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Omega Seth (A Rivers End Saga)

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by TJ Star

  Family image and grades was always something important to her family. She understood the importance, but not to the point of making a child feel like trash if they got a B+ for heavens sake. “La cuidad hablara de ti mi hija, vamos a ser deshonrado!” Her mother would yell. (The town will talk about you daughter , we will be dishonored.) Tired of being a constant disappointment she was glad to finally go off to college make friends and feel like she had someone to support her like her family never did.

  When June suggested she move across country she was leery and a bit scared. She had some savings but funds would run out eventually and she didn’t want to rely on June’s hospitality for too long. June was getting married soon and moving into her new husbands place, she already spent most her time there; but needs time to decide what furniture to take or get rid of. She still had two months on her lease and is hoping Connie will get this job and take over the lease until she finds something of her own.

  At the clinic listed on the paper for the screening she filled out the paperwork quickly then went to the counter and handed it over. The results would take two to three days.

  Feeling like she had a bit more energy in her step she decided to go to the park and walk one of the trails before going back to the empty apartment. She could check out the local areas another day, today she just wanted to forget about the last few months. The humiliation when she went to walk down the isle to find her future husband had already started the services without her and put one of her sisters in her stead.

  She had been confused at first at all the faces looking back at her with such amused expressions; though to be honest there were a few that had at least pity or a touch of sad in them. They were not however from her side of the church. Her mom promptly dragged her out the doors of the church and told her, “What did you expect, look at her then look at this.” She then waved her hands to show Connie’s body. “Go home don’t ruin your sister’s special day.” Furious, she had planned the whole wedding it was to be her wedding and they just took it all over including her future husband.

  She wanted a new start and that was never going to happen back in her home town where her family had made her the laughing stock of the community in her Californian town. No one in their right mind would hire her and take her seriously if she got another job there. A walk, yes a good long walk would do her good to burn off some of this pent up anger.

  Chapter 3 Seth

  He woke to the smell of coffee, bacon and eggs, so good smelling and he hadn’t eaten in a couple days. There was no time to hunt with the hunters so close on his trail. Seth sat up, grunting at the soreness all over from the position he fell asleep in as well as his injuries. Tom and Dan were sitting at the table near the door to their motel room eating breakfast. “I have to use the bathroom.” He barely got out loud enough to hear with his throat so dry.

  “Don’t want to smell up the car we got a long drive back.” Tom ordered stuffing his face with another bite of breakfast sandwich.

  After coming out of the bathroom he was now sitting on the edge of the bed closest to the table. “Can I have some breakfast too please?” Seth asked seeing there was more than enough to spare. Tom in the chair closest to him scoots his chair sideways to look at him. Then unzips his fly and pulls out his dick and says, “Earn your right to eat omega.” I was pissed and disgusted, just because I’m an omega doesn’t mean he has the right to treat me this way. He must have seen the look in my eyes, or maybe I just took to long to do his bidding, who knows because he grabbed me by the back of my hair and pulled me onto my knees in front of him.

  Hands still cuffed behind my back and now head shoved face first into his pubic hairs as he wipes my face all over his dick and balls. “Now open up and if I even think I feel teeth the alpha will hear about it.” Tom growled pulling Seth’s head back by the hair so he could see his eyes once more. “Suck it like there’s no tomorrow kid!”

  Fighting would be frivolous so he opened his mouth taking in the head, running his tongue over the sensitive area then dipping it into the slit and tasting the pre-cum. It was as bitter and nasty as the wolf sitting in front of him, though he schooled his expression this time to show nothing. Seth ran his tongue up and down the length to prepare it and sucked on Tom’s balls before going back up to take the cock in his mouth fully. “Good boy, good omega, that’s it…umm” Tom closed his eyes head back to enjoy.

  Once he had bobbed his head a few times though Tom grew impatient and grabbed the sides of his head and started ramming his cock in as hard and fast as he could. “Don’t you puke on me omega and stop that gagging, you think that’s a mouth full let’s try a new position.” Tom laughed holding the base of his cock hard. Then he tossed Seth on the bed on his back with his cuffed hands under him. He slapped him across the face hard then said, “Be a good omega now and take it all so you can eat.”

  Tom proceeded to drag Seth so his head was hanging off the end of the bed and shoved his cock in his mouth once more. This must have excited Danny because he felt someone move on the other end of the bed near his feet. He was struggling every time Tom shoved in to far or for too long, but it wasn’t like he could get away, so Dan had to be up to something. He soon felt hand on him going up his legs and he tried to holler around the cock in his mouth. “Calm down Danny’s just having some fun of his own now, if you don’t calm down and stay really still I’m going to stick my prick down your throat and hold it there till you stop squirming hear me omega?”

  Seth tried hard as he could to stay still, with Dan playing near his hole and feeling around using his other hand to reach up and pinch his nipples. He couldn’t see it coming and made noise and his body responded by jerking which pissed off Tom. The third time it happened Tom had enough and shoved his cock down his throat and left it there saying, “I warned you omega now until you’re sorry enough you’re going to just have to enjoy that tight fit like my cock does.”

