Need You, Need Me (The Need Series Book 1)

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Need You, Need Me (The Need Series Book 1) Page 24

by Lewis, Meghan

  Show Time.

  I run Lucy as fast as I can towards the back of the house where the fence gate is. I’m not going to chance them coming out to see what’s keeping Mike and Joe. When I get to the fence with a fast trot, Mike and Joe are smiling like school girls.

  “This is pretty cool, May,” Mike says.

  “Yeah, I know,” I say, giving them their smile right back.

  “Kevin is going to flip the fuck out. Do you hear me, May,” Joe says.

  And I throw my hand over my mouth to try to hold in the laugh.

  “You guys are up,” I say as I kick Lucy into a slow run down the fence away from the house.

  “FUCK! KEVIN, SOMEONE IS TRYING TO STEAL LUCY!” Mike and Joe yell at the top of their lungs. Now that I am a little ways away from the house, I let the laugh I have been holding onto finally go.

  I hear rather than see Kevin come off the porch yelling at the top of his lungs for me to get my ass over there. And to his surprise, I do. I run Lucy up and then back her down to a walk. I have a hat on, so he can’t see my face.

  “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING ON MY HORSE?” He yells at me. Did I mention I hate it when he yells?

  “Well, sir, I am getting ready to move to the area,” I pull my hat off and let my hair fall, “and I just love this horse. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind selling her to me?” I say, trying to keep a straight face, but it’s failing me miserably.

  Everyone has fallen dead quiet. Not a sound is heard except for Lucy snorting every now and then.

  Kevin says nothing, and there is not one emotion written on his face. He slowly turns around, walks back to the front door, and we all hear it slam closed.

  I look down at Rose, and she is crying hysterically. Mike moves over to comfort her. I dismount Lucy, wrap her reins around the post of the fence, and walk out of the gate to join them.

  “Well, that’s one way it could have gone,” I say, trying to make Rose laugh.

  “Yeah, but I didn’t think it was going to,” Joe pipes in. “I thought he would freak out or jump out of his skin or something . . . just not . . . that,” he continues as he takes off his hat and rubs a hand through his hair.

  “Sorry, May,” Mike says softly to me, his cheek resting on the top of Rose’s head.

  “It’s fine,” I try to laugh it off. “It’s fine, I tried right?” I say with steadying breaths.

  I turn back to the gate to go and take care of Lucy, when we all hear the front door pulled open again. Kevin comes off the porch, walking calmly again. Now is the time I get nervous. He is probably going to tell me to fuck off or something.

  When he reaches us, he stops with his eyes still trained on me. He looks at Lucy and then back at me.

  He takes four very slow steps towards me and stops again, still staring.

  And he kneels.

  A collective breath is released from everyone, and Rose gives a half cry, half laugh.

  Kevin takes my hand.

  “Love, I can’t put into words the feelings that went through me just now when I saw that it was you on Lucy. When I left you the first time, I started to fade into the dark, knowing that you were the one God put on this Earth for me, and we couldn’t be together. I never want to be in the dark again . . . I’ve done this a couple of times before, but I will do it now and forever if I have to . . . I am begging you.” He adds a little wink to me, “Please . . . will you let me marry you?”

  “Yes.” I say as I kneel down on both knees in front of him. I throw my arms around his neck and pull him tighter to me.

  He returns my hug with as much force as I am hugging him, and then our little audience cheers, and Lucy goes ape shit!

  “Now this would be perfect if you had a ring, ding dong!” Rose says, still crying.

  We both laugh and press our lips together in one of our kisses. When we pull away, he smiles that smile just for me, and we get up from our kneeling position.

  “Actually,” Kevin starts, “I do have a ring.”

  He pulls the box out of his pocket and opens it.

  “Holy shit, Kevin!” I whisper.

