Omega Seth (A Rivers End Saga)

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Omega Seth (A Rivers End Saga) Page 11

by TJ Star

  “Sorry, Ryan I seriously thought he was going to congratulate you. I thought he would be happy to hear he would be an uncle but I was nervous about telling him. I thought he might hate me not you.” Seth said tears in his eyes not knowing whether he should go stand with his alpha or if it was okay even any more. Then he felt an arm around his shoulder and it was all okay again. He turned into Ryan saying he was sorry over and over and over.

  “Shush, it’s okay. Galen don’t hate either of us he loves us. He just got lost for a few minutes that’s all. Just like you do sometimes. He was looking out for you, making sure I wasn’t taking advantage of you even though he knows I wouldn’t. You’re his new friend and important to him and now there are likely new important lives he was trying to help look out for. He just went a bit alpha on us is all, it’s part of Galen’s charm. Little but mighty.” Ryan said while soothing Seth and stroking his back.

  “Oh I so get to start knitting then now that I am going to have spare time.” June smiled doing a little dance with Connie going back to the front desk area. Seth giggled and watched them go.

  “You okay now.” His mate asked and Seth nodded. Ryan started to walk to the doors to head out to the job site, but his brother tackled him again this time for a hug.

  “Sorry, bubby I just … he’s my friend I know you wouldn’t hurt him but my wires got a bit crossed. I am happy for you bubby.” Galen said head down and tucked into his shoulder.

  “I know you are. You are going to be a great uncle too. I am proud to have you as a brother Galen you protect those you love with your whole self. My pups will be lucky to have you. My house is going to need a whole new floor too, I didn’t talk to Seth about that maybe you could and help figure out what we need.” Ryan said leaning back looking at his brother. He could see the wheels were already turning so awesome his brothers were. “We also got the house now between yours and mine we need to figure out what we are going to do and start working on it in our spare time.”

  “Oh at least two bedrooms up there and a bathroom and separate storage closet. You could always put a separate game study room up there for when they get older that way they are not noisy in your area. Oh and Nathan can move in with me while we work on the new house, I barely done anything to mine anyway.” Galen was saying and at that turned and started to head for his office and paper and pen and Ryan escaped out the door.

  Seth just stood there as they both left and June turned to Connie and said you man the desk I am picking this man up a pregnancy test to confirm. We are not waiting until lunch I am too nosey. At that she kissed him on the cheek told him to get to work and she would tell him when she got back. He blinked looked at Connie who was smiling and turned to follow Galen into their area like nothing strange had happened at all.

  He went into the office and sat where Galen was jotting notes down on paper. He had up blueprints on his pc that looked like Ryan’s house. After making several notes he went into the program and brought up the overlay view and started designing what he had in mind. Keeping the framings and structural integrity of the house intact. There were now two rooms on one side with a bathroom and a large closet it looked like on the opposite side of the hall. Two other rooms on the opposite end of the floor the stairs came up on the side near the closet not far from it with a railing to keep anyone from walking off into the opening that was there.

  He had added a couple sunroof windows and several extra wall windows to one of the rooms. When he finished he undid the overlay view and put it in normal view quickly added in several features and printed it off. Rough draft was in the name across the top. “What do you think?” He said.

  “Did you make me an art studio?” Seth asked one that’s in the house not the garage.

  Galen smiled at him and nodded. Then this time he was the one getting jumped. He laughed and said, “Well if I knew that an art studio indoors was the way to your heart I would have done it weeks ago.”

  “I know Ryan don’t mind me using his garage or the spare room I had been sleeping in but he needs a place for his car and tools and manly things. Also I need the light so much light. It is beautiful.” Seth said. Then turned as June walked in with a bag and said time to go to the bathroom now. He took the bag and she explained what he was to do. He was nervous but went in the men’s room and took the test. Waited the two minutes and at the knock on the door jumped.

  “Well young man what does it say?” June’s voice said through the door.

  He smiled looked down at the test and held his breath. “Don’t make me come in there. Don’t think I won’t.” June said.

  He went to the door held out the test to her and smiled. She jumped up and down in place then hugged him. She then proceeded to go and put the test on Ryan’s desk right where he would see it first thing.

  Then she grabbed Galen and Connie’s arm and set the phones to the answering service and they all walked out the door. She said they were going to go eat and plan that party. Early lunch was called for being pregnant and all, then she laughed. He laughed too; he was beginning to love his new family.

  Chapter 25 Lunch Break

  Finally after an almost eight hour morning of fixing up last nights mess it was lunch and he could take his mate to get that test and something to eat. He was starved and apparently so was the girls because they were gone ten minutes early. Not a problem they were good and he would be out of here too as soon as he set his stuff in his office and checked his email to make sure the enforcers had no problem and the job was done on their end.

