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Bring Me You

Page 32

by Ryleigh Andrews

  “Do you mind if we did that a little later? I’m hungry and need to eat.” She cringed. That was a lie. She didn’t like that she just did that, but she needed to see Todd.

  “Of course.”

  “Give me a half-hour and then I’ll Skype you.”

  “Okay. Talk to you soon, suga.”

  “Bye,” she said, hanging up the phone. She quickly called Allie to get Todd’s room number and was happy that he was just down the hall. Mia stuffed her phone and room key in her back pocket and headed off.

  She stood outside his room for a moment, doubting her decision to ask him for help, but all she had to do was think of what was happening with Ethan and her fist connected with his door. “Todd, it’s Mia,” she called out.

  A few seconds later, Todd opened the door and her mouth dropped open a little when she saw his naked torso. Her eyes traveled his chest, over his nicely defined abs and at that trail of hair leading her eyes lower. Mia swallowed hard when she saw that a couple buttons to his jeans were undone. Oh, God, she could not stay. She had to get the drugs and leave, or she’d be doing something else she’d regret.

  “Hi, Mia. What’s up?”

  “Uh, I need your help,” she said nervously.

  “Come on in,” he said, taking her by the hand and ushering her into his room, stopping them by the sofa. “What’s wrong?”

  “Is it possible for you to get me some … uh, stuff?

  “And by stuff, you mean some drugs?” he said with a knowing smile.

  “Yeah,” Mia said, sitting on the sofa. When she looked up all she saw was his waist with his unbuttoned jeans. Todd was very attractive and today she was noticing. She had known him for close to eight years and not once did she notice how hot he was. She shouldn’t be noticing. Damn you, Ethan.

  Todd sat down beside her, putting his hand on her thigh, causing her to tense up. She needed to get the fuck out of there before she did something she would definitely regret. “What do you need?”

  Mia exhaled. “Doctor,” she said with a cheeky smile. “I want to feel good and not think about all the shit that is bothering me, and I want enough that I don’t have to bother you for awhile. Can you do that for me?”

  “I can. Do you want something right now?”

  “No,” she said with a shake of her head. “For tomorrow, if possible.”

  “I can do that. Let me make some calls, okay? Then, I’ll put together a little Todd care package.”

  She laughed. “Thank you. I owe you,” she said, leaning over and kissing him on the cheek.

  “The kiss will make it worth it,” he said, his voice calm and his steady gaze on her lips.

  “Well then, let me be very French and give you another,” she said, touching his face, and turning it so she could kiss his other cheek. She smiled warmly at him, but the smile fell from her face when he leaned in and tentatively placed his firm lips upon hers. His kiss felt wonderful and she wanted it to continue. It had been way too long since she felt a man’s mouth on hers. Begrudgingly, she put her hand to his hard chest and gently pushed him away.

  “Todd, as much as I want to, I can’t do this.”

  “God, I know. I’m so sorry, Mia,” he spoke solemnly, his eyes pleading with her.

  “It’s okay,” she said, placing her palm on his unshaven cheek. “Really.” She got up from the sofa, smiling down at him.

  “I’ll drop off the care package later.” He took her hand and stood up beside her.

  “Thanks again, Todd,” she said, lightly running her thumb along his wrist before letting his hand go.


  She walked to the door and paused, turning back to smile at him one more time. “Bye.”


  Mia left and hurried down the hallway to the safety of her room away from the fire in Todd’s room. She touched her lips, still warm from his mouth on hers. So delicious.

  She locked her door and then went to place another order for food. This time she got fruit and veggies, something easy to eat.

  Grabbing her pajamas from the bed, she went to the bathroom to change out of the clothes she’d been wearing since last night. She glanced up in the mirror and regarded the shower behind her. She was going to wait until the morning to shower but the need to wash away this day had her stripping out of her clothes and stepping under the stream of water, doing her best to wash it all away.