  At the same time Tom’s cock blocked his airway making him gag; Danny raised his legs to his shoulders and shoved into him. Seth’s eyes went wide and tears leaked out even more rapidly as he screamed around the cock in his mouth. Unfortunately that was all his air and now he was sucking in cock and nothing else.

  He starting squirming trying to get free of the cock in his mouth to get air, but Tom put his hand on his throat squeezing just enough to hold him in place. “Ah I see we finally got your attention omega, would you like some air?” Tom smirked seeing Seth trying to nod tears running from his eyes with his cock down his throat. “You going to start doing as you’re told no sass then?” Another nod Tom smiled big he may not be an alpha but he knew how to properly train an omega and was not sure why his alpha had not let him train this one when he first arrived 10 years ago. If he had he sure wouldn’t have run so many times.

  The betas were both spent and back at the table eating again. Seth rolled over coughing and sore trying to sit back up. He swung his legs over and said, “Food please,” his abused throat scratchy and still dry. He looked from Tom to Dan and back again. They tossed a sandwich biscuit top at him towards the bed and said, “Eat up and enjoy.” Then started laughing, he didn’t care though he was so starving he rolled over to where it lay and used his chin to nudge it up on the bed enough so he could get a hold of it in his mouth. It hurt going down but after two days of no food it was manna.

  “We need to load up, Dan grab our bags it’s going to be another full day of travel.” Tom said as he moved to grab his wallet from the top of the TV in the room. Seth made a dash for the drink on the table to wet his throat getting in three swallows before he was tossed aside. “Put him in the trunk, drink thieving runaway omega trash.” He growled


  It was dark when they got back to pack lands. He was taken to one of the old community centers then turned over to be cleaned and then examined by the doctor. After which he would be returned to the hunters to be brought back to the alpha. Then punishment would be ordered to be dealt out by the alpha
or any of his evil crew as Seth so liked to refer to them as. Then they would have to allow time for healing so he could be useful once again.

  The doctor had diagnosed him healthy enough, though malnourished and he still had a few ribs not healed all the way they at least were not completely broken still. The marks on his wrists would not heal until the cuffs were off for an extended period of time. Seth knew there would once again be no more unescorted wondering around the house or property let alone pack lands.

  That was what happened the last time he ran. Always having to have someone watch him or guard him so he wouldn’t get any ideas. The doctor left telling the betas waiting outside his condition and that he would return soon as punishment was dealt out to tend his new wounds.

  He was now dressed in some spare white scrub bottoms the doctor had laying around as he was passed off once again to the hunters. Danny drove in back with his hand tight on his elbow, like he expected him to go somewhere being cuffed and in the middle of pack territory. At least he could see out of both eyes now and there was only some bruising where it had been swollen shut before.

  So he took his time to look out the window at the town, it was over populated thanks to pack growth and the money the alpha made off him on the side. The alpha recruited gammas and female betas from other packs whenever he could. If he couldn’t recruit them then he bought them off their alpha for a sizable sum. He had yet to make the town bigger or buildings bigger to accommodate the overflow of people.

  Now Alpha Ron was looking to buy up property nearby and build new housing apartments for the pack to use. He has been planning for a while but the one section of the town he has left to buy is owned by some corporation he’s been trying to track down for about a year. In the mean time he has already made plans for most of the rest of the town lots and buildings. Holding off when the pack needs places to stay and more shopping options though was poor judgement. He was not sure why they didn’t leave, they were considered free unlike the omegas.

  He had Seth draw commercialized sketches of the new buildings and town for his presentation to the pack a few months back. The last part of the town once bought will be used for his mansion and the property it sits on. He sent emails to four different shifter owned and operated companies to work up blueprints to the specifications he indicated, allowing them to incorporated the things they felt would be beneficial to his station in the pack for a pack his size.

  The car jerked to a stop and brought Seth out of his day dreaming, he just prayed the new area has more woodlands, he was so sick of the crowded city their town had grown into. Too many emotions coming and going all over the place made it too hard to block. He was suddenly pulled from the car and dragged up the steps, guess he wasn’t moving fast enough. Time to face the music, he thought as he looked around the tall three story house. The alpha never thought it a grand enough manor for him to live in. The greedy alpha always wanted more, bigger, better, and still again more.

  Now inside he could see the side stairway and hall leading to the kitchen and servants rooms. Then study across foyer from the entry with the sitting room to the side. There were tiled floors because they were easier to clean whether from traipsing outside as wolf or the blood from when someone was punished. The stairs were wooden and the banisters metal and often used to cuff him to when his alpha was trying to ravage him or if he resisted while he was being forced to let another use his body.

  “SETH!” Alpha Ron growled out as he opened the door to the study. Guess he smelled me soon as I entered because the poor butler never made it to the door and scurried away fast. The betas handed over the doctor’s report and took their check and left closing the doors behind them. The alpha glanced at the report wadded it up and tossed it aside.