  “Grams put it together for me. I told her that the next time I saw you, if I saw you again, I was going to drop to one knee and purpose the right way, right there and then. I’ve been carrying it with me for almost five weeks now, and I left it here when I got dragged out to the bar.” He cuts his eyes to Joe and then to Mike, smiling but finally getting what the plan was the whole time. “I kept checking my pockets for it every two minutes, so I made them bring me home and fuck, here you are, May,” he explains.

  He takes the ring out of the box and hands it to me to see it.

  It’s my ring, well, it’s a version of the ring I left on the bathroom sink, but it’s different. Instead of the lilies being all the way through, they are now diamond lilies, and there are no more thorns, just vines joining all the flowers together. In the middle is a flat sitting diamond set. The two diamonds are swirling around each other, throwing colors all around as the light dances off it, and it reminds me instantly of Kevin’s ever-changing eyes.

  “It’s possibly the best ring I have ever seen, Kevin,” I say as he puts it on my shaking finger. He then pulls something else out of his pocket and grabs onto my other hand. He slips something on to my ring finger and kisses it when it is settled. I look away from my beautiful engagement ring to my other hand and see that he has placed my original ring on my finger.

  “It didn’t fit before,” I start to ask.

  “I had Grams resize it for you. I wanted you to have it because it shows how you were before, and then this one,” he says, lifting my other hand so that they are side by side, “shows how you are now, with me, and our love, open and unguarded.”

  I give him another kiss and hug, but then I step away from him a little bit.

  “How did you know that I was going to come back?” I flip my eyes towards Rose thinking maybe she spilled the beans.

  “Because,” he says, “you need me . . . like I need you.”

  The End


  I never thought that I would have written a book, let alone the acknowledgement page. It really is very surreal. If I forget anyone I am very sorry, but bare with me as I try to get it right.

  To Ms. Debbie Hite, the very first person to ever read and finish my book. She put this whole idea of publishing into motion, so without her I wouldn't have even made it this far. I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you took the time to read my work. Thank you so much!

  To my wonderful editor, that took me and my work on, even when she was pregnant, Ms. Laura Windom. You took my mass of words and poorly punctuated mess and turned it into an actual book. Everyday, working side by side with you and watching you mold my story was incredible, and I hope to work with you in the near future.

  To Adam Pizurny , my cover designer. Whether I was trying to tell you wanted I wanted or sending you my horrible pictures that I did in paint, you knew exactly what I was going for and produced something that I can’t begin to describe how much I love. Thank you for making the cover of my first book, we will be working together soon.

  To my betas and friends for life, Amy and Susan, you ladies are my saviors. Always with an encouraging and supportive word at the ready, I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  Didn’t quite get Kevin’s way of thinking? Keep reading for the first two chapters of Need Her, Kevin’s POV.


  Holllly shiiiiit, I’m in trouble.

  That single thought just seems to loop around and around in my head as I take in May Young, as she steps out of her front door.

  Trying to play it cool, I turn and look at her, giving her my best smile, all the while still mentally telling myself Just be cool Kevin Winston, for God’s sake man, you keep your cool.

  As she walks to me, I can’t stop roaming my eyes up and then back down her, like maybe she’s not real. I not
ice she doesn’t have any shoes on as she crosses the yard, but it’s not like it matters because it seems as though she is floating to me, just for me.

  In a pair of jeans, that were made just for her, and a black tight t-shirt that shows just the right amount of skin, I can’t help but zoning in on that sexy ass tattoo that wraps it’s way around her waist.

  Jesus Mary and Joseph, this is going to be fun.

  “Kevin.” She says.

  “Damn, that’s a long drive.” I reply while stretching my arms over my head.

  “Hi” Is all she says back and she makes a slight sour face for just a second and then it’s gone.

  “Hey Darlin.” I say sweetly.

  Oooooh and there’s the smile. Yup, in trouble, that’s me.