  After she was done, Mia stood naked in front of the mirror, studying herself. Had she gained weight? She hadn’t seen a scale since she was last at Ethan’s and her diet had been crap while on the road. Maybe she should run some more. She shook her head, frustrated at herself. Hell, why was she even worrying about this? Her body wasn’t the reason this was happening.

  So why was it happening, she wondered as she put on her pajama pants and a very tight Flash T-shirt. After corralling her hair into a high, sloppy bun, she turned off the bathroom light and headed to the bedroom, grabbing her laptop from the desk along the way. She placed it on the bed and pressed the power button to turn it on. She opened up the familiar program and clicked on Ethan’s name. Finally resting comfortably in the bed, she pulled the laptop onto her legs and waited for him to answer.

  “Hi,” he said with a deep exhale of breath. His normal infectious smile was subdued like he didn’t know whether he should or shouldn’t smile.

  “Hi,” Mia replied uneasily. She didn’t know how to act right now and that made her nervous.

  “You look so beautiful.”

  “A shower helps with that,” she said as she bent down to grab the power cord that had fallen to the floor, trying to hide how good that simple statement made her feel, the smile it gave her.

  “It’s good to see you,” he said, his voice lightening up.

  She took a deep breath at his words. Don’t be mad at that. Just be happy to see him, she told herself. She regarded Ethan on the screen. He had a few days worth of a beard and his hair was longer than she remembered. When did that happen? She sighed sadly.

  “Right back at you. I like your hair,” she added, her hand motioning towards his face. He looked good. Delectable.

  “Thanks,” he said, staring at her for a few moments. His eyes moved across her face, her hair, until they stopped and he gazed into her eyes. “Have I told you how beautiful you are?”

  A chuckle escaped from her, another small smile coming to her face. “Yes.”

  “Well, I really mean it. You seem younger.”

  “Lack of makeup,” she suggested. Was her fiancé trying to charm her? Was he trying to be nice in order to make what he did alright?

  “Tell me about this leg of the tour so far. Highlights. Lowlights.”

  “Well, Toronto was cold but fun. Every person I met was very nice. The shows were so great. Well, I thought so anyway.”

  Mia talked about her shows, especially the things that went wrong. But the one big topic that they didn’t touch was them. Why weren’t they talking about what happened with Kristen? Or how they weren’t communicating with one another? Part of her wanted to talk about these things but the lonely side, the side that desperately missed him, didn’t want to deal with Kristen. Mia wanted him.

  So she enjoyed his charm even though she knew he was using it to make her forget about Kristen, to forget that he wasn’t there. And, hell, she let him. She needed this fun, casual time with him. The past month their conversations have not even come close to this casual intimacy.

  Maybe this was what they needed … to forget and move on.

  Mia glanced at her watch. Room service was taking forever. “Ugh, I’m starving! My food should have been here by now.”

  “I’ll try to distract you until it gets there,” Ethan said to which she raised her eyebrows, questioning his intent. He shook his head in mock disbelief. “What are you doing tomorrow?”

  “Uh, well, I was going to go for a run, but I heard it’s supposed to snow overnight and then get even colder. So I’m thinking I’m going to jus
t stay in bed.”

  “Sounds like a good plan.”

  She chuckled. “It’s weird coming from the beautiful warm days of Australia and land in Toronto and be freezing my ass off.”

  “Oh, is that what happened to it?”

  She playfully stuck her tongue out at him. “Oh, it’s still here.”

  “Guess I’ll just have to believe you … unless you can prove it to me.”

  Mia smiled happily. She knew the horny teenager would make an appearance at some point. “I can prove it!” she responded to his challenge. She adjusted the laptop and stood up. The huge grin on his face as she started to pull down her pants made her smile.

  A knock on the door and the bellowed “Room service” halted her striptease.

  “Fuck!” they said in unison.

  “Go get that and come back and continue to prove that your ass hasn’t gone missing,” he ordered her, his Southern accent especially thick.

