Exigency (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 2)

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Exigency (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 2) Page 25

by Cate, Marnie

  I was led out through the door that I had first watched Cole interacting with the Vetur. This time I was taken down a different hallway. The walls on this path were covered in dirt and spider webs. When we reached a hole that had cloth hung as if it was a door, we stopped.

  “Stay here, min Vizier,” the guard they called Jameson said. “I will make sure that it is safe for you to enter.”

  “Wake up,” he yelled. “Get up and get dressed the queen is here.”

  Sounds of small movement could be heard in the hallway as the guard barked orders at whoever was inside.

  Returning to us, Jameson said, “They should be decent now. Well, as decent as possible for this trash. If you wish, I will go ahead and make sure the others know you are coming.”

  “Please do,” I said. Catching Dunn's eye, I could tell he did not like this. “Dunn, go with him and make sure no one is hurt.”

  Nodding at me, he followed Jameson. “The Vizier does not want anyone hurt,” he said, in low growl. “I am not sure you can handle this job, Jameyboy.”

  Tensing at Dunn's comment, Jameson glared. “I heard her directions but I also remember where my loyalty truly lies.”

  “As we all do,” Dunn said. “But, right now you should know it lies with our queen. Why don't you go back to the hall while I check on the Vetur? Your cruelty is best served there. Go ahead. I will make sure that others are alerted that we will be visiting.”

  Jameson glared at Dunn. “As you wish,” he said, as he stormed past me.

  When I was sure that he was out of earshot I said, “What was that all about?”

  “He has always been cruel. His presence will not help us now. We don't want anyone to get hurt. He will be one to be watched,” Dunn said. “He is loyal to Snowystra. There are rumors that he had hopes of being the Shah before Cole arrived.”

  “Come with me into the first room,” I said to Malise and Dunn. “I want them to know that they can talk to me.”

  When we entered the room, there was a young woman and man. They both stood hands clasped looking extremely nervous. The space was barely large enough for the five of us. It held a small table with two chairs and in the corner a pile of tattered blankets.

  “This is our new queen,” Malise said. “She is going to help us. When we leave, be honest with answers to her questions or you will be taken immediately to the desert.”

  “But, but I,” the woman stammered.

  Interrupting her the man said, “We will be honest. Don't worry. No one is going to need to be sent to the desert. We will tell the truth.”

  Bowing to me, the man said, “I am Philip and this is my mate, Natasha.”

  “Were you recently married?” I asked. Both looked so young.

  “We did ask the Goddess for permission. She said it was okay for us to marry,” Natasha said.

  “I asked because you both look so young. I was being curious,” I said, trying to use a soft tone. My patience felt tried. The tunnels seemed to bring out something inside me that I did not like.

  Squeezing her hand, Philip said, “I apologize that we were not able to attend your wedding. I heard it was very nice.”

  “Thank you. It was. But, I am here to talk about you. Do you like living here?” I said. Rapidly I began asking questions, hoping that it would throw them off guard and I would get honest answers. “Where do you cook your food? Where do you sleep? Is there a bathroom?”

  “This is just our room,” Philip answered. “All of the things you asked about are in the main dorm. We are very lucky to have been given a room by the Goddess.”

  Looking around, I felt even angrier. This was an upgrade? What else was I going to see here? The conditions were shocking.

  Focusing back on the couple, I asked, “If you could have one thing that you don't have, what would it be, Natasha?”

  “A bed like they have in the cottages,” she blurted out.

  “Philip, do you have one request?”

  “You have already been too kind. The Goddess has blessed us with her gifts. We deserve nothing more,” he said.

  “That was not my question. What would you want?” I said.

  Looking to his wife, she shook her head.

  “What is it that you are afraid to ask me?” I said, softening my tone.

  “Natasha is carrying our first child and she has not been feeling well,” he said. “I would like to make sure she is ok.”