  When he sat down however there was a piece of paper with a note from June saying girls gone to plan party over long lunch congrats daddy. The test sat in the middle of the page with the positive bright as day. He smiled and checked his phone he had put a tracking app on his mate’s phone in case his old alpha decided to try to kidnap him. He found the restaurant they were at and got in the car to meet them.

  Entering he could already hear them and followed the giggles from the girls and his mate's voice. Galen was trying to explain the set up of how things would go by using the crayon to draw on the paper table cloth. He sat next to his mate and the waiter came and took his order.

  “Missed you!” Ryan said. “Got your note. Thank you.” He said turning to June.

  Seth just snuggled his head into Ryan’s shoulder as his mate's arm went around him. “They fed me and are now planning lots of stuff I am nodding and pretending I understand. I’m sure once the picture is done I might understand it better. I was always better with visual things.”

  “Oh yes my family here is very good at organized disorganization, hum or is that disorganized organization. They can make anything happen, that is why I look so good all the time and why they are paid so well.” Ryan said leaning back as the server put his plate in front of him. Then started to eat while they discussed numbers and things. He told them about the new members and how this would be a great time to introduce them to the pack as well. That they should do these things at least once every month.

  Seth told him about the house plans his brother had made that morning and his art studio. The layout and the flooring he had discussed to reduce noise traveling from one floor to the next with their sensitive hearing. The walls were going to get that as well, but monitors could be added to the rooms until the kids were older. He told him he could have his garage back even eventually. Ryan hugged him and smiled knowing he was happy to not only have a studio but please his mate.

  Ryan got Nathan on the line on speaker and talked to them about the new house and his idea about them all three living close like they had originally planned. Then mentioned that he thought with all the hard work Crew had been putting in and that he though they should give him first option on the house when finished.

  They all agreed it would be a great ideas and Nathan suggested that if he moved into the one they were redoing it would be easier and then Crew had option to move in as soon as he liked. That was when Galen spoke up and told him he already suggested
he move in with him until the rebuild is done. This appeased both of them and now all that was left was talking to Crew.

  Chapter 26 Ryan

  The next day he took Crew out to lunch to talk to him about his idea and see what his opinion was. They went to the Italian place near the job site and got a table ordering and he decided to bring it up while they waited. “I wanted to talk to you. You know the area I live in near the woods not too far from the project. When we first started up as you know the brothers and I lived in one house and have slowly been buying more on that small single block that is surrounded basically by woodlands. We each have our own house and now have acquired another we plan to renovate. It is closer to mine so Nathan is moving out of his and into Galen’s house while we renovate it.”

  He sat back as the server set their plates in front of them. Then he continued, “We discussed it, and while I don’t know your living situation, you are a good employee, have been here from almost the start and proven your worth as far as we are concerned. Would you like the house Nathan moved out of it is a four bedroom and has a front room as well as a family room and basement.” With that said he started eating.

  Crew just sat there mouth open at the offer that was given him. He come out of his shock and said, “Thank you! I am not sure what to say I was so not expecting this. I live with Ry and Sam, we all rent a small place. We were trying to save up our money so we could get one of our own. Would they be allowed to move in with me, we look after each other?”

  “Of course I of all people understand family is important. Your name would go on the title on the condition to revert back if you left the pack or were exiled for any reason, which I could not foresee happening.” Ryan said then added, “The only thing you all should have to worry about is getting the utilities switched over and getting cable or phone service added if you are interested.”

  “Thanks I will let the others know just let me know when the move in date is so we can get transferred. I am sure they would all love to help with getting the new house ready if you all need the help after work hours as well.” Crew smiled and dug into the rest of his meal excited at the turn of events.

  “I am sure the others will appreciate it, me as well, I am planning, okay everyone else is planning my mating ceremony and we will be introducing new members then as well.” Ryan said. “Nathan and we plan to make his move in the next couple of days. So after that you are free to move in.” Crew nodded and laughed a bit knowing his alpha was not the decorating kind.

  Chapter 27 Mating Ceremony

  The ceremony was to be held out on the grounds passed the office. Nice sized piece of land and surrounded by woods they could go and run in after if the choose. The decorations were beautiful. From the tables covered in cloths of two different colors to the center pieces and flowers. There were some standing decorative pieces too that he didn’t know what to call, but they had things draped over them or strung from them just so. There was one near the end set up it looked like for the littler tikes, balloons full of helium all in the two colors themed like the tables but tied and waiting to be given out by the adult standing there.

  In the center was a stage not big just round enough for them to walk on and only about six inches higher than the ground. Just enough to set them apart come time for their part. There was a mic set up there as well. Near the meal tables were speakers and music was playing to set the scene. Parking was set up to be behind the yellowed off area so no one would risk hitting kids in the dark. Upon entering to park in the area they were told this so all were aware.

  Several people laughed and played and danced. Ryan had introduced him to several of the new members as well as the older ones. Ryan got up on the platform and signaled Nathan who squealed the music enough to get anyone’s attention wolf or not.