  After fixing her pants, Mia ran to the door. She directed the young waiter to put her food in the bedroom, tipped him, and hurriedly ushered him out of the room. She returned to the bedroom and had her hand on the tray cover when Ethan called out, “No food yet. Stand right there.”

  She laughed at her fiancé’s one track mind. Turning so he saw her side, Mia slowly pushed her pants down over her hips, letting them slide to the floor. She felt his tormented groan right between her legs.

  “As you can see, my ass has not disappeared,” she said triumphantly. To tease him some more, she drew her shirt over her head. “And neither have my breasts.”

  “Oh, God! You know just the way to torture me, suga.”

  “And myself,” she admitted, feeling a tingling growing in the pit of her stomach.

  “Maybe this wasn’t a good idea.”

  “Why not?” she asked.

  “Because I want you!” he growled, his golden eyes darkening.

  “You have me.”

  “Totally not what I meant.”

  “I know,” she said, smiling at him as she pulled her shirt over her head. “Let me cover up so I don’t torture you anymore.”

  Purposely leaving off her pants, she grabbed a carrot, took a bite, and returned to the bed.

  “You don’t care about my feelings. All you care about is your stomach. Otherwise you’d have your pants covering that fine ass of yours.”

  She chuckled as she had another bite. “Talk to me while I eat.”


  “I don’t know. Anything. Your life outside of me.”

  “You want me to talk about football?” he said in disbelief.

  “If that’s what you want to talk about, that’s fine. I just want to hear your voice.”

  Boy, did he talk. He told her all about the upcoming playoff game. She loved the excitement in his voice despite the fact that these same playoffs were keeping them apart. He told her about today’s practice and his pathetic dinner. He spent so much time concentrating on football since she was gone. It was cute that he and Luke have started to hang out more. The two most important men in her life bonding over how much they missed her.

  Mia took one last bite of food before proclaiming she was stuffed. She leaned back against the pillows, her tight shirt sneaking up higher, showing off her toned stomach.

  “I would think so. I talked forever,” Ethan said with a soft smile.

  “I like when you are a blabber mouth,” she retorted lightly.

  “I like when you are kissing my mouth,” he said, taking the conversation to a new level. She toyed with her lower lip, grinning and thinking about his sexy mouth.

  “I like doing that, too. I like to kiss you in other places,” she added.


  Tracing the spots on her screen, she answered. “Besides your lips, my next favorite spot is your chest. I like feeling your heartbeat beneath my lips.”

  “I like when you do that, too.”

  “Ethan?” she paused, waiting for him to look at her. “Take off your shirt.”

  He smiled brightly and in one fluid motion had the shirt off and his muscular chest was on her screen.

  “That,” she exclaimed, pointing her finger at her laptop, trying not to drool, “is why women want to date football players. Look at you. Your abs are fucking ridiculous!”

  “Your abs aren’t too shabby either.”

  “Nothing like yours,” she bellowed.

  “Let’s see,” he said, grinning widely.

  “Perv!” she retorted jokingly.

  “Whatever. Take it all off, suga,” he said earnestly.

  “You do the same,” she challenged, quickly removing her shirt and returning her eyes to the screen, not wanting to miss his disrobing. He stood up and dropped his pants. She sighed loudly as he exposed his strong thighs and her favorite part in between.

  “Hi,” she said, waving at his hardened cock. “I miss you!”

  He smiled and playfully rolled his eyes at her. “It misses you as you can see.”

  “I can’t take my eyes off of it. It’s been weeks since I saw one of those up close.”

  “I sure would hope so!”

  She chuckled. “Yours is the only one I wish to see ever again.”

  “Good thing you’re marrying me then.”

  “Very good thing,” Mia paused. She needed him, needed some relief. “Ethan?”

  “Hmm?” he answered huskily.

  “I want to do things with my mouth,” she said, glancing down at his erection and smiling.

  “Oh, suga, I want you so badly,” he said, sitting back down on his bed, adjusting his laptop so she could see his face.

