Exigency (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 2)

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Exigency (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 2) Page 26

by Cate, Marnie

  Scooping me up into his arms, he carried me to our dining table and set me in the chair. Kneeling beside me, he kissed the inside of my wrist. “I won't be long, my lovely temptress. I will make it up to you tonight. I heard promises of a bubble bath before that I would like to collect on this evening. Until then, take care of our Vetur.”

  Nibbling on the fruit and cheese that Cole had sent up, I was lost in thought when Laura entered the room.

  “Excuse my interruption,” she said, bowing. “Would you like me to come back when you are done with your breakfast?”

  “No, please come sit,” I said, recalling what Malise had told me about Laura. “I need your assistance.”

  “But, I can't sit at a table with you,” she said.

  “Ridiculous, take a seat,” I said. “I don't want to dine alone.”

  Sitting down, she looked around as if someone would jump out of the shadows. Filling a plate with food, I set it in front of her. “Eat,” I commanded.

  “I couldn't,” she said. “It would not be proper.”

  “I am commanding you to eat breakfast with me. There will be no repercussions for my demands. So, please eat and pretend to enjoy yourself.”

  As she at a bite of the apple, she smiled.

  “See, it wasn't that bad,” I said. “I wasn't always a queen, you know. Quite recently, I was a seventeen-year-old girl with no idea of the magic around me. I sometimes wish I could go back to those days.”

  Eating in silence, I let her just enjoy the meal. When we finished, I said, “Thank you for not making me eat alone.”

  “Your wish is my command, min Vizier,” she said. “Is there anything else you would like?”

  “The pregnant Vetur are coming to the cottages to be examined,” I said. “I understand that there are no doctors here. Who helps deliver the babies?”

  “They are delivered in the cottages,” she said.

  “Laura, I know how you came to be here,” I said. Her face turned from anger to sorrow. “I know that you did not have a choice to stay. We are similar in more ways than you know. If you know anything that can help these women, I beg that you tell me.”

  Tears began to fall from her eyes as she said, “My mother was a midwife and I would go with her to help deliver the babies. She taught me everything she knew. When she died, I was sent to live with my aunt. I was sixteen when I ran away from home. My aunt had arranged for me to marry one of the older men that lived in the village. He was an awful person. The night before I was to marry him I told them that I could not. He beat me. I was able to escape and I ran as fast as I could. He was old but quite athletic. I could not outrun him. I wasn't looking forward and smacked into a tree. Instead of being hurt, I found myself in an ice cave. When Malise showed up, she warned me but I did not listen.”

  Wiping the tears, she said, “I should have listened.”

  “I am sorry to make you talk about this,” I said. “You said your mother was a midwife. Have you helped deliver babies?”

  “Yes, please tell no one,” she said, in a hushed voice. “She must never find out.”

  “I won't tell but I need your help,” I said. “I am going to the cottages. You will accompany me. I would like you to examine the pregnant women. Some have been feeling unwell.”

  “I can't,” she said. “It is too dangerous.”

  “I won't make you but I hope you will reconsider,” I said, not hiding my disappointment. “I need to get ready. Please send Christina to help me dress.”

  “Yes, min Vizier,” she said. “I am sorry.”

  Chapter 58

  When we arrived at the cottages, we were greeted by Natasha and the other women. “Thank you,” Natasha said. “I have been so worried.”

  “Let's get the women to Livia's house,” Dunn said. “It is best to have these discussions there.”

  We found Livia weaving at her loom. “You have brought the women too early,” she said, not looking at them. “They are not due for months.”

  “They have been ill and I need someone to make sure that the pregnancies are healthy,” I said.

  “There is no one here to help with this,” Livia said. “We just need to wait for their delivery.”

  “That is too risky,” I said. “We must find someone.”

  “There is no one here. In the future, there will be,” Livia said, not bothering to look away from her weaving. “But, not today.”