  As the alpha approached Seth could feel the angry power rolling off him making it harder and harder to breathe. His knees went weak and hit the floor as his head stayed bowed and he exposed his neck. He was shaking all over the tremors would not stop. He hated when he couldn’t control his body and it wouldn’t do as he said. His wolf was hiding again.

  Chapter 4 Ron

  Stupid omega thinking he could get away yet again, I own him, I bought him, I am his master and he will learn. “Omega do you not appreciate all I have done for you?” Ron asked forcing even more alpha power behind the words. His omega whimpered but said nothing, likely not able to speak maybe he should tone down the power so the wolf can get at least a word or two out. Grabbing Seth by the throat he held him up feet dangling above the floor. “I ask you again omega do you not count yourself lucky to be here?”

  “Yes…alpha” Seth wheezed out best he could with the hand around his throat.

  He lowered Seth then grabbed him by the hair and dragged him through the room to the basement stairs. Once down in the basement he uncuffed him and chained him to the whipping post. He gave him enough lashes for each year of his life and one for each time he ran away. He so enjoyed the screams and whimpering cries when dealing with an errant wolf. Now being fully aroused he went around the posts to the other side and slowly lowed the notches on the chain lever to lower him one link at a time until he was at the perfect height; then locked it in place again.

  “Omega, what does your alpha like after a good therapy session, hum?” He opens his pants and pulled out his cocked full and ready to be sucked. His omega just lifted his head and opened his mouth. Smiling from ear to ear Ron loved the tear streaks down the side of his face and said, “That’s a good omega, why can’t you just be good like this all the time?” He leaned his head back to enjoy, then took a half step back so he could lean his back on the wall. Then he smacks Seth across the face as he came off his cock for air. “You better work harder than that omega; I want this prick all the way down that throat now!”

  “T-to f-far away alpha.” Seth said trembling because he is pretty sure that was why the alpha done it and he really didn’t want any more lashes. He had almost passed out twice as is.

  “Now! Seth I have been tolerant beyond a fault, stretch I know you can do it. I have a meeting to go to soon so you have limited time to get me off. If not then our punishment session will continue when I return.” Ron said loving the way the omega trembled under his command. He watched Seth stretch the chains as far as he could so he could get as deep as possible, just when he thought he was going to get close he stood up to his full height rather than leaning on the wall. “Keep going I didn’t tell you to stop.”

  Again though Ron had put himself just out of range, but this time by scooting back farther against the wall when he had stood up. He was so going to enjoy their session tonight. He petted the omega’s head as he tried to get closer mouth open arms pulled against the chains blood dripping from the cuts now on his wrists as he tried to get to his alphas cock. After letting him try for so long as he shook knowing punishment would come if he failed Ron laughed at the omega. Then just walked off and left him hanging until after his meeting.


  When he returned it looked like the omega was asleep, too bad time to play, he had been gone to long. He moved him from the whipping post to the table and put him on his back with his hands cuffed to the table near his shoulders and his ankles cuffed to the table near his rear close to the outer edges of the table. His omega was looking pretty scared now, oh so good, now to get things rolling.

  “I asked two of the gentlemen from the meeting to join us for your punishment since you could not get me off in adequate time earlier. You obviously need the practice and they are happy to oblige in any way needed.” Ron said as he heard the footstep coming down the stairs.

  “ Bbbut I ..” was all Seth got out before the Alpha pushed out his power and got in his face to yell at him.

  “You are mine you will do as I say, learn your place omega.” Ron said then went to meet the others coming in the room to let them in on the evening’s plans. Seth’s heart pounded and he tried to get his breathing under control.

  Chapter 5 Seth

sp; I must have passed out after the alpha left because next thing I knew I was being laid out on the metal table my back still aching and likely still bleeding. Now I am cuffed and exposed he must have taken off my pants when he was cuffing my legs, I don’t remember, but I am naked now. I can get through this, I can get through this….I repeat this in my head over and over, but then I hear Ron saying something about inviting two friends down to join us and know it is a long night ahead as he won’t even listen to a plea from me.

  I can hear them whispering, I turn my head this way and that trying to see who is coming. If it is someone I know and have been forced to service before or if it is someone new, but no matter which way I turned my head I can’t see anything. Then Ron comes around the table into view riding crop in hand buck naked like the other two. Like he is using me to give a lesson or something, he tells them how exhilarating it is to see the fear in your omega and how to capitalize on that fear.

  I so wanted to tell him to shove the riding crop and his fear up his ass where the sun don’t shine, but about that time he brought it down hard on first one nipple then the other. I tried to hold back as much of the yelp as possible, but my alpha has a heavy hand and this is so not fun for me even if it is for him.

  He hands the crop over to the other guy, while going around to the head of the table to show the second guest how to operate the head piece. The first guy is trailing the crop down my body over my abs and chest and then my thighs and genitals. He is doing so feather light that unlike when Ron did it my body starts to respond on its own. Just when I think I can trust he is not going to be like Ron he goes around the foot of the table and smacks the end down on my balls. Not as hard as Ron but enough get a scream out of me.


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