  “I am fine,” she said. “Just normal pregnancy issues.”

  “You should be examined when you are pregnant,” I said. “You should not have even had to make this request. Is there not a doctor here?”

  Both looked at me as if I was speaking another language. Dunn said, “There are no doctors in Snowstrum.”

  “Tomorrow, you will come to the cottages and I will have someone sent for that will examine you,” I said.

  “Thank you,” Philip said. “Will the Goddess not be angered?”

  “Your child being healthy and strong benefits our kingdom. She will appreciate that we want to make sure that Natasha is well. One day the Vetur will rule but only with fit children will this happen,” I said. “Thank you for your honesty.”

  In the hall, I said, “Malise, arrange for beds to be brought tonight for all the Vetur.”

  “She will be infuriated,” Malise warned.

  “I will be more enraged if it is not done,” I snapped. “You are under my direction. Please do as I say and direct any questions to me.”

  Continuing the tour, I visited each room but I no longer asked for requests. I asked instead questions about their day-to-day lives. Two more Vetur woman told me they were expecting children soon and both were not well. I insisted that they come to the cottages tomorrow. In the last room, we entered I found a mother and her child.

  “Min Vizier,” she said, welcoming me. “May I offer you something to drink?”

  On the table, she had a glass of tavi poured that she offered to me. Accepting the glass, I handed it to Malise, “Please taste this.”

  With a look of horror, the woman said, “I promise that it is only tavi, my queen.”

  Malise took a drink and returned the cup to me. “It is fine.”

  “Forgive my caution but I need not take chances,” I apologized.

  “I understand,” she said.

  The little boy sitting on the floor playing with stones ran up and tugged on the hem of my skirt. One of the guards tried to pull him away.

  “Leave him,” I said, picking up the small child. I looked into his dark blue eyes. His dark hair and round face made me think of Miles. “What is your name, little one?”

  “He doesn't have a name yet,” the woman answered.

  “Why not?”

  “The Goddess has not named him,” she said.

  “What do you call him?”

  Hesitating, she looked at Malise.

  “It's ok, Anna,” Malise said. “She is safe”

  “I call him, Daniel,” she said. “Only so that he will know that I am speaking to him.”

  “That is a very nice name. I hope the Goddess will keep it,” I praised.

  “She must never know that I call him anything,” Anna said. “Please you mustn't tell her ever.”

  “I will not mention it,” I promised. “When will the child be named?”

  Dunn said, “When he is taken to the palace.”

  Watching the woman's face turn even paler, she choked back a sob.

  “Bring this family a bed, a crib, a new table, toys for Daniel, clothes for Anna and bring anything else they want or need,” I said.

  Setting the boy in my arms down, I kissed him on the cheek. “Goodbye little Daniel. I will see you again soon.”

  Taking the woman's hand, I whispered, “Your son will grow to be strong and healthy and I promise he will be well taken care of.”

  I wanted to tell her that she would not be without her son. He would not know what it was like to be without his mother. I wanted to tell her that I was g
oing to right all of the wrongs of Snowystra.

  “I think that I have seen enough today. Go through the rooms to see what is needed to make everyone comfortable for the time being.”

  They could not live here long but I wanted to make sure they were strong enough when the time to leave came.

  When I returned to the hall, I found Cole sitting on the throne. He was not alone. Two of the women had taken a seat on each side of him. They were bold in their attention to him as they stroked his hair. One of the women whispered something in his ear. Whatever she said made him laugh.

  As I walked up the stairs, Cole and I locked eyes. “Did you enjoy your visit?” he asked.

  “It was quite informative,” I said. “You might want to join me next time.”

  “My time here was just what I needed,” he said, smiling at the women. “I forgot how relaxing the tunnels can be.”

  “If you have had your fun, I am ready to go,” I said, glaring at him.

  “The night has just begun. Come have a drink with us,” he said, holding up a drink.