  “I can examine them,” a voice from behind me said. I turned to see Laura entering the room. “I realized that I was being weak. My mother would have helped. I am here now. Where can I examine the women?”

  Livia stopped weaving and smiled. “Follow me.”

  Livia led us to a spare bedroom. It had a small bed with a yellow blanket on it and a flowered chair. The women looked nervous.

  “I will leave you to—” I said, before I was interrupted by Natasha.

  “Can you please stay?” she said. “I am scared.”

  “Please stay,” the other women said.

  “Okay. I will wait here while Laura to examines you.”

  Laura began asking them questions about their food intake and exercise. One by one, she examined them. She was very gentle and kind. Her demeanor was nothing like the woman I first met.

  “Each of you are really underweight,” Laura said. “You need to eat more. I will also bring you some heilsavi. It is a strong tonic that will help you feel better. But, your little ones appear healthy.”

  As I was leaving the room, Livia appeared. “In twelve days' time, we will take my people from here. Will you be able to help us or will I lead them alone?”

  “Ok. Twelve days and we leave,” I said. “I will not be back here unless needed. Run everything through Dunn. I promised you that I would help you escape and I will.”

  Handing me a folded tapestry, she said, “I know. It has been told.”

  Unfolding the cloth, I saw a dark haired woman with an eerie resemblance to me. She was holding a fire sword in one hand and a blue orb in the other. Behind her were large, bright colored wings.

  “No longer the caterpillar…you must become the butterfly,” she said, as she walked away.

  Chapter 59

  Plans began to move fast. Dunn and Malise coordinated everything. They assured me that all of the necessary steps to ensure safe and healthy travel for the Vetur were put into place.

  In addition to preparing, we focused on weakening Snowystra. Vetur banished to the Sephorian Desert no longer returned. Instead, their bloody clothing was all that was found, while they were led to the Eftir Forest. They began to rebuild what was taken from them. There would be no more kanakala brought to Snowystra as long as I could stop it.

  Cole's mood was pleasant for the first week. He was loving and attentive. But, when the men continued to not return, his emotions became erratic. He began to have violent outbursts. Throwing things, screaming at the staff and storming out of the room. The only thing I could do was focus on the boy I loved still inside him. He was not going to be lost here.

  On the eleventh night, Cole told me that he was going to go to the Sephorian Desert to find the missing men. “We have lost fifteen men in the desert this month. Either they are weak or they are being taken. I will find out the truth,” he said, as he dressed to go.

  “Please don't go. It is too dangerous,” I begged. “I need you here.”

  “I will not be long,” he promised. “She needs my help.” In his haste, he told the truth. He did not care about the missing men. He was going to kill the dorcha for her.

  When he left, I began to make plans to vacate the castle.

  “Dunn, when he returns, he must be brought to me first,” I said. “The heart must not go to Snowystra.”

  “How will I get him to come to you before he goes to her?” he questioned. “She has isolated herself in her room. No one is allowed in but Laura and the Shah.”

  “Tell him I am ill and that I have been feverish since he left,” I answered. “And bring
me some tumma uni. Now go, watch the portals. I was told the last time he returned within the day. He is so obsessed that I know he will be back soon.”

  “Malise, everyone must be taken from the cottages to the portals. Begin moving now,” I said. “Have Jameson moved to guarding my door. Tell him that it is imperative that he keeps me safe.”

  “Is there anything else?” Dunn asked.

  “No, just make sure no one is left behind. If they refuse, do whatever it takes to make them leave. There will be no one left behind to be harmed by her,” I said. Panic filled me. I had forgotten one thing. “The children…how will we take them from the castle without her noticing?”

  “The metas have been planning for weeks to take the children away for snow training.” Malise said, reassuring me. “They told Snowystra that the young were eager to learn how to kill dorcha and they would soon be ready to do so. The children have left already. Everything has been planned. Now rest.”

