”

  Cole tensed. After a few minutes, his body relaxed and he clasped Alaunius' hand.

  The room glowed and silver wheels began spinning around us. Releasing the hold he had on Cole, Alaunius laughed, “My beloved has finally arrived. Arianolwyn meet Cole and Mara.”

  Arianolwyn appeared. Her long golden hair was streaked with a silver. She had aged since the image I had seen of her she still radiated youth. Her long silver dress swished as she walked to us.

  Arianolwyn greeted up both with a kiss on the cheek. “I am very aware of who this is, dearest. I have brought these two to me.”

  “May I ask why you called us at this time?” I asked.

  “The loyalty you pledged is null and void,” Arianolwyn said. “Your renouncement of Danu is not accepted. Snowystra cannot intimidate, force and demand you to follow her. All agreements were made under duress.
You cannot make such a decision when being held prisoners.”

  “But, I made a promise to protect the Vetur,” Cole said. With a look of shame, he hung his head. “I remember everything that happened while I have been with them. They are lost and need me.”

  “You have been misled,” Arianolwyn said, cupping her hand under Cole's chin and lifting it. “The dark children have only been mistreated by my daughter. The life they live is because of her coldness. When I gave birth to her, I was angry and full of hatred for those that stole Alaunius from me. For the light to exist, there must be dark. I was wrong when I said that Snowystra was to be of darkness. My misunderstanding is to blame. My child was of Winter. My words sent her down the wrong path and I fear that Snowystra has slipped into a place of no return. In her madness, she has outstepped her role. She must not continue her reign over the Vetur. She must be stopped again.”

  “How will we stop her?” I asked, not hiding my frustration. “We are mortal”

  “My beloved was taken from me and it took centuries for him to return,” Arianolwyn said, taking Alaunius' hand. “She is a goddess but she is not invincible. It pains me to say this but she must be stopped no matter what the cost to her life force.”

  Touching Cole on the cheek, she said, “You will not remember this conversation until you are free from my daughter. When this is done, you will forgive yourself for everything.”

  Embracing me, she whispered, “The Vetur do need protection…but only from one and that is Snowystra. You will save them. Mortorcus is the true king of darkness. He must be restored.”

  With those words, the room filled with black clouds. Afraid that Snowystra would realize that we had been gone and question our disappearance, I did the only thing I could think of and threw myself into Cole's arms, kissing him passionately.

  Chapter 46

  Surprised by my actions, Cole stiffened as I kissed him. Not holding back, I kissed him harder until he relented and kissed me with equal passion. As the darkness spun around us, I sunk into his arms. Lost in the moment, we didn't realize that the cloud concealing us had disappeared. Loud cheers and hoots from the crowd sounded.


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