  Shoving the women out of the way and knocking one onto the ground, I sat on his lap. Leaning in closely and whispering in his ear, I said, “I am ready to leave now. In case you have forgotten, we were married a month ago. Whatever is going on here will not happen in the future. If you would like me to cause as scene, I would be more than happy to. Or you can make an excuse about how much you missed your bride. If you don't want to use that lie, tell them you are being called away on urgent business. Pick your excuse but we are leaving now.”

  Wrapping his arms around me tightly, he whispered in my ear. “Maybe you don't get it anymore but you are not the boss of me, Marina. I am the king here. I'm in charge.”

  My heart began to race and my urge to attack him was strong. “I don't know if you remember that my magic at home was very strong and has only increased since I have been here. Did you know I have been playing with my new magic while you have left me alone? It is quite surprising how quickly I can call all four elements. Should we test my earth magic today and see if I can crumble the tunnels onto us? Perhaps you would like to see what my Water magic holds? I suspect it will be a nice acidic water. But, you are correct, your highness. It is your decision.”

  “You wouldn't do that,” he said, pushing me away.

  Kissing him on the cheek, I said, “I guess you are not the only one that has changed.”

  Focusing on my Earth magic, I willed it to lightly shake the ground. He was right; I didn't want to hurt the Vetur. They were suffering enough. I just wanted to send him a warning. As the ground began to rumble and dirt began to fall from the ceiling, the Vetur screamed below.

  Cole looked at me with a cold look of hate. “Guards, I am ready to return to the palace.”

  The crowd booed.

  “Don't worry. We will return again my people,” he said, grabbing me hard around the waist and pulling me to him. “We have just returned from our honeymoon and I fear we are exhausted.”

  Turning to me, he said, “Address your people.”

  “The Shah is right. We will return again soon with more gifts and goodies. Please enjoy the rest of the festivities we have planned for you. The guards will remain to ensure you are safe,” I called to them.

  The crowd cheered louder.

  At the entrance of the hall, I could see Anna watching me. Locking eyes with her, I nodded. Seeing the hope in her eyes, I vowed that change would come soon—even if it meant I could not save Cole.

  Chapter 56

  When we got into the carriage, Cole was fuming. I had never seen him so angered. “You will never do that to me again,” he said. “You do not make the decisions. I am the king.”

  “You may be the king but I will not tolerate any of that,” I snapped back, not hiding my own anger. “You were not the man I married in there. Is that who I should expect from now on? If you want to be with other women, why did you marry me? Send me away. Send me back to Starten.”

  “You are being ridiculous,” he said. “They were just keeping me company. It was harmless.”

  “And if I had been gone longer?” I said. “What would I have seen?”

  “Nothing would have happened,” he said. “They mean nothing to me. You mean everything.”

  “I will never go to the tunnels again,” I said, sliding as far as I could away from him. “It does something to us in there. You are not the man I married in there. You are not the man I love. I will not live this life with you.”

  Staring out the window, I watched the snow become thicker. Soon were on the palace grounds.

  “Mara,” he said, moving close to me. He surprised me by using my nickname and not calling me Marina. “I am sorry. I am not sure what happens to me in the tunnels. I feel like I don't even have control over my mind anymore.” I could see that he was sincere in his apology.

  Narrowing my eyes at him, I said, “The same rules apply to Snowystra. I am the only woman in your life.”

  “It is not like that Marina. She loves me like she is my mother,” he said with a small laugh.

  “Where are the marks on you from?” I said. “The red streaks on your chest look like her marks.”

  “That is nothing. It is from training,” he said, dismissing me.

  “You can't explain away that I saw you kissing her outside of the bar the night that you were taken,” I said. “A mother does not kiss her son like that.”

  “I was not taken and we knew you were watching,” he admitted.

  “What?” I said.

  “She knew that you were watching us,” he said.

  “Why would you do that to me?” I fired back at him. “Why would you intentionally hurt me like that?”