  I’m not sure if she is completely comfortable with me, seeing as this is our first time actually meeting in person, despite the fact that for the past three months, every single day, we have spoken to each other over the computer or the phone. As I am about to put my hand out for a handshake, I see her left leg dip a little bit but she recovers nicely and steps into me for a hug.

  Guess she’s comfortable, and Wow.

  Until now, all I had was a computer screen or a voice on the other end of a phone, but she’s real and she’s in my arms. I still can’t believe I drove six hours to meet this woman. I don’t mean that in a bad way at all, but if I wanted some ass I could’ve found some a lot closer to home. She’s already more than that and I find myself wishing she lived closer to me and there have only been less than ten words spoken between the both of us.


  May starts asking me questions rapid fire, I think she a little excited, but I don’t hear a word of it, I can’t. Because I am concentrating on her lips so damn hard wishing I could press my lips on to them as I have pictured doing just that for months, I lose everything she is saying and am now caught off guard.

  Should I go ahead and kiss her now, like I’ve wanted?

  Shit what did she just ask me?

  “Yeah, all that sounds great. . .we’ll do that.” I say. I should be safe with that answer, and it seems that I am because May gives me her beautiful smile before she tells me that she is just going to grab her stuff and lock up and than we will be on our way.

  When she turns to walk back to the house, what do I look at? The ground?

  NO, I’m a red blooded male.

  I get a full ogle of that perky tight ass in those perfect jeans, and those legs that I want wrapped around me.

  T-R-0-U-B-L-E, Do you understand me?

  I let out a rush of air, rub my hand back and forth over the top of my hair and turn to walk back to the truck.

  I move my bag into the backseat, and only then do I realize that it is almost completely dark. I wonder if she would mind driving. Fucking night vision.

  Not wanting to assume anything, I just shut the door and walk to the back of the truck. With the tailgate up, I rest my forearms on the top of it and link my hands together loosely. Before I know it she is behind me. I didn’t even hear her front door close. I notice that she pretty much just put flip flops on and grabbed her purse. That is until I see her hair. Oh I am such a sucker for long hair. And hers takes the cake. Long, about mid way down her lower back, a dark auburn color reflecting in the moonlight, and all pulled over one shoulder to frame the side of her face in a way that makes her dark brown eyes pop.

  It takes me a moment to realize that her hand is out toward me, palm up.

  What. . .does she want to hold my hand. . .now?

  “Keys.” Is all she says with a smirk.

  Duh Kev…she knows about your night vision you dip shit.

  Giving an embarrassed smile and a shrug, I hand the keys over and head to the passenger side of my truck. I am almost to the door when I stop dead in my tracks.

  Did I just hand over the keys to my baby ,to a woman I just met ten minutes ago. . .just like that? Now THAT’S interesting. No one drives my truck but me.

  Getting in the passenger side of my own truck is a very foreign feeling to me. I’m not sure if I like it or not, but I am just going to have to go with it. I look at May in the driver’s seat and she is just sitting there with her seatbelt on waiting and watching me.

  “Arrrre you ok?” She asks with a small smile.

  “Yeah, I’m good Darlin, although no one other than myself has driven this truck before.”

  I watch her expression change from silly happy to a relaxed but still semi serious look.

  “I’m honored and I promise, I’ll be good to her.” Is all she says as she pets the dashboard and then turns the ignition.

  She gets it, I knew she would.

  We drive to the restaurant in silence, not awkward, not comfortable, but just silent. That’s the downside of dating sites online. You talk and share and then get around to talking on the phone, but when you actually meet face to face it’s almost like starting on the tenth date and that, to say the least, is going to have a ‘getting use to’ period. An adjustment period if you will.

  Here’s hoping.

  When we walk into the restaurant it’s fucking packed. Great. Well that’s what we get for getting a late start on a Saturday night. My bad.

  I get into line for the hostess to take our name but for some reason May walks right past the stand and walks into the bar area. I abandon the waiting line and follow after her. She’s at the far end of the bar and giving a girl a hug. The girl then lets go and goes behind the bar.