  Waiting for Cole to return, I slipped into my pajamas. I chose the simple kind that I would have worn in Starten. Fixing my hair in a similar fashion, I did not look as regal or glamorous as when Christina prepared me. I looked like the girl that he had fallen in love with, not the queen he had turned me into.

  Malise entered the room after Cole had only been gone four hours. “He has returned,” she said. “He is on his way.”

  Climbing into the bed, I covered up. Malise sat by me as if she was tending to me. “Pour two glasses both filled with only enough tumma uni to make someone sleep for a few hours,” I said.

  Storming into the room, Cole ran to me. “What is wrong?” he said, sounding frightened. “Are you hurt?”

  “I just have a cold,” I said. “I will be okay.” Coughing and forcing my voice to sound raspy, I said, “I am just so thirsty.”

  Grabbing the glass off the dresser, he handed it to me. “Here drink this,” he said, trying to help me drink it.

  “Wait,” I said. “You didn't toast us.”

  “There is no time for that Marina,” he said. “Please drink.”

  “I knew it,” I said, pretending to cry. “He doesn't love me anymore.”

  Malise said, “Min Vizier, I have told you that the Shah loves you more than anything in the world.” Whispering to Cole, she said, “The fever has made her emotional. She has cried nonstop and insists that you no longer love her. You may want to appease her and make the toast.”

  “Marina, stop crying,” he said, climbing into the bed next to me. “I will make a toast to us.”

  Taking the glass from Malise, he said, “To my beloved…my love…my everything. Without my Mara, there would be no world. Without her light, I would be lost in the dark.”

  With those words, he took a long drink. “Now you drink,” he said.

  Sitting up, I said, “I feel much better. Thank you for those words of devotion. If only you hadn't lied to me and gone to the desert to get a heart for her, I would have believed that you meant it.”

  Getting out of the bed, he said in a slurred voice, “You lied to me? You have betrayed herrrr. You can't…this…”

  Falling to the floor, I went to him, “We will be home soon, Cole. All of this will be far behind us and we will be home.”

  * * *

  Leaving a note for Cole to tell him where I would be, I changed into one of my royal outfits and had my hair braided into a crown. I put on the spider necklace, the bracelet from Cole, the snake ring and my wedding ring. There was nothing else that I wanted to take from the room except for Cole but he would come to find me.

  “Did they take the heart from him?” I said, asking Dunn.

  “Yes, Mara,” he said. “I have it here.” He held up a satchel.

  Taking it from him, I dumped the green heart into the bathtub. Calling Fire, I watched the heart blacken and turn to ash. Calling water, I washed it down the drain.

  With one last look at Cole laid in our bed, I whispered, “I love you. Please forgive me.”

  * * *

  “The Vizier has requested that we take her to the tunnels,” Dunn said, when Jameson questioned him on why the sick queen was leaving her room. “She needs to be with her people. She has insisted.”

  “The Shah approves?” he asked. I leaned on Christina as if I really was sick. “She looks like she should be in bed.”

  “Yes, we have the Shah's approval,” Dunn said, handing him the note he had written pretending to be Cole. He even stamped it with the royal seal. “He said that she must be taken there if she thinks it will make her feel better.”

  “I will stay to guard the Shah, then,” Jameson said.

  “No, you must protect me,” I said. “My husband is resting. Tynan can stay and watch over him.”

  “As you wish,” he said.

  Riding in the carriage, I focused my attention on calling to Essie as we got closer to the ice cave. Essie, I need you to hear me. I am releasing the Vetur far from here…far from Snowystra. I need your help. Please. I know that Kai is near. We will need your help. Please send help.

  “Before we get there, I am going to cause a scene. I want Jameson restrained and taken with you through the portal,” I said. “He seems strong. Will it be a problem?”

  “Not at all,” Dunn said, with a mischievous smile. “The bigger they are the harder they fall.”

  “The three of you need to listen to me on this next instruction. You will go with them to the Eftir Forest,” I said. “I left the note telling Cole to meet me at the portals. I don't know how long the tumma uni will last. You must be gone when he arrives. I will face them alone.”