  “She knew that you loved me and that you would never let me go,” he said. “She said it was the only way to convince you to come here. She knew you would follow me.”

  “So was our wedding day a game too?” I said, trying to remain calm. “Did you know the glass of champagne that she gave me on our wedding was intended to hurt me? It felt like I was drinking fire.”

  “No, I drank the same champagne as you. It was fine.”

  “My glass was from another bottle. When I insisted we all toast again, she quickly changed her mind and stopped you from drinking it.”

  “She just wanted us to have a nice reception and not get drunk,” he said, defending her. “And you drank it. I watched you.”

  “I did drink it knowing that I would be in horrible pain. I was not going to let her see that she hurt me.”

  “You are mistaken,” he said.

  “We have made an oath to Winter but I cannot live in that kind of darkness,” I said. “And I don't think the Vetur should live like that either. Did you know that the children are taken from them and raised in the castle?”

  “Where did you hear that?” he said with irritation in his voice.

  “I wasn't told,” I said. “I saw them. I saw the children in the castle on our wedding day.”

  “She takes them from the tunnel to give them a chance to be strong,” he said. “Dunn was raised in the tunnel and the new girl that you have helping. They have all grown to be strong and healthy because of Snow.”

  “Why not take them all out of the tunnels? Why not give them all a chance to be happy and healthy?” I questioned, knowing he was wrong about where Dunn and Malise were raised.

  “You do not understand,” he said. “You are interfering with things you don't know.”

  “The pregnant women are coming to the cottages tomorrow to be checked to make sure they are well. I want you to close the tunnels. Relocate everyone to the cottages.”

  “You are speaking nonsense. We will not infect the others because you felt sorry for a few. They will not be relocating!” he yelled. Relaxing his tone, he said, “The women will be looked at and sent back immediately. There will be no more discussion of this subject. None. This stops now.”

  Running his fingers through his hair, he sunk dow
n into his seat. “You are misunderstanding everything. You are just being suspicious. This was all to save them. Everything was to help them.”

  Watching the love of my life crumble before me, I decided that I needed to back down, at least for tonight. Holding him close to me as if he was a small boy needing his mother, I stroked his hair as he rested against me. “It will be fine, Cole. You are just tired.”

  How was I going to save him and the Vetur? When we arrived at the palace, Cole was sound asleep.

  Jameson opened the carriage door. Noticing Cole sleeping, he said, “Did he drink too much? Would you like him carried up?”

  “Yes,” I said, with a forced laugh. “We did have a bit too much to drink. It does seem to flow freely there.”

  Nodding, he said, “Yes it does.”

  Carrying Cole up, he placed him on the bed. “I will send someone to dress him to sleep.”

  “No need,” I said. “I can take care of him.”

  Removing my clothes, I threw them on the ground. I still felt dirty from the tunnels but I was too tired to do anything about it. Climbing into the bed next to Cole, I watched as he slept. I was not going to have to choose. I was going to save them all.

  Chapter 57

  In the morning, I awoke to Cole whistling. “Good morning, my love,” he said. “Did you sleep well?”

  Wiping the sand from my eyes, I said, “I did. You are up early?”

  “We have much to do,” he said. “The palace does not run itself. I am going to inspect the grounds and make sure everything is in order. Would you like to join me?”

  Surprised, I said, “I would.”

  “Wait,” he said. “There are women coming to the cottages to see if they are healthy. You probably want to be there for them.”

  “I do,” I said, eyeing him. What is his motive? Last night he told me that I couldn't help them.

  Kissing me on the cheek, he said, “I had breakfast sent up for you.”

  “Wait,” I said. “Why are you leaving so early? Stay and eat with me.”

  “I will be gone for the day,” he said, kissing me again. “It is tempting to stay all day here with you but duty first.”

  Grabbing his hand and pulling him back to me as he tried to leave, I said, “Just a few more minutes.”


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