  “What can I do?” she asked, the pain in his voice spearing her in the gut.

  “Remember our Skype conversation from Christmas? Could we continue that? Please.”

  It was the please that got her. She heard the ache, the desperation, saw the pained gaze as his eyes roamed over her body.

  “Where did we leave off?” Mia asked, reclining on the bed. She moved the laptop so he could see more than just her face.

  “I love you,” he said as he lay on their bed—the bed she hadn’t slept in since October. Almost four months. “So …”

  “Sooo …” Mia said with a playful grin, her hand resting on her hip, remembering exactly where they had left off, but wanting him to tell her. It was so much sexier that way, his voice low and oh so smooth, his accent more prominent. “You were guiding me, telling me how you would touch me. Where to?” she asked with a wiggle of her fingers.

  “I would run my hand over your hip to right between your legs, tracing the triangle your legs make there.”

  Her body was quickly becoming aroused as she did as he said and also by his husky voice. She started to slide her hand further down, but was stopped by his voice.

  “No, suga, not yet.”

  “You’re teasing me from hundreds of miles away! Seriously?”

  His smile sent her pulse racing. “No touching until I tell you.”

  “You’re bossy!”

  “No touching!”

  “Are you touching?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he admitted.

  “That’s not fair,” Mia said, opening her eyes and seeing his hand slowly stroking his cock. Damn, that was one of the sexiest things she had ever seen. She wanted her hand beneath his as Ethan moved their joined hands, feeling him pulse, harden even more.

  “We can move up to your breasts if you want?”

  She swallowed hard and shook her head. “No, I like this location.”

  “Good, so do I. Though I guess we can go lower, but not inside, okay? Not yet.”

  “Okay,” she said. She wasted no time and touched herself, her fingers caressing the warm already wet skin. She couldn’t help the loud moan that escaped her now parted lips. Guess she needed this too. She bit her lip to control the cries of delight that wanted to escape. “Talk quickly,” Mia warned, feeling the pressure building within her way too fast. If she kept this u
p, she’d orgasm in less than thirty seconds.


  “Yes!” she answered breathlessly, her hips rising up to meet her hand like she would meet his thrusts.

  “Stop for one second,” Ethan demanded. She ignored him and continued. She needed this release. “Breathe and focus on me, suga. I’ll make it feel better. I promise. Just stop for now.”

  It took every ounce of her willpower to still her hand, to focus on his words.

  “Breathe, beautiful. Feel your breath.”

  Somehow she did as he said, one slow breath after another … even though her impatience was great.

  “Good. Now, just one finger. Slowly,” he directed her. He didn’t speak again until she was about to push her finger inside. “Think of me, slowly entering you, after all this time. My cock so hard for you, my moans against your ear as I savor the way you feel—so warm and soft.”

  Mia focused on his words, needing this connection to Ethan. She pictured him above her, tenderly kissing her lips as he moved inside her, taking his time, making the fire within her grow out of control. In no time, her moans were rolling out of her mouth until she felt it change and she became incapable of sound. Her back arched and her toes curled as the orgasm rushed through her body.

  “That’s it. Don’t stop, Mia.”

  She didn’t let it stop. Why would she? It felt too fucking good. Through her veiled eyes, she glanced at her laptop, watching his face contort with pleasure as he came.

  The desire to curl up beside him, feel his heart hammer beneath her hand as she fell asleep, was great. But that would not be happening, not with him over five hundred miles away. His arms would not be around her and she would go to sleep alone, yet again.

  Mia stared off, her eyes focusing on her backpack on the floor until her vision started to blur. She could have had this connection with him and more last week if only he’d come to New York. Instead he found solace with another woman. God, just thinking about that again made her stomach rage like an ocean in a storm.

  “This …” she said, gesturing between her and her laptop, her voice cracking with bent-up emotion. Mia swallowed back the tears and continued. “This is not enough, Ethan. What we’ve been the past couple months … I can’t do this anymore. I want the real thing. I can’t wait until Chicago.”


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