  “We will stay with you,” Dunn said.

  “No, I mean it. You will go,” I said. “No discussion. I need to know you are all safe. If you are here, I will not be able to stay focused. Please promise me that you will respect my wishes.”

  “We can't just leave you,” Malise said.

  Hugging Malise and Christina, I said, “You have kept me sane while I have been here. I will be able to face her if I know that you are safe. I know you will respect my wishes.”

  Letting go of the women, I said, “Stop the carriage. Stop it now!”

  As we came to a stop, I threw open the door and flung myself onto the snowy ground. The carriage behind me slammed to a halt and everyone surrounded me.

  On my knees, I rocked and screamed as if I was in agony. Christina ran to me, “Min Vizier, what is wrong?”

  “They have taken him,” I cried. “They have taken the Shah. He's dying. I can feel it.”

  “Who?” Malise said, playing along. “Who has done this?”

  “Danu's elementals. They are going to kill him for betraying her,” I said, sobbing. “And, they will be coming for the rest of us too. There is no one strong enough to stop them. Go to the tunnels. Save the rest of our people. It is what my husband would want.”

  Jameson stepped forward. “How do you know that he is hurt?”

  “I am his wife. We have been bound by blood,” I snapped at him. “It doesn't matter. There is no one that can save him now.”

  “I am strong enough, min Vizier. Tell me where they are and I will save the Shah,” he said.

  Screaming as if injured, I cried, “No, it is too much. He is in too much pain. He will not survive.”

  “We must try,” he insisted. “Tell me which way to go.”

  Pointing to the mountain in the distance, I collapsed. “Save him before it is too late.”

  “It is not too late,” he said. “I will go to him now.”

  “You must know…” I said barely above a whisper.

  Leaning to him, I said, “This is for your own good. I hope you will forgive me.”

  “What?” he said, as the strong arms of Dunn wrapped around him. As he struggled, two other guards assisted.

  I stood up and held the tumma uni to his lips. “Drink this willingly, please.”

  Spitting at me, he said, “I knew you were pretending. She will have your head for this.”

bsp; “Possibly,” I said, as I pushed his head back and poured the liquid into his mouth. As he tried to spit it out, Dunn clamped his hand over his mouth. “Make sure he is restrained for his own safety.”

  Returning to the carriages, we rode at an accelerated pace. As we approached the cave, I could see the Vetur. Men, women and children stood patiently waiting. As we approached, fear began to fill me. Had I made the right decision?

  The soft cheers as we approached filled my heart with joy. At the sight of Laura surrounded by the children, my fears were lifted. Exiting the carriage, I stood before the crowd.

  “Today, I stand before you as a friend, no longer your queen,” I said.

  “You are our queen,” a voice in the crowd shouted. Followed by another. “Hail, min Vizier.”

  “No,” I shouted. “I am not a queen. I am just a girl. I am barely eighteen years old and I know very little about the world. My name is Mara Stone Sands. I was given a magical gift. I was never meant to be here or to be your queen. I came here to save the man I love. I don't regret coming here. The Shah is just a young man too. Cole would support your freedom if he had not been brainwashed by Snowystra. The man that ruled over you is not the boy I grew up with. You all need to be protected before any more children are taken from their mothers or before anyone else dies in the desert trying to take a heart. You are no longer Vetur. You are brave, strong Miezitari. You will no longer be forced to live in dirty tunnels where you are cold and hungry and your only peace is a drink that puts you to sleep. I cannot promise that you won't have hardship at first. But, know that together you will rebuild what was lost. Any difficulties will be short term. Livia, my last act as your Vizier is appointing you the guardian of the Miezitari. Take them home.”

  The crowd cheered as Livia approached me.

  “Mara's right, we have always known that one day we would free ourselves from her cruel control,” said Livia standing next to me. “My father died trying to protect us from his mistake. Today, we will succeed. There will be no more losses to Snowystra's cruelty.”


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