  Ah, she’s one of the bartenders.

  It seems that May maybe pulling some strings. I take the opportunity to watch her as I have not joined her where she stands. I guess it didn’t hit me when I first saw her but it’s hitting me now, how she stands.

  She’s tall, almost 6 feet (I’ve got a couple of inches on her) back straight, shoulders squared. There is something about how she stands that screams confidence but also that she is totally relaxed at the same time and the room is better for it. It’s almost like a ‘Don’t fuck with me’ kind of vibe which from our talks people, meaning guys, take the wrong way and just write her off as a bitch. But to me, definitely sexy.

  While I am taking her in again, she turns to look at me and sees that I am still a ways away from her. She smiles and tilts her head backwards silently calling me closer to her.

  O.K.…as if I wanted to just stand here and look like some creeper, I smile back to her and make my way to her side. I want to touch her some how, but again I want her to be comfortable with me first. Coming up with a plan quickly, I put my hand lightly but still strong on the small of her back and lean in forwards toward her ear.

  “You aren’t pulling strings just for me are ya Darlin?”

  Smile. Laugh. Repeat. I’m really starting to like this combination.

  “No, well kind of. . .Julie owes me a solid. . .actually a few. I helped her and her friends out of a jam when they went out for girl’s night one time downtown. She’s loved me ever since. We should be seated here soon.” She says with a wink.

  She just winked at me.

  Now THAT was sexy as hell too, what the hell is she doing to me?

  Before I can make anymore small talk, the couple that were sitting in the chairs in front of us pay their tab and exit their seats. We swoop in and snag them before anyone else can, laughing like a couple of kids on their first date.

  “What are you drinkin?” I ask looking at the drink menu.

  When she doesn’t answer me, I turn and look at May. She in turn is staring past me and has a shit eating grin on her face. I follow her gaze and see that she is looking at Julie, her friend behind the bar that is giving her two thumbs up. When she sees me looking at her now she drops her hands, smiles and goes back to making drinks.

  It would seem I have my first approval.


  I look back at May with a raised brow and she shrugs her shoulders, playfully rolls her eyes, while laughing lightly. The Julie girl comes over and sets down a bud light bot
tle and a shot of what I think is Crown in front of May, and then asks me what I would like. I tell her, adding a wink to thank her for the approval, and in no time I have my own bud light bottle sitting in front of me.

  The silence falls between us again but it’s more relaxed this time. We just need to find our stride like we do on the computer or the phone.

  “How’s your team doing?” I ask.

  What the fuck Kev…just ask her about the weather for God’s sake.

  “They had a slow start, decent finish, no chance at playoffs though…they’ll win the super bowl next year…mark my words.” She replies.

  Sure enough the sportscaster on ESPN on the TV behind the bar says roughly the same thing. She knows her sports. Thank you Lord, I say to myself.

  With people being all around us, starting and actually holding a conversation is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be, so we just sit there drinking our beers and make the occasional comment about ESPN. I put my foot on the outside of my bar stool so her calf and mine are resting against each other. She doesn’t pull away or move and I take that as a good sign.

  I see May down the rest of her crown shot (nice) and take a long swig from her beer and she has gotten a little tense for some reason.

  What just happened?

  But I don’t say that out loud. Give her time.

  “So was it worth the trip? She asks and I can feel her looking at me.

  I don’t mean to make her squirm or anything like that but I was getting ready to ask a similar question and she beat me to it.

  Clever girl.

  So after I get my brain straight, I take a long pull from my beer, turn in my seat so that my whole front is facing her and say “ It was totally worth the trip.”

  I can’t see her mouth because its presses into the front of her shoulder, but I see her eyes smile and I reach over and lightly push her shoulder down.

  “Darlin if I’m the one that makes you smile like that, than you have to let me see it.” Its all that I can say because that gorgeous smile is knocking me off my bar stool and blowing me out of the door…wow.


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