  “Can I have your attention for a bit please this won’t take long and I apologize to all of you for not doing this sooner. While I try to do my best as your alpha I do sometimes get distracted. As always if you have a problem I expect you to come to me so it can be dealt with. As your alpha I don’t like to see anyone in need or hurting. That said today we have several new members to the pack I would like to introduce you to.” Ryan said.

  He called them up there listing there names and what they did for the pack things he noticed and appreciated about each one. When it was Seth’s turn he went up there and was introduced. “This is Seth he has been with us for over a month now, as soon as I saw him I knew he was my mate. He is not only shy and beautiful but a talented artist, he works with Galen now in his department at the office. You may have noticed him wondering around with his sketch book most of the day he has a wonderful eye for catching a lovely moment in time. Okay I think I have embarrassed him enough. I would like to raise a toast in welcoming all the new members into our pack including my unborn pups.” They all raised their glasses and cheered and drank. Ryan hugged his mate and they left the stage.

  “Dance with me sweetheart.” Ryan said. He took his hand as they joined the others in dancing as the music began once again. After the third song they sat and ate while members came by to give their congratulations.

  As the night approached Seth got more nervous. He had met so many people he would never remember their names and he didn’t want to let his alpha down. Now as the sun set he saw Ryan coming his way. The lights on the statues he noticed earlier turned on and lit the area.

  “It’s time hun, let’s go and head up there. Remember everything we talked about and don’t worry you will do fine. I love you my gorgeous mate.” Ryan said then bent to kiss him before they walked their way to the platform once again.

  “I love you too; I hope I don’t embarrass you.” Seth said as they walked away.

  Now they were standing in front of every one as his second and brother Nathan announced over the loud speakers, “Can I have your attention, it’s time for the main event. We the Rivers Pack are here tonight to celebrate the joining of these two mates. I do believe you all know your alpha and his mate Seth. They have some words to say to each other first then after the mating we will turn and go for a run. Thank you all for coming and showing your support.”

  They were facing each other in the middle of the platform holding hands looking into each others eyes. Ryan spoke saying, “I the Alpha of Rivers Pack, as your mate do so solemnly swear to guard, guide, protect and love you; always taking your cares and concerns into account for the rest of our lives.”

  “I Seth promise to serve you in taking care of our pack, making sure to care for, protect and love you my mate always. Putting the needs of the pack over mine and giving my life to save yours if the need arises.” Seth said, then they both leaned forward and Ryan down marking each other as their wolves desired to show their claim on each other.

  The crowd cheered and then they all started stripping to run with their Alpha and his new mate. Seth was a bit shier with his scars and everything he seen as imperfections. Then Ryan took him and kissed him and all was well. They ran off after the pack his white and silver wolf rubbing the side of Ryan’s midnight black wolf. After a good amount of time he and Seth took their leave, only the vehicle was blocked in so they borrowed Galen’s bike and left to spend quality time alone.

  Chapter 28 Hotel

  Once they arrived and got the room, they showered together washing each other. They were taking their time to enjoy the feel of each other’s body. Seth ran his soapy hands over Ryan’s broad chest and shoulders, down his defined abs. As Ryan started to rinse to shampoo out of his hair he dropped to his knees and started teasing the hard cock in front of him. Ryan was not expecting it with his head back and eyes closed rinsing soap out of his hair and let out a gasp as his hips jerked.

  “Oh my, yes, just like that.” Ryan said as Seth bobbed taking his whole length into his throat. Then his balls were cupped and he couldn’t help but start to thrust faster then faster into his mate’s warm welcoming mouth. He had never had anyone take him so deep for so long, swallowing so the hea
d was a complete teased mess. He pulled out and let his mate have air before thrusting in and holding again. His hands in his mate’s hair were rubbing his scalp calmingly as he felt his mate’s need for air rise. Then he pulled out and thrust again emptying his load as his precious mate swallowed every drop.

  “Out of the shower love, we need a bed now!” Ryan said pulling the curtain back to grab towels.

  Oh my, now Ryan had him on the bed kissing him breathless. He never realized kissing could be so good, so hot. Then kisses and nibbles were being trailed down his neck, and he could feel the small scrap of evening shadow on his mate. So stimulating he figured he could die happy from that alone. His mate licked over his bite mark sending shivers of arousal down his body tenfold. His nipples were assaulted next, tweaked and pulled, while the other be sucked and nibbled on. He was moaning and squirming galore and thought the sensory overload would make him explode.

  “My beautiful mate you do make the best noises. I love hearing how I affect you.” Ryan said and went back to kiss his way down his belly skimming by and teasing his cock. So not fair it was so hungry for his alpha’s touch. Then his legs were spread wider as hands were now lifting him to toss a pillow under his hips. He felt Ryan spread his cheeks farther and then felt that warm tongue lick and enter